903 resultados para HIV-1 CRF31_BC
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the growth parameters in infants who were born to HIV-1-infected mothers. METHODS: The study was a longitudinal evaluation of the z-scores for the weight-for-age (WAZ), weight-for-length (WLZ) and length-for-age (LAZ) data collected from a cohort. A total of 97 non-infected and 33 HIV-infected infants born to HIV-1-infected mothers in Belo Horizonte, Southeastern Brazil, between 1995 and 2003 was studied. The average follow-up period for the infected and non-infected children was 15.8 months (variation: 6.8 to 18.0 months) and 14.3 months (variation: 6.3 to 18.6 months), respectively. A mixed-effects linear regression model was used and was fitted using a restricted maximum likelihood. RESULTS: There was an observed decrease over time in the WAZ, LAZ and WLZ among the infected infants. At six months of age, the mean differences in the WAZ, LAZ and WLZ between the HIV-infected and non-infected infants were 1.02, 0.59, and 0.63 standard deviations, respectively. At 12 months, the mean differences in the WAZ, LAZ and WLZ between the HIV-infected and non-infected infants were 1.15, 1.01, and 0.87 standard deviations, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The precocious and increasing deterioration of the HIV-infected infants' anthropometric indicators demonstrates the importance of the early identification of HIV-infected infants who are at nutritional risk and the importance of the continuous assessment of nutritional interventions for these infants.
O objetivo desta comunicação foi descrever a detecção de coexistência de variantes HIV-1 com inserções de dois aminoácidos entre os códons 69 e 70 da transcriptase reversa. Tais variantes foram isoladas de paciente do sexo masculino, 16 anos de idade, em tratamento no interior do estado de São Paulo. Após confirmação de falha terapêutica, foi realizado teste de resistência a antirretrovirais, a partir do qual foram detectadas duas variantes contendo inserções dos aminoácidos Ser-Gly/Ser-Ala no códon 69 da transcriptase reversa, além da mutação T69S. Tais inserções possuem baixa prevalência, não foram relatadas em caráter de coexistência no Brasil e estão relacionadas com a resistência a múltiplas drogas, tornando o achado relevante do ponto de vista epidemiológico.
Amostras de soro de grupos populacionais dos Estados do Pará e Goiás, coletados entre 1974 e 1980, foram testadas (ELISA, imunofluorescência e immunoblot) para a presença de anticorpos contra o vírus da imunodeficiência humana tipo-1 (HIV-1). O objetivo principal foi de se mapear epidemiologicamente a ocorrência deste vírus em um período anterior a detecção da presente epidemia. Quatro amostras dos índios Xicrin foram positivas pelo teste de ELISA, porém não foram confirmadas pelos demais testes. Os resultados negativos sugerem a ausência de circulação do HIV-1, nos grupos testados, no período pré-1980.
Several cases of primary HIV-1 infection are not identified, either because the diagnosis is not suspected or because they test negative for HIV-1 antibody. This work presents an uncommon case of primary HIV-1 infection in an young parenteral drug abuser man, who presented symptoms of acute hepatitis. During the initial acute phase the serum sample of the patient tested negative for the presence of antibodies against several viruses, including HIV-1. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of primary HIV-1 infection was suspected by using an alternative method for"in vitro" induced antibody production (IVIAP), and confirmed by p24 antigen serum positivity and seroconversion in serial plasma samples of the patient. The authors suggest the use of the IVIAP and others complementary assays to help the diagnosis of acute HIV-1 infection in persons at high risk conditions.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1)-infected subjects with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are often infected with multiple pathogens. In particular, HTLV-I and HTLV-II infections have been found more frequently in AIDS patients than in asymptomatic individuals in Europe and Japan. We carried out a serosurvey among asymptomatic HIV-1-infected subjects in São Paulo, Brazil and compared our results with those of other investigators. In this study, we found HTLV infection in 1.5% of 266 asymptomatic and 14% of 28 AIDS patients. Epidemiological data obtained from patients pointed out the use of intravenous drugs as the principal risk factor for acquiring retroviruses. In conclusion, our results are in accordance with other studies done in Brazil and elsewhere where the principal risk group for HIV/HTLV-I/II coinfection was IDU
The MN strain of HIV-1 is known to be more prevalent in Brazil, the BRU strain is more prevalent in Europe, and the NDK strain in Africa. It has been suggested in the literature to include different strains in the same vaccine against HIV-1. To contribute to the studies for the development of a universal vaccine, the occurrence of antibodies (Ab) against three HIV-1 strains (MN, BRU and NDK) was determined in serum samples from 85 HIV-1-positive patients, adult volunteers seen at the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto-USP. One-hundred tissue culture infective unit (TCIU) of the viruses reacted with serial dilutions of the sera (2x) and with MT4 cells added at a final concentration of 0.3 × 106 cells/ml, and a cytopathic effect was observed on the 7th and 11th days of incubation. Titres of less than 1/50 were considered to be negative. In 129 tests, the sera were negative for one of the three strains: 40 for MN, 29 for BRU and 60 for NDK. There was a predominance of strains MN and BRU, most of them presenting titres from 1/50 to 1/200. Titres for NDK were detected in 25 sera. We conclude that there seems to be a predominance of strains MN and BRU among the individuals from the region tested; however, the detection of sera with positive NKD titres indicates the need for further studies of this strain in other populations and regions of Brazil
The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of certain mycoplasma species, i.e., Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma penetrans, in urethral swabs from HIV-1 infected patients compared to swabs from a control group. Mycoplasmas were detected by routine culture techniques and by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique, using 16SrRNA generic primers of conserved region and Mycoplasma penetrans specific primers. The positivity rates obtained with the two methods were comparable. Nevertheless, PCR was more sensitive, while the culture techniques allowed the quantification of the isolates. The results showed no significant difference (p < 0.05) in positivity rates between the methods used for mycoplasma detection.
It has been reported that production of IL-2 and IFN-g, known as T-helper type 1 cytokines, by peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) decreases with progression of HIV infection. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-10 production, Th2 cytokine profile, increases with HIV disease progression. PBMC were evaluated from 55 HIV-infected subjects from Divisão de Imunologia, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, to "in vitro" cytokines production after 24 hours of stimulation with PHA. Low levels of IL-4 production in both HIV- infected patients and normal subjects, were detected. The patients with CD4+ T cell counts <200 showed a significant decrease of IL-2 and IFN-g production compared to controls. Patients with higher counts of CD4+ T cells (either between 200-500 or >500 cells/mm3) also showed decreased production of IL-2 that was not statistically significant. There was a correlation between IL-2 and IFN-g release with CD4+ T cells counts. HIV-1-infected individuals with CD4+ T cells >500 cells/mm3 showed increased levels of IL-2 and IFN-g, than individuals with CD4+ T cells <500 cells/mm3. In conclusion, we observed a decline of IL-2 and IFN-g production at advanced HIV disease. IL-4 production was not affected during HIV infection. Taken together, these findings suggest that the cytokine profile might be influenced by the HIV infection rather than the cause of disease progression.
The clinical and public health importance of indeterminate results in HIV-1/2 testing is still difficult to evaluate in volunteer blood donors. At Fundação Hemominas, HIV-1/2 ELISA is used as the screening test and, if reactive, is followed by Western blot (WB). We have evaluated 84 blood donors who had repeatedly reactive ELISA tests for HIV-1/2, but indeterminate WB results. Sixteen of the 84 donors (19.0%) had history of sexually transmitted diseases; 18/84 (21.4%) informed receiving or paying for sex; 3/84 (3.6%) had homosexual contact; 2/26 women (7.6%) had past history of multiple illegal abortions and 3/84 (3.6%) had been previously transfused. Four out of 62 donors (6.5%) had positive anti-nuclear factor (Hep2), with titles up to 1:640. Parasitological examination of the stool revealed eggs of S. mansoni in 4/62 (6.4%) donors and other parasites in 8/62 (12.9%). Five (5.9%) of the subjects presented overt seroconversion for HIV-1/2, 43/84 (51.2%) had negative results on the last visit, while 36/84 (42.9%) remained WB indeterminate. Although some conditions could be found associated with the HIV-1/2 indeterminate WB results and many donors had past of risky behavior, the significance of the majority of the results remains to be determined.
We compared the indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) with Western blot (Wb) as a confirmatory method to detect antibodies anti retrovirus (HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II). Positive and negative HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II serum samples from different risk populations were studied. Sensitivity, specificity, positive, negative predictive and kappa index values were assayed, to assess the IFA efficiency versus Wb. The following cell lines were used as a source of viral antigens: H9 ( HTLV-III b); MT-2 and MT-4 (persistently infected with HTLV-I) and MO-T (persistently infected with HTLV-II). Sensitivity and specificity rates for HIV-1 were 96.80% and 98.60% respectively, while predictive positive and negative values were 99.50% and 92.00% respectively. No differences were found in HIV IFA performance between the various populations studied. As for IFA HTLV system, the sensitivity and specificity values were 97.91% and 100% respectively with positive and negative predictive values of 100% and 97.92%. Moreover, the sensitivity of the IFA for HTLV-I/II proved to be higher when the samples were tested simultaneously against both antigens (HTLV-I-MT-2 and HTLV-II-MO-T). The overall IFA efficiency for HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II-MT-2 antibody detection probed to be very satisfactory with an excellent correlation with Wb (Kappa indexes 0.93 and 0.98 respectively). These results confirmed that the IFA is a sensitive and specific alternative method for the confirmatory diagnosis of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II infection in populations at different levels of risk to acquire the infection and suggest that IFA could be included in the serologic diagnostic algorithm.
M. hominis and U. urealyticum are the better-known mycoplasma species pathogenic to the human genitourinary tract, causing mainly urethritis, bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy complications. In HIV-infected patients, the prevalence and role of these species is still not well known. The aim of this work was to determinate the prevalence of these species in this group of male patients (HIV group), in comparison to a group of men with clinical symptoms of urethritis (STD group). M. hominis was isolated from 7.5% patients (8/106) and U. urealyticum from 18.9% patients (20/106) from the HIV group, being among these 62.5% and 85% in significant concentrations, respectively. In the STD group these rates were 0.9% (1/110) for M. hominis and 13.6% (15/110) for U. urealyticum, being 100% and 93.3% in significant concentrations, respectively. We could demonstrate infection rates by these mycoplasma species in the HIV group as high as the one found in the STD one, what may indicate the occurrence of opportunistic infections in our population. This fact is discussed here because in immunosuppressed patients, specially M. hominis has been reported causing severe infections, even systemically.
In occupational accidents involving health professionals handling potentially contaminated material, the decision to start or to continue prophylactic medication against infection by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has been based on the ELISA test applied to a blood sample from the source patient. In order to rationalize the prophylactic use of antiretroviral agents, a rapid serologic diagnostic test of HIV infection was tested by the enzymatic immunoabsorption method (SUDS HIV 1+2, MUREX®) and compared to conventional ELISA (Abbott HIV-1/ HIV-2 3rd Generation plus EIA®). A total of 592 cases of occupational accidents were recorded at the University Hospital of Ribeirão Preto from July 1998 to April 1999. Of these, 109 were simultaneously evaluated by the rapid test and by ELISA HIV. The rapid test was positive in three cases and was confirmed by ELISA and in one the result was inconclusive and later found to be negative by ELISA. In the 106 accidents in which the rapid test was negative no prophylactic medication was instituted, with an estimated reduction in costs of US$ 2,889.35. In addition to this advantage, the good correlation of the rapid test with ELISA, the shorter duration of stress and the absence of exposure of the health worker to the adverse effects of antiretroviral agents suggest the adoption of this test in Programs of Attention to Accidents with Potentially Contaminated Material.
Serum samples (n: 110) from blood donors and high risk individuals from Cordoba, Argentina with indeterminate HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II Wb profiles were studied for specific antibodies to HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and for the presence or absence of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II specific bands by Wb. This study was carried out in order to characterize their putative reactions with HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II proteins and to resolve the retrovirus infection status of these individuals. Results indicated that blood donors sera displaying indeterminate HIV-1 or HTLV-I/II Wb patterns were not immunoreactive to HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 on IFA. However, a high rate of indeterminate HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II Wb samples from high risk individuals had positive HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 IFA results respectively. Our study supports the growing evidence that HTLV-HIV indeterminate seroreactivity in low risk population is due to a cross reaction against nonviral antigens, and in high risk populations the indeterminate samples show serological cross-recognition between HIV-1 proteins and HTLV-I/II proteins on Wb. These results point out the necessity to investigate the HTLV-I/II reactivity in indeterminate HIV-1 samples and viceversa in order to confirm the diagnosis. Finally, this study shows the potential usefulness of IFA in elucidating the status of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II infection of individuals with indeterminate Wb profiles, thus enabling resolution of retrovirus infection status.
Several studies have recently shown the use of recombinant rabies virus as potential vector-viral vaccine for HIV-1. The sequence homology between gp 120 and rabies virus glycoprotein has been reported. The McCoy cell line has therefore been used to show CD4+ or CD4+ like receptors. Samples of HIV-1 were isolated, when plasma of HIV-1 positive patients was inoculated in the McCoy cell line. The virus infection was then studied during successive virus passages. The proteins released in the extra cellular medium were checked for protein activity, by exposure to SDS Electrophoresis and blotting to nitro-cellulose filter, then reacting with sera of HIV positive and negative patients. Successive passages were performed, and showed viral replication, membrane permeabilization, the syncytium formation, and the cellular lysis (cytopathic effect). Flow cytometry analysis shows clear evidence that CD4+ receptors are present in this cell line, which enhances the likelihood of easy isolation and replication of HIV. The results observed allow the use of this cell line as a possible model for isolating HIV, as well as for carrying out studies of the dynamics of viral infection in several situations, including exposure to drugs in pharmacological studies, and possibly studies and analyses of the immune response in vaccine therapies.
The ability to control human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection and progression of the disease is regulated by host and viral factors. This cross-sectional study describes the socio-demographic and epidemiological characteristics associated with HIV-1 infection in 1,061 subjects attended in Londrina and region, south of Brazil: 136 healthy individuals (Group 1), 147 HIV-1-exposed but uninfected individuals (Group 2), 161 HIV-1-infected asymptomatic patients (Group 3), and 617 patients with AIDS (Group 4). Data were obtained by a standardized questionnaire and serological tests. The age of the individuals ranged from 15.1 to 79.5 years, 54.0% and 56.1% of the Groups 3 and 4 patients, respectively, were men. The major features of groups 2, 3, and 4 were a predominance of education level up to secondary school (55.8%, 60.2% and 62.4%, respectively), sexual route of exposure (88.4%, 87.0% and 82.0%, respectively), heterosexual behavior (91.8%, 75.2% and 83.7%, respectively), and previous sexually transmitted diseases (20.4%, 32.5%, and 38.1%, respectively). The patients with AIDS showed the highest rates of seropositivity for syphilis (25.6%), of anti-HCV (22.3%), and anti-HTLV I/II obtained by two serological screening tests (6.2% and 6.8%, respectively). The results documenting the predominant characteristics for HIV-1 infection among residents of Londrina and region, could be useful for the improvement of current HIV-1 prevention, monitoring and therapeutic programs targeted at this population.