HAT is the main cause of graft loss in pediatric living-related LTx. Revascularization of the graft by thrombectomy and re-anastomosis has been reported to be effective for graft salvage in cases of HAT and should be attempted when potential donors are not available for emergency re-transplantation. Immediate complications secondary to revascularization attempts in cases of HAT are not described. Late complications are mainly related to biliary tree ischemia. We report a case of child who experienced intimal hepatic artery dissection, which extended into intra-hepatic branches of the artery after a thrombectomy with a Fogarty balloon catheter in an attempt to restore arterial flow after HAT. This complication led to acute deterioration of the graft and the need for emergency re-transplantation.
Introduction. Hepatic steatosis due to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. The Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) is a prognostic screening tool to detect people at risk for type 2 diabetes without the use of any blood test. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether FINDRISC can also be used to screen for the presence of hepatic steatosis. Patients and methods. Steatosis was determined by ultrasound. The study sample consisted of 821 non-diabetic subjects without previous hepatic disease; 81% were men (mean age 45 +/- 9 years) and 19% women (mean age 41 +/- 10 years). Results. Steatosis was present in 44% of men and 10% of women. The odds ratio for one unit increase in the FINDRISC associated with the risk of steatosis was 1.30 (95% CI 1.25-1.35), similar for men and women. The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve for steatosis was 0.80 (95% CI 0.77-0.83); 0.80 in men (95% CI 0.77-0.83) and 0.83 (95% CI 0.73-0.93) in women. Conclusions. Our data suggest that the FINDRISC could be a useful primary screening tool for the presence of steatosis.
Background/Aims: The aim of this study is to compare the splanchnic non-hepatic hemodynamics and the metabolic changes during orthotopic liver transplantation between the conventional with bypass and the piggyback methods. Methodology: A prospective, consecutive series of 59 primary transplants were analyzed. Oxygen consumption, glucose, potassium, and lactate metabolism were quantitatively estimated from blood samples from the radial artery and portal vein, collected up to 120 minutes after graft reperfusion. Mean arterial pressure, portal venous pressure, portal venous blood flow, and splanchnic vascular resistance were also measured or calculated at postreperfusion collection times. Results: There was a greater increase in portal venous blood flow (p=0.05) and lower splanchnic vascular resistance (p=0.04) in the piggyback group. Mean arterial pressure and portal venous pressure were similar for both groups. Oxygen, glucose and potassium consumption were higher in the piggyback group, but none of the metabolic parameters differed significantly between groups. Conclusions: In conclusion, the study detected a higher portal venous blood flow and a lower and splanchnic vascular resistance associated with the piggyback technique. After graft reperfusion, no difference in the splanchnic non-hepatic metabolic parameters was observed between the conventional with bypass and the piggyback methods of orthotopic liver transplantation.
Purpose: Hepatectomy remains a complex operation even in experienced hands. The objective of the present study was to describe our experience in liver resections, in the light of liver transplantation, emphasizing the indications for surgery, surgical techniques, complications, and results. Methods: The medical records of 53 children who underwent liver resection for primary or metastatic hepatic tumors were reviewed. Ultrasonography, computed tomographic (CT) scan, and needle biopsy were the initial methods used to diagnose malignant tumors. After neoadjuvant chemotherapy, tumor resectability was evaluated by another CT scan. Surgery was performed by surgeons competent in liver transplantation. As in liver living donor operation, vascular anomalies were investigated. The main arterial anomalies found were the right hepatic artery emerging from the superior mesenteric artery and left hepatic artery from left gastric artery. Hilar structures were dissected very close to liver parenchyma. The hepatic artery and portal vein were dissected and ligated near their entrance to the liver parenchyma to avoid damaging the hilar vessels of the other lobe. During dissection of the suprahepatic veins, the venous infusion was decreased to reduce central venous pressure and potential bleeding from hepatic veins and the vena cava. Results: Fifty-three children with hepatic tumors underwent surgical treatment, 47 patients underwent liver resections, and in 6 cases, liver transplantation was performed because the tumor was considered unresectable. There were 31 cases of hepatoblastoma, with a 9.6% mortality rate. Ten children presented with other malignant tumors-3 undifferentiated sarcomas, 2 hepatocellular carcinomas, 2 fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinomas, a rhabdomyosarcoma, an immature ovarian teratoma, and a single neuroblastoma. These cases had a 50% mortality rate. Six children had benign tumors-4 mesenchymal hamartoma, 1 focal nodular hyperplasia, and a mucinous cystadenoma. All of these children had a favorable outcome. Hepatic resections included 22 right lobectomies, 9 right trisegmentectomies, 8 left lobectomies, 5 left trisegmentectomies, 2 left segmentectomies, and 1 case of monosegment (segment IV) resection. The overall mortality rate was 14.9%, and all deaths were related to recurrence of malignant disease. The mortality rate of hepatoblastoma patients was less than other malignant tumors (P = .04). Conclusion: The resection of hepatic tumors in children requires expertise in pediatric surgical practice, and many lessons learned from liver transplantation can be applied to hepatectomies. The present series showed no mortality directly related to the surgery and a low complication rate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions uses a single parameter, the dispersion number, to describe the hepatic elimination of xenobiotics and endogenous substances. An implicit a priori assumption of the model is that the transit time density of intravascular indicators is approximated by an inverse Gaussian distribution. This approximation is limited in that the model poorly describes the tail part of the hepatic outflow curves of vascular indicators. A sum of two inverse Gaussian functions is proposed as ail alternative, more flexible empirical model for transit time densities of vascular references. This model suggests that a more accurate description of the tail portion of vascular reference curves yields an elimination rate constant (or intrinsic clearance) which is 40% less than predicted by the dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions. The results emphasize the need to accurately describe outflow curves in using them as a basis for determining pharmacokinetic parameters using hepatic elimination models. (C) 1997 Society for Mathematical Biology.
The distributed-tubes model of hepatic elimination is extended to include intermixing between sinusoids, resulting in the formulation of a new, interconnected-tubes model. The new model is analysed for the simple case of two interconnected tubes, where an exact solution is obtained. For the case of many strongly-interconnected tubes, it is shown that a zeroth-order approximation leads to the convection-dispersion model. As a consequence the dispersion number is expressed, for the first time, in terms of its main physiological determinants: heterogeneity of flow and density of interconnections between sinusoids. The analysis of multiple indicator dilution data from a perfused liver preparation using the simplest version of the model yields the estimate 10.3 for the average number of interconnections. The problem of boundary conditions for the dispersion model is considered from the viewpoint that the dispersion-convection equation is a zeroth-order approximation to the equations for the interconnected-tubes model. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Background/Aims: Specific treatment of chronic hepatitis C is effective in 50% of patients, improving the]liver`s fibrosis, necroinflammatory changes and steatosis. However, in patients still viremic after treatment the extension of these benefits remains doubtful. The evolution of the disease in this group and its relationship to demographic data, biometric indices and time lapse between biopsies was evaluated. Methodology: In 141 patients, paired biopsies were classified and compared according to fibrosis grading. Necroinflammation, steatosis, demographic data (age and gender), body mass index (BMI) and time lapse between biopsies were compared with fibrosis grading. Results: The grade of fibrosis of the patients, after approximately 3.5 years time lapse between biopsies, could be classified into 4 groups; Improved: 29(20.0%), Unaltered: 64(45.0%), Worsened: 48(34%) and Cirrhotic: 14(9.93%). For necroinflammation, the Improved/Unaltered groups were statistically similar but different from the Worsened and Cirrhotic. The mean age, BMI and time lapse between biopsies were statistically similar in all groups. Steatosis occurred in 35 (24.82%) between biopsies and its incidence was reduced in the Worsened and Cirrhotic groups. Conclusions: Fibrosis turned into cirrhosis in a significant number of patients, after a short time lapse. The reverse correlation of steatosis to fibrosis and its occurrence during the time lapse between biopsies suggests it might induce hepatic necrosis and contribute to fibrogenesis.
Background: Endoscopic sclerotherapy (ES) has been the standard treatment for children with idiopathic extrahepatic portal vein obstruction (EHPVO). Portosystemic shunts are indicated when variceal bleeding cannot be controlled by ES. Recently, mesenteric left portal vein bypass was indicated as a surgical intervention and preventative measure for hepatic dysfunction in children with long-term EHPVO. Nevertheless, there is a lack Of published data confirming the extent of hepatic dysfunction, hypersplenism, and physical development in children with long-term follow-up. Method: We retrospectively verified the long-term outcomes in 82 children with EHPVO treated with ES protocol, focusing on mortality, control of bleeding, hypersplenism, and consequent hepatic dysfunction. Results: Of the children, 56% were free from bleeding after the initiation of ES. The most frequent cause of rebleeding was gastric varices (30%). Four patients had recurrent bleeding from esophageal varices (4.6%). Four patients underwent surgery as a consequence of uncontrolled gastric varices. There were no deaths. Most patients showed good physical development. We observed a mild but statistically significant drop in factor V motion, as well as leukocyte and platelet count. Conclusion: Endoscopic sclerotherapy is an efficient treatment for children with EHPVO. The incidence of rebleeding is low, and there was no mortality. Children develop mild liver dysfunction and hypersplenism with long-term follow-up. Only a few patients manifest symptoms of hypersplenism, portal biliopathy, or liver dysfunction before adolescence. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The liver involvement in the human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has been related to parasitism and activated Kupffer cells with further occasional fibrotic alterations, especially after long-term disease without treatment. However, fibrotic alterations have been reported after therapy, whose clinical finding is the persistence of hepatomegaly. Fibrotic involvement of the liver after therapy was never well understood, and the aim of this study was to evaluate this finding through ultrastructural and morphometric analysis. A case-control study was performed with 20 patients (15 cases and five controls). Cases included patients with persistent hepatomegaly (residual) after treatment of VL submitted to liver biopsy to exclude other causes of liver enlargement, including serum tests of viral hepatitis. The material was evaluated by electron microcopy allowing ultrastructural with morphometric analysis of medium portion of hepatic lobule. Narrow sinusoidal lumen and prominent Kupffer cells were found with insignificant alterations of hepatocytes, pit, and endothelial cells. On ultrastructural analysis, the enlargement of the space of Disse was due to fibrous collagen, increase of number of Ito cells, and nonfibrous extracellular matrix that were associated with Kupffer cells enlargement. Immunohistochemistry showed an intense expression of TGF-beta in patients with VL. These findings suggest a production of TGF-beta by Kupffer cells that resulted in the characteristic fibrotic involvement of the liver. Residual hepatomegaly in visceral leishmaniasis could result from sustained Kupffer cell activation with perihepatocytic fibrosis.
Background: Androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) are synthetic hormone derivatives of testosterone and are mainly used to enhance athletic performance and muscle mass, but medical applications also have been described. Short- and long-term side effects have been demonstrated in many organs, but the liver adverse effects are the most common and serious ones associated with AAS use. However, these effects have been supported by few clinical and experimental studies. Objective: To evaluate the hepatic function and structure after 5 wk of nandrolone decanoate administration at three different doses. Methods: Twenty-seven adult male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to the following groups: control, clinical, intermediate, and suprapharmacological doses of nandrolone decanoate during 5 wk. Results: The biochemical studies showed that nandrolone decanoate administration leads to a dose-dependent increase in serum levels of the aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (P < 0.05), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (P < 0.01), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (P < 0.001), as well as a significant decrease in total proteins (P < 0.01), bilirubin (P < 0.05), total cholesterol and fractions (P < 0.05), and triglycerides (P < 0.05). Although a significant statistical difference was found for AST, ALT, and ALP when compared with the control group, their values remained within the normal range. The number of Kupffer cells was increased in the liver parenchyma (P < 0.05), and the content of collagen was increased in the central lobular vein wall, in the hepatic parenchyma, and in the portal space (P < 0.05). Conclusions: These results suggest that subchronic treatment with nandrolone decanoate, mainly administered at higher-than-clinical doses, are potentially deleterious to the liver, leading to incipient fibrosis.
Hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) are bipotential stem cells residing in human and animal livers that are able to differentiate towards the hepatocytic or cholangiocytic lineages. HPCs are present in both hepatocellular (HCC) and cholangiocellular carcinoma (CC) in humans; and a small percentage of HCC can originate from cancer stem cells. However, its distribution in canine liver tumour has not been studied. Herein, we searched for stem/progenitor cells in 13 HCC and 7 CC archived samples by immunohistochemical analysis. We found that both liver tumours presented a higher amount of K19-positive HPCs. Besides, 61.6% of HCC cases presented immature CD44-positive hepatocytes. Nevertheless, only two cases presented CD133-positive cells. As observed in humans, hepatic canine tumours presented activated HPCs, with important differentiation onto hepatocytes-like cells and minimal role of cancer stem cells on HCC. These findings reiterate the applicability of canine model in the search for new therapies before application in humans.
Introduction. The use of arterial grafts (AG) in pediatric orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is an alternative in cases of poor hepatic arterial inflow, small or anomalous recipient hepatic arteries, and retransplantations (re-OLT) due to hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT). AG have been crucial to the success of the procedure among younger children. Herein we have reported our experience with AG. Methods. We retrospectively reviewed data from June 1989 to June 2010 among OLT in which we used AG, analyzing indications, short-term complications, and long-term outcomes. Results. Among 437 pediatric OLT, 58 children required an AG. A common iliac artery interposition graft was used in 57 cases and a donor carotid artery in 1 case. In 38 children the graft was used primarily, including 94% (36/38) in which it was due to poor hepatic arterial inflow. Ductopenia syndromes (n = 14), biliary atresia (BA; n = 11), and fulminant hepatitis (n = 8) were the main preoperative diagnoses among these children. Their mean weight was 18.4 kg and mean age was 68 months. At the mean follow-up of 27 months, multiple-organ failure and primary graft nonfunction (PNF) were the short-term causes of death in 9 children (26.5%). Among the remaining 29 patients, 2 (6,8%) developed early graft thrombosis requiring re-OLT; 5 (17%) developed biliary complications, and 1 (3.4%) had asymptomatic arterial stenosis. In 20 children, a graft was used during retransplantation. The main indication was HAT (75%). BA (n = 15), ductopenia syndromes (n = 2), and primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 2) were the main diagnoses. Their mean weight was 16.7 kg and age was 65 months. At a mean follow-up of 53 months, 7 children died due to multiple-organ failure or PNF. Among the remaining 13 patients, 3 developed biliary complications and 1 had arterial stenosis. No thrombosis was observed. Conclusion. The data suggested that use of an AG is useful alternative in pediatric OLT. The technique is safe with a low risk of thrombosis.