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Despite a lack of consistent research, the possible association between school attachment and cyberbullying suggests that targeting school attachment as a method of increasing help-seeking behaviors may be important in intervention strategies for cyberbullying. The present study sought to fill the gap in current literature by examining cyberbullying and school attachment in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adolescents, grades 6-10 (n=9,227). Results found that negative school attachment was significantly associated with greater odds of cyberbullying victimization (OR=4.71, p<0.001), perpetration (OR=2.95, p<0.001), and cyberbully-victim status (OR=3.38, p<0.001). After adjustment for confounding variables, cyberbullying victimization remained significant (OR=1.90, p=0.002). Overall, the present analyses suggest that higher negative school attachment may be associated with higher frequency of cyberbullying behaviors. These findings provide evidence for an association between school attachment and cyberbullying, and support considerations that improving school attachment may be a potential source of intervention against cyberbullying in an adolescent population.^
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 06, Sorbonne Universités.
Objective: To determine whether mental illness is associated with accessibility and remoteness. Design: A cross-sectional, population-based, computer-assisted telephone interview survey, stratified by Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) categories. Setting: Secondary analysis of data collected from 2545 South Australian adults in October and November 2000. Outcome measures: Psychological distress and depression as determined by the Kessler 10 Psychological Distress Scale, the SF-12 measure of health status, and self-reported mental illness diagnosed by a doctor in the previous 12 months. Results: Overall, mental illness prevalence estimates were similar using the three measures of psychological distress (10.5%), clinical depression (12.9%) and self-reported mental health problem (12.7%). For each measure, there was no statistically significant variation in prevalence across ARIA categories, except for a lower than expected prevalence of depression (7.7%) in the accessible category. There was no trend suggesting higher levels of mental illness among residents of rural and remote regions. Conclusions: The prevalence rates of psychological distress, depression and self-reported mental illness are high. However, we found no evidence that the prevalence of these conditions varies substantially across ARIA categories in South Australia. This finding may challenge existing stereotypes about higher levels of mental illness outside metropolitan Australia.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 06, Sorbonne Universités.
Introduction: La démence peut être causée par la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), la maladie cérébrovasculaire (MCEREV), ou une combinaison des deux. Lorsque la maladie cérébrovasculaire est associée à la démence, les chances de survie sont considérées réduites. Il reste à démontrer si le traitement avec des inhibiteurs de la cholinestérase (ChEIs), qui améliore les symptômes cognitifs et la fonction globale chez les patients atteints de la MA, agit aussi sur les formes vasculaires de démence. Objectifs: La présente étude a été conçue pour déterminer si la coexistence d’une MCEREV était associée avec les chances de survie ou la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement chez les patients atteints de la MA et traités avec des ChEIs. Des études montrant de moins bons résultats chez les patients souffrant de MCEREV que chez ceux n’en souffrant pas pourrait militer contre l’utilisation des ChEIs chez les patients atteints à la fois de la MA et la MCEREV. L'objectif d'une seconde analyse était d'évaluer pour la première fois chez les patients atteints de la MA l'impact potentiel du biais de « temps-immortel » (et de suivi) sur ces résultats (mort ou placement en hebergement). Méthodes: Une étude de cohorte rétrospective a été conduite en utilisant les bases de données de la Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec (RAMQ) pour examiner la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou jusqu’au v décès des patients atteints de la MA, âgés de 66 ans et plus, avec ou sans MCEREV, et traités avec des ChEIs entre le 1er Juillet 2000 et le 30 Juin 2003. Puisque les ChEIs sont uniquement indiquées pour la MA au Canada, chaque prescription de ChEIs a été considérée comme un diagnostic de la MA. La MCEREV concomitante a été identifié sur la base d'un diagnostic à vie d’un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ou d’une endartériectomie, ou d’un diagnostic d'un accident ischémique transitoire au cours des six mois précédant la date d’entrée. Des analyses séparées ont été conduites pour les patients utilisant les ChEIs de façon persistante et pour ceux ayant interrompu la thérapie. Sept modèles de régression à risque proportionnel de Cox qui ont varié par rapport à la définition de la date d’entrée (début du suivi) et à la durée du suivi ont été utilisés pour évaluer l'impact du biais de temps-immortel. Résultats: 4,428 patients ont répondu aux critères d’inclusion pour la MA avec MCEREV; le groupe de patients souffrant seulement de la MA comptait 13,512 individus. Pour le critère d’évaluation composite considérant la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou jusqu’au décès, les taux de survie à 1,000 jours étaient plus faibles parmi les patients atteints de la MA avec MCEREV que parmi ceux atteints seulement de la MA (p<0.01), mais les différences absolues étaient très faibles (84% vs. 86% pour l’utilisation continue de ChEIs ; 77% vs. 78% pour la thérapie avec ChEIs interrompue). Pour les critères d’évaluation secondaires, la période jusqu’au décès était plus courte chez les patients avec la MCEREV que sans la MCEREV, mais la période jusqu’au vi placement en hebergement n’était pas différente entre les deux groupes. Dans l'analyse primaire (non-biaisée), aucune association a été trouvée entre le type de ChEI et la mort ou le placement en maison d'hébergement. Cependant, après l'introduction du biais de temps-immortel, on a observé un fort effet différentiel. Limitations: Les résultats peuvent avoir été affectés par le biais de sélection (classification impropre), par les différences entre les groupes en termes de consommation de tabac et d’indice de masse corporelle (ces informations n’étaient pas disponibles dans les bases de données de la RAMQ) et de durée de la thérapie avec les ChEIs. Conclusions: Les associations entre la coexistence d’une MCEREV et la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou au décès apparaissent peu pertinentes cliniquement parmi les patients atteints de la MA traités avec des ChEIs. L’absence de différence entre les patients atteints de la MA souffrant ou non de la MCEREV suggère que la coexistence d’une MCEREV ne devrait pas être une raison de refuser aux patients atteints de la MA l’accès au traitement avec des ChEIs. Le calcul des « personne-temps » non exposés dans l'analyse élimine les estimations biaisées de l'efficacité des médicaments.
La globalización y la competitividad como realidad de las empresas, implica que los gerentes preparen a sus empresas de la mejor manera para sobrevivir en este mundo tan inestable y cambiante. El primer paso consta de investigar y medir como se encuentra la empresa en cada uno de sus componentes, tales como recurso humano, mercadeo, logística, operación y por último y más importante las finanzas. El conocimiento de salud financiera y de los riesgos asociados a la actividad de las empresas, les permitirá a los gerentes tomar las decisiones correctas para ser rentables y perdurables en el mundo de los negocios inmerso en la globalización y competitividad. Esta apreciación es pertinente en Avianca S.A. esto teniendo en cuenta su progreso y evolución desde su primer vuelo el 5 de diciembre de 1919 comercial, hasta hoy cuando cotiza en la bolsa de Nueva York. Se realizó un análisis de tipo descriptivo, acompañado de la aplicación de ratios y nomenclaturas, dando lugar a establecer la salud financiera y los riesgos, no solo de Avianca sino también del sector aeronáutico. Como resultado se obtuvo que el sector aeronáutico sea financieramente saludable en el corto plazo, pero en el largo plazo su salud financiera se ve comprometida por los riegos asociados al sector y a la actividad desarrollada.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a recently defined condition characterized by severe disabling fatigue that persists for a minimum of six months, and a host of somatic and neurocognitive symptoms. Although conditions similar to CFS have been described in the medical literature for over 100 years, little is known about the epidemiology of CFS or of chronic fatigue generally. The San Francisco Fatigue Study was undertaken to describe the prevalence and characteristics of self-reported chronic fatigue and associated conditions in a diverse urban community. The study utilized a cross-sectional telephone survey of a random sample of households in San Francisco, followed by case/control interviews of fatigued and nonfatigued subjects. Respondents were classified as chronically fatigued (CF) if they reported severe fatigue lasting six months or longer, then further classified as having CFS-like illness if, based on self-reported information, their condition appeared to meet CFS case definition criteria. Subjects who reported idiopathic chronic fatigue that did not meet CFS criteria were classified as having ICF-like illness.^ 8004 households were screened, yielding fatigue and demographic information on 16970 residents. CF was reported by 635 persons, 3.7% of the study population. CFS-like illness was identified in 34 subjects (0.2%), and ICF-like illness in 259 subjects (1.6%). Logistic regression analysis indicated that prevalence odds ratios for CFS-like illness were significantly elevated for females compared to males (OR = 2.9), and in Blacks (OR = 2.9) and Native Americans (OR = 13.2) relative to Whites, but significantly lower in Asians (OR = 0.12). Above-average household income was protective for all categories of CF. CFS-like subjects reported more symptoms and were more severely disabled than ICF-like subjects, but the pattern of symptoms experienced by both groups was similar. In conclusion, unexplained chronic fatigue, including CFS-like illness, occurs in all sociodemographic groups, but may be most prevalent among persons with lower incomes and in some racial minorities. Future studies that include clinical evaluation of incident cases of CFS and ICF are required to further clarify the epidemiology of unexplained chronic fatigue in the population. ^
Introduction. A vast majority of studies conducted in both developed and developing nations have focused on the epidemiology of HBV (Hepatitis B virus) and HCV (Hepatitis C virus) in high-risk populations; low-risk populations have been neglected. Recently Hwang et al conducted a unique large cross-sectional study in American university students that focused on cosmetic procedures and drug use for acquiring these infections among a low-risk young adult population In Houston. ^ Methods. This study is a secondary data analysis of the cross-sectional study conducted by Hwang et al. Data for this anonymous study were collected from 7,960 college students, among whom were the 2,561 non US/Canadian born students included in this study. All students completed a self-administered questionnaire and provided a blood sample. The epidemiology of HBV/HCV and risk factors for acquiring HBV/HCV infection was studied by comparing those with HBV/HCV infection versus those without. Both univariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the data. ^ Results. Overall prevalence of HBV and HCV infections were 22% and 0.8% respectively. By multivariable analysis, the factors that were independently associated with increased prevalence of HBV infection were increasing age per year (OR=1.06, 95% C.I=1.04-1.08), Black or Asian race (OR=6.21, 95% C.I=3.14-12.27), history of household contact with hepatitis (OR=1.87, 95% C.I=1.15-3.05), and having sexual partner with hepatitis (OR=5.20, 95% C.I=1.5-18.00). For HCV these factors included increasing age per year (OR= 1.08, 95% C.I=1.03-1.14), history of blood transfusion prior to 1991 (OR=25.45, 95% C.I=7.58-85.40), and Injection drug use. (OR=78.15, 95% C.I=12.19-500.85). Cosmetic procedures like tattooing were not significant risk factors for either HBV or HCV infection. ^ Conclusions. In a low-risk adult foreign born population, cosmetic procedures are not significant risk factors for HBV or HCV infection. The prevention strategies of these infections in this population should focus on safe sexual practices/abstinence and HBV vaccination should be provided to adolescents and sexually active adults. ^
Introduction. Injury mortality was classically described with a tri-modal distribution, with immediate deaths at the scene, early deaths due to hemorrhage, and late deaths from organ failure. We hypothesized that trauma systems development have improved pre-hospital care, early resuscitation, and critical care, and altered this pattern. ^ Methods. This is a population-based study of all trauma deaths in an urban county with a mature trauma system (n=678, median age 33 years, 81% male, 43% gunshot, 20% motor vehicle crashes). Deaths were classified as immediate (scene), early (in hospital, ≤ 4 hours from injury), or late (>4 hours post injury). Multinomial regression was used to identify independent predictors of immediate and early vs. late deaths, adjusted for age, gender, race, intention, mechanism, toxicology and cause of death. ^ Results. There were 416 (61%) immediate, 199 (29%) early, and 63 (10%) late deaths. Immediate deaths remained unchanged and early deaths occurred much earlier (median 52 minutes vs. 120). However, unlike the classic trimodal distribution, there was no late peak. Intentional injuries, alcohol intoxication, asphyxia, and injuries to the head and chest were independent predictors of immediate deaths. Alcohol intoxication and injuries to the chest were predictors of early deaths, while pelvic fractures and blunt assaults were associated with late deaths. ^ Conclusion. Trauma deaths now have a bimodal distribution. Elimination of the late peak likely represents advancements in resuscitation and critical care that have reduced organ failure. Further reductions in mortality will likely come from prevention of intentional injuries, and injuries associated with alcohol intoxication. ^
Background. Obstructive genitourinary defects include all anomalies causing obstruction anywhere along the urinary tract. Previous studies have noted a large excess of males among infants affected by these types of defects. This is the first epidemiologic study focused solely on obstructive genitourinary defects (OGD). ^ Methods. Data on 1,683 mild and 302 severe cases of isolated OGD born between 1999 and 2003 and ascertained by the Texas Birth Defects Registry were compared to all births in Texas during the same time period. Adjusted prevalence odds ratios (POR) were calculated for infant sex, birth weight, gestational age, mother’s race/ethnicity, mother’s age, mother’s education, parity, birth year, start of prenatal care, multiple birth, and public health region of birth. Severe cases were defined as those cases that died prior to birth, died after birth, or underwent surgery for OGD in the first year of life. Cases of OGD that had other major birth defects besides OGD were excluded from this study. ^ Results. Severe cases of OGD were more likely than mild cases to have multiple obstructive genitourinary anomalies (37.8% vs. 18.9%) and bilateral defects (40.9% vs. 31.3%). Males had a significantly greater risk of OGD than females for both severe and mild cases: adjusted POR = 3.26 (95% CI = 2.45-4.33) and adjusted POR = 2.60 (95% CI = 2.33-2.90), respectively. Infants with both severe and mild OGD were more likely to be very preterm birth at birth compared with infants without OGD: crude POR of 16.19 (95% CI = 10.60-24.74) and 4.75 (95% CI = 3.54-6.37), respectively. Among the severe group, minority races had a decreased risk of OGD with an adjusted POR of 0.74 (95% CI = 0.55-0.98) compared with whites. Among the mild cases, increased rates of OGD were found in older mothers (adjusted POR = 1.10, 95% CI = 1.05-1.15), college/higher educated mothers (adjusted POR = 1.07, 95% CI = 1.01-1.13) and multiple births (adjusted POR = 1.28, 95% CI = 1.01-1.62). There was also a decreased risk of mild cases among black mothers compared to whites (adjusted POR = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.52-0.76). Compared to 1999, the prevalence of mild cases of OGD increased significantly over the 5 year study period with an adjusted POR of 1.10 (95% CI = 1.06-1.15) by 2003. ^ Conclusion. Risk factors of OGD for both severe and mild forms were male sex and preterm birth. Severe cases were more likely to have multiple OGD defects and be affected bilaterally. An increase in prevalence of mild cases of OGD over time and differences in rates of black, older, and higher educated mothers in mild cases may be attributed to ultrasound use. ^
Background. Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are environmentally ubiquitous organisms whose epidemiology is poorly understood. Species differ with respect to disease presentation, prognosis, and antimicrobial susceptibility. We reviewed one Texas pediatric hospital's experience with NTM and tuberculosis (TB) disease.^ Methods. This was a retrospective case series of children with culture-confirmed mycobacterial infections seen at a children's hospital from 2003-2008.^ Results. One hundred sixty-two isolates were identified from 150 children; 132 (81.5%) had NTM species isolated, and 30 (18.5%) had M. tuberculosis isolated; 2 children had both NTM and M. tuberculosis isolated. The most common species were Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) (29%), M. tuberculosis (18.5%), M. abscessus (13%), M. fortuitum (11.7%), and M. chelonae-abscessus (9.9%). TB was the most common organism isolated from respiratory specimens. MAC and M. simiae were significantly more likely to be associated with lymphadenopathy than other NTM species (p < 0.001). Mycobacterium fortuitum was significantly more likely to be associated with soft tissue infections than other NTM species (p < 0.001). Seventy-five children met criteria for NTM disease (30 lymphadenopathy, 17 pulmonary, 17 soft tissue infections, 11 bacteremia). Children with NTM lymphadenopathy were more likely to be Hispanic (OR 24, CI 2.8-1063), younger (3.3 years vs. 10.6 years, p < 0.001), and previously healthy (OR 0.004, CI 0-0.06) than children with NTM pulmonary disease. Children with NTM disease were less likely to be previously healthy (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.09-0.88) and foreign-born (OR 0.09, CI 0.03-0.29) than children with TB.^ Conclusions. Children with NTM lymphadenopathy were younger and more likely to be healthy than children with NTM pulmonary disease. Tuberculosis comprised a large proportion of mycobacterial disease in this series. Children with NTM pulmonary disease were less likely to be previously healthy and born abroad when compared to children with TB. There was wide variation in antimicrobial susceptibility patterns among NTM species. This, together with the large percentage of disease caused by TB, emphasizes the importance of securing a specific microbiologic diagnosis in children with pulmonary or lymph node disease caused by mycobacteria.^
A rare familial cancer syndrome involving childhood brain tumors (CBT), breast cancer, sarcomas and an array of other tumors has been described (Li and Fraumeni 1969, 1975, 1982, 1987). A survey of CBT identified through the Connnecticut Tumor Registry in 1984 revealed a high frequency of CBT, leukemia and other childhood cancer in siblings of CBT patients (Farwell and Flannery, 1984). Other syndromes such as neurofibromatosis and nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome have also been associated with CBT; however, no systematic family studies have been conducted to determine the extent to which cancer aggregates in family members of CBT patients. This family study was designed to determine the frequency of cancer aggregation overall or at specific sites, to determine the frequency of known or potentially hereditary syndromes in families of CBT patients, and to determine a genetic model to characterize familial cancer syndromes and to identify specific kindreds to which such a model(s) might apply. This study includes 244 confirmed CBT patients referred to the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center between the years 1944 and 1983, diagnosed under the age of 15 years and resident in the U.S. or Canada. Family histories were obtained on the proband's first (parents, siblings and offspring) and second degree (proband's aunts, uncles and grandparents) relatives following sequential sampling scheme rules. To determine if cancer aggregates in families, we compared the cancer experience in the population to that expected in the general population using Connecticut Tumor Registry calendar year, age, race and sex-specific rates. The standardized incidence ratio (SIR) for cancer overall was 0.91 (41 observed (O) and 44.94 expected (E); 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.65-1.24). We observed a significant excess of colon cancer among the proband's first degree relatives (O/E = 5/1.64; 95% CI = 1.01-7.65), in particular those under age 45 year. Segregation analysis showed evidence for multifactorial inheritance in the small percentage (N = 5) of the families. ^
Among Mexican Americans, the second largest minority group in the United States, the prevalence of gallbladder disease is markedly elevated. Previous data from both genetic admixture and family studies indicate that there is a genetic component to the occurrence of gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans. However, prior to this thesis no formal genetic analysis of gallbladder disease had been carried out nor had any contributing genes been identified.^ The results of complex segregation analysis in a sample of 232 Mexican American pedigrees documented the existence of a major gene having two alleles with age- and gender-specific effects influencing the occurrence of gallbladder disease. The estimated frequency of the allele increasing susceptibility was 0.39. The lifetime probabilities that an individual will be affected by gallbladder disease were 1.0, 0.54, and 0.00 for females of genotypes "AA", "Aa", and "aa", respectively, and 0.68, 0.30, and 0.00 for males, respectively. This analysis provided the first conclusive evidence for the existence of a common single gene having a large effect on the occurrence of gallbladder disease.^ Human cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis. The results of an association study in both a random sample and a matched case/control sample showed that there is a significant association between cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene variation and the occurrence of gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans males but not in females. These data have implicated a specific gene, 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase, in the etiology of gallbladder disease in this population.^ Finally, I asked whether the inferred major gene from complex segregation analysis is genetically linked to the cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene. Three pedigrees predicted to be informative for linkage analysis by virtue of supporting the major gene hypothesis and having parents with informative genotypes and multiple offspring were selected for this linkage analysis. In each of these pedigrees, the recombination fractions maximized at 0 with a positive, albeit low, LOD score. The results of this linkage analysis provide preliminary and suggestive evidence that the cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene and the inferred gallbladder disease susceptibility gene are genetically linked. ^