854 resultados para Heel pad
A mathematical model of the voltage drop which arises in on-chip power distribution networks is used to compare the maximum voltage drop in the case of different geometric arrangements of the pads supplying power to the chip. These include the square or Manhattan power pad arrangement, which currently predominates, as well as equilateral triangular and hexagonal arrangements. In agreement with the findings in the literature and with physical and SPICE models, the equilateral triangular power pad arrangement is found to minimize the maximum voltage drop. This headline finding is a consequence of relatively simple formulas for the voltage drop, with explicit error bounds, which are established using complex analysis techniques, and elliptic functions in particular.
OBJETIVO: correlacionar as queixas de incontinência urinária de esforço e os resultados da aplicação do pad test de uma hora em mulheres na pré e pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, composto por 60 voluntárias na pós-menopausa, divididas em dois grupos: um com 34 mulheres com queixa de perda involuntária de urina aos esforços, outro com 26 mulheres sem queixas de perda de urina aos esforços. Há também a presença de um Grupo Controle composto por 15 mulheres na pré-menopausa, com ciclo menstrual normal e sem queixas urinárias. Todas as mulheres foram avaliadas quanto à clínica e laboratorialmente, e submetidas ao pad test por uma hora. A paciente foi considerada incontinente quando o peso do absorvente após o teste foi maior do que 1 g. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à estatística descritiva, ao teste paramétrico ANOVA, ao pós-teste de Turkey e à correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: todas as mulheres na pós-menopausa apresentaram incontinência urinária de esforço durante o pad test, tanto as que referiram perda urinária (4 g), como as sem perda urinária prévia (3,5 g). Nessas mulheres, observou-se uma forte correlação das perdas de urina com o tempo de menopausa (r=0,8; p<0,01) e com o índice de massa corpórea (IMC) (r=0,7; p= 0,01). As mulheres na pré-menopausa mantiveram-se continentes durante o pad test (0,4 g). CONCLUSÕES: os resultados obtidos com a aplicação do pad test de uma hora mostraram que todas as mulheres na pós-menopausa apresentavam incontinência urinária de esforço, inclusive aquelas que não apresentavam queixa de perda de urina aos esforços. Essa perda de urina correlaciona-se com o tempo de menopausa e com o IMC.
Confirmar la validez del soporte teórico de la intervención compensatoria en el alumnado en situación de riesgo social y educativo mediante las metodologías incluidas en la donominación de Pedagogía Adaptativa. 253 alumnos y alumnas de diez aulas de dos centros educativos de Gijón (Asturias) de los niveles de infantil, primaria y secundaria, así como un tercer centro de contraste. El estudio se desarrolló en varias fases: 1. Planificación : comunicación y difusión. 2. Identificación de clases. 3. Primer control : evaluación del programa. 4. Fase de Réplica. 5. Segundo Control. Las variables dependientes se agrupan en productos (mejora cognitiva general y diferencias y mejora académica), procesos (tasas de actividad, valoración del profesorado, autoevaluación del alumnado y valoración de familias) e impacto (socialización y ambiente instructivo). Se utilizaron pruebas psicopedagógicas (WISC-R y K-ABC) y hojas de desarrollo curricular. La experiencia ha permitido apreciar varias situaciones a resaltar: los efectos alcanzados se pueden cuantificar en tamaños de efectos del orden de 0,8 siendo más consistentes en el nivel de Educación Infantil que en Primaria y Secundaria; el efecto compensatorio valorado mediante el indicador 20-20 se manifiesta con clarida en las aulas de los tres niveles educativos que obtienen mejoras medias significativas; se confirma, igualmente, la importancia de la dirección del aula establecida como directriz compensatoria por otros metanálisis y deja patente la prioridad personal del profesorado como mediador de aprendizajes, transmisor de expectativas y organizador del ambiente de aula; la familia, como primera institución educativa resulta imprescindible si bien, hemos podido constatar la importancia, no tanto de su participación enlas actividades generales del centro, sino de su implicación en el aprendizaje por medio del control en el hogar del plan de trabajo y la identificación con el estilo educativo del centro. Se concluye que la pegagogía adaptativa constituye una fórmula válida de atención a la diversidad en la medida en que se consignan organizar aulas eficaces en centros eficaces. Si el centro educativo mantiene en su proyecto y funciona con cohesión, autonomía y compromiso social con la comunidad, las aulas deben constituir alternativas organizativas relevantes y significativas para el alumnado en situación de riesgo educativo.
Expressions for the viscosity correction function, and hence bulk complex impedance, density, compressibility, and propagation constant, are obtained for a rigid frame porous medium whose pores are prismatic with fixed cross-sectional shape, but of variable pore size distribution. The lowand high-frequency behavior of the viscosity correction function is derived for the particular case of a log-normal pore size distribution, in terms of coefficients which can, in general, be computed numerically, and are given here explicitly for the particular cases of pores of equilateral triangular, circular, and slitlike cross-section. Simple approximate formulae, based on two-point Pade´ approximants for the viscosity correction function are obtained, which avoid a requirement for numerical integration or evaluation of special functions, and their accuracy is illustrated and investigated for the three pore shapes already mentioned
In this paper it is shown that a number of theoretical models of the acoustical properties of rigid frame porous media, especially those involving ratios of Bessel functions of complex argument, can be accurately approximated and greatly simplified by the use of Padé approximation techniques. In the case of the model of Attenborough [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81, 93–102 (1987)] rational approximations are produced for the characteristic impedance, propagation constant, dynamic compressibility, and dynamic density, as a function of frequency and the material parameters. The model proposed by Stinson and Champoux
The most significant radiation field nonuniformity is the well-known Heel effect. This nonuniform beam effect has a negative influence on the results of computer-aided diagnosis of mammograms, which is frequently used for early cancer detection. This paper presents a method to correct all pixels in the mammography image according to the excess or lack on radiation to which these have been submitted as a result of the this effect. The current simulation method calculates the intensities at all points of the image plane. In the simulated image, the percentage of radiation received by all the points takes the center of the field as reference. In the digitized mammography, the percentages of the optical density of all the pixels of the analyzed image are also calculated. The Heel effect causes a Gaussian distribution around the anode-cathode axis and a logarithmic distribution parallel to this axis. Those characteristic distributions are used to determine the center of the radiation field as well as the cathode-anode axis, allowing for the automatic determination of the correlation between these two sets of data. The measurements obtained with our proposed method differs on average by 2.49 mm in the direction perpendicular to the anode-cathode axis and 2.02 mm parallel to the anode-cathode axis of commercial equipment. The method eliminates around 94% of the Heel effect in the radiological image and the objects will reflect their x-ray absorption. To evaluate this method, experimental data was taken from known objects, but could also be done with clinical and digital images.
O vídeo apresenta sugestões de como os alunos podem comprar ou construir um pad de estudos para percussão. O professor apresenta diferentes tipos de pads, que são borrachas utilizadas para a prática com baquetas. Alguns são comprados já prontos, outros podem ser construídos pelos alunos. Feito para alunos que estão estudando percussão, o vídeo visa esclarecer algumas questões fundamentais para a aquisição desse equipamento, bem como explicar sua importância nos estudos de percussão.
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is defined as "involuntary loss of urine" due to several processes that alter the ability of the bladder to hold urine properly, regarded as a social and hygienic problem that adversely affects quality of life. In postmenopausal women, IU is associated with atrophy and weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. The objective this study was investigate, using the onehour pad test, stress urinary leakage (SUI), evaluate and compare their results in postmenopausal and premenopausal women. The survey was characterized as a cross-sectional study. The study consisted of 60 postmenopausal women were divided into GIU - consisting of 34 volunteers complaining of involuntary loss of urine during stress - and GSIU - consisting of 26 volunteers without complaints of loss of urine during stress, and 15 women, during the premenopausal (GPM), and ovulatory with normal menstrual cycle. All volunteers were evaluated clinically, subjected to one-hour pad test, after the biochemical evaluation of blood and sex hormones. Statistical analysis was performed by descriptive analysis, ANOVA, Turkey´s post-test and Pearson correlation. The results showed that 100% of postmenopausal patients had involuntary loss of urine during one hour pad test (GIU: 4.0 g; GSIU: 4.5 g). GPM remained continent after an hour pad test (GPM: 0.4 g). In addition, Pearson showed a strong correlation between urine loss with time since menopause (r = 0.8, p <0.01) and body mass index - BMI (r = 0.7; p = 0.01). These data suggest that the one-hour pad test is a useful test to assess and quantify urinary leakage, including those volunteers who had no previous complaint of SUI
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: O objetivo desde artigo foi relatar um caso clínico de fechamento de fístula buco-sinusal tardia utilizando rotação de enxerto de tecido adiposo pediculado do corpo adiposo da bochecha. DESCRIÇÃO do CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 66 anos, leucoderma, em boas condições de saúde geral, foi encaminhado para fechamento de extensa comunicação buco-sinusal. Ao exame clínico, observou-se uma fístula de aproximadamente 10 mm de diâmetro comunicando a cavidade oral com o seio maxilar. A cirurgia foi realizada em nível ambulatorial, sob anestesia local, para fechar a fístula buco-sinusal com um enxerto de tecido adiposo pediculado do corpo adiposo da bochecha. A reparação da ferida e o fechamento do defeito foram observados no pós-operatório de 30 dias, com completa epitelização. CONCLUSÃO: O enxerto pediculado de tecido do corpo adiposo da bochecha mostrou-se uma alternativa simples, eficaz e segura no fechamento mediato da fístula buco-sinusal apresentada neste caso clínico.
An HPLC-PAD method has been developed in order to evaluate simultaneously the main secondary metabolites, flavonoid glycosides and styrylpyrones, of leaves of Cryptocarya moschata. The sample preparation, consisting of extraction, liquid-liquid extraction and centrifugation, requires minimum sample manipulation but produces high yields with reproducibility, selectivity and simplicity. HPLC on a C, column presents each class of metabolites grouped and with good resolution of the main compounds. The experimental conditions can be used to study inter- and intra-specific variability of secondary metabolites in Cryptocarya spp. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley A Sons, Ltd.
To investigate the feasibility and validity of sampling blood from the carpal pad in hospitalised healthy and diabetic dogs. METHODS The carpal pad was compared to the ear as a sampling site in 60 dogs (30 healthy and 30 diabetic dogs). RESULTS Lancing the pads was very well tolerated. The average glucose concentrations in blood samples obtained from the ears and carpal pads exhibited a strong positive correlation (r = 0.938) and there were no significant differences between them (P = 0.914). In addition, 98.3% of the values obtained were clinically acceptable when assessed by the error grid analysis. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The carpal pad is a good alternative sampling site for home monitoring, especially in animals with a soft and/or light-coloured pad.