939 resultados para Health Sciences, Nutrition|Health Sciences, Public Health|Sociology, Public and Social Welfare


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Nearly one in three children in the developing world is malnourished. Poor nutrition contributes to one out of two deaths (53%) associated with infectious diseases among children aged under five in developing countries. Using data from the 2005 World Food Program’s (WFP) Livelihood Vulnerability and Nutritional Assessment of Rural Kassala and Red Sea State this study examines the impact of female headed households and maternal education on malnutrition in children 6-59 months old. The dependent variable investigated in this study is moderate to severe wasting or less than -2 weight for height Z-score, also known as global acute malnutrition (GAM). ^ The study population consisted of 450 households in Kassala State and Red Sea State, Sudan. A total of 900 children 6-59 months of age were part of the households sampled from these states and one child per household (773 children) was randomly chosen for the analysis along with the child’s mother. Results of the study found that 18 percent of children between 6-59 months of age had GAM/wasting. Maternal education, main source of water, and income were strongly related to wasting. Gender of head of household was not found to have a significant relationship with GAM/wasting. Mothers with at least primary education were much less likely to have malnourished children, even after controlling for income and environmental conditions. Children in households with unsafe sources of water were 2.6 more likely to have wasting than those with piped in/tube wells as their main source of water. For every increase of 100 dinar in a household, the children in the household are approximately two-thirds times (.662) less likely to be wasted. ^ The results of this study support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between maternal education on wasting of children 6-59 months old. The results do not, however, support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between gender of head of household on wasting of children 6-59 months old. Better understanding of the association of wasting and other measures of malnutrition with maternal education levels can program managers and other health officials to target important nutritional and non-nutritional interventions. ^


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Increasing numbers of children and adolescents are becoming vulnerable or orphaned due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Research indicates food security remains a top concern for those caring for these children or adolescents. This study was a examined thinness, stunting, and perceptions about food availability in adolescents ages 10-17 years in Nyanza Province. No evidence was found suggesting orphaned adolescents experience greater amounts of stunting or thinness over non-orphaned adolescents in the province. Orphans did not perceive less available food in their households. Instead, predictors of thinness, stunting, or low perceptions of food availability included age, household facilities, perceptions of equal or unequal treatment in the household, and perceptions about the household's ability to provide them with basic needs. Findings suggest interventions aimed at decreasing malnutrition focus less on orphaned versus non-orphaned adolescents, but they should focus on adolescents made vulnerable due to lower socioeconomic status. ^


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The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) play key roles in making Class III, medical devices available to the public, and they are required by law to meet statutory deadlines for applications under review. Historically, both agencies have failed to meet their respective statutory requirements. Since these failures affect patient access and may adversely impact public health, Congress has enacted several “modernization” laws. However, the effectiveness of these modernization laws has not been adequately studied or established for Class III medical devices. ^ The aim of this research study was, therefore, to analyze how these modernization laws may have affected public access to medical devices. Two questions were addressed: (1) How have the FDA modernization laws affected the time to approval for medical device premarket approval applications (PMAs)? (2) How has the CMS modernization law affected the time to approval for national coverage decisions (NCDs)? The data for this research study were collected from publicly available databases for the period January 1, 1995, through December 31, 2008. These dates were selected to ensure that a sufficient period of time was captured to measure pre- and post-modernization effects on time to approval. All records containing original PMAs were obtained from the FDA database, and all records containing NCDs were obtained from the CMS database. Source documents, including FDA premarket approval letters and CMS national coverage decision memoranda, were reviewed to obtain additional data not found in the search results. Analyses were conducted to determine the effects of the pre- and post-modernization laws on time to approval. Secondary analyses of FDA subcategories were conducted to uncover any causal factors that might explain differences in time to approval and to compare with the primary trends. The primary analysis showed that the FDA modernization laws of 1997 and 2002 initially reduced PMA time to approval; after the 2002 modernization law, the time to approval began increasing and continued to increase through December 2008. The non-combined, subcategory approval trends were similar to the primary analysis trends. The combined, subcategory analysis showed no clear trends with the exception of non-implantable devices, for which time to approval trended down after 1997. The CMS modernization law of 2003 reduced NCD time to approval, a trend that continued through December 2008. This study also showed that approximately 86% of PMA devices do not receive NCDs. ^ As a result of this research study, recommendations are offered to help resolve statutory non-compliance and access issues, as follows: (1) Authorities should examine underlying causal factors for the observed trends; (2) Process improvements should be made to better coordinate FDA and CMS activities to include sharing data, reducing duplication, and establishing clear criteria for “safe and effective” and “reasonable and necessary”; (3) A common identifier should be established to allow tracking and trending of applications between FDA and CMS databases; (4) Statutory requirements may need to be revised; and (5) An investigation should be undertaken to determine why NCDs are not issued for the majority of PMAs. Any process improvements should be made without creating additional safety risks and adversely impacting public health. Finally, additional studies are needed to fully characterize and better understand the trends identified in this research study.^


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Background. Obesity in America has increased exponentially since the 1970s with no sign of slowing down. It is a major public health problem, and is currently the second leading cause of preventable deaths in America (Flegal et al., 2010). Bariatric surgery is currently the only approved therapy that has shown to have a lasting impact on obese patients. While the initial cost of the surgery remains high, numerous cost-benefit analyses have demonstrated an overall cost saving within two to five years (McEwen et al., 2010). Only three states, including Texas, do not currently fund bariatric surgery through Medicare and Medicaid. ^ Objectives. To determine whether the current data on the cost-benefit analysis of bariatric surgery supports Texas' decision to not publicly fund bariatric surgery through its Medicare and Medicaid programs. ^ Methods. We conducted literature reviews to determine the current cost of obesity in Texas as well as the methods being employed to treat obesity currently. We then analyzed the history of bariatric surgery and its current implementation, looking at safety and the future benefits of bariatric surgery. We then looked at key cost-benefit analyses and meta-analyses to determine the cost effectiveness of bariatric surgery. We then analyzed both direct medical expenditures and indirect benefits of bariatric surgery. ^ Conclusions. If the obesity epidemic continues unabated, it will become one of the leading health expenditures in Texas within decades. Given that surgery is currently the only approved therapy for obesity that has been shown to be effective in the majority of patients, Texas' decision not to publicly fund bariatric surgery is short sighted.^


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"I don't think we truly understand how to implement. What does it mean to truly implement? Not the command center type that our culture is very good at, but a thorough planned systematic approach" (HP, 9.28.2011). This important question is asked by a clinician who works in a health care setting and who has experienced the implementation of a public policy. This case study applied the lessons learned from three generations of public policy research to a health care setting. As a result of the study an analytical frame was created as a guide to assess an organization's readiness for the implementation of a public policy.^


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate students' lunch consumption compared to NSLP guidelines, the contribution of competitive foods to calorie intake at lunch, and the differences in nutrient and food group intake between the a la carte food consumers and non- a la carte food consumers.^ In Fall 2011, 1170 elementary and 440 intermediate students were observed anonymously during school lunch. The foods eaten, their source, grade level, and gender were recorded. All a la carte offerings met the Texas School Nutrition Policy.^ Differences in nutrient and food group intake by grade level and between students who consumed a la carte and those who did not were assessed using ANCOVA. A chi-squared analysis was conducted to evaluate differences in a la carte food consumption by grade level, gender, and the school's low income status.^ Average lunch intakes for elementary students were 457 (SD 164) calories for elementary students and 541 calories (SD 188) for intermediate students (p<0.001). 760 students (47%) consumed 937 a la carte foods, with the most often consumed items being chips (32%), ice cream (22%) and snack items (18%). Mean a la carte food intakes were 60 and 98 calories for elementary and intermediate schools respectively (p<0.001). Significantly more (p<0.000) intermediate students (34.3%) consumed a la carte items compared to elementary students (27.5%).^ Students who consumed a la carte foods had significantly higher intakes of calories (p<0.000), fat (p<0.000), sodium (p<0.002), fiber (p<0.000), added sugar (p<0.000), total grains (p<0.000), dessert foods (p<0.000), and snack chips (p<0.000) and lower intakes of vitamin A (p<0.001), iron (p<0.000), fruit (p<0.022), vegetables (p<0.031), milk (p<0.000), and juice (p<0.000) compared to students who did not eat a la carte foods.^ Although previous studies have found that reducing availability of unhealthy items at school decreased student consumption of these items, the results of this study indicate that even the strict guidelines set forth by the state of Texas are not sufficient to prevent increased caloric intake and poor nutrient intake. Strategies to improve student selection and consumption at school lunch when a la carte foods are available are warranted.^


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The United States has been increasingly concerned with the transnational threat posed by infectious diseases. Effective policy implementation to contain the spread of these diseases requires active engagement and support of the American public. To influence American public opinion and enlist support for related domestic and foreign policies, both domestic agencies and international organizations have framed infectious diseases as security threats, human rights disasters, economic risks, and as medical dangers. This study investigates whether American attitudes and opinions about infectious diseases are influenced by how the issue is framed. It also asks which issue frame has been most influential in shaping public opinion about global infectious diseases when people are exposed to multiple frames. The impact of media frames on public perception of infectious diseases is examined through content analysis of newspaper reports. Stories on SARS, avian flu, and HIV/AIDS were sampled from coverage in The New York Times and The Washington Post between 1999 and 2007. Surveys of public opinion on infectious diseases in the same time period were also drawn from databases like Health Poll Search and iPoll. Statistical analysis tests the relationship between media framing of diseases and changes in public opinion. Results indicate that no one frame was persuasive across all diseases. The economic frame had a significant effect on public opinion about SARS, as did the biomedical frame in the case of avian flu. Both the security and human rights frames affected opinion and increased public support for policies intended to prevent or treat HIV/AIDS. The findings also address the debate on the role and importance of domestic public opinion as a factor in domestic and foreign policy decisions of governments in an increasingly interconnected world. The public is able to make reasonable evaluations of the frames and the domestic and foreign policy issues emphasized in the frames.


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This dissertation addressed the issue of sustainable development at the level of individual behaviors. Environmental perceptions were obtained from people living around the biosphere reserve Chamela-Cuixmala in Jalisco, Mexico. Several environmental issues were identified by the people, such as garbage and grey water on the streets, burning plastics, and the lack of usage of recreational areas. All these issues could be addressed with a change in behavior by the villagers. Familiarization activities were conducted to gain people's trust in order to conduct a community forum. These activities included giving talks to school children and organizing workshops. Four different methodologies were generated using memetics and participation to test which would ameliorate those environmental issues identified by the people through a change in behavior. The methodologies were 1) Memes; 2) Participation and Memes; 3) Participation; 4) Neither Participation nor Memes. A meme is an idea expressed within a linguistic structure or architecture that provides it with self-disseminating and self-protecting characteristics within and among the minds of individuals congruent with their values, beliefs and filters. Four villages were chosen as the treatments, and one as the control, for a total of five experimental villages. A different behavior was addressed in each treatment village (garbage, grey-water, burning plastics, recreation.) A nonequivalent control-group design was established. A pretest was conducted in all five villages; the methodologies were tested in the four treatment villages; a posttest was conducted on the five villages. The pretest and posttest consisted in measuring sensory specific indicators which are manifestations of behavior that can either be seen, smelled, touched, heard or tasted. Statistically significant differences in behavior from the control were found for two of the methodologies 1) Memes (p=0.0403) and 2) Participation and Memes (p=0.0064). For the methodologies of 3) Participation alone and 4) Neither, the differences were not significant (p=0.8827, p=0.5627 respectively). When using memes, people's behavior improved when compared to the control. Participation alone did not generate a significant difference. Participation aided in the generation of the memes. Memetics is a tool that can be used to establish a linkage between human behavior and ecological health.


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Cette recherche s’intéresse au soutien à domicile des personnes âgées dites « en perte d’autonomie » dans un contexte où, d’une part, les inégalités socioéconomiques parmi ce groupe sont marquées et, d’autre part, les services à domicile tendent vers une standardisation et une marchandisation. L’autonomie a été mobilisée comme concept pour mieux appréhender les conditions de vie et les rapports sociaux qui nuisent ou contribuent au bien-être des aînés à domicile, de leur propre point de vue et de celui des auxiliaires familiaux et sociaux qui interviennent auprès d’eux. Ce groupe d’acteurs est généralement évoqué dans la littérature comme ayant une vision sociale et globale des personnes qu’ils visitent, de par leur proximité et intrusion dans l’espace de vie de ces dernières. Le discours dominant par rapport au bien-être des personnes âgées (bien-vieillir ou, en anglais, successful aging) dans la littérature en gérontologie ou dans les documents institutionnels s’articule autour d’une conception fonctionnelle de l’autonomie, au détriment des dimensions plus sociales et relationnelles. Cette recherche a ainsi cherché à investir une perspective sociorelationnelle de l’autonomie, qui se retrouve en sciences sociales chez des auteurs tels que Druhle, Sen, McAll, Honneth, Guillemard et Castoriadis. Ce cadre conceptuel au cœur duquel se trouvent notamment les notions de reconnaissance et de rapports sociaux inégalitaires a servi de porte d’entrée pour analyser 10 entrevues semi-dirigées avec des auxiliaires familiaux et sociaux (qui ont évoqué, chacun, la situation des trois dernières personnes visitées, pour un total de 30 exemples de cas) et 14 entrevues semi-dirigées avec des personnes âgées recevant des services à domicile. Au croisement de ces regards, les résultats de cette recherche suggèrent que les conditions de vie matérielles et relationnelles ont un impact déterminant sur la possibilité pour les aînés de « se sentir vivants » et que pour les personnes les plus défavorisées et/ou isolées, le soutien à domicile se traduit le plus souvent en une situation de « confinement », de « maintien » à domicile. Par rapport à la relation avec les auxiliaires, il apparaît que l’amélioration du bien-être des aînés recevant de l’aide à domicile passe, entre autres, par la création d’un espace relationnel autonome dans lequel la personne existe non seulement comme « corps », mais également comme « esprit ». Par-delà des services offerts, c’est ce type d’interaction (attentif et respectueux des habitudes, intentions et projets qui ont rempli la vie des personnes aidées) qui retient le plus leur attention et mobilise l’essentiel de leur discours sur le soutien à domicile. Il semble également que ce soit parfois en se faisant marginal dans la vie des gens et en créant simplement des espaces favorables à une autonomie collective que le réseau de services peut avoir les impacts les plus positifs sur les personnes, de leur propre point de vue.


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Alors que, dans les années soixante, l’étude des conditions sociales dans leurs conséquences sur la santé mentale semblait une voie d’avenir pour la recherche psychiatrique (Sicot, 2001), il semble que, dans le contexte actuel, elle soit redevenue « hors propos ». Dans ce contexte où la plupart reconnaissent l’hégémonie de l’approche biologique en psychiatrie, quelle place peut être réservée aux conditions sociales pour expliquer l’origine des problèmes de santé mentale? Plusieurs auteurs, issus de la psychiatrie et des sciences humaines, se sont attardés à cette question. De leur avis, certaines conditions sociales, comme celles vécues par les bonnes à tout faire, les assistés sociaux, les immigrants, seraient particulièrement propices au développement de problèmes de santé mentale. Il est proposé dans ce mémoire de se concentrer sur l’impact d’une condition sociale particulière, l’itinérance, sur la santé mentale des personnes qui la vivent. Au terme d’une recension des écrits, des auteurs comme Furtos (2007) ont conclu que l’itinérance, en tant que forme extrême d’exclusion sociale, est à même d’engendrer des problèmes de santé mentale. Toujours avec l’objectif de répondre à la question de l’impact des conditions sociales sur la santé mentale, ce mémoire s’intéresse au point de vue des premières concernées, c’est-à-dire celui des personnes en situation d’itinérance ayant des problèmes de santé mentale. Sur le plan méthodologique, il se fonde sur 10 récits de vie de participants au projet Chez soi, projet de recherche et démonstration sur la santé mentale et l’itinérance de Montréal. Ce mémoire met en lumière les facteurs explicatifs soulignés par les participants au fil de leurs récits de vie et les compare à ceux identifiés dans la littérature se situant dans le courant sociogénétique.


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The staff of 20 substance abuse treatment facilities were administered the Ward Atmosphere Scale, an instrument which measures treatment environment. Ten facilities were freestanding and ten were hospital based, and were drawn from a large, not-for-profit national chain using a random selection process. Controlling for several staff and facility attributes, it was found that no substantial effects on treatment environment existed due to facility type, freestanding or hospital-based. Implications of the study exist in selection of facility type for purchasers of substance abuse treatment and for the hiring and training of clinical staff for treatment facilities. Study findings also suggest that inadequate or insufficient measures exist to examine the construct 'treatment environment'. ^


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In order to fully describe the construct of empowerment and to determine possible measures for this construct in racially and ethnically diverse neighborhoods, a qualitative study based on Grounded Theory was conducted at both the individual and collective levels. Participants for the study included 49 grassroots experts on community empowerment who were interviewed through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The researcher also conducted field observations as part of the research protocol.^ The results of the study identified benchmarks of individual and collective empowerment and hundreds of possible markers of collective empowerment applicable in diverse communities. Results also indicated that community involvement is essential in the selection and implementation of proper measures. Additional findings were that the construct of empowerment involves specific principles of empowering relationships and particular motivational factors. All of these findings lead to a two dimensional model of empowerment based on the concepts of relationships among members of a collective body and the collective body's desire for socio-political change.^ These results suggest that the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs that foster empowerment must be based on collaborative ventures between the population being served and program staff because of the interactive, synergistic nature of the construct. In addition, empowering programs should embrace specific principles and processes of individual and collective empowerment in order to maximize their effectiveness and efficiency. And finally, the results suggest that collaboratively choosing markers to measure the processes and outcomes of empowerment in the main systems and populations living in today's multifaceted communities is a useful mechanism to determine change. ^


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Female inmates make up the fastest growing segment in our criminal justice system today. The rapidly increasing trend for female prisoners calls for enhanced efforts to strategically plan the correctional facilities that address the needs of this growing population, and to work with communities to prevent crime in women. The incarcerated women in the U.S. have an estimated 145,000 minor children who are predisposed to unique psychosocial problems as a result of parental incarceration.^ This study examined the patterns of care and outcomes for pregnant inmates and their infants in Texas state prisons between 1994 and 1996. The study population consists of 202 pregnant inmates who delivered in a 2-year period, and a randomly sampled comparison cohort of 804 women from general Texas population, matched on race and educational levels. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used to elucidate the inmates' risk-factor profile, delivery/birth outcomes, and the patterns of care during pregnancy. The continuity-of-care issues for this population were also explored.^ Epidemiologic data were derived from multiple record systems to establish the comparison between two cohorts. A significantly great proportion of the inmates have prior lifestyle risk-factors (smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug abuse), poorer health status, and worse medical history. However, most of these existing risk-factors seem to show little manifestation in their current pregnancy. On the basis of maternal labor/delivery outcome and a number of neonatal indicators, this study found some evidence of a better pregnancy outcome for the inmate cohort when compared to the comparison group. Some possible explanations of this paradox were discussed. Seventeen percent of inmates gave birth to infants with suspected congenital syphilis. The placement patterns for the infants' care immediately after birth were elucidated.^ In addition to the quantitative data, an ethnographic approach was used to collect qualitative data from a subset of the inmate cohort (n = 20) and 12 care providers. The qualitative data were analyzed for their contents and themes, giving rise to a detailed description of the inmates' pregnancy experience. Eleven themes emerged from the study's thematic analysis, which provides the context for interpreting the epidemiologic data.^ Meaningful findings in this study were presented in a three-dimensional matrix to shed light on the apparent relationship between outcome indicators and their potential determinants. The suspected "linkages" between the outcome and their determinants can be used to generate hypotheses for future studies. ^


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Specific aims. This study estimated the accuracy of alternative numerator methods for attributing health care utilization and associated costs to diabetes by comparing findings from those methods with findings from a benchmark denominator method. ^ Methods. Using Medicare's 1995 inpatient and enrollment databases for the elderly in Texas, the researcher developed alternative estimates of costs attributable to diabetes. Among alternative numerator methods were selection of all records having diabetes as a principal or secondary diagnosis, and a complex ICD-9-CM sorting routine as previously developed for study of diabetes costs in Texas. Findings from numerator methods were compared with those from a benchmark denominator method based on attributable risk and adapted from a study of national diabetes costs by the American Diabetes Association. This study applied age, gender and ethnicity specific estimates of diabetes prevalence taken from the 1987–94 National Health Interview Surveys to person-months of Medicare Part A, non-HMO enrollment for Texas in 1995. Outcome measures were number of persons identified as having diabetes using alternative definitions of the disease; and number of hospital stays, patient days, and costs using alternative methods for attributing care and costs to diabetes. Cost estimates were based on Medicare payments plus deductibles, co-pays and third party payments. ^ Findings. Numerator methods for attributing costs to diabetes produced findings quite different than those from the benchmark denominator method. When attribution was based on diabetes as principal or secondary diagnosis, the resulting estimates were significantly higher than those obtained from the denominator method. The more complex sorting routine produced estimates near the lower boundary for the confidence interval associated with estimates from the benchmark method. ^ Conclusions. Numerator methods employed by previous researchers poorly estimate the costs of diabetes. While crude mathematical adjustment can be made to the respective numerator approaches, a more useful strategy would be to refine the complex sorting routine to include more hospitalizations. This report recommends approaches to improving methods previously employed in study of diabetes costs. ^


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The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of drug abuse among welfare recipients in Houston, TX and compare the work activities and employment barriers of drug abusers in order to better understand the potential effects of welfare reform for this population. Four hypotheses were tested comparing the work activities and employment barriers of drug abusers to others on welfare and the relative importance of drug abuse and employment barriers in predicting work activity. ^ This cross-sectional study examined the characteristics and work activities of 447 welfare recipients (81 drug abusers and 366 non-abusers) who were surveyed between October 1998 and April 1999 in Houston, TX. Subjects were introduced and recruited to participate in the study through a flyer, door to door visits, and peer driven recruitment/referral. ^ About 18% were found to be drug abusers, which is consistent with the national average (10–33%) among welfare recipients. Compared to others on welfare, drug abusers were less involved in work activities, and had more employment barriers. Employment barriers were found to be more predictive of welfare to work activities than drug abuse. The results suggest that alleviating employment barriers should be stressed in programs aimed at welfare recipients with drug abuse problems. ^