988 resultados para Hadronic physics
In high energy heavy ion collisions a hot and dense medium is formed, where the hadronic masses may be shifted from their asymptotic values. If this mass modification occurs, squeezed back-to-back correlations (BBC) of particle-antiparticle pairs are predicted to appear, both in the femionic (fBBC) and in the bosonic (bBBC) sectors. Although they have unlimited intensity even for finite-size expanding systems, these hadronic squeezed correlations are very sensitive to their time emission distribution. Here we discuss results in case this time emission is parameterized by a Lévy-type distribution, showing that it reduces the signal even more dramatically than a Lorentzian distribution, which already reduces the intensity of the effect by orders of magnitude, as compared to the sudden emission. However, we show that the signal could still survive if the duration of the process is short, and if the effect is searched for lighter mesons, such as kaons. We compare some of our results to recent PHENIX preliminary data on squeezed correlations of K +K - pairs. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
A search is presented for physics beyond the standard model (BSM) in final states with a pair of opposite-sign isolated leptons accompanied by jets and missing transverse energy. The search uses LHC data recorded at a center-of-mass energy s=7 TeV with the CMS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 5 fb-1. Two complementary search strategies are employed. The first probes models with a specific dilepton production mechanism that leads to a characteristic kinematic edge in the dilepton mass distribution. The second strategy probes models of dilepton production with heavy, colored objects that decay to final states including invisible particles, leading to very large hadronic activity and missing transverse energy. No evidence for an event yield in excess of the standard model expectations is found. Upper limits on the BSM contributions to the signal regions are deduced from the results, which are used to exclude a region of the parameter space of the constrained minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model. Additional information related to detector efficiencies and response is provided to allow testing specific models of BSM physics not considered in this Letter. © 2012 CERN.
We study resonant pair production of heavy particles in fully hadronic final states by means of jet substructure techniques. We propose a new resonance tagging strategy that smoothly interpolates between the highly boosted and fully resolved regimes, leading to uniform signal efficiencies and background rejection rates across a broad range of masses. Our method makes it possible to efficiently replace independent experimental searches, based on different final state topologies, with a single common analysis. As a case study, we apply our technique to pair production of Higgs bosons decaying into b\overline{b} pairs in generic New Physics scenarios. We adopt as benchmark models radion and massive KK graviton production in warped extra dimensions. We find that despite the overwhelming QCD background, the 4b final state has enough sensitivity to provide a complementary handle in searches for enhanced Higgs pair production at the LHC. © 2013 SISSA.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
With the one-boson-exchange model, we study the interaction between the S-wave D(*)/D-s(*) meson and S-wave B(*)/B-s(*) meson considering the S-D mixing effect. Our calculation indicates that there may exist the B-c-like molecular states. We estimate their masses and list the possible decay modes of these B-c-like molecular states, which may be useful to the future experimental search.
Lattice calculations of the QCD trace anomaly at temperatures T < 160 MeV have been shown to match hadron resonance gas model calculations, which include an exponentially rising hadron mass spectrum. In this paper we perform a more detailed comparison of the model calculations to lattice data that confirms the need for an exponentially increasing density of hadronic states. Also, we find that the lattice data is compatible with a hadron density of states that goes as rho(m) similar to m(-a) exp(m/T-H) at large m with a > 5/2 (where T-H similar to 167 MeV). With this specific subleading contribution to the density of states, heavy resonances are most likely to undergo two-body decay (instead of multiparticle decay), which facilitates their inclusion into hadron transport codes. Moreover, estimates for the shear viscosity and the shear relaxation time coefficient of the hadron resonance model computed within the excluded volume approximation suggest that these transport coefficients are sensitive to the parameters that define the hadron mass spectrum.
The self-consistency of a thermodynamical theory for hadronic systems based on the non-extensive statistics is investigated. We show that it is possible to obtain a self-consistent theory according to the asymptotic bootstrap principle if the mass spectrum and the energy density increase q-exponentially. A direct consequence is the existence of a limiting effective temperature for the hadronic system. We show that this result is in agreement with experiments. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present state of the theoretical predictions for the hadronic heavy hadron production is not quite satisfactory. The full next-to-leading order (NLO) ${cal O} (alpha_s^3)$ corrections to the hadroproduction of heavy quarks have raised the leading order (LO) ${cal O} (alpha_s^2)$ estimates but the NLO predictions are still slightly below the experimental numbers. Moreover, the theoretical NLO predictions suffer from the usual large uncertainty resulting from the freedom in the choice of renormalization and factorization scales of perturbative QCD.In this light there are hopes that a next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) ${cal O} (alpha_s^4)$ calculation will bring theoretical predictions even closer to the experimental data. Also, the dependence on the factorization and renormalization scales of the physical process is expected to be greatly reduced at NNLO. This would reduce the theoretical uncertainty and therefore make the comparison between theory and experiment much more significant. In this thesis I have concentrated on that part of NNLO corrections for hadronic heavy quark production where one-loop integrals contribute in the form of a loop-by-loop product. In the first part of the thesis I use dimensional regularization to calculate the ${cal O}(ep^2)$ expansion of scalar one-loop one-, two-, three- and four-point integrals. The Laurent series of the scalar integrals is needed as an input for the calculation of the one-loop matrix elements for the loop-by-loop contributions. Since each factor of the loop-by-loop product has negative powers of the dimensional regularization parameter $ep$ up to ${cal O}(ep^{-2})$, the Laurent series of the scalar integrals has to be calculated up to ${cal O}(ep^2)$. The negative powers of $ep$ are a consequence of ultraviolet and infrared/collinear (or mass ) divergences. Among the scalar integrals the four-point integrals are the most complicated. The ${cal O}(ep^2)$ expansion of the three- and four-point integrals contains in general classical polylogarithms up to ${rm Li}_4$ and $L$-functions related to multiple polylogarithms of maximal weight and depth four. All results for the scalar integrals are also available in electronic form. In the second part of the thesis I discuss the properties of the classical polylogarithms. I present the algorithms which allow one to reduce the number of the polylogarithms in an expression. I derive identities for the $L$-functions which have been intensively used in order to reduce the length of the final results for the scalar integrals. I also discuss the properties of multiple polylogarithms. I derive identities to express the $L$-functions in terms of multiple polylogarithms. In the third part I investigate the numerical efficiency of the results for the scalar integrals. The dependence of the evaluation time on the relative error is discussed. In the forth part of the thesis I present the larger part of the ${cal O}(ep^2)$ results on one-loop matrix elements in heavy flavor hadroproduction containing the full spin information. The ${cal O}(ep^2)$ terms arise as a combination of the ${cal O}(ep^2)$ results for the scalar integrals, the spin algebra and the Passarino-Veltman decomposition. The one-loop matrix elements will be needed as input in the determination of the loop-by-loop part of NNLO for the hadronic heavy flavor production.
The standard model (SM) of particle physics is a theory, describing three out of four fundamental forces. In this model the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix describes the transformation between the mass and weak eigenstates of quarks. The matrix properties can be visualized as triangles in the complex plane. A precise measurement of all triangle parameters can be used to verify the validity of the SM. The least precisely measured parameter of the triangle is related to the CKM element |Vtd|, accessible through the mixing frequency (oscillation) of neutral B mesons, where mixing is the transition of a neutral meson into its anti-particle and vice versa. It is possible to calculate the CKM element |Vtd| and a related element |Vts| by measuring the mass differences Dmd (Dms ) between neutral Bd and bar{Bd} (Bs and bar{Bs}) meson mass eigenstates. This measurement is accomplished by tagging the initial and final state of decaying B mesons and determining their lifetime. Currently the Fermilab Tevatron Collider (providing pbar{p} collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV) is the only place, where Bs oscillations can be studied. The first selection of the "golden", fully hadronic decay mode Bs->Ds pi(phi pi)X at DØ is presented in this thesis. All data, taken between April 2002 and August 2007 with the DØ detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of int{L}dt=2.8/fb is used. The oscillation frequency Dms and the ratio |Vtd|/|Vts| are determined as Dms = (16.6 +0.5-0.4(stat) +0.4-0.3(sys)) 1/ps, |Vtd|/|Vts| = 0.213 +0.004-0.003(exp)pm 0.008(theor). These results are consistent with the standard model expectations and no evidence for new physics is observable.
The lattice formulation of Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) has become a reliable tool providing an ab initio calculation of low-energy quantities. Despite numerous successes, systematic uncertainties, such as discretisation effects, finite-size effects, and contaminations from excited states, are inherent in any lattice calculation. Simulations with controlled systematic uncertainties and close to the physical pion mass have become state-of-the-art. We present such a calculation for various hadronic matrix elements using non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermions with two dynamical light quark flavours. The main topics covered in this thesis are the axial charge of the nucleon, the electro-magnetic form factors of the nucleon, and the leading hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Lattice simulations typically tend to underestimate the axial charge of the nucleon by 5 − 10%. We show that including excited state contaminations using the summed operator insertion method leads to agreement with the experimentally determined value. Further studies of systematic uncertainties reveal only small discretisation effects. For the electro-magnetic form factors of the nucleon, we see a similar contamination from excited states as for the axial charge. The electro-magnetic radii, extracted from a dipole fit to the momentum dependence of the form factors, show no indication of finite-size or cutoff effects. If we include excited states using the summed operator insertion method, we achieve better agreement with the radii from phenomenology. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon can be measured and predicted to very high precision. The theoretical prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment receives contribution from strong, weak, and electro-magnetic interactions, where the hadronic contributions dominate the uncertainties. A persistent 3σ tension between the experimental determination and the theoretical calculation is found, which is considered to be an indication for physics beyond the Standard Model. We present a calculation of the connected part of the hadronic vacuum polarisation using lattice QCD. Partially twisted boundary conditions lead to a significant improvement of the vacuum polarisation in the region of small momentum transfer, which is crucial in the extraction of the hadronic vacuum polarisation.