61 resultados para Heterosexuality
The power of homosociality: how young men “do” masculinity in groups and individually Using young men’s narratives, about other men, friends, dates and girlfriends, this article discusses the following questions: Can the interpretation – the understanding of young men’s collective presentations of masculinity as a surface that hides a more complex masculinity – undermine how we interpret young men’s talk about and interaction with other men, as well as with women? Can this disassembling understanding have an impact on how young men interpret and relive the interactions with other men, as well as with women? Can this disassembling of the homosocially created masculinity from the more individually created masculinity shape secondary gains for the young men, such as e.g. a more flexible and stretchable arena of responsibility, as well as more flexible space of acting? Thomas Johansson, Professor of Social Work social work, states that if we only focus the homosocially created masculinity, this will reshape a less nuanced picture of young men’s way of doing masculinity (Johansson 2005). Thus, young men’s vulnerability and difficulties remain hidden. However, this disassembling of the homosocially created masculinity from the more individually based doings of masculinity could possibly also give secondary gains, such as e.g. a more flexible and stretchable field of responsibility, as well as more flexible space of acting. This article shows that using a fragmentised and situated masculinity, as a way of understanding the complexity and the ambivalence in young men’s project of doing masculinity, makes evident – on the one hand – the vulnerability in young men’s process of doing masculinity. On the other hand, however, this view also makes it possible for young men to avoid responsibility for their actions. Instead the situated context – e.g. if in a peer group or alone, and what kind of relations the young man has – will be significant for how the act will be interpreted. The empirical material consists of six individual interviews and one group interview with four men. The age span of the participants is 16 to 24 years old. The overall theme for the discussions is heterosexual practice and relations.
The history of a gay and lesbian student community at Colby seems to point to the difficulty of visibility. For students who were able to find others like themselves, their group of lesbian and gay friends had to remain underground. For students who were grappling with their newly found, socially stigmatized sexuality, the experience was isolating if they did not know where to find others like themselves. This paper seeks to address the social forces that kept sexually variant students from expressing their sexual identities openly on campus. Part of this difficulty is attributable to the compulsory heterosexuality assumed by general American society at the time, manifested in the silence or outright hostility directed against homosexuals. Naturally, Colby students replicated this assumption. Some of the students we interviewed seemed to internalize compulsory heterosexuality, while it was forced upon others. Religion and psychology were two methods of enforcing heterosexuality that were relevant to the people we interviewed. Another significant obstacle to visibility was Colby's location and the nature of Colby's student body. Waterville, unlike more urban cities, did not have a history of gay life, and thus an established gay community or gay identity into which one could be socialized. Colby, as a small, homogeneous and isolated space, posed difficulties in establishing a gay community as the population to draw from was small and regulated.
Tendo como base os estudos recentes sobre as sexualidades e os gêneros e, em especial, os relativos à diversidade sexual, este artigo promove uma discussão ética sobre as vicissitudes da clínica psicológica com a população LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais). Para tanto, problematizamos a construção sócio-histórica-cultural da homossexualidade e da heterossexualidade, as hierarquias das sexualidades e algumas ações terapêuticas na clínica direcionada ao público não-heterossexual, tendo em vista a Resolução do Conselho Federal de Psicologia nº 1/99 que estabelece normas de atuação para os psicólogos em relação à questão da orientação sexual. Desse modo, matizamos o discurso da clínica usualmente orientada para o trabalho com pessoas heterossexuais, pensando de modo crítico o trabalho desenvolvido com sujeitos que transitam entre a vulnerabilidade e a invisibilidade devido a sua dissidência dos preceitos heteronormativos.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This is a survey conducted in 2009 with 2,282 students of both sexes enrolled in the three grades of high school in three cities of the west of Sao Paulo state (Assis, Presidente Prudente and Ourinhos). The data collection instrument was a self-administered and anonymous questionnaire with 131 questions. In this article, we reflect on how in schools the research participants reproduce and reinforce the hegemonic discourses of control of sexualities guided by the attempt to promote heterosexuality as the only form of sexual intelligibility, to the detriment of other forms of expression of sexuality. We discuss how homophobia and the devices of social control of sexuality (re) produce prejudices and stereotypies, resulting in vulnerabilities that non-heterosexual teenagers have, such as homophobic victimization, social and affective isolation, ideations and suicide attempts. The study shows that the invariant were discrimination, homophobic violence and the insults that are perpetrated in the values and discourses of adolescents at school and in their family, demonstrating the institutionalization of homophobia as a regulatory practice of the psychological and social construction of gender and sexual identities. We highlight how important it is for the school to appropriate the means of deconstruction of heterocentric normativity to preserve the rights and citizenship of the people who do not identify with the prevailing models of heterosexuality.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
L’histoire des relations entre biologie et politique féministe est tendue et contradictoire. Cela paraît d’autant plus flagrant aujourd’hui à l’âge d’or des neurosciences qui ramènent les arguments de supériorité masculine, le caractère inéluctable des différences de genre et la prédominance de l’hétérosexualité à une affaire de cerveau. Dans cet article, nous analysons les points d’intersection propres aux sciences du cerveau et du féminisme. Ces deux champs de recherche entretiennent selon nous des rapports conflictuels mais parfois aussi productifs, y compris dans leurs rapports à l’activisme politique. Ces rapports peuvent être caractérisés en référence à trois directions de recherche principales : des « déstabilisations », des « reconstructions » et des « recontextualisations ». En guise de conclusion, nous terminons par quelques réflexions sur les conditions sociologiques de l’engagement dans une économie politique des neurosciences.[1] [1]Traduit de l’anglais par Marc Gagnepain. Pour une brève présentation de l’article et du dossier thématique dans lequel il s’inscrit, nous renvoyons le/la lecteur/trice à l’article introductif de Bovet, Kraus, Panese, Pidoux et Stücklin, « Les neurosciences à l’épreuve de la clinique et des sciences sociales. Regards croisés ».
Family preservation is generally viewed in terms of a rather narrow practice definition. However, it's underlying philosophy offers a strong framework for building a positive, nonbiased helping alliance with lesbian clients in a therapeutic setting. The family preservation philosophy offers a unique heuristic for helping professionals to work with lesbians. Family preservation values teach that the therapist must start with the client's reality, recognize the particular needs of that client, and use the client's strengths in treatment. Also inherent in this perspective is respect and sensitivity to the lesbian client's "cultural context, experience, and history" (Family Preservation Institute, 1995). In other words, in the family preservation philosophy there is no assumption of heterosexuality in the therapeutic relationship; rather there is an assumption of unconditional positive regard. Further, clients are engaged in a dialogue and encouraged to name the challenges they encounter in their own words, from their own perspective. All of these principles will help empower lesbian clients. Lesbians may avoid traditional mental health services in times of need, preferring to depend on alternative services or friendship support networks. The choice not to seek help through mainstream agencies may be based on previous negative experience or on an assumption of the homophobic attitudes which are often inherent in such services. Traditional services are usually based on the medical model. Services based on the family preservation philosophy, however, have the capability of creating therapeutic relationships in which there is no assumption of heterosexuality, where the lesbian client is respected and viewed as a whole, healthy individual.
Introduction. The HIV/AIDS disease burden disproportionately affects minority populations, specifically African Americans. While sexual risk behaviors play a role in the observed HIV burden, other factors including gender, age, socioeconomics, and barriers to healthcare access may also be contributory. The goal of this study was to determine how far down the HIV/AIDS disease process people of different ethnicities first present for healthcare. The study specifically analyzed the differences in CD4 cell counts at the initial HIV-1 diagnosis with respect to ethnicity. The study also analyzed racial differences in HIV/AIDS risk factors. ^ Methods. This is a retrospective study using data from the Adult Spectrum of HIV Disease (ASD), collected by the City of Houston Department of Health. The ASD database contains information on newly reported HIV cases in the Harris County District Hospitals between 1989 and 2000. Each patient had an initial and a follow-up report. The extracted variables of interest from the ASD data set were CD4 counts at the initial HIV diagnosis, race, gender, age at HIV diagnosis and behavioral risk factors. One-way ANOVA was used to examine differences in baseline CD4 counts at HIV diagnosis between racial/ethnic groups. Chi square was used to analyze racial differences in risk factors. ^ Results. The analyzed study sample was 4767. The study population was 47% Black, 37% White and 16% Hispanic [p<0.05]. The mean and median CD4 counts at diagnosis were 254 and 193 cells per ml, respectively. At the initial HIV diagnosis Blacks had the highest average CD4 counts (285), followed by Whites (233) and Hispanics (212) [p<0.001 ]. These statistical differences, however, were only observed with CD4 counts above 350 [p<0.001], even when adjusted for age at diagnosis and gender [p<0.05]. Looking at risk factors, Blacks were mostly affected by intravenous drug use (IVDU) and heterosexuality, whereas Whites and Hispanics were more affected by male homosexuality [ p<0.05]. ^ Conclusion. (1) There were statistical differences in CD4 counts with respect to ethnicity, but these differences only existed for CD4 counts above 350. These differences however do not appear to have clinical significance. Antithetically, Blacks had the highest CD4 counts followed by Whites and Hispanics. (2) 50% of this study group clinically had AIDS at their initial HIV diagnosis (median=193), irrespective of ethnicity. It was not clear from data analysis if these observations were due to failure of early HIV surveillance, HIV testing policies or healthcare access. More studies need to be done to address this question. (3) Homosexuality and bisexuality were the biggest risk factors for Whites and Hispanics, whereas for Blacks were mostly affected by heterosexuality and IVDU, implying a need for different public health intervention strategies for these racial groups. ^
Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.
Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.
Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.