988 resultados para Hartree Fock scheme correlation errors


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The performance of different correlation functionals has been tested for alkali metals, Li to Cs, interacting with cluster models simulating different active sites of the Si(111) surface. In all cases, the ab initio Hartree-Fock density has been obtained and used as a starting point. The electronic correlation energy is then introduced as an a posteriori correction to the Hartree-Fock energy using different correlation functionals. By making use of the ionic nature of the interaction and of different dissociation limits we have been able to prove that all functionals tested introduce the right correlation energy, although to a different extent. Hence, correlation functionals appear as an effective and easy way to introduce electronic correlation in the ab initio Hartree-Fock description of the chemisorption bond in complex systems where conventional configuration interaction techniques cannot be used. However, the calculated energies may differ by some tens of eV. Therefore, these methods can be employed to get a qualitative idea of how important correlation effects are, but they have some limitations if accurate binding energies are to be obtained.


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The contributions of the correlated and uncorrelated components of the electron-pair density to atomic and molecular intracule I(r) and extracule E(R) densities and its Laplacian functions ∇2I(r) and ∇2E(R) are analyzed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and configuration interaction (CI) levels of theory. The topologies of the uncorrelated components of these functions can be rationalized in terms of the corresponding one-electron densities. In contrast, by analyzing the correlated components of I(r) and E(R), namely, IC(r) and EC(R), the effect of electron Fermi and Coulomb correlation can be assessed at the HF and CI levels of theory. Moreover, the contribution of Coulomb correlation can be isolated by means of difference maps between IC(r) and EC(R) distributions calculated at the two levels of theory. As application examples, the He, Ne, and Ar atomic series, the C2-2, N2, O2+2 molecular series, and the C2H4 molecule have been investigated. For these atoms and molecules, it is found that Fermi correlation accounts for the main characteristics of IC(r) and EC(R), with Coulomb correlation increasing slightly the locality of these functions at the CI level of theory. Furthermore, IC(r), EC(R), and the associated Laplacian functions, reveal the short-ranged nature and high isotropy of Fermi and Coulomb correlation in atoms and molecules


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To obtain a state-of-the-art benchmark potential energy surface (PES) for the archetypal oxidative addition of the methane C-H bond to the palladium atom, we have explored this PES using a hierarchical series of ab initio methods (Hartree-Fock, second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, fourth-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory with single, double and quadruple excitations, coupled cluster theory with single and double excitations (CCSD), and with triple excitations treated perturbatively [CCSD(T)]) and hybrid density functional theory using the B3LYP functional, in combination with a hierarchical series of ten Gaussian-type basis sets, up to g polarization. Relativistic effects are taken into account either through a relativistic effective core potential for palladium or through a full four-component all-electron approach. Counterpoise corrected relative energies of stationary points are converged to within 0.1-0.2 kcal/mol as a function of the basis-set size. Our best estimate of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters is -8.1 (-8.3) kcal/mol for the formation of the reactant complex, 5.8 (3.1) kcal/mol for the activation energy relative to the separate reactants, and 0.8 (-1.2) kcal/mol for the reaction energy (zero-point vibrational energy-corrected values in parentheses). This agrees well with available experimental data. Our work highlights the importance of sufficient higher angular momentum polarization functions, f and g, for correctly describing metal-d-electron correlation and, thus, for obtaining reliable relative energies. We show that standard basis sets, such as LANL2DZ+ 1f for palladium, are not sufficiently polarized for this purpose and lead to erroneous CCSD(T) results. B3LYP is associated with smaller basis set superposition errors and shows faster convergence with basis-set size but yields relative energies (in particular, a reaction barrier) that are ca. 3.5 kcal/mol higher than the corresponding CCSD(T) values


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In the first part I perform Hartree-Fock calculations to show that quantum dots (i.e., two-dimensional systems of up to twenty interacting electrons in an external parabolic potential) undergo a gradual transition to a spin-polarized Wigner crystal with increasing magnetic field strength. The phase diagram and ground state energies have been determined. I tried to improve the ground state of the Wigner crystal by introducing a Jastrow ansatz for the wave function and performing a variational Monte Carlo calculation. The existence of so called magic numbers was also investigated. Finally, I also calculated the heat capacity associated with the rotational degree of freedom of deformed many-body states and suggest an experimental method to detect Wigner crystals.

The second part of the thesis investigates infinite nuclear matter on a cubic lattice. The exact thermal formalism describes nucleons with a Hamiltonian that accommodates on-site and next-neighbor parts of the central, spin-exchange and isospin-exchange interaction. Using auxiliary field Monte Carlo methods, I show that energy and basic saturation properties of nuclear matter can be reproduced. A first order phase transition from an uncorrelated Fermi gas to a clustered system is observed by computing mechanical and thermodynamical quantities such as compressibility, heat capacity, entropy and grand potential. The structure of the clusters is investigated with the help two-body correlations. I compare symmetry energy and first sound velocities with literature and find reasonable agreement. I also calculate the energy of pure neutron matter and search for a similar phase transition, but the survey is restricted by the infamous Monte Carlo sign problem. Also, a regularization scheme to extract potential parameters from scattering lengths and effective ranges is investigated.


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The electronic state of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in the presence of a perpendicular uniform magnetic field and a lateral superlattice (LS) is investigated theoretically. A comparative study is made between a LS induced by a spatial electrostatic potential modulation (referred to as a PMLS) and that induced by a spatial magnetic-field modulation (referred ro asa MMLS). By utilizing a finite-temperature self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation scheme; the dependence of the electronic state on different system parameters (e.g., the modulation period, the modulation strength, the effective electron-electron interaction strength, the averaged electron density, and the system temperature) is studied in detail. The inclusion of exchange effect is found to bring qualitative changes to the electronic state of a PMLS, leading generally to a nonuniform spin splitting, and consequently the behavior of the electronic state becomes similar to that of a MMLS. The Landau-level coupling is taken into account, and is found to introduce some interesting features not observed before. It is also found that, even in the regime of intermediate modulation strength, the density dependence of the spin splitting of energy levels, either for a PMLS or a MMLS, can be qualitatively understood within the picture of a 2DES in a perpendicular magnetic field with the modulation viewed as a perturbation. [S0163-1829(97)02248-0].


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Hyperfine quenching rates of the 3s3p P-3(0) level in Mg-like ions were calculated using the GRASP2K package based on the multi-configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method. Valence and core-valence correlation effects were accounted for in a systematic way. Breit interactions and QED effects were included in the subsequent relativistic CI calculations. Calculated rates were compared with other theoretical values and with experiment, and a good agreement with the latest experimental value for the Al-27(+) ion (Rosenband et al 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 220801) was found. Furthermore, we showed in detail the contributions from Breit interaction and QED effects to concerned physical properties. Finally, electronic data were presented in terms of a general scaling law in Z that, given isotopic nuclear spin and magnetic moment, allows hyperfine-induced decay rates to be estimated for any isotope along the isoelectronic sequence.


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Within the framework of Dirac Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) approach, we calculate the energy per nucleon, the pressure, the nucleon self-energy, and the single-nucleon energy in the nuclear matter by adopting two different covariant representations for T-matrix. We mainly investigate the influence of different covariant representations on the satisfiable extent of the Hugenholtz-Van Hove (HVH) theorem in the nuclear medium in the framework of DBHF. By adopting the two different covariant representations of T-matrix, the predicted nucleon self-energy shows a quite different momentum and density dependence. Different covariant representations affect remarkably the satisfiable extent of the HVH theorem. By adopting the complete pseudo-vector representation of the T-matrix, HVH theorem is largely violated, which is in agreement with the result in the non-relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach and reflects the importance of ground state correlations for single nucleon properties in nuclear medium, whereas by using the pseudoscalar representation, the ground state correlation cannot be shown. It indicates that the complete pseudo-vector presentation is more feasible than the pseudo-scalar one.


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Two-electron-one-photon (TEOP) M1 and E2 transition energies, line strengths and transition probabilities between the states of the 2p(3) and 2s(2)2p odd configurations for B-like ions with 18 <= Z <= 92 have been calculated using the GRASP2K package based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) method. Employing active-space techniques to expand the configuration list, we have systematically considered the valence, core-valence and core-core electron correlation effects. Breit interaction and quantum electrodynamical (QED) effects were also included to correct atomic state wavefunctions and the corresponding energies. Influences of electron correlation, Breit interaction and QED effects on transition energies and line strengths of the TEOP M1 and E2 transitions were analysed in detail. The present results were also compared with other theoretical and experimental values.


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论文系统地介绍和分析了当前几类描述重离子碰撞动力学过程输运理论的优点和缺点,并针对这些理论的不足作为建立我们理论模型的出发点。例如BUU(Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck)系列的输运过程,可以通过不同方法从量子多体理论依照扩展的时间相关的Hartree-Fock(ETDHF)的基本思想推导出来,并对重离子碰撞过程中有关平均场物理量给出了合理的描述。但由于推导中采用了一些半经典近似和参数化近似,破坏了平均场合碰撞项之间的动力学自洽耦合。特别是数值计算中采用了实验粒子系综平均法,从而丢失了多体关联和涨落,使其无法直接描述重离子碰撞中基本的碎块形成和多重碎裂过程。而量子分子动力学(QMD)系列的理论能够给出重离子碰撞过程中碎块形成的动力学描述,但至今无法从量子多体理论推导出有关QMD的输运方程。碰撞项是在数值计算中通过Monte Carlo抽样技术人为地加入的。那么,如何从量子多体理论出发推导出描述重离子碰撞动力学过程的,可将时间相关的平均场,多体关联进行自洽耦合描述的量子输运理论就成了本论文工作的中心目的。 基于王顺金等人建立的多体关联动力学理论,选用时间相关的相干态单粒子基矢作为新理论的工作表象,对两体关联动力学中的一体密度矩阵和两体关联函数进行轨道展开,推导出了描述非相对论重离子碰撞动力学过程的两体关联输运理论TBCTT(Two-Body Correlation Transport Theory)。TBCTT是一组包括时间相关的平均场,两体关联和Pauli原理的自洽耦合的动力学方程组。其中时间相关的相干单粒子基矢是该理论的一个关键问题。其时间演化的动力学可由多种不同的方法得到,如时间相关的Hartree-Fock方法,时间相关的变分方法等。但作为建立TBCTT工作的第一步,为了计算简便,我们采用经典的Hamilton方程来描述相干单粒子基矢中相空间参数的时间演化,然后通过与两体关联动力学的耦合而恢复TBCCT基本的量子特征。 利用TBCTT对几组轻的碰撞系统进行了数值计算和分析。计算结果表明:TBCTT可以给出重离子碰撞过程中的有关物理量时间演化过程的合理描述,得到了在不同入射道条件下与QMD模型的可比性结果。同时也在组态空间的有限截断和两体关联函数不同的等级截断下均得到了碰撞系统总动量,总能量和总粒子数的近似守恒结果,特别是能量守恒,这是一般半经典输运理论中一个重要的困难问题。另外还得到了两体关联函数不同的等级截断近似对碰撞动力学方面不同的描述。所用这些数值计算结果充分表明:TBCTT是一个有希望和有发展前途的能够描述重离子碰撞动力学的量子输运理论。最后我们对当前计算中所采用的近似和存在的问题进行了分析和讨论,提出了进一步改进和完善TBCTT的途径和方案。 我们在开始TBCTT的研究之前还对QMD进行了仔细的研究和改进。通过在平均场中引入Pauli势和对称势并利用摩擦冷却方法构造原子核基态,得到了一种改进的量子分子动力学MQMD。利用这种MQMD研究了12C+12C反应多重碎裂过程中的核结构效应,得到了与AMD和实验数据基本一致的结果。对QMD的改进和应用为开展TBCTT的研究工作创造了必要条件和准备。


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Ground state geometries were searched for transition metal trimers Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, Lu-3, Ti-3, Zr-3, and Hf-3 by density functional methods. For all the studied trimers, our calculation indicates that the ground state geometries are either equilateral triangle (Zr-3 and Hf-3) or near equilateral triangle (Ti-3, Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, and Lu-3). For rare earth trimers Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, and Lu-3, isosceles triangle (near equilateral triangle) at quartet state is the ground state. Isosceles triangle at doublet state is the competitive candidate for the ground state. For Zr-3 and Hf-3, equilateral triangle at singlet state is the most stable. For Ti-3, isosceles triangle (near equilateral triangle) at quintet state gives the ground state. For Sc-3, Zr-3, and Hf-3, where experimental results are available, the predicted geometries are in agreement with experiment in which the ground state is equilateral triangle (Zr-3) or fluxional (Sc-3 and Hf-3). For Y-3, the calculated geometry is in agreement with experimental observation and previous theoretical study that Y-3 is a bent molecule for the ground state.


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C-2 and LaC2+ were studied using Hartree-Fock(HF), B3LYP (Becke 3-paremeter-Lee-Yang-Parr) density functional method, second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation (MP2) and coupled cluster singles and doubles with non-iterative triples(CCSD(T)) methods. The basis set employed was LANL1DZ. Geometries, vibrational frequencies and other quantities were reported. The results showed that for C-2, all the methods performed well for low spin state (singlet), while only HF and B3LYP remained so for high spin state (triplet). For LaC2+, four isomers were presented and fully optimized. The results suggested that linear isomers with C-infinity v and D-infinity h symmetries were predicted to be saddle points on the energy surface for all the methods, while for isomers with C-2 upsilon and C-s symmetries, they were local minima except C-2 upsilon at B3LYP level, and were isoenergetic at HF, MP2 and CCSD(T) levels, near isoenergetic at B3LYP level. From the differences between HOMO and LUMO, it is also known that the isomers with C-2 upsilon and C-s symmetries offer the largest values and therefore correspond to the most stable structure. For La-C bond lengths, B3LYP gives the shortest, the order is B3LYP


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Molecular tunnel junctions involve studying the behaviour of a single molecule sandwiched between metal leads. When a molecule makes contact with electrodes, it becomes open to the environment which can heavily influence its properties, such as electronegativity and electron transport. While the most common computational approaches remain to be single particle approximations, in this thesis it is shown that a more explicit treatment of electron interactions can be required. By studying an open atomic chain junction, it is found that including electron correlations corrects the strong lead-molecule interaction seen by the ΔSCF approximation, and has an impact on junction I − V properties. The need for an accurate description of electronegativity is highlighted by studying a correlated model of hexatriene-di-thiol with a systematically varied correlation parameter and comparing the results to various electronic structure treatments. The results indicating an overestimation of the band gap and underestimation of charge transfer in the Hartree-Fock regime is equivalent to not treating electron-electron correlations. While in the opposite limit, over-compensating for electron-electron interaction leads to underestimated band gap and too high an electron current as seen in DFT/LDA treatment. It is emphasised in this thesis that correcting electronegativity is equivalent to maximising the overlap of the approximate density matrix to the exact reduced density matrix found at the exact many-body solution. In this work, the complex absorbing potential (CAP) formalism which allows for the inclusion metal electrodes into explicit wavefunction many-body formalisms is further developed. The CAP methodology is applied to study the electron state lifetimes and shifts as the junction is made open.


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© 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.A key component in calculations of exchange and correlation energies is the Coulomb operator, which requires the evaluation of two-electron integrals. For localized basis sets, these four-center integrals are most efficiently evaluated with the resolution of identity (RI) technique, which expands basis-function products in an auxiliary basis. In this work we show the practical applicability of a localized RI-variant ('RI-LVL'), which expands products of basis functions only in the subset of those auxiliary basis functions which are located at the same atoms as the basis functions. We demonstrate the accuracy of RI-LVL for Hartree-Fock calculations, for the PBE0 hybrid density functional, as well as for RPA and MP2 perturbation theory. Molecular test sets used include the S22 set of weakly interacting molecules, the G3 test set, as well as the G2-1 and BH76 test sets, and heavy elements including titanium dioxide, copper and gold clusters. Our RI-LVL implementation paves the way for linear-scaling RI-based hybrid functional calculations for large systems and for all-electron many-body perturbation theory with significantly reduced computational and memory cost.


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An effective frozen core approximation has been developed and applied to the calculation of energy levels and ionization energies of the beryllium atom in magnetic field strengths up to 2.35 x 10(5) T. Systematic improvement over the existing results for the beryllium ground and low-lying states has been accomplished by taking into account most of the correlation effects in the four-electron system. To our knowledge, this is the first calculation of the electronic properties of the beryllium atom in a strong magnetic field carried out using a configuration interaction approximation and thus allowing a treatment beyond that of Hartree-Fock. Differing roles played by strong magnetic fields in intrashell correlation within different states are observed. In addition, possible ways to gain further improvement in the energies of the states of interest are proposed and discussed briefly.


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Two- and three-photon detachment rates have been obtained for F- using several expansions in the R-matrix Floquet approach. These rates are compared with other theoretical and experimental results. The use of Hartree-Fock wavefunctions for the ground state of F with addition of continuum electrons does not lead to agreement with experiment for two- and three-photon detachment. By adding correlation terms, agreement with experiment and other theoretical results is improved considerably, demonstrating the importance of electron correlation effects. However, convergence with respect to the wavefunction expansion cannot be established, we also study the intensity dependence of multiphoton detachment rates for F- at the Nd-YAG frequency. Due to the ponderomotive shift the three-photon detachment channel closes at an intensity of 8.5 x 10(11) W cm(-2) and the influence of this channel closure on the multiphoton detachment peaks is illustrated by determining the heights of the excess-photon peaks obtained using a Gaussian laser pulse.