75 resultados para Hernias recidivadas
Les pathologies fonctionnelles oesogastriques regroupent plusieurs maladies touchant la fonction digestive haute : la maladie de reflux, les hernies hiatales, l'oesophage court et l'achalasie. Leur mode de présentation est parfois similaire, mais leur traitement diffère sur de nombreux points. L'approche initiale passe souvent par une modification de l'hygiène de vie et une prise en charge médicale. Mais une prise en charge chirurgicale est parfois nécessaire. Une sélection très stricte des patients permet de garantir un bon résultat à long terme, tout en limitant le risque de complications. Elle repose sur un bilan fonctionnel précis et une prise en charge dans le cadre de discussions multidisciplinaires. Cette revue fait un point actuel sur la prise en charge générale, les bilans nécessaires et les traitements chirurgicaux disponibles. Gastroesophageal functional diseases comprise several pathologies impending upper gastrointestinal function: reflux disease, hiatal hernias, short esophagus and achalasia. Their presentation may be similar, but their treatment differs on many points. The initial approach consists of lifestyle changes and medical management. However, surgical treatment is sometimes necessary. Strict patient selection ensures good long-term results, while limiting the risk of complications. This selection is based on precise functional assessment and management in the context of multidisciplinary discussions. This article aims to discuss current aspects on general management, functional investigations and surgical treatments available.
BACKGROUND: Abdominoperineal resection (APR) following radiotherapy is associated with a high rate of perineal wound complications. The anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap, combined with the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle, can cover complex perineal and pelvic anteroposterior defects. This is used for the first time transabdominally through the pelvis and the perineum (TAPP) in the infero-posterior directions; this technique has been described and illustrated in this study. METHODS: Among over 90 patients who underwent perineal reconstruction between May 2004 and June 2011, six patients presented high-grade tumours invading perineum, pelvis and sacrum, thereby resulting in a continuous anteroposterior defect. ALT + VL TAPP reconstructions were performed after extended APR and, subsequently, sacrectomy. Patients were examined retrospectively to determine demographics, operative time, complications (general and flap-related), time to complete healing and length of hospital stay. Long-term flap coverage, flap volume stability and functional and aesthetic outcomes were assessed. RESULTS: Mean operating time of the reconstruction was 290 min. No deaths occurred. One patient presented partial flap necrosis. Another patient presented a novel wound dehiscence after flap healing, due to secondary skin dissemination of the primary tumour. Following volumetric flap analysis on serial post-operative CT scans, no significant flap atrophy was observed. All flaps fully covered the defects. No late complications such as fistulas or perineal hernias occurred. Donor-site recovery was uneventful with no functional deficits. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the ALT + VL flap transabdominally is an innovative method to reconstruct exceptionally complex perineal and pelvic defects extending up to the lower back. This flap guarantees superior bulk, obliterating all pelvic dead space, with the fascia lata (FL) supporting the pelvic floor.
Os autores apresentam a taxa de recidiva com o reparo de hérnias inguinais primárias, empregando a técnica de Shouldice em três planos, modificada pela inclusão isolada do trato iliopúbico no 2º plano de sutura. A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 43 anos (16-88), com predominância da doença no sexo masculino (88,4%), do lado direito (57,4%) e da modalidade indireta (59,1 %). O seguimento pós-operatório foi de um a oito anos completos, tendo sido revistos pessoalmente pelos autores 112 pacientes, totalizando 115 hérnias, objeto deste trabalho. Houve a ocorrência de um hematoma (0,9%) e de uma infecção da ferida operatória (0,9%). As duas únicas recidivas (1,7%) ocorreram nos primeiros dois anos de pós-operatório, em pacientes do sexo masculino operados no início da série, sendo originalmente uma indireta e a outra direta. Dos resultados aferidos, os autores concluíram que a técnica adotada no reparo das hérnias inguinais primárias, com as modificações propostas neste trabalho, apresentou um índice baixo de recidiva, embora ainda maior se comparado ao procedimento de Shouldice clássico. Mesmo assim, é preciso que o cirurgião saiba executar outras técnicas, sobretudo as que utilizam próteses (telas), no tratamento das hérnias inguinais complexas ou multi-recidivadas.
Diaphragmatic hernia secondary to blunt or penetrating trauma is rarely by itself a fatal event. However, if unpercieved, it may lead to severe complications caused by herniation of abdominal contents to the ethorax. Blunt trauma related to car accidents is the most frequent cause of diaphragmatic hernias. Associated injuries are frequently observed, provoked by severe traumas of great impact. These blunt trauma hernias occur mainly on the left side due to abdominal anatomy, since the liver is usually located on the right side. When injuries are observed on the right they tend to be more severe, generally related to major trauma of solid organs. Less frequently diaphragmatic hernias may be bilateral. The management of diaphragmatic injury would appear to be a simple matter of suturing the defect. However, peroperative diagnosis can be difficult and even at the time of surgery some diaphragmatic injuries can be overlooked if carefull exploration is not done. Associated injuries tend to divert attention from the diaphragmatic injury. Laparoscopic diagnosis and repair have been described with successfull. Laparotomy or thoracotomy can be employed for surgical repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias. Standard (laboratory/imaging) examinations may fail to make the diagnosis. Recently, the laparoscopic approach has proved useful for more precise evaluation of such injuries, very often allowing immediate repair of these lesions.
A rare case of blunt traumatic abdominal hernia is presented in which jejunal loops herniated through the abdominal wall. The patient had a serious motor vehicle accident seven years ago, while wearing the seat belt. He developed a traumatic hernia in the anterior lateral abdominal wall, which was operated, and relapsed after some months. The patient was reoperated and we observed the unattachment of the anterior lateral abdominal musculature from the ilium crest. After the hernial sac treatment, the defect was solved with the use of a polypropylene mesh. The postoperative evolution was good and four months later there were no signs of recurrence. Traumatic abdominal hernia remains a rare clinical entity, despite the increase in blunt abdominal trauma. Traumatic abdominal wall hernia falls into two general categories: small lower quadrant abdominal defects, typically the result of blunt trauma with bicycle handlebars, and larger abdominal wall defects related to motor vehicle accidents. The diagnosis may be often established by the physical examination alone. Conventional radiology and computerized tomography usefulness have been proved. In the vast majority of cases, early repair is recommended. The appropriate treatment is the reduction of the herniated bowel into the abdomen, the debridment of nonviable tissues, and a primary tension free closure of the detect.
Incisional hernia is an uncommon complication in laparoscopic surgery. The majority of the hernias are located in the umbilical site. Nevertheless, they can occur in the lateral trocar site, although they are rarely diagnosed. We report a case of a 55 year-old patient who underwent a videolaparoscopic hysterectomy and developed small bowel obstruction on the third postoperative day. This initially gave rise to the diagnosis of paralytic ileum. The definitive diagnosis of incarcerated hernia in the lateral trocar site was established after an abdominal computed tomography was performed.
The objective is to alert the surgeon about the indiscriminate use of synthetic prosthesis in the correction of inguinal and incisional hernias. The authors provide a brief history of surgery on hernias and a review of the literature, showing the importance of classifying inguinal hernias to fit the type of surgical correction with the defect found, abstaining from treating all hernias, with the same type of surgical procedure. In our opinion, small indirect inguinal hernias (type 1 and 2 of Gilbert) and hernias in women must not, in general, be treated with prostheses. The synthetic material should be reserved for direct and large indirect hernias. Even so, this attitude, besides determining a higher cost for the procedure, can lead to important complications such as infection, rejection, fistula formation, chronic pain, alterations in spermatogenesis and the possibility of carcinogenesis, according to more recent reports. The physiology and anatomy of the abdominal wall should be considered when dealing with incisional hernia corrections, where the surgeon can choose among many techniques to correct those defects, and in selected cases, utilize synthetic material. We conclude that although the use of biomaterials has constituted a great advance in surgery for abdominal wall hernia corrections because they decrease recurrences, and permit treatment of large abdominal hernias, the indiscriminate prosthesis usage is an abuse, and it can determine many serious complications, certainly avoidable with a well indicated non mesh technique .
A left paraduodenal hernia is a protrusion of the small intestine through the paraduodenal fossa, a congenital defect situated to the left of the fourth portion of the duodenum. Imaging studies often play a central role in diagnosing left paraduodenal hernias, as they are not easily identified clinically. Surgery is the treatment of choice. We report a case of left paraduodenal hernia in a 27-year-old female patient. The patient had shown no symptoms until six days before hospitalization. A CT scan suggested the diagnosis of left paraduodenal hernia. After an unsuccessful laparoscopic attempt, a laparotomy was performed. Open surgery consisted in removing adhesions between the hernia and peritoneum, reducing jejunal loops and closing the paraduodenal fossa. The postoperative period was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on the third postoperative day.
Petit's lumbar hernia is an uncommon defect of the posterior abdominal wall that represents less than 1% of all abdominal wall hernias. It is more often unilateral and founded in young females, rarely containing a real herniated sac. There are two different approaches to repair: laparoscopy and open surgery. The goal of this article is to report one case of spontaneous bilateral lumbar Petit's hernia treated with open surgery.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the role of fibrillar extracellular matrix components in the pathogenesis of inguinal hernias. METHODS: samples of the transverse fascia and of the anterior sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle were collected from 40 men aged between 20 and 60 years with type II and IIIA Nyhus inguinal hernia and from 10 fresh male cadavers (controls) without hernia in the same age range. The staining technique was immunohistochemistry for collagen I, collagen III and elastic fibers; quantification of fibrillar components was performed with an image analysis processing software. RESULTS: no statistically significant differences were found in the amount of elastic fibers, collagen I and collagen III, and the ratio of collagen I / III among patients with inguinal hernia when compared with subjects without hernia. CONCLUSION: the amount of fibrillar extracellular matrix components did not change in patients with and without inguinal hernia.
Los defectos herniarios inguinales son una condición con alta prevalencia en nuestra población. En los últimos años la introducción de la cirugía laparoscopia para la corrección de esta patología ha tomado fuerza gradualmente. El propósito del presente trabajo es describir la experiencia en el uso de esta técnica quirúrgica en una institución hospitalaria. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte trasversal en el cual se revisaron las historias clínica de cada uno de los sujetos llevados a herniorrafia inguinal laparoscópica, donde se evaluaron las características pre y postoperatorias de los casos, así como las complicaciones derivadas del procedimiento. Resultados: Se evaluaron un total de 250 pacientes para un total de 334 Herniorrafias. El promedio de edad fue 58,3 años. La relación hombre mujer fue 3,7: 1. Del total de procedimientos 168 correspondieron a defectos bilaterales. 32 pacientes tenían antecedentes de herniorrafia previa. Se presentaron un total de tres complicaciones. El promedio general de tiempo quirúrgico fue de 69,3 minutos. El seguimiento post operatorio evidencio al dolor inguinal agudo como el principal proceso patológico derivado. El promedio de tiempo de incapacidad en total fue 8,3 días. Se encontró reproducción de la hernia comprobado por ecografía en 10 pacientes. No se produjo ninguna mortalidad en los pacientes del estudio. Conclusiones: La corrección laparoscopia se ha convertido en una alternativa segura y eficiente en el tratamiento definitivo de los defectos herniarios inguinales y debe ser tenida en cuenta en el momento de seleccionar la vía de acceso.
El manejo de la obstrucción intestinal por adherencias es un reto para cualquier especialista en Cirugía debido a que existe controversia sobre el alcance del manejo médico y el momento adecuado para llevar el paciente a cirugía para la resolución del cuadro clínico. En el presente trabajo se pretende, identificar los factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por adherencias. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en una relación de 1:1, con una recolección de muestra estadística de 48 pacientes en cada grupo, entre mayo 2012 y mayo 2014 en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi y en Barrios Unidos. Se consideraron casos los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por obstrucción intestinal por bridas y controles los pacientes manejados con tratamiento médico. Se evaluaron factores como edad, antecedentes personales patológicos y quirúrgicos, tiempo de evolución del cuadro clínico, hallazgos en imágenes y laboratorio entre otros. Resultados: Se recolectaron un total de 158 pacientes, (78 casos, 80 controles). Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables (p=0.13). Los factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico estadísticamente significativos fueron género masculino, presencia de fiebre al ingreso, el hallazgo de engrosamiento de la pared intestinal y de obstrucción de asa cerrada en imágenes diagnósticas (p<0,05). Discusión: Los principales factores asociados para que un paciente con obstrucción intestinal por bridas requiera de manejo quirúrgico son consistentes con literatura. Se requiere la socialización de los resultados para disminuir la morbimortalidad de nuestros pacientes.
Health care providers, purchasers and policy makers need to make informed decisions regarding the provision of cost-effective care. When a new health care intervention is to be compared with the current standard, an economic evaluation alongside an evaluation of health benefits provides useful information for the decision making process. We consider the information on cost-effectiveness which arises from an individual clinical trial comparing the two interventions. Recent methods for conducting a cost-effectiveness analysis for a clinical trial have focused on the net benefit parameter. The net benefit parameter, a function of costs and health benefits, is positive if the new intervention is cost-effective compared with the standard. In this paper we describe frequentist and Bayesian approaches to cost-effectiveness analysis which have been suggested in the literature and apply them to data from a clinical trial comparing laparoscopic surgery with open mesh surgery for the repair of inguinal hernias. We extend the Bayesian model to allow the total cost to be divided into a number of different components. The advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches are discussed. In January 2001, NICE issued guidance on the type of surgery to be used for inguinal hernia repair. We discuss our example in the light of this information. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of the undermining of the subcutaneous tissue on the tension of the abdominal wall, after the components separation of the abdominal muscles. Twenty adult cadavers were studied. The resistance of the medial advancement of both anterior and posterior recti sheaths was represented by the traction index and measured in 2 levels-3 cm above and 2 cm below the umbilicus. Traction indices were compared in the following 3 consecutive dissection situations: (1) after the subcutaneous tissue undermining laterally to the semilunaris line; (2) after the dissection of the rectus muscle from its posterior sheath associated with the release of the external oblique muscle; (3) after the subcutaneous tissue undermining laterally to the anterior axillary line. Friedman and Spearman tests were used to compare the results. There was no statistical significant difference between the subcutaneous tissue undermining laterally to the semilunaris line and that laterally to the anterior axillary line, when associated with the musculoaponeurotic dissections. In conclusion, limited subcutaneous undermining does not influence the tension of closure of the musculoaponeurotic layer after the components separation technique in cadavers.
O prognóstico das crianças com tumores sólidos malignos recidivados ou refratários permanece desfavorável apesar dos avanços significativos alcançados nos últimos anos em Oncologia Pediátrica. Estudos visando identificar opções terapêuticas mais eficazes torna-se, portanto, de fundamental importância para estes pacientes. Existem evidências na literatura que demonstram que as drogas utilizadas neste estudo tem, quando usadas isoladamente ou em combinação, atividade em neoplasias malignas recidivadas ou refratárias. A Carboplatina (C) apresenta respostas objetivas em um grande número de pacientes pediátricos com câncer, assim como a Ifosfamida (I) e o Etoposide (E). A combinação destas 3 drogas, em um regime que passaremos a designar como ICE, tem potencial de aumentar os índices de resposta, embora aumente também os riscos de toxicidade. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta e a toxicidade deste regime em pacientes com tumores sólidos malignos recidivados ou refratários diagnosticados antes dos 18 anos de idade. O ICE consistiu de Ifosfamida na dose 3g/m2/dia IV por 3 dias consecutivos associada a mesna como uroprotetor, em doses equivalentes, Etoposide 160 mg/m2/dia IV por 3 dias consecutivos e Carboplatina 400 mg/m2/dia IV durante 2 dias. Os ciclos foram repetidos com intervalos de 21 a 28 dias. Foram revisados 21 prontuários de pacientes tratados com este regime, entre julho de 1996 a novembro de 2000. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados para toxicidade e 19 pacientes foram avaliados para resposta. Um total de 93 ciclos de ICE foram administrados. A média dos ciclos de ICE recebidos foi de 4,4 (1-8). Os pacientes receberam um máximo de 8 ciclos. Todos os pacientes incluídos no estudo, receberam no mínimo 1 esquema quimioterápico prévio. A taxa de resposta completa + parcial foi de 52,6%. Os efeitos tóxicos incluíram mielossupressão, febre, naúseas ou vômitos, nefrotoxicidade, leve disfunção hepática e neurotoxicidade. Em 78% dos ciclos houve neutropenia grau 4 (contagem de neutrófilos menor de 500/microlitro). Trombocitopenia graus 3 e 4 foi observado em 73,1% dos ciclos administrados e em 82% destes foram necessárias transfusões de plaquetas. Anemia grau 3 a 4 ocorreu em 61,2% dos ciclos e em 75 (80,6%) dos 93 ciclos administrados foi necessário transfusão de glóbulos vermelhos. Nenhum dos pacientes apresentou hematúria macroscópica e em 19,3 % dos ciclos houve hematúria microscópica. Duas crianças apresentaram nefrotoxicidade tubular renal. Em conclusão, este estudo mostra que o ICE é uma combinação ativa em crianças com tumores sólidos refratários/recidivados. Embora esteja associado a mielossupressão severa, a incidência de infecção encontra-se dentro de índices considerados aceitáveis para este grupo de pacientes. O dano tubular renal é a toxicidade não hematológica mais significativa e, portanto, recomenda-se cuidados e monitorização da função renal durante o período de tratamento. Embora o uso do ICE seja factível mesmo sem o uso de fatores de crescimento hematopoiéticos em pacientes previamente submetidos a quimioterapia, a maioria deles necessita terapia de suporte, principalmente de transfusões de hemoderivados e antimicrobianos. A identificação de pacientes e patologias com maior índice de respostas requer a realização de estudos no futuro com maior número de pacientes a nível multi-institucional.