989 resultados para HEAT CURRENT


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The influence of electric fields on surface migration of Gallium (Ga) and Nitrogen (N) adatoms is studied during GaN growth by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). When a direct current (DC) is used to heat the sample, long distance migration of Ga adatoms and diffusion asymmetry of N adatoms at steps are observed. On the other hand, if an alternating current (AC) is used, no such preferential adatom migration is found. This effect is attributed to the effective positive charges of surface adatoms. representing an effect of electro-migration. The implications of such current-induced surface migration to GaN epitaxy are subsequently investigated. It is seen to firstly change the distribution of Ga adatoms on a growing surface, and thus make the growth to be Ga-limited at one side of the sample but N-limited at the other side. This leads to different optical qualities of the film and different morphologies of the surface. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A modelling study is performed to compare the plasma °ow and heat transfer char- acteristics of low-power arc-heated thrusters (arcjets) for three di®erent propellants: hydrogen, nitrogen and argon. The all-speed SIMPLE algorithm is employed to solve the governing equa- tions, which take into account the e®ects of compressibility, Lorentz force and Joule heating, as well as the temperature- and pressure-dependence of the gas properties. The temperature, veloc- ity and Mach number distributions calculated within the thruster nozzle obtained with di®erent propellant gases are compared for the same thruster structure, dimensions, inlet-gas stagnant pressure and arc currents. The temperature distributions in the solid region of the anode-nozzle wall are also given. It is found that the °ow and energy conversion processes in the thruster nozzle show many similar features for all three propellants. For example, the propellant is heated mainly in the near-cathode and constrictor region, with the highest plasma temperature appear- ing near the cathode tip; the °ow transition from the subsonic to supersonic regime occurs within the constrictor region; the highest axial velocity appears inside the nozzle; and most of the input propellant °ows towards the thruster exit through the cooler gas region near the anode-nozzle wall. However, since the properties of hydrogen, nitrogen and argon, especially their molecular weights, speci¯c enthalpies and thermal conductivities, are di®erent, there are appreciable di®er- ences in arcjet performance. For example, compared to the other two propellants, the hydrogen arcjet thruster shows a higher plasma temperature in the arc region, and higher axial velocity but lower temperature at the thruster exit. Correspondingly, the hydrogen arcjet thruster has the highest speci¯c impulse and arc voltage for the same inlet stagnant pressure and arc current. The predictions of the modelling are compared favourably with available experimental results.


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The interannual anomalies of horizontal heat advection in the surface mixed layer over the equatorial Pacific Ocean in an assimilation experiment are studied and compared with existing observational analyses. The assimilation builds upon a hindcast study that has produced a good simulation of the observed equatorial currents and optimizes the simulation of the Reynolds sea surface temperature (SST) data. The comparison suggests that the assimilation has improved the simulation of the interannual horizontal heat advection of the surface mixed layer significantly. During periods of interrupted current measurements, the assimilation is shown to produce more meaningful anomalies of the heat advection than the interpolation of the observational data does. The assimilation also shows that the eddy heat flux due to the correlation between high-frequency current and SST variations, which is largely overlooked by the existing observational analyses, is important for the interannual SST balance over the equatorial Pacific. The interannual horizontal heat advection anomalies are found to be sensitive to SST errors where oceanic currents are strong, which is a challenge for ENSO prediction. The study further suggests that the observational analyses of the tropical SST balance based on the TAO and the Reynolds SST data contain significant errors due to the large gradient errors in the Reynolds SST data, which are amplified into the advection anomalies by the large equatorial currents.


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The effect of a high electric current density on the interfacial reactions of micro ball grid array solder joints was studied at room temperature and at 150 °C. Four types of phenomena were reported. Along with electromigration-induced interfacial intermetallic compound (IMC) formation, dissolution at the Cu under bump metallization (UBM)/bond pad was also noticed. With a detailed investigation, it was found that the narrow and thin metallization at the component side produced “Joule heating” due to its higher resistance, which in turn was responsible for the rapid dissolution of the Cu UBM/bond pad near to the Cu trace. During an “electromigration test” of a solder joint, the heat generation due to Joule heating and the heat dissipation from the package should be considered carefully. When the heat dissipation fails to compete with the Joule heating, the solder joint melts and molten solder accelerates the interfacial reactions in the solder joint. The presence of a liquid phase was demonstrated from microstructural evidence of solder joints after different current stressing (ranging from 0.3 to 2 A) as well as an in situ observation. Electromigration-induced liquid state diffusion of Cu was found to be responsible for the higher growth rate of the IMC on the anode side.


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The effect of current stressing on the reliability of 63Sn37Pb solder joints with Cu pads was investigated at temperatures of −5 °C and 125 °C up to 600 h. The samples were stressed with 3 A current (6.0 × 102 A/cm2 in the solder joint with diameter of 800 μm and 1.7 × 104 A/cm2 in the Cu trace with cross section area of 35 × 500 μm). The temperatures of the samples and interfacial reaction within the solder joints were examined. The microstructural change of the solder joints aged at 125 °C without current flow was also evaluated for comparison. It was confirmed that the current flow could cause the temperature of solder joints to rise rapidly and remarkably due to accumulation of massive Joule heat generated by the Cu trace. The solder joints stressed at 125 °C with 3 A current had an extensive growth of Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn intermetallic compounds (IMC) at both top and bottom solder-to-pad interfaces. It was a direct result of accelerated aging rather than an electromigration or thermomigration effect in this experiment. The kinetic is believed to be bulk diffusion controlled solid-state reaction, irrespective of the electron flow direction. When stressed at −5 °C with 3 A current, no significant change in microstructure and composition of the solder joints had occurred due to a very low diffusivity of the atoms as most Joule heat was eliminated at low temperature. The IMC evolution of the solder joints aged at 125 °C exhibited a subparabolic growth behavior, which is presumed to be a combined mechanism of grain boundary diffusion and bulk diffusion. This is mainly ascribed to the retardant effect against the diffusion course by the sufficiently thick IMC layer that was initially formed during the reflow soldering.


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The European Slope Current (SC) is a major section of the warm poleward flow from the Atlantic to the Arctic, which also moderates the exchange of heat, salt, nutrients and carbon between the deep ocean and the European shelf seas. The mean structure of the geostrophic flow, seasonality, interannual variability and long-term trend of SC are appraised with an unprecedented continuous 20-year satellite altimeter dataset. Comparisons with long term in situ data showed a maximum correlation of r2=0.51 between altimeter and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP), with similar results for drogued buoy data. Mean geostrophic currents were appraised more comprehensively than previous attempts, and the paths of 4 branches of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and positions of 5 eddies in the region were derived quantitatively. A consistent seasonal cycle in the flow of the SC was found at all 8 sections along the European shelf slope, with maximum poleward flow in the winter and minimum in the summer. The seasonal difference in the altimetry current speed amounted to ~8-10 cm s-1 at the northern sections, but only ~5 cm s-1 on the Bay of Biscay slopes. This extended altimeter dataset indicates significant regional and seasonal variations, and has revealed new insights into the interannual variability of the SC. It is shown that there is a peak poleward flow at most positions along a ~2000 km stretch of the continental slope from Portugal to Scotland during 1995-1997, but this did not clearly relate to the extreme negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the winter of 1995-1996. The speed of the SC exhibited a long term decreasing trend of ~1% per year. By contrast the NAC showed no significant trend over the 20-year period. Major changes in the NAC occurred three times, and these changes followed decreases in the NAO index.


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Extreme climatic events, including heat waves (HWs) and severe storms, influence the structure of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Despite growing consensus that anthropogenic climate change will increase the frequency, duration and magnitude of extreme events, current understanding of their impact on communities and ecosystems is limited. Here, we used sessile invertebrates on settlement panels as model assemblages to examine the influence of HW magnitude, duration and timing on marine biodiversity patterns. Settlement panels were deployed in a marina in southwest UK for ≥5 weeks, to allow sufficient time for colonisation and development of sessile fauna, before being subjected to simulated HWs in a mesocosm facility. Replicate panel assemblages were held at ambient sea temperature (∼17 °C), or +3 °C or +5 °C for a period of 1 or 2 weeks, before being returned to the marina for a recovery phase of 2–3 weeks. The 10-week experiment was repeated 3 times, staggered throughout summer, to examine the influence of HW timing on community impacts. Contrary to our expectations, the warming events had no clear, consistent impacts on the abundance of species or the structure of sessile assemblages. With the exception of 1 high-magnitude long-duration HW event, warming did not alter not assemblage structure, favour non-native species, nor lead to changes in richness, abundance or biomass of sessile faunal assemblages. The observed lack of effect may have been caused by a combination of (1) the use of relatively low magnitude, realistic heat wave treatments compared to previous studies (2), the greater resilience of mature adult sessile fauna compared to recruits and juveniles, and (3) the high thermal tolerance of the model organisms (i.e., temperate fouling species, principally bryozoans and ascidians). Our study demonstrates the importance of using realistic treatments when manipulating climate change variables, and also suggests that biogeographical context may influence community-level responses to short-term warming events, which are predicted to increase in severity in the future.


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This note presents a simple model for prediction of liquid hold-up in two-phase horizontal pipe flow for the stratified roll wave (St+RW) flow regime. Liquid hold-up data for horizontal two-phase pipe flow [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6] exhibit a steady increase with liquid velocity and a more dramatic fall with increasing gas rate as shown by Hand et al. [7 and 8] for example. In addition the liquid hold-up is reported to show an additional variation with pipe diameter. Generally, if the initial liquid rate for the no-gas flow condition gives a liquid height below the pipe centre line, the flow patterns pass successively through the stratified (St), stratified ripple (St+R), stratified roll wave, film plus droplet (F+D) and finally the annular (A+D, A+RW, A+BTS) regimes as the gas rate is increased. Hand et al. [7 and 8] have given a detailed description of this progression in flow regime development and definitions of the patterns involved. Despite the fact that there are over one hundred models which have been developed to predict liquid hold-up, none have been shown to be universally useful, while only a handful have proven to be applicable to specific flow regimes [9, 10, 11 and 12]. One of the most intractable regimes to predict has been the stratified roll wave pattern where the liquid hold-up shows the most dramatic change with gas flow rate. It has been suggested that the momentum balance-type models, which give both hold-up and pressure drop prediction, can predict universally for all flow regimes but particularly in the case of the difficult stratified roll wave pattern. Donnelly [1] recently demonstrated that the momentum balance models experienced some difficulties in the prediction of this regime. Without going into lengthy details, these models differ in the assumed friction factor or shear stress on the surfaces within the pipe particularly at the liquid–gas interface. The Baker–Jardine model [13] when tested against the 0.0454 m i.d. data of Nguyen [2] exhibited a wide scatter for both liquid hold-up and pressure drop as shown in Fig. 1. The Andritsos–Hanratty model [14] gave better prediction of pressure drop but a wide scatter for liquid hold-up estimation (cf. Fig. 2) when tested against the 0.0935 m i.d. data of Hand [5]. The Spedding–Hand model [15], shown in Fig. 3 against the data of Hand [5], gave improved performance but was still unsatisfactory with the prediction of hold-up for stratified-type flows. The MARS model of Grolman [6] gave better prediction of hold-up (cf. Fig. 4) but deterioration in the estimation of pressure drop when tested against the data of Nguyen [2]. Thus no method is available that will accurately predict liquid hold-up across the whole range of flow patterns but particularly for the stratified plus roll wavy regime. The position is particularly unfortunate since the stratified-type regimes are perhaps the most predominant pattern found in multiphase lines.


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Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes Johne's disease in cattle and other ruminants and has been implicated as a possible cause of Crohn's disease in humans. The organism gains access to raw milk directly through excretion into the milk within the udder and indirectly through faecal contamination during milking. MAP has been shown to survive commercial pasteurization in naturally infected milk, even at the extended holding time of 25 s. Pasteurized milk must therefore be considered a vehicle of transmission of MAP to humans. isolation methods for MAP from milk are problematical, chiefly because of the absence of a suitable selective medium. This makes food surveillance programs and research on this topic difficult. The MAP problem can be addressed in two main ways: by devising a milk-processing strategy that ensures the death of the organism: and/or strategies at farm level to prevent access of the organism into raw milk. Much of the research to date has been devoted to determining ifa problem exists and, if so, the extent of the problem. Little has been directed at possible solutions. Given the current state of information on this topic and the potential consequences for the dairy industry research is urgently needed so that a better understanding of the risks and the efficacy of possible processing solutions can be determined.


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Thermal management as a method of heightening performance in miniaturized electronic devices using microchannel heat sinks has recently become of interest to researchers and the industry. One of the current challenges is to design heat sinks with uniform flow distribution. A number of experimental studies have been conducted to seek appropriate designs for microchannel heat sinks. However, pursuing this goal experimentally can be an expensive endeavor. The present work investigates the effect of cross-links on adiabatic two-phase flow in an array of parallel channels. It is carried out using the three dimensional mixture model from the computational fluid dynamics software, FLUENT 6.3. A straight channel and two cross-linked channel models were simulated. The cross-links were located at 1/3 and 2/3 of the channel length, and their widths were one and two times larger than the channel width. All test models had 45 parallel rectangular channels, with a hydraulic diameter of 1.59 mm. The results showed that the trend of flow distribution agrees with experimental results. A new design, with cross-links incorporated, was proposed and the results showed a significant improvement of up to 55% on flow distribution compared with the standard straight channel configuration without a penalty in the pressure drop. Further discussion about the effect of cross-links on flow distribution, flow structure, and pressure drop was also documented.


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Heat pumps can provide domestic heating at a cost that is competitive with oil heating in particular. If the electricity supply contains a significant amount of renewable generation, a move from fossil fuel heating to heat pumps can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The inherent thermal storage of heat pump installations can also provide the electricity supplier with valuable flexibility. The increase in heat pump installations in the UK and Europe in the last few years poses a challenge for low-voltage networks, due to the use of induction motors to drive the pump compressors. The induction motor load tends to depress voltage, especially on starting. The paper includes experimental results, dynamic load modelling, comparison of experimental results and simulation results for various levels of heat pump deployment. The simulations are based on a generic test network designed to capture the main characteristics of UK distribution system practice. The simulations employ DIgSlILENT to facilitate dynamic simulations that focus on starting current, voltage variations, active power, reactive power and switching transients.


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In this study, the stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) behaviour of laser-welded NiTi wires before and after post-weld heat-treatment (PWHT) was investigated. The samples were subjected to slow strain rate testing (SSRT) under tensile loading in Hanks’ solution at 37.5 °C (or 310.5 K) at a constant anodic potential (200 mVSCE). The current density of the samples during the SSRT was captured by a potentiostat, and used as an indicator to determine the susceptibility to SCC. Fractography was analyzed using scanning-electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental results showed that the laser-welded sample after PWHT was immune to the SCC as evidenced by the stable current density throughout the SSRT. This is attributed to the precipitation of fine and coherent nano-sized Ni4Ti3 precipitates in the welded regions (weld zone, WZ and heat-affected zone, HAZ) after PWHT, resulting in (i) enrichment of TiO2 content in the passive film and (ii) higher resistance against the local plastic deformation in the welded regions.


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A conjugate heat transfer (CHT) method was used to perform the aerothermal analysis of an internally cooled turbine vane, and was validated against experimental and empirical data.
Firstly, validation of the method with regard to internal cooling was done by reproducing heat transfer test data in a channel with pin fin heat augmenters, under steady constant wall temperature. The computed Nusselt numbers for the two tested configurations (full length circular pin fins attached to both walls and partial pin fins attached to one wall only) showed good agreement with the measurements. Sensitivity to mesh density was evaluated under this simplified case in order to establish mesh requirements for the analysis of the full component.
Secondly, the CHT method was applied onto a turbine vane test case from an actual engine. The predicted vane airfoil metal temperature was compared to the measured thermal paint data and the in-house empirical predictions. The CHT results agreed well with the thermal paint data and showed better prediction than the current empirical modeling approach.


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Evidence-based thermal care recommendations designed to minimize heat loss immediately at birth are readily available however, hypothermia still persists as a global challenge especially when caring for the most immature and smallest preterm infants. In this narrative overview we aim to provide the reader with a succinct summary of the causes and consequences of hypothermia, the extent of the problem (rates of hypothermia), principles of good thermal care, delivery room preventative measures, the research evidence underpinning existing interventions, current issues in practice, and the way forward. Due to the plethora of research literature available in this subject area, our article will focus primarily on evidence derived from systematic reviews and randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials assessing the effectiveness of interventions to prevent hypothermia in the most vulnerable (preterm/low birth weight) infants where the intervention or combination of interventions is applied immediately at birth. © 2014.