980 resultados para Heritage Management


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É unanimemente reconhecido que o conhecimento das origens e do desenvolvimento das sociedades humanas assume uma importância fundamental para toda a humanidade, permitindo-lhe reconhecer as suas raízes culturais e sociais. O património arqueológico constitui um testemunho essencial sobre as actividades humanas do passado. A sua protecção e gestão cuidadas são, por conseguinte, indispensáveis para permitir aos arqueólogos e a outros especialistas o seu estudo e interpretação em nome e para benefício das gerações presentes e futuras. A protecção deste património não pode basear-se exclusivamente nas técnicas da arqueologia. Exige uma base de conhecimentos e de competências profissionais e científicas mais alargadas. Alguns elementos do património arqueológico fazem parte de estruturas arquitectónicas, devendo nesse caso ser protegidos com respeito pelos critérios relativos ao património arquitectónico enunciados em 1964 na Carta de Veneza sobre a conservação e o restauro dos monumentos e sítios. Outros elementos fazem parte das tradições vivas das populações autóctones, cuja participação se torna essencial para a sua protecção e conservação. Por estas e outras razões, a protecção do património arqueológico deve assentar numa colaboração efectiva entre especialistas de diversas disciplinas. Exige ainda a cooperação dos serviços públicos, dos investigadores, das empresas privadas e do grande público.


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Many countries in northern Europe have seen a huge expansion in development-led archaeology over the past few decades. Legislation, frameworks for heritage management and codes of practice have developed along similar but different lines. The Valetta Convention has had considerable impact on spatial planning and new legislation on archaeological heritage management within EC countries as well as on the funding, nature and distribution of archaeological fieldwork. For the first time these 12 papers bring together data on developer-led archaeology in Britain, Ireland, France, the Low Countries, Germany and Denmark in order to review and evaluate key common issues relating to organisation, practice, legal frameworks and quality management.


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This paper explores the past, present and future of Thorne Moors. First, the paper addresses the landscape context of the Moors within the Humberhead Levels, and the archaeological and palaeoenvironmental resource. It also explores the management and protection of the archaeological and palaeoenvironmental resource of the Moors. Finally, it looks at the future with reference to the opportunity provided by its possible designation as a Ramsar site.


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The historic house museum exemplifies the enormous power of the museum idea to make specimens out of the material world. In fact, houses are an old museum form, very numerous and globally spread. This paper surveys the diverse inspirations of the species, its peculiar expressions, and its formative/deformative relationship to the English country house, via case studies in the UK, the US, and Australia. The paper identifies a characteristic museology that has developed to manage the conditions of house museums and suggests that the contemporary practice of heritage management derives an important strand of its direction from the traditions of house museology. Lastly, it considers the challenge, 'who wants house museums?'


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This paper uses a case study of Nanchizi precinct to assess the impact of the spirit of hutongs in Beijing. The renewal of historic precincts rejuvenates old quarters on the one hand, on the other, it may pose threats not only to the built fabric but also to the spirit of historic precincts. Hutong is a living cultural landscape in Beijing representing of unique characteristics, complex historical layers as well as the way of life of its citizens. The recent decade witnesses the renewal of historic precincts in Beijing, which has greatly changed the historic vernacular landscape. How to accommodate changes while retain the spirit of Beijing’s traditional habitat is a question facing the heritage management. This paper argues that continuity and change of the landscape are inter-related, and that an effective conservation regime needs the enhanced awareness of the history of interaction between people and place.


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From the 1980s, Chinese experts from some mainland universities, such as Tongji Universtiy in Shanghai and Tsinghua University in Beijing, commenced research into heritage management and historic architectural conservation in China. With the announcement of the First and Second Lists of 10 Chinese Historic and Cultural Districts in 2009 and 2010, the conservation of historic districts was generally received and elevated in agreements from state-level government to local level governments. This paper considers literature about international and Chinese regulations and presents the evolution of historic district conservation in China. The paper explores the effective and ineffective results of the “Selection Contest of Chinese Top 10 Historic and Cultural Districts” in two cases selected from the First and Second Lists of 10 Chinese Historical and Cultural Districts during upon recent research and investigations. In each example, the paper provides a detailed examination of public awareness and their evaluation of conservation effectiveness through questionnaires.


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The tiny Kelabit community of the central highlands of Borneo was isolated and unconnected with the world outside of the highlands until the middle of the 20th Century. Their response to contact has been to embrace education and seek to understand the language and ways of outsiders. They have achieved high rates of tertiary qualifications and Kelabits now hold major professional, business and government positions in Sarawak and Malaysia disproportionately to the size of their population. The consequence has been a loss of cultural practices and langauge and now they are concerned that they are losing their distinct Kelabit identity.

This film was made as part of the development of a museum proposal and to identify the significant intangible cultural heritage through which the Kelabits wish to preserve and express their identity.


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This thesis contends that the concept of cultural landscape is a useful tool for dismantling heritage management programs that promote demarcations between natural/settler/indigenous heritage values in protected areas in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States.


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This thesis contends that the concept of cultural landscape is a useful tool for dismantling heritage management programs that promote demarcations between natural/settler/indigenous heritage values in protected areas in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States.


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Este estudo lida com política cultural, administração e financiamento das artes e do patrimônio histórico. Passa em revista a experiência brasileira, a partir da bibliografia disponível, e a contrasta com a de países adiantados. Embora com foco no presente, reconstitui seletivamente a história dessa política pública desde 1945, nos Estados Unidos, na Inglaterra e na França, e aponta impasses que hoje ela enfrenta no contexto neoliberal e globalizado. Questões como formação de dirigentes culturais, patrocínio empresarial, incentivos fiscais, diplomacia cultural, descentralização administrativa, tendências do consumo cultural, "espetacularização" de eventos e o papel das fundações são localizadas nas discussões que ocorrem dentro e fora da academia, nos países considerados.


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Contemporary studies have shown that the evolution of the heritage concepts is accompanied by an affirmation of the importance of social participation in recognizing heritage values and in managing cultural assets. We used the Brazilian context to emphasize the challenges for democratizing this process. This problematic is discussed based on the cases of Cidade Altaand Ribeira, neighborhoods that date from the formation of Natal-RNand have cultural assets recognized by levels of government. The study builds elements to answer the research question: what meanings and representations does the culturalheritage in the case study have for its users? The research method analyzes the representations and the meanings of the neighborhoods, firstly is based on historiographical studies, memories records of the city and on the process of heritage management. Secondly, it isbased on the field research, it is structured in environmental perception studies (areas of Environmental Psychology, Architecture and Urbanism) and has been applied with users with different bonds with the studied environment (residents, workers and visitors). The data were obtained with the multi-method which included direct observation, questionnaire survey and mentalmaps (that replicate Kevin Lynch). The analysis of result verified the research hypothesis, emphasizing aspects of the relationship between users and cultural heritage relevant to strengthening collective memory, local identity, contributing to heritage management. Among the results, the socio-environmental image obtained which emphasized a "cultural axis" linkingboth studied neighborhoods and confirms the influences of elements rein the memories records of the city and in the area s management. Identified aspects to strengthen the relationship between the users and cultural assets, such as the presence of placeswith affective ties to certain groups, as well as the need to fight off negative images (of degradation and insecurity) associated to the site and also expand the participation of the population, including residents, in policies and cultural activities. After all, recognition of value and the involvement of societycultural assets have the potential of contribute to integrate city development with heritage conservation


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Fungi are a diverse group of organisms with an overall global number of 1.5 M up to 3.3 M species on Earth. Besides their ecological roles as decomposers, fungi are important in several aspects of applied research. Here, we review how culture collections may promote the knowledge on diversity, conservation and biotechnological exploitation of fungi. The impact of fungi diversity on biotechnological studies is discussed. We point out the major roles of microbial repositories, including fungal preservation, prospecting, identification, authentication and supply. A survey on the World Data Center for Microorganisms (WDCM) powered by the World Federation for Culture Collections and on the Genetic Heritage Management Council (CGEN) database revealed that 46 Brazilian culture collections registered in these databases are dedicate to preserving fungi. Most of these culture collections are located in the Southeast of Brazil. This scenario also demonstrates that Brazil has many collections focused on fungal strains, but the lack of up-to-date information in WDCM as well as of a solid national platform for culture collections registration do not allow accurate assessment of fungal preservation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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La ricerca nel campo del cultural heritage management ha adottato negli ultimi decenni le tecnologie web quali strumenti privilegiati per stabilire i nuovi approcci e indirizzi nella valorizzazione della conoscenza. Questa tesi si colloca nell'ambito interdisciplinare tra le scienze umanistiche e informatiche e si fonda sulla consapevolezza del reciproco arricchimento che può derivare dal continuo confronto, le une disponendo di mezzi più espressivi e popolari per divulgare il proprio patrimonio e le altre usufruendo di “materia prima” autorevole (ossia dati strutturati di qualità e alto livello di fiducia) in fase di sperimentazione. Lo studio dei punti di tangenza tra le discipline muove da due ambiti precisi, ovvero le applicazioni informatiche nel campo dell'archivistica e gli sviluppi del semantic web nel settore delle digital humanities.


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Swiss lake-side settlements dating between 4300 and 800 BC were first recognized in the early 19th century and between 1854 and 1880 early research boomed due to the first scientific studies and the artificial lowering of lakes in Western Switzerland. In the 20th century underwater and wetland archaeology experienced an enormous surge not only because of large rescue excavations, due to extensive motorway construction projects but also due to the evolution of modern IT technology in the 1970s. For the first time huge quantities of ancient wooden structures could be dated by dendrochronology. This produced a quantum leap in the 150 years of pile-dwelling research. In 2011, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee recognized the outstanding universal value of these sites. This article presents an overview about Swiss pile-dwellings of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age and the results of two recent diploma works (case study Sutz-Lattrigen Haupstation innen and case study Seedorf Lobsigensee) as examples of research and cooperation between universities and government agencies for cultural heritage management.