998 resultados para HUMAN-ENAMEL


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Since bovine teeth have been used as substitutes for human teeth in in vitro dental studies, the aim of this study was to compare the radiographic density of bovine teeth with that of human teeth to evaluate their usability for radiographic studies. Thirty bovine and twenty human teeth were cut transversally in 1 millimeter-thick slices. The slices were X-rayed using a digital radiographic system and an intraoral X-ray machine at 65 kVp and 7 mA. The exposure time (0.08 s) and the target-sensor distance (40 cm) were standardized for all the radiographs. The radiographic densities of the enamel, coronal dentin and radicular dentin of each slice were obtained separately using the histogram tool of Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software. The mean radiographic densities of the enamel, coronal dentin and radicular dentin were calculated by the arithmetic mean of the slices of each tooth. One-way ANOVA demonstrated statistically significant differences for the densities of bovine and human enamel (p < 0.05) and for bovine and human coronal dentin (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found for the bovine and human radicular dentin (p > 0.05). Based on the results, the authors concluded that: a) the radiographic density of bovine enamel is significantly higher than that of human enamel; b) the radiodensity of bovine coronal dentin is statistically lower than the radiodensity of human coronal dentin; bovine radicular dentin is also less radiodense than human radicular dentin, although this difference was not statistically significant; c) bovine teeth should be used with care in radiographic in vitro studies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Iron has been suggested to reduce the erosive potential of cola drinks in vitro. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate in situ the effect of ferrous sulfate supplementation on the inhibition of the erosion caused by a cola drink. Material and Methods: Ten adult volunteers participated in a crossover protocol conducted in two phases of 5 days, separated by a washout period of 7 days. In each phase, they wore palatal devices containing two human enamel and two human dentin blocks. The volunteers immersed the devices for 5 min in 150 mL of cola drink (Coca-Cola (TM), pH 2.6), containing ferrous sulfate (10 mmol/L) or not (control), 4 times per day. The effect of ferrous sulfate on the inhibition of erosion was evaluated by profilometry (wear). Data were analyzed by paired t tests (p<0.05). Results: The mean wear (+/- se) was significantly reduced in the presence of ferrous sulfate, both for enamel (control: 5.8 +/- 1.0 mu m; ferrous sulfate: 2.8 +/- 0.6 mu m) and dentin (control: 4.8 +/- 0.8 mu m; ferrous sulfate: 1.7 +/- 0.7 mu m). Conclusions: The supplementation of cola drinks with ferrous sulfate can be a good alternative for the reduction of their erosive potential. Additional studies should be done to test if lower ferrous sulfate concentrations can also have a protective effect as well as the combination of ferrous sulfate with other ions.


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The acquired enamel pellicle that forms on the tooth surface serves as a natural protective barrier against dental erosion. Numerous proteins composing the pellicle serve different functions within this thin layer. Our study examined the effect of incorporated mucin and casein on the erosion-inhibiting potential of the acquired enamel pellicle. Cyclic acidic conditions were applied to mimic the erosive environment present at the human enamel interface during the consumption of soft drinks. One hundred enamel specimens were prepared for microhardness tests and distributed randomly into 5 groups (n = 20) that received the following treatment: deionized water, humidity chamber, mucin, casein, or a combination of mucin and casein. Each group was exposed to 3 cycles of a 2-hour incubation in human saliva, followed by a 2-hour treatment in the testing solution and a 1-min exposure to citric acid. The microhardness analysis demonstrated that the mixture of casein and mucin significantly improved the erosion-inhibiting properties of the human pellicle layer. The addition of individual proteins did not statistically impact the function of the pellicle. These data suggest that protein-protein interactions may play an important role in the effectiveness of the pellicle to prevent erosion.


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OBJECTIVES The study investigated the modification of composite-to-enamel bond strength by pre-treatment of enamel with a concentrated, acidic SnCl2-solution. METHODS Six groups of flat human enamel specimens (n=44 per group) were treated as follows: OB-H: H3PO4 etching, Optibond FL application (primer+adhesive; manufacturer's instructions); OB-S: SnCl2 pre-treatment, Optibond FL application (primer+adhesive); OB-HS: H3PO4 etching+SnCl2 pre-treatment, Optibond FL application (primer+adhesive); CF-N: Clearfil SE application (primer+bond; manufacturer's instructions); CF-H: H3PO4 etching, Clearfil SE application (primer+bond); CF-S: SnCl2 pre-treatment, Clearfil SE application (primer+bond). Enamel specimens were then built up with resin composite (Clearfil Majesty Esthetic) and stored (100% humidity, 37 °C, 1 week). μTBS-measurement and failure mode analysis of one-half of the specimens were performed immediately after storage, while the other half was analysed after a thermocycling procedure (8500 cycles; 5 °C and 55 °C; dwell time 30s). Additional specimens were prepared for SEM- and EDX-analysis. RESULTS Highest values were measured for OB-H before and after thermocycling, lowest values for CF-N. Compared to OB-H treatment, OB-S treatment reduced μTBS before/after thermocycling by 23%/28% and OB-HS treatment by 8%/24% (except for OB-SH before (n.s.), all p≤0.001 compared to OB-H). In the Clearfil SE treated groups pre-treatment increased μTBS significantly compared to CF-N (before/after: CF-H: +46%/+70%; CF-S: +51%/42%; all p≤0.001). CONCLUSION Pre-treatment with H3PO4 or SnCl2 markedly increased the μTBS of Clearfil SE to enamel. However, thermocycling partly reduced the gain in μTBS obtained by SnCl2 pre-treatment. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The application of an acidic and highly concentrated SnCl2 solution is a good option to increase the μTBS between enamel and a resin composite mediated by an adhesive system containing the multifunctional monomer MDP.


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Enamel proteins form a scaffold for growing hydroxyapatite crystals during enamel formation. They are then almost completely degraded during enamel maturation, resulting in a protein content of only 1% (w/v) in mature enamel. Nevertheless, this small amount of remaining proteins has important effects on the mechanical and structural properties of enamel and on the electrostatic properties of its surface. To analyze how enamel proteins affect tooth erosion, human enamel specimens were deproteinated. Surface microhardness (SMH), surface reflection intensity (SRI) and calcium release of both deproteinated and control specimens were monitored while continuously eroding them. The deproteination itself already reduced the initial SMH and SRI of the enamel significantly (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01). During the course of erosion, the progression of all three evaluated parameters differed significantly between the two groups (p < 0.001 for each). The deproteinated enamel lost its SMH and SRI faster, and released more calcium than the control group, but these differences were only significant at later stages of erosion, where not only surface softening but surface loss can be observed. We conclude that enamel proteins have a significant effect on erosion, protecting the enamel and slowing down the progression of erosion when irreversible surface loss starts to occur.


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Aim: To evaluate the effect of different in-office bleaching agents on the permeability, roughness and surface microhardness of human enamel. Methods: For evaluation of roughness and microhardness, 40 hemi-faces of 20 premolars were subjected to initial roughness (Ra parameter) and microhardness (VHN) measurements. Thirty-two premolar’s crowns were used for permeability test. Then, all specimens were randomly divided into four groups: C - without bleaching (control), HP35 - bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP), HPF38 - 38% HP+fluoride, HPC35 - 35% HP+calcium. Final roughness (FR) and microhardness (FM) measurements were evaluated. For permeability, the 32 crowns were immersed in 1% sodium hypochlorite (20 min) and silver nitrate solutions (2 h) and subjected to developing solution under fluorescent light (16 h). Three sections from the crowns were analyzed in light microscope (100x) to evaluate the scores of permeability: Score 0 - no tracer agent penetration; Score 1 - less than half the thickness of enamel penetration; Score 2 - tracer agent reaching half the enamel thickness; Score 3 - entire enamel depth penetration, without reaching dentin and Score 4 - tracer agent reaching dentin. For roughness and microhardness evaluation were used one-way ANOVA and Dunnet post-test for independent samples, and t test for paired samples. For permeability, the data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and Dunn tests. Results: A significantly higher permeability and surface roughness were observed in groups HP35, HPF38 and HPC35 compared to the C group, as well as decreased microhardness (p<0.05). Conclusions: All bleaching agents increased permeability and surface roughness, and decreased microhardness of human enamel; thus, the addition of fluoride or calcium was not beneficial.


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Com a introdução do flúor como o principal agente anticariogênico e, talvez, um aumento do flúor na nossa cadeia alimentar, a fluorose dentária tornou-se um problema mundial. Os mecanismos que conduzem à formação do esmalte fluorótico são desconhecidos, mas devem envolver modificações nas reações físico-químicas básicas de desmineralização e remineralização do esmalte dentário. O aumento daquantidade de flúor no cristal apatita resulta no aumento dos parâmetros de rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar o esmalte dentário humano saudável e fluorótico usando difração de raios X com luz síncrotron. Todos os perfis de espalhamento foram medidos na linha de difração de raios X (XRD1) do Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Campinas SP. Os experimentos foram realizados usando amostras em pó e em lâminas polidas. As amostras em pó foram analisadas a fim de obter a caracterização do esmalte dentário saudável. As lâminas foram analisadas em áreas do esmalte específicas identificadas como fluoróticas. Todos os perfis foram comparados com amostras de esmalte de controle e também com a literatura. A evidente similaridade entre os perfis de difração mostraram a analogia entre as estruturas do esmalte dentário e a hidroxiapatita padrão. Fica evidente que os perfis de difração do esmalte dentário das amostras em lâmina são diferentes daqueles obtidos para o esmalte em pó. As diferenças encontradas incluem variação na cristalinidade e orientação preferencial. Os valores encontrados para as distâncias interplanares para o esmalte de controle e fluorótico das amostras em lâmina não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Isto pode ser explicado pelo fato que a hidroxiapatita e a fluoropatita formam cristais com a mesma estrutura hexagonal, mesmo grupo de simetria e têm parâmetros de rede muito próximos, os quais a habilidade do sistema não foi suficiente para resolver. Finalmente, este trabalho mostra que a difração de raios X usando radiação síncrotron é uma técnica poderosa para o estudo da cristalografia e microestrutura do esmalte dentário e, ainda, pode ser igualmente aplicada no estudo de outros tecidos biológicos duros e de biomateriais sintéticos.


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O clareamento dental se tornou um dos tratamentos estéticos mais realizados nos consultórios odontológicos, devido à simplicidade técnica e popularização através da mídia. Consiste na utilização de géis à base de peróxido de carbamida, peróxido de hidrogénio e, em uma menor escala, de perborato de sódio, com intuito de oxidar moléculas responsáveis pela pigmentação da estrutura dentária. Apesar da grande quantidade de estudos sobre o tema, não se sabe os efeitos do uso excessivo desses agentes sobre a estrutura dentária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos sobre a rugosidade superficial e conteúdo mineral do esmalte dental humano submetido a regimes de sobreclareamento associados ao uso de géis clareadores caseiros: peróxido de carbamida 10% (Opalescence PF Regular 10%, Ultradent do Brasil Produtos Odontológicos Ltda., Indaiatuba, São Paulo), peróxido de hidrogênio 9,5% (DayWhite 9,5%, Discus, LLC Culver City, EUA), bem como tiras clareadoras (Oral-B WhiteStrips, Anderson Packaging, Rockford, Estados Unidos). Quatro fragmentos de esmalte obtidos a partir de cinco dentes foram submetidos a um diferente tratamento: Grupo I - armazenamento em saliva artificial por oito semanas; Grupo 2 oito semanas de tratamento com gel de peróxido de carbamida 10% por 6 horas diárias; Grupo 3 oito semanas de tratamento com gel de peróxido de hidrogênio 9,5% com duas aplicações diárias de 30 minutos; Grupo 4 oito semanas de tratamento com tiras clareadoras duas aplicações diárias de 30 minutos. A alteração no conteúdo mineral foi avaliada semanalmente em seis pontos de cada fragmento devidamente identificados através de um sistema de coordenadas (X, Y e Z) utilizando-se a técnica de fluorescência de raios X (Artax 200). Alterações na rugosidade superficial das amostras também foram avaliadas através de um rugosímetro 3D (FormTalysurf 60, Taylor Leicester, Reino Unido). Apenas o grupo 3 apresentou diferenças estatísticas significativas com relação aos níveis de rugosidade (p<0,05), porém não consideradas como clinicamente significativos. Para os demais tratamentos e intervalos propostos, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05). Desse modo, não houve alterações compatíveis com um processo de desmineralização ou aumento real da rugosidade da superfície. Nas condições desse estudo in vitro os géis clareadores caseiros foram considerados seguros. São necessários novos estudos in situ e in vitro que analisem os efeitos de regimes de sobreclareamento quando em condições de somatório de desafios intra-orais.


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O clareamento dentário tem se tornado um dos procedimentos mais comuns na odontologia, mas esse dado causa preocupações, pois essa técnica apresenta efeitos adversos, como: sensibilidade dentária, alterações das propriedades mecânicas dos tecidos dentários, aumento da rugosidade do esmalte e alteração do conteúdo de cálcio e fósforo do dente, porém todos esses fatores ainda não são totalmente fundamentados da literatura odontológica, principalmente a relação da técnica com a desmineralização dentária. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o potencial de desmineralização de alguns géis clareadores de uso clínico para dentes vitais, após cinco aplicações em esmalte dental humano, usando a técnica de Fluorescência de Raios X. Foram obtidos 20 dentes anteriores humanos, tendo as suas raízes seccionadas e incluídos em resina epóxi, com auxílio de uma matriz especial. Para análise, os dentes foram divididos em quatro grupos (5 dentes por grupo). Grupo 1: clareamento pelo HP Maxx, peróxido de hidrogênio 35% manipulado e dosado manualmente; grupo 2: clareamento com HP Blue, peróxido de hidrogênio 35% com cálcio, pré-dosado e manipulado com seringa de automistura; grupo 3: clareamento com Ultraboost, peróxido de hidrogênio 38%, pré-dosado e manipulado com seringa de automistura e grupo 4: clareamento com Total Blanc 35, peróxido de hidrogênio 35%, pré-dosado e manipulado com seringa de automistura. Cada dente foi avaliado em 6 sítios antes do clareamento e ao final de cada sessão. Entre as sessões os elementos eram mantidos em água ultrapura. Os géis clareadores também tiveram seu pH analisado a cada 5 minutos durante 60 minutos. Estatisticamente, nenhum dos agentes clareadores alterou significantemente o conteúdo mineral do esmalte dental humano e também não houve diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos. Concluiu-se que, mesmo com as limitações do estudo, os clareadores testados não são capazes de desmineralizar o esmalte dental humano e não diferem estatisticamente entre si.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect of different in-office bleaching systems on the surface morphology of bovine dentin. Thirty tooth fragments measuring 4 x 4mm, containing enamel and dentin, were obtained from the crowns of extracted bovine incisors. Samples were subjected to simulated intracoronal bleaching techniques using conventional (Opalescence Endo (R) and Whiteness Super Endo (R)) and light-activated systems (Opalescence Xtra (R) and Whiteness HP Maxx (R)). Controls were treated with either sodium perborate mixed with 10% hydrogen peroxide or no bleaching agent. The samples were observed under SEM and the recorded images were evaluated for topographic alterations. The ultrastructural alterations of dentin observed in this study varied greatly between groups according to the products used. Higher pH products (Whiteness HP Maxx (R) and Opalescence Xtra (R)) associated with in-office techniques yielded better maintenance of dentin ultrastructure. Apparently, both low pH and hydrogen peroxide oxidation play a role in altering the ultrastructure of dentin during internal dental bleaching. The use of alkaline products with reduced time of application (in-office techniques) may decrease such morphological alterations.


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Purpose: To evaluate in vitro the influence of water flow rate on shear bond strength of a resin composite to enamel and dentin after Er:YAG cavity preparation. Methods: Ten bovine incisors were selected and roots removed. Crowns were sectioned in four pieces, resulting in 40 samples that were individually embedded in polyester resin (n=10), and ground to plane the enamel and expose the dentin. The bonding site was delimited and samples were randomly assigned according to cavity preparation: (1) Er:YAG/1.0 mL/minute; (2) Er:YAG/1.5 mL/minute; (3) Er:YAG/2.0 mL/minute and (4) High speed handpiece/bur (control group). Samples were fixed to a metallic device, where composite resin cylinders were prepared. Subsequently, they were stored for 24 hours and subjected to a shear bond strength test (500N at 0.5 mm/minute). Results: Means (MPa) were: enamel: 1: 12.8; 2: 16.8; 3: 17.5; 4: 36.0 and Dentin: 1: 13.6; 2: 18.7; 3: 12.1; 4: 21.3. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey`s test. Adhesion to enamel was more efficient than for dentin. The cavities prepared with conventional bur (control) presented higher statistically significant bond strength values (P<0.05) than for Er:YAG laser for both enamel and dentin. No significant differences were observed between water flow rates employed during enamel ablation. For dentin, the shear bond strength of 2.0 mL/minute water flow rate was lower than for 1.5 mL/minute and 1.0 mL/minute rates. The Er:YAG laser adversely affected shear bond strength of resin composite to both enamel and dentin, regardless of the water flow rate used.


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Objective: This in situ/ex vivo study assessed the effect of titanium tetrafluoride (TiF4) on permanent human enamel subjected to erosion.Design: Ten volunteers took part in this study performed in two phases. In the first phase (ERO), they wore acrylic palatal appliances containing two enamel blocks, divided into two rows: TiF4 (F) and no-TiF4 (no-F). During the 1st day, the formation of a salivary pellicle was allowed. In the 2nd day, the TiF4 solution was applied on one row (ERO + F), whereas on the other row no treatment was performed (ERO + no-F). From 3rd until 7th day, the blocks were subjected to erosion, 4x per day. In the 2nd phase (no-ERO), the volunteers wore acrylic palatal appliances containing one enamel block, during 2 days, to assess the effect of TiF4 only (no-ERO + F). Enamel alterations were determined using profilometry (wear), microhardness (%SMHC) tests, scanning electron microscope and microprobe analysis. The %SMHC and wear were tested using ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc tests (p < 0.05).Results: The mean of %SMHC and wear ( mu m) values ( +/- S.D.) were, respectively: ERO + F -73.32 +/- 5.16(A)/2.40 +/- 0.60(a); ERO + no-F -83.49 +/- 4.59B/1.17 +/- 0.48(b) and no-ERO + F -67.92 +/- 6.16(A)/0.21:E 0.09(c). In microscope analysis, the no-F group showed enamel with honeycomb appearance. For F groups, it was observed a surface coating with microcracks. The microprobe analysis revealed the presence of the following elements (%) in groups ERO + F, ERO + no-F and no-ERO + F, respectively: Ca (69.9, 72.5, 66.25); P (25.9, 26.5, 26.06); Ti (3.0, 0, 5.93).Conclusions: The TiF4 was unable to reduce dental erosion. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)