998 resultados para HOST GALAXIES


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The surface brightness distribution in the majority of stellar galactic discs falls off exponentially. Often what lies beyond such a stellar disc is the neutral hydrogen gas whose distribution also follows a nearly exponential profile at least for a number of nearby disc galaxies. Both the stars and gas are commonly known to host lopsided asymmetry especially in the outer parts of a galaxy. The role of such asymmetry in the dynamical evolution of a galaxy has not been explored so far. Following Lindblad's original idea of kinematic density waves, we show that the outer part of an exponential disc is ideally suitable for hosting lopsided asymmetry. Further, we compute the transport of angular momentum in the combined stars and gas disc embedded in a dark matter halo. We show that in a pure star and gas disc, there is a transition point where the free precession frequency of a lopsided mode, Omega - kappa, changes from retrograde to prograde and this in turn reverses the direction of angular momentum flow in the disc leading to an unphysical behaviour. We show that this problem is overcome in the presence of a dark matter halo, which sets the angular momentum flow outwards as required for disc evolution, provided the lopsidedness is leading in nature. This, plus the well-known angular momentum transport in the inner parts due to spiral arms, can facilitate an inflow of gas from outside perhaps through the cosmic filaments.


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Mergers and interacting galaxies are pivotal to the evolution of galaxies in the universe. They are the sites of prodigious star formation and key to understanding the starburst processes: the physical and chemical properties and the dynamics of the molecular gas. ULIRGs or Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies are a result of many of these mergers. They host extreme starbursts, AGNs, and mergers. They are the perfect laboratory to probe the connection between starbursts, black hole accretion and mergers and to further our understanding of star formation and merging.

NGC 6240 and Arp 220 can be considered the founding members of this very active class of objects. They are in different stages of merging and hence are excellent case studies to further our understanding about the merging process. We have imaged the dense star-forming regions of these galaxies at sub-arcsec resolution with CARMA C and B Configurations (2" and 0.5 - 0.8"). Multi-band imaging allows excitation analysis of HCN, HCO+, HNC, and CS along with CO transitions to constrain the properties of the gas. Our dataset is unique in that we have observed these lines at similar resolutions and high sensitivity which can be used to derive line ratios of faint high excitation lines.

Arp 220 has not had confirmed X-ray AGN detections for either nuclei. However, our observations indicate HCN/HNC ratios consistent with the chemistry of X-ray Dominated Regions (XDRs) -- a likely symptom of AGN. We calculated the molecular Hydrogen densities using each of the molecular species and conclude that assuming abundances of HNC and HCO+ similar to those in galactic sources are incorrect in the case of ULIRGs. The physical conditions in the dense molecular gas in ULIRGs alter these abundances. The derived H2 volume densities are ~ 5 x 104 cm-3 in both Arp 220 nuclei and ~ 104 cm-3 in NGC 6240.


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We report the results of our search for the progenitor candidate of SN 2013dk, a Type Ic supernova (SN) that exploded in the Antennae galaxy system. We compare pre-explosion Hubble Space Telescope (HST) archival images with SN images obtained using adaptive optics at the ESO Very Large Telescope. We isolate the SN position to within 3σ uncertainty radius of 0.02 arcsec and show that there is no detectable point source in any of the HST filter images within the error circle. We set an upper limit to the absolute magnitude of the progenitor to be MF555W ≳ -5.7, which does not allow Wolf-Rayet (WR) star progenitors to be ruled out. A bright source appears 0.17 arcsec away, which is either a single bright supergiant or compact cluster, given its absolute magnitude of MF555W = -9.02 ± 0.28 extended wings and complex environment. However, even if this is a cluster, the spatial displacement of SN 2013dk means that its membership is not assured. The strongest statement that we can make is that in the immediate environment of SN 2013dk (within 10 pc or so), we find no clear evidence of either a point source coincident with the SN or a young stellar cluster that could host a massive WR progenitor.


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Seyfert galaxies are the closest active galactic nuclei. As such, we can use them to test the physical properties of the entire class of objects. To investigate their general properties, I took advantage of different methods of data analysis. In particular I used three different samples of objects, that, despite frequent overlaps, have been chosen to best tackle different topics: the heterogeneous BeppoS AX sample was thought to be optimized to test the average hard X-ray (E above 10 keV) properties of nearby Seyfert galaxies; the X-CfA was thought the be optimized to compare the properties of low-luminosity sources to the ones of higher luminosity and, thus, it was also used to test the emission mechanism models; finally, the XMM–Newton sample was extracted from the X-CfA sample so as to ensure a truly unbiased and well defined sample of objects to define the average properties of Seyfert galaxies. Taking advantage of the broad-band coverage of the BeppoS AX MECS and PDS instruments (between ~2-100 keV), I infer the average X-ray spectral propertiesof nearby Seyfert galaxies and in particular the photon index (~1.8), the high-energy cut-off (~290 keV), and the relative amount of cold reflection (~1.0). Moreover the unified scheme for active galactic nuclei was positively tested. The distribution of isotropic indicators used here (photon index, relative amount of reflection, high-energy cut-off and narrow FeK energy centroid) are similar in type I and type II objects while the absorbing column and the iron line equivalent width significantly differ between the two classes of sources with type II objects displaying larger absorbing columns. Taking advantage of the XMM–Newton and X–CfA samples I also deduced from measurements that 30 to 50% of type II Seyfert galaxies are Compton thick. Confirming previous results, the narrow FeK line is consistent, in Seyfert 2 galaxies, with being produced in the same matter responsible for the observed obscuration. These results support the basic picture of the unified model. Moreover, the presence of a X-ray Baldwin effect in type I sources has been measured using for the first time the 20-100 keV luminosity (EW proportional to L(20-100)^(−0.22±0.05)). This finding suggests that the torus covering factor may be a function of source luminosity, thereby suggesting a refinement of the baseline version of the unifed model itself. Using the BeppoSAX sample, it has been also recorded a possible correlation between the photon index and the amount of cold reflection in both type I and II sources. At a first glance this confirms the thermal Comptonization as the most likely origin of the high energy emission for the active galactic nuclei. This relation, in fact, naturally emerges supposing that the accretion disk penetrates, depending to the accretion rate, the central corona at different depths (Merloni et al. 2006): the higher accreting systems hosting disks down to the last stable orbit while the lower accreting systems hosting truncated disks. On the contrary, the study of the well defined X–C f A sample of Seyfert galaxies has proved that the intrinsic X-ray luminosity of nearby Seyfert galaxies can span values between 10^(38−43) erg s^−1, i.e. covering a huge range of accretion rates. The less efficient systems have been supposed to host ADAF systems without accretion disk. However, the study of the X–CfA sample has also proved the existence of correlations between optical emission lines and X-ray luminosity in the entire range of L_(X) covered by the sample. These relations are similar to the ones obtained if high-L objects are considered. Thus the emission mechanism must be similar in luminous and weak systems. A possible scenario to reconcile these somehow opposite indications is assuming that the ADAF and the two phase mechanism co-exist with different relative importance moving from low-to-high accretion systems (as suggested by the Gamma vs. R relation). The present data require that no abrupt transition between the two regimes is present. As mentioned above, the possible presence of an accretion disk has been tested using samples of nearby Seyfert galaxies. Here, to deeply investigate the flow patterns close to super-massive black-holes, three case study objects for which enough counts statistics is available have been analysed using deep X-ray observations taken with XMM–Newton. The obtained results have shown that the accretion flow can significantly differ between the objects when it is analyzed with the appropriate detail. For instance the accretion disk is well established down to the last stable orbit in a Kerr system for IRAS 13197-1627 where strong light bending effect have been measured. The accretion disk seems to be formed spiraling in the inner ~10-30 gravitational radii in NGC 3783 where time dependent and recursive modulation have been measured both in the continuum emission and in the broad emission line component. Finally, the accretion disk seems to be only weakly detectable in rk 509, with its weak broad emission line component. Finally, blueshifted resonant absorption lines have been detected in all three objects. This seems to demonstrate that, around super-massive black-holes, there is matter which is not confined in the accretion disk and moves along the line of sight with velocities as large as v~0.01-0.4c (whre c is the speed of light). Wether this matter forms winds or blobs is still matter of debate together with the assessment of the real statistical significance of the measured absorption lines. Nonetheless, if confirmed, these phenomena are of outstanding interest because they offer new potential probes for the dynamics of the innermost regions of accretion flows, to tackle the formation of ejecta/jets and to place constraints on the rate of kinetic energy injected by AGNs into the ISM and IGM. Future high energy missions (such as the planned Simbol-X and IXO) will likely allow an exciting step forward in our understanding of the flow dynamics around black holes and the formation of the highest velocity outflows.


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The aim of this PhD thesis is the study of the nuclear properties of radio loud AGN. Multiple and/or recent mergers in the host galaxy and/or the presence of cool core in galaxy clusters can play a role in the formation and evolution of the radio source. Being a unique class of objects (Lin & Mohr 2004), we focus on Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs). We investigate their parsec scale radio emission with VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometer) observations. From literature or new data , we collect and analyse VLBA (Very Long Baseline) observations at 5 GHz of a complete sample of BCGs and ``normal'' radio galaxies (Bologna Complete Sample , BCS). Results on nuclear properties of BCGs are coming from the comparison with the results for the Bologna COmplete Sample (BCS). Our analysis finds a possible dichotomy between BCGs in cool-core clusters and those in non-cool-core clusters. Only one-sided BCGs have similar kinematic properties with FRIs. Furthermore, the dominance of two-sided jet structures only in cooling clusters suggests sub-relativistic jet velocities. The different jet properties can be related to a different jet origin or to the interaction with a different ISM. We larger discuss on possible explanation of this.


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Extended cluster radio galaxies show different morphologies com- pared to those found isolated in the field. Indeed, symmetric double radio galaxies are only a small percentage of the total content of ra- dio loud cluster galaxies, which show mainly tailed morphologies (e.g. O’Dea & Owen, 1985). Moreover, cluster mergers can deeply affect the statistical properties of their radio activity. In order to better understand the morphological and radio activity differences of the radio galaxies in major mergeing and non/tidal-merging clusters, we performed a multifrequency study of extended radio galax- ies inside two cluster complexes, A3528 and A3558. They belong to the innermost region of the Shapley Concentration, the most massive con- centration of galaxy clusters (termed supercluster) in the local Universe, at average redshift z ≈ 0.043. We analysed low frequency radio data performed at 235 and 610 MHz with Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and we combined them with proprietary and literature observations, in order to have a wide frequency range (150 MHz to 8.4 GHz) to perform the spectral analysis. The low frequency images allowed us to carry out a detailed study of the radio tails and diffuse emission found in some cases. The results in the radio band were also qualitatively compared with the X-ray information coming from XMM-Newton observations, in order to test the interaction between radio galaxies and cluster weather. We found that the brightest central galaxies (BCGs) in the A3528 cluster complex are powerful and present substantial emission from old relativistic plasma characterized by a steep spectrum (α > 2). In the light of observational pieces of evidence, we suggest they are possible re-started radio galaxies. On the other hand, the tailed radio galaxies trace the host galaxy motion with respect to the ICM, and our find- ings is consistent with the dynamical interpretation of a tidal interaction (Gastaldello et al. 2003). On the contrary, the BCGs in the A3558 clus- ter complex are either quiet or very faint radio galaxies, supporting the hypothesis that clusters mergers quench the radio emission from AGN.


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The "main sequence of galaxies"—defined in terms of the total star formation rate ψ versus the total stellar mass M *—is a well-studied tight relation that has been observed at several wavelengths and at different redshifts. All earlier studies have derived this relation from integrated properties of galaxies. We recover the same relation from an analysis of spatially resolved properties, with integral field spectroscopic (IFS) observations of 306 galaxies from the CALIFA survey. We consider the SFR surface density in units of log(M_⊙ yr^−1 Kpc^−2) and the stellar mass surface density in units of log(M_⊙ Kpc^−2) in individual spaxels that probe spatial scales of 0.5–1.5 Kpc. This local relation exhibits a high degree of correlation with small scatter (σ = 0.23 dex), irrespective of the dominant ionization source of the host galaxy or its integrated stellar mass. We highlight (i) the integrated star formation main sequence formed by galaxies whose dominant ionization process is related to star formation, for which we find a slope of 0.81 ± 0.02; (ii) for the spatially resolved relation obtained with the spaxel analysis, we find a slope of 0.72 ± 0.04; and (iii) for the integrated main sequence, we also identified a sequence formed by galaxies that are dominated by an old stellar population, which we have called the retired galaxies sequence.


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We combine high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3 images with multi-wavelength photometry to track the evolution of structure and activity of massive (M_*> 10^10 M_☉) galaxies at redshifts z = 1.4-3 in two fields of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey. We detect compact, star-forming galaxies (cSFGs) whose number densities, masses, sizes, and star formation rates (SFRs) qualify them as likely progenitors of compact, quiescent, massive galaxies (cQGs) at z = 1.5-3. At z≲2, cSFGs present SFR = 100-200 M_☉ yr^–1, yet their specific star formation rates (sSFR ~ 10^–9 yr^–1) are typically half that of other massive SFGs at the same epoch, and host X-ray luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs) 30 times (~30%) more frequently. These properties suggest that cSFGs are formed by gas-rich processes (mergers or disk-instabilities) that induce a compact starburst and feed an AGN, which, in turn, quench the star formation on dynamical timescales (few 10^8 yr). The cSFGs are continuously being formed at z = 2-3 and fade to cQGs down to z ~ 1.5. After this epoch, cSFGs are rare, thereby truncating the formation of new cQGs. Meanwhile, down to z = 1, existing cQGs continue to enlarge to match local QGs in size, while less-gas-rich mergers and other secular mechanisms shepherd (larger) SFGs as later arrivals to the red sequence. In summary, we propose two evolutionary tracks of QG formation: an early (z≲2), formation path of rapidly quenched cSFGs fading into cQGs that later enlarge within the quiescent phase, and a late-arrival (z≳2) path in which larger SFGs form extended QGs without passing through a compact state.


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The accretion of minor satellites is currently proposed as the most likely mechanism to explain the significant size evolution of the massive galaxies during the last ∼10 Gyr. In this paper, we investigate the rest-frame colours and the average stellar ages of satellites found around massive galaxies (M_star ∼ 10^11 M_⊙) since z ∼ 2. We find that the satellites have bluer colours than their central galaxies. When exploring the stellar ages of the galaxies, we find that the satellites have similar ages to the massive galaxies that host them at high redshifts, while at lower redshifts they are, on average, ≳1.5 Gyr younger. If our satellite galaxies create the envelope of nearby massive galaxies, our results would be compatible with the idea that the outskirts of those galaxies are slightly younger, metal-poorer and with lower [α/Fe] abundance ratios than their inner regions.


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We present some of the first science data with the new Keck/MOSFIRE instrument to test the effectiveness of different AGN/SF diagnostics at z ~ 1.5. MOSFIRE spectra were obtained in three H-band multi-slit masks in the GOODS-S field, resulting in 2 hr exposures of 36 emission-line galaxies. We compare X-ray data with the traditional emission-line ratio diagnostics and the alternative mass-excitation and color-excitation diagrams, combining new MOSFIRE infrared data with previous HST/WFC3 infrared spectra (from the 3D-HST survey) and multiwavelength photometry. We demonstrate that a high [O III]/Hβ ratio is insufficient as an active galactic nucleus (AGN) indicator at z > 1. For the four X-ray-detected galaxies, the classic diagnostics ([O III]/Hβ versus [N II]/Hα and [S II]/Hα) remain consistent with X-ray AGN/SF classification. The X-ray data also suggest that "composite" galaxies (with intermediate AGN/SF classification) host bona fide AGNs. Nearly ~2/3 of the z ~ 1.5 emission-line galaxies have nuclear activity detected by either X-rays or the classic diagnostics. Compared to the X-ray and line ratio classifications, the mass-excitation method remains effective at z > 1, but we show that the color-excitation method requires a new calibration to successfully identify AGNs at these redshifts.


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This thesis presents detailed observational studies of the extended distributions of gas, galaxies, and dark matter around hyperluminous quasars (HLQSOs) at high redshift. Taken together, these works aim to coherently describe the relationships between these massive, accreting black holes and their environments: the nature of the regions that give rise to such massive black holes, the effect of HLQSO radiation on their surrounding galaxies and gas, and the ability of both galaxies and black holes to shed new light on the formation and evolution of the other.

Chapter 2 focuses on the continuum-color-selected galaxies drawn from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS). The KBSS is a uniquely deep spectroscopic survey of star-forming galaxies in the same volumes of space as 15 HLQSOs at 2.5 < z < 2.9. The three-dimensional distribution of these galaxies among themselves and the nearby HLQSOs is used to infer the extent to which these black holes are associated with overdense peaks in the dark matter and galaxy distribution as quantified by clustering statistics. In conjunction with recent dark-matter simulations, these data provide the first estimates of the host dark-matter halo masses for HLQSOs, providing new insight into the formation and evolution of the most massive black holes at high redshift.

Chapter 3 describes the first results from a new survey (KBSS-Lyα) conducted for this thesis. The KBSS-Lyα survey uses narrowband imaging to identify Lyα-emitters (LAEs) in the ~Mpc regions around eight of the KBSS HLQSOs. Many of these LAEs show the effect of reprocessed HLQSO radiation in their emission through the process known as Lyα fluorescence. In this chapter, these fluorescent LAEs are used to generate a coarse map of the average HLQSO ionizing emission on Mpc scales, thereby setting the first direct constraints of the lifetime and angular distribution of activity for a population of these uniquely luminous black holes.

Chapter 4 contains a more detailed description of the KBSS-Lyα survey itself and the detailed properties of the star-forming and fluorescent objects selected therein. Using imaging and spectroscopic data covering rest-frame UV and optical wavelengths, including spectra from the new near-infrared spectrometer MOSFIRE, we characterize this population of nascent galaxies in terms of their kinematics, enrichment, gas properties, and luminosity distribution while comparing and contrasting them with previously-studied populations of continuum-selected galaxies and LAEs far from the effects of HLQSO emission.

At the conclusion of this thesis, I briefly present future directions for the continuation of this research. In Appendix A, I provide background information on the instrumentation used in this thesis, including my own contributions to MOSFIRE.


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Microclimate and host plant architecture significantly influence the abundance and behavior of insects. However, most research in this field has focused at the invertebrate assemblage level, with few studies at the single-species level. Using wild Solanum mauritianum plants, we evaluated the influence of plant structure (number of leaves and branches and height of plant) and microclimate (temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity) on the abundance and behavior of a single insect species, the monophagous tephritid fly Bactrocera cacuminata (Hering). Abundance and oviposition behavior were signficantly influenced by the host structure (density of foliage) and associated microclimate. Resting behavior of both sexes was influenced positively by foliage density, while temperature positively influenced the numbers of resting females. The number of ovipositing females was positively influenced by temperature and negatively by relative humidity. Feeding behavior was rare on the host plant, as was mating. The relatively low explanatory power of the measured variables suggests that, in addition to host plant architecture and associated microclimate, other cues (e.g., olfactory or visual) could affect visitation and use of the larval host plant by adult fruit flies. For 12 plants observed at dusk (the time of fly mating), mating pairs were observed on only one tree. Principal component analyses of the plant and microclimate factors associated with these plants revealed that the plant on which mating was observed had specific characteristics (intermediate light intensity, greater height, and greater quantity of fruit) that may have influenced its selection as a mating site.


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Diachasmimorpha kraussii (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Opiinae) is a koinobiont larval parasitoid of dacine fruit flies of the genus Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) in its native range (Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands). The wasp is a potentially important control agent for pest fruit flies, having been considered for both classical and inundative biological control releases. I investigated the host searching, selection and utilisation mechanisms of the wasp against native host flies within its native range (Australia). Such studies are rare in opiine research where the majority of studies, because of the applied nature of the research, have been carried out using host flies and environments which are novel to the wasps. Diachasmimorpha kraussii oviposited equally into maggots of four fruit fly species, all of which coexist with the wasp in its native range (Australia), when tested in a choice trial using a uniform artificial diet media. While eggs laid into Bactrocera tryoni and B. jarvisi developed successfully through to adult wasps, eggs laid into B. cucumis and B. cacuminata were encapsulated. These results suggest that direct larval cues are not an important element in host selection by D. kraussii. Further exploring how D. kraussii locates suitable host larvae, I investigated the role of plant cues in host searching and selection. This was examined in a laboratory choice trial using uninfested fruit or fruit infested with either B. tryoni or B. jarvisi maggots. The results showed a consistent preference ranking among infested fruits by the wasp, with guava and peach most preferred, but with no response to uninfested fruits. Thus, it appears the wasp uses chemical cues emitted in response to fruit fly larval infestation for host location, but does not use cues from uninfested fruits. To further tease apart the role of (i) suitable and non-suitable maggots, (ii) infested and uninfested fruits of different plant species, and (iii) adult flies, in wasp host location and selection, I carried out a series of behavioural tests where I manipulated these attributes in a field cage. These trials confirmed that D. kraussii did not respond to cues in uninfested fruits, that there were consistent preferences by the wasps for different maggot infested fruits, that fruit preference did not vary depending on whether the maggots were physiologically suitable or not suitable for wasp offspring development, and finally, that adult flies appear to play a secondary role as indicators of larval infestation. To investigate wasp behaviour in an unrestrained environment, I concurrently observed diurnal foraging behaviours of both the wasp and one of its host fly in a small nectarine orchard. Wasp behaviour, both spatially and temporally, was not correlated with adult fruit fly behaviour or abundance. This study reinforced the point that infested fruit seems to be the primary cue used by foraging wasps. Wasp and fly feeding and mating was not observed in the orchard, implying these activities are occurring elsewhere. It is highly unlikely that these behaviours were happening within the orchard during the night as both insects are diurnal. As the final component of investigating host location, I carried out a habitat preference study for the wasp at the landscape scale. Using infested sentinel fruits, I tested the parasitism rate of B. tryoni in eucalyptus sclerophyll forest, rainforest and suburbia in South East Queensland. Although, rainforest is the likely endemic habitat of both B. tryoni and D. kraussii, B. tryoni abundance is significantly greater in suburban environments followed by eucalyptus sclerophyll forest. Parasitism rate was found to be higher in suburbia than in the eucalyptus sclerophyll forest, while no parasitism was recorded in the rainforest. This result suggests that wasps orient within the landscape towards areas of high host density and are not restricted by habitat types. Results from the different experiments suggest that host searching, selection and utilisation behaviour of D. kraussii are strongly influenced by cues associated with fruit fly larval feeding. Cues from uninfested fruits, the host larvae themselves, and the adult host flies play minimal roles. The discussion focuses on the fit of D. kraussii to Vinson’s classical parasitoid host location model and the implications of results for biological control, including recommendations for host and plant preference screening protocols and release regimes.