1000 resultados para Harmonic emission


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Optically pumped stimulated emission behavior in an organic film was demonstrated in this study. The gain material consists of a laser dye perylene doped into polystyrene (PS) matrix in an appropriate weight ratio. The sample was transversely pumped by the three harmonic output of a mode-locked Nd:YAG laser. The change of the emission spectra showed a clear threshold action and gain narrowing phenomenon when increasing the excitation intensity. Three emission peaks were observed below the excitation threshold, which are locate at 446, 475 and 506 nm, respectively. However, only the gain narrowing peak centered at 475 nm could be detected above the threshold. The spectra narrowing observed results from the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in the gain material. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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A dye laser based on the soluble conjugated polymer, Poly[1,8-octanedioxy-2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-phenylene-1,2-ethenylene-1, 4-phenylene-1,2-ethenylene-3,5-dimethoxy-1,4-phenylene], has been fabricated. The laser was pumped by light pulses from the third harmonic radiation of an Nd:YAG laser. The lasing was observed in the blue wavelength region with the peak at 450 nm. The threshold energy is about 19 mu J. The energy conversion yield of the laser is about 3.4%. The maximum peak power of the laser output pulse arrives at about 20 kW.


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The generation of extremely bright coherent X-ray pulses in the femtosecond and attosecond regime is currently one of the most exciting frontiers of physics - allowing, for the first time, measurements with unprecedented temporal resolution(1-6). Harmonics from laser - solid target interactions have been identified as a means of achieving fields as high as the Schwinger limit(2,7) (E = 1.3 x 10(16) V m(-1)) and as a highly promising route to high-efficiency attosecond (10(-18) s) pulses(8) owing to their intrinsically phase-locked nature. The key steps to attain these goals are achieving high conversion efficiencies and a slow decay of harmonic efficiency to high orders by driving harmonic production to the relativistic limit(1). Here we present the first experimental demonstration of high harmonic generation in the relativistic limit, obtained on the Vulcan Petawatt laser(9). High conversion efficiencies (eta> 10(-6) per harmonic) and bright emission (> 10(22) photons s(-1) mm(-2) mrad(-2) (0.1% bandwidth)) are observed at wavelengths <4 nm ( the 'water-window' region of particular interest for bio-microscopy).


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The mechanism of harmonic generation in the interaction of short laser pulses with solid targets holds the promise for the production of intense attosecond pulses. Using the three dimensional code ILLUMINATION we have performed simulations pertaining to an experimentally realizable parameter range by high power laser systems to become available in the near future. The emphasis of the investigation is on the coherent nature of the emission. We studied the influence of the plasma scale length on the harmonic efficiency, angular distribution and the focusability using a post processing scheme in which the far-field of the emission is calculated. It is found that the presence of an extended density profile reduces significantly the transverse coherence length of the emitted XUV light. The different stages of the interaction for two particular cases can be followed with the help of movies.


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The first evidence of x-ray harmonic radiation extending to 3.3 A, 3.8 keV (order n > 3200) from petawatt class laser-solid interactions is presented, exhibiting relativistic limit efficiency scaling (eta similar to n(-2.5)-n(-3)) at multi-keV energies. This scaling holds up to a maximum order, n(RO)similar to 8(1/2)gamma(3), where gamma is the relativistic Lorentz factor, above which the first evidence of an intensity dependent efficiency rollover is observed. The coherent nature of the generated harmonics is demonstrated by the highly directional beamed emission, which for photon energy h nu > 1 keV is found to be into a cone angle similar to 4 degrees, significantly less than that of the incident laser cone (20 degrees).


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The transport of relativistic electrons generated in the interaction of petawatt class lasers with solid targets has been studied through measurements of the second harmonic optical emission from their rear surface. The high degree of polarization of the emission indicates that it is predominantly optical transition radiation (TR). A halo that surrounds the main region of emission is also polarized and is attributed to the effect of electron recirculation. The variation of the polarization state and intensity of radiation with the angle of observation indicates that the emission of TR is highly directional and provides evidence for the presence of mu m-size filaments. A brief discussion on the possible causes of such a fine electron beam structure is given.


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The level of second-harmonic light emitted from a laser-exploded foil plasma at nominal irradiance up to 3.10(13) W/cm2 was found to be extremely sensitive to both target position and irradiance on target. Either a small target displacement or a small increase in irradiance resulted in a jump of the 2omega level of more than three orders of magnitude. Correspondingly, a transition was observed from a 2omega source pattern clearly signed by the original laser spot pattern to unstable patterns of filaments whose size is consistent with the maximum growth of the instability.


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We present data on emission of K-shell radiation from Ti foils irradiated with subpicosecond pulses of second harmonic radiation (527 nm) from the TARANIS laser system at intensities of up to 1018 Wcm-2. The data are used to demonstrate that a resonance absorption type mechanism is responsible for absorption of the laser light and to estimate fast electron temperatures of 30–60 keV that are in broad agreement with expectation from models of absorption for a steep density gradient. Data taken with resin-backed targets are used to demonstrate clear evidence of electron refluxing even at the modest fast electron temperatures inferred.


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Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray harmonic spectra produced by intense laser-solid interactions have, so far, been consistent with Doppler upshifted reflection from collective relativistic plasma oscillations-the relativistically oscillating mirror mechanism(1-6). Recent theoretical work, however, has identified a new interaction regime in which dense electron nanobunches are formed at the plasma-vacuum boundary resulting in coherent XUV radiation by coherent synchrotron emission(7,8) (CSE). Our experiments enable the isolation of CSE from competing processes, demonstrating that electron nanobunch formation does indeed occur. We observe spectra with the characteristic spectral signature of CSE-a slow decay of intensity, I, with high-harmonic order, n, as I(n) proportional to n(-1.62) before a rapid efficiency rollover. Particle-in-cell code simulations reveal how dense nanobunches of electrons are periodically formed and accelerated during normal-incidence interactions with ultrathin foils and result in CSE in the transmitted direction. This observation of CSE presents a route to high-energy XUV pulses(7,8) and offers a new window on understanding ultrafast energy coupling during intense laser-solid density interactions.


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We have carried out optical Thomson scattering measurements from a laser induced breakdown in He at 1 atmosphere. The breakdown was created with a Nd:YAG laser with 9ns pulse duration and 400mJ pulse energy focused into a chamber filled with He. A second harmonic Nd: YAG laser with 9ns pulses and up to 80mJ energy was used to obtain temporally and spatially resolved data on the electron density and temperature. In parallel experiments, we measured the emission of the 447.1nm line from He I. Initial results suggest good agreement between densities inferred but full Abel inversion is needed for conclusive results.


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The polarization dependence of laser-driven coherent synchrotron emission transmitted through thin foils is investigated experimentally. The harmonic generation process is seen to be almost completely suppressed for circular polarization opening up the possibility of producing isolated attosecond pulses via polarization gating. Particle-in-cell simulations suggest that current laser pulses are capable of generating isolated attosecond pulses with high pulse energies.


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Ultrashort, high contrast laser pulses when focused to high intensity and reflected from a steep solid density 'plasma mirror (PM)' contain coherent XUV radiation in the form of high-order harmonics. The emission can either be due to the relativistically driven oscillating PM (ROM) [1] or due to Coherent wake emission (CWE) [2]. Selective control over the mechanisms and the characteristics of these harmonics and understanding the physics is crucial for the development of intense attosecond light sources. © 2013 IEEE.


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We undertake a thorough analysis of the thermodynamics of the trajectories followed by a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to $N$ dissipative baths by using a new approach to large-deviation theory inspired by phase-space quantum optics. As an illustrative example, we study the archetypal case of a harmonic oscillator coupled to two thermal baths, allowing for a comparison with the analogous classical result. In the low-temperature limit, we find a significant quantum suppression in the rate of work exchanged between the system and each bath. We further show how the presented method is capable of giving analytical results even for the case of a driven harmonic oscillator. Based on that result, we analyse the laser cooling of the motion of a trapped ion or optomechanical system, illustrating how the emission statistics can be controllably altered by the driving force.


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Optical emission spectroscopic studies were carried out on the plasma produced by ablation of zinc oxide target using the third harmonic 355 nm of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, in vacuum and at three different ambient gas oxygen pressures. The spatial variations of electron density Ne and electron temperature Te were studied up to a distance of 20 mm from the target surface. The kinematics of the emitted particles and the expansion of the plume edge are discussed. The optimum conditions favorable for the formation of high quality zinc oxide thin films are thereby suggested.


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We present photoluminescence and decay of photo excited conductivity data for sol-gel SnO(2) thin films doped with rare earth ions Eu(3+) and Er(3+), a material with nanoscopic crystallites. Photoluminescence spectra are obtained under excitation with several monochromatic light sources, such as Kr(+) and Ar(+) lasers, Xe lamp plus a selective monochromator with UV grating, and the fourth harmonic of a Nd: YAG laser (4.65eV), which assures band-to-band transition and energy transfer to the ion located at matrix sites, substitutional to Sn(4+). The luminescence structure is rather different depending on the location of the rare-earth doping, at lattice symmetric sites or segregated at grain boundary layer, where it is placed in asymmetric sites. The decay of photo-excited conductivity also shows different trapping rate depending on the rare-earth concentration. For Er-doped films, above the saturation limit, the evaluated capture energy is higher than for films with concentration below the limit, in good agreement with the different behaviour obtained from luminescence data. For Eu-doped films, the difference between capture energy and grain boundary barrier is not so evident, even though the luminescence spectra are rather distinct.