979 resultados para Health Inequality
Atlas maps data from health inequality profiles
This is the very first Health Inequality Strategy to be published for public consultation by the London Mayor. As such it represents a momentous step forward in galvanising action across London to address the health inequalities which prevent many Londoners from enjoying their life to the full and making the most of what London has to offer. The Greater London Authority Act 2007 requires that the strategy identifies the health inequalities, the priorities for reducing them and the role to be played by a defined list of key partners in order to implement the strategy. It defines health inequalities as inequalities in respect of life expectancy or general state of health which are wholly or partly a result of differences in respect of general health determinants۪, which it describes as: (a) standards of housing, transport services or public safety; (b) employment prospects, earning capacity and any other matters that affect levels of prosperity; (c) the degree of ease or difficulty with which persons have access to public services; (d) the use, or level of use, of tobacco, alcohol or other substances, and any other matters of personal behaviour or lifestyle, that are or may be harmful to health, and any other matters that are determinants of life expectancy or the state of health of persons generally, other than genetic or biological factors.
This briefing paper provides a summary of the policies, theory and practice of setting targets to reduce health inequalities. It offers some guidance for those responsible for setting local targets and sets this in the context of local experience drawn from documentary evidence from health improvement programmes (HImPs), community strategies and health action zones (HAZs).
This is a collection of resources for measuring and monitoring health inequalities that is being developed by SEPHO. The resources include work undertaken in SEPHO, and signposts to other data sources, methods and expertise.
This plan sets out the contribution the Health Development Agency (HDA) aims to make over the next three years to the cross-government objective of improving public health and reducing health inequalities. It reflects clear guidance given to the HDA by the minister for public health following the HDA۪s 2002 accountability review. The result is a smaller number of longer-term programmes fosused on four key delivery priorities: ۢ Underlying determinants of health ۢ The big killers coronary heart disease and cancer ۢ Children and young people ۢ Vulnerable adults
This second corporate business plan explains the purpose of the PHA and focuses on health improvement, health protection and addressing health inequalities. The business plan is available to download below.
Public health services in Ireland, North and South, are committed to addressing inequalities in health on the island of Ireland. This report, prepared by Dr Lorraine Doherty, Assistant Director of Public Health (Health Protection), Public Health Agency NI for the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH), specifically highlights health inequalities in relation to infectious diseases and other areas of health protection such as chemical hazards and environmental disruption. Infectious diseases disproportionately affect the most vulnerable in society. These vulnerable groups bear the highest burden of disease in relation to infectious diseases. The report also highlights the impact of climate change on health protection and the impacts for water, food and vector borne diseases. The aim of this report is to enable a programme of work to begin to document health protection inequalities and develop action plans for addressing them on an all island basis.
This paper reports an analysis of the evolution of income related health inequalities in Spain over the period 1987-2001. We use recently developed methods in order to cardinalise and model self assessed health within a regression framework, decompose the sources of inequality and explain the observed differences between 1987 (one year after the 1986 General Health Act was approved) and 2001 (the latest available representative data on health for the Spanish population). The results show that the period has witnessed a reduction in income related health inequality. The driver of such reduction has been the weakening of the income health gradient, which lends support to the hypothesis that the important health policy reforms implemented over the period have been successful in the objective of reducing socio-economic inequalities in health. Our results also suggest that actions aimed at improving the health of those with low levels of education and of those who are not actively participating in the labor market would lead to further reductions in income related health inequality.
This paper reports an analysis of income related health inequalities at the AutonomousCommunity level in Spain using the self assessed health measure in the 2001 edition of theEncuesta Nacional de Salud. We use recently developed methods in order to cardinalise andmodel self assessed health within a regression framework, decompose the sources ofinequality and explain the observed differences across regions. We find that the regions with the highest levels of mean health tend to enjoy the lowest degrees of income related health inequality and vice-versa. The main feature characterizing regions where income related health inequality is low is the absence of a positive gradient between income and health. In turn, the regions where income related health inequality is greater are characterized by a strong and significant positive gradient between health and income. These results suggest that policies aimed at eliminating the gradient between health and income can potentially lead to greate r reductions in socio-economic health inequalities than policies aimed at redistributing income.
This article analyzes the relationship between employment status (ES), on one hand, and self-rated health and psychological distress, on the other, in the context of the Great Recession beginning in 2008. For this purpose, it is necessary to move beyond the employment/unemployment dichotomy characteristics of previous theories and research concerning the relationship between the labor market, recession, and health. The authors use data from the Spanish National Health Surveys in 2006 (n = 15,128), before the crisis, and in 2012 (n = 11,124), when its consequences had taken effect. The results of the regression analysis indicate a structural change in the relationship between ES and health. Health inequality patterns changed during the crisis, with increased deterioration in the health of unemployed, especially the long-term unemployed, and self-employed workers. Health inequalities were reduced for temporary workers. The results support the idea that the structure of the association between ES and health varies according to the economic cycle. The association between recession, ES, and health would be directly related to the specific characteristics of the economic and employment contexts under study. In the Spanish case, labor market segmentation processes based on numerical flexibility—a key feature of the Mediterranean Variety of Capitalism—may explain the results obtained.
This study revisits the effect of duration by residence in relation to smoking during pregnancy. It contributes to the literature by incorporating a health inequity perspective, and discusses whether immigrants tend to converge with Swedish women’s smoking. The study is based on Swedish Medical Birth Register and includes 1 1864 52 pregnancies between 1991 and 2012. Logistic regression was performed to attain crude and adjusted Odds Ratios and 95 % confidence intervals. Immigrants’ are divided by categorizing countries of origin depending on levels of Human Development (IHDI). Overall immigrant women show low levels of smoking during pregnancy when they arrive to Sweden, by duration of residence levels of smoking increase and converge with smoking patterns of Swedish women. I found that there are differences in smoking patterns depending on IHDI of the country. Immigrant women of higher categories of IHDI show higher levels of smoking although the increase of smoking is higher among immigrant women from categories of lower IHDI. However, immigrant women’s smoking during pregnancy is affected by duration of residence, and the increased smoking is associated with health inequalities related to their country of origins IHDI, and by socioeconomic inequalities in Sweden.
The World Health Organization recommend the Equity-Focused Health Impact Assessment (HIA) as a means to assess the impact of social and economic policies on the health of populations, and acknowledges their contribution to health inequality. We describe the application of the Equity-focusedImpact Assessment methodology on the Portuguese law on Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control (Law No. 37/2007). A rapid assessment was carried out to issue recommendations which could be incorporated into the law during a revision in 2014. Quantitative (consumption and health status indicators; equity analysis) and qualitative (Focus Group) approaches were taken to evaluate the impact of the law and formulate recommendations. Young people, men and women of low socioeconomic status, and pregnant women were identified as requiring specific and appropriate interventions to prevent smoking and support smoking cessation.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the trends of infant mortality from 1995 to 1999 according to a geographic area-based measure of maternal education in Porto Alegre, Brazil. METHODS: A registry-based study was carried out and a municipal database created in 1994 was used. All live births (n=119,170) and infant deaths (n=1,934) were considered. Five different geographic areas were defined according to quintiles of the percentage of low maternal educational level (<6 years of schooling): high, medium high, medium, medium low, and low. The chi-square test for trend was used to compare rates between years. Incidence rate ratio was calculated using Poisson regression to identify excess infant mortality in poorer areas compared to higher schooling areas. RESULTS: The infant mortality rate (IMR) decreased steadily from 18.38 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1995 to 12.21 in 1999 (chi-square for trend p<0.001). Both neonatal and post-neonatal mortality rates decreased although the drop seemed to be steeper for the post-neonatal component. The higher decline was seen in poorer areas. CONCLUSION: Inequalities in IMR seem to have decreased due to a steeper reduction in both neonatal and post-neonatal components of infant mortality in lower maternal schooling area.
Este artigo introduz o conceito de cidadania associado à sua concretização no âmbito da saúde em contextos de diversidade. Conjuga resultados de vários projetos de investigação de cariz qualitativo como forma de ilustrar algumas das estratégias concebidas pelo Estado e pela sociedade civil em resposta às mudanças trazidas pelas migrações internacionais. Assim, identificam-se as necessidades da população, as barreiras de acesso aos cuidados de saúde, as principais fontes de desigualdades e iniquidade e algumas das estratégias desenvolvidas na promoção da equidade em saúde, alertando para a importância de levar em consideração as questões culturais e as de índole socioeconómica.
RESUMO - As desigualdades em saúde estão relacionadas com as condições em que as pessoas se desenvolvem. Estas condições podem ser afetadas, principalmente, por diferenças de rendimento, background socioeconómico, educação e estilos de vida. A adolescência é um período de mudança em que os jovens podem experienciar comportamentos de risco que podem prevalecer na idade adulta. Uma posição socioeconómica inferior, do adolescente, pode estar associada a um aumento na prevalência de consumo de tabaco. Este trabalho tem como objetivo: verificar a associação entre estatuto socioeconómico e consumo de tabaco nos adolescentes em Portugal. Utilizaram-se dados colhidos por questionário, em Abril e Outubro de 2013 na cidade de Coimbra. O questionário insere-se no projeto europeu SILNE. Para avaliar o estatuto socioeconómico foram analisadas cinco variáveis: Family Affluence Scale, privação material, posição social subjetiva, semanada, educação e emprego dos pais. Para estratificar o comportamento do fumador foram desenvolvidas três variáveis: não fumador, experimenter e fumador regular. A análise foi separada por sexo. Constata-se que as raparigas fumam, em média, menos que os rapazes (F =17.1%; M =22.1%). Concluímos que o estatuto socioeconómico, avaliado pela Family Affluence Scale, posição social subjetiva, privação material, educação e emprego dos pais não têm impacto no consumo de tabaco no adolescente. As desigualdades socioeconómicas no consumo de tabaco nos adolescentes estão sim, relacionadas com o próprio estatuto socioeconómico do adolescente, traduzido pela semanada que este recebe. Foi encontrado no desempenho escolar um efeito mediador entre desigualdades socioeconómicas e consumo de tabaco na adolescência.