38 resultados para HALA
161 p.
[EU]Testu bat koherente egiten duten arrazoiak ulertzea oso baliagarria da testuaren beraren ulermenerako, koherentzia eta koherentzia-erlazioak testu bat edo gehiago koherente diren ondorioztatzen laguntzen baitigu. Lan honetan gai bera duten testu ezberdinen arteko koherentziazko 3 Cross Document Structure Theory edo CST (Radev, 2000) erlazio aztertu eta sailkatu dira. Hori egin ahal izateko, euskaraz idatziriko gai berari buruzko testuak segmentatzeko eta beraien arteko erlazioak etiketatzeko gidalerroak proposatzen dira. 10 testuz osaturiko corpusa etiketatu da; horietako 3 cluster bi etiketatzailek aztertu dute. Etiketatzaileen arteko adostasunaren berri ematen dugu. Koherentzia-erlazioak garatzea oso garrantzitsua da Hizkuntzaren Prozesamenduko hainbat sistementzat, hala nola, informazioa erauzteko sistementzat, itzulpen automatikoarentzat, galde-erantzun sistementzat eta laburpen automatikoarentzat. Etorkizunean CSTko erlazio guztiak corpus esanguratsuan aztertuko balira, testuen arteko koherentzia- erlazioak euskarazko testuen prozesaketa automatikoa bideratzeko lehenengo pausua litzateke hemen egindakoa.
Trabajo realizado en la empresa CAF Power&Automation
Askatasunez zirkulatu eta erresiditzeko eskubidea europaren integrazio prozesuko lorpen handienetako bat izan da, Europar Batasunean (aurrerantzean EB) egunero milaka pertsonek gauzatzen duten eskubidea izanik. Zertan datza eskubide honek? Pertsona batek nazionala ez den beste estatu batera sartu edo irtetzeko edo bertan bere egoitza finkatzeko duen eskubidea da. Hala ere, eskubide hau oso zabala izan daiteke, hau egikari dezaketen subjektuak anitzak izan daitezkeelako edota eskubidea egikaritu daitekeen espazio geografikoa oso zabala delako, beste zenbaiten artean. Horregatik, beharrezkoa deritzogu atal bat eskubidearen marko guztia aipatu eta horren barnean aztertuko duguna zehaztera eskaintzea.
450 p.
2015eko ekainaren 25ean, Konstituzio Auzitegiak (KA aurrerantzean) farmazeutiko baten kontzientzia-eragozpenari buruzko lehenengo epaia eman zuen. Epai gatazkatsua izan zen. Izan ere, jurisprudentzia konstituzionalak ez zuen farmazeutikoaren kontzientzia-eragozpena aztertu lehenago. Bestetik, batzuen ustez, KAri aukera ematen zion kontzientzia-eragozpenari buruz zenbait argibide emateko. Hala ere, epai honen garrantzia ez zetorren bi arrazoi horiengatik bakarrik, egon ziren desadostasunengatik baizik. Izan ere, hori adierazten dute epaiari egindako hiru boto partikularrek.
Purpose: To determine acrylamide (AA) levels in different brands of commercial and traditional foodstuffs available in Syria by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometery (UPLCMS). Methods: A total of 63 samples were analyzed. Food samples were defatted by hexane and then extracted with methanol 98 % in a vortex mixer. Thereafter, Carrez I and Carrez II were added to precipitate proteins from the co-extractives and then centrifuged to obtain a clear aqueous extract that was evaporated to dryness. The extract was dissolved in 1 mL of water, eluted through a preconditioned Oasis HLB cartridge and then filtered. The filtrate was analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS to determine AA content. Results: Among the commercial foods tested, the highest acrylamide quantity was found in potato products (396 ± 3.59 – 1844 ± 5.29 μg kg−1) and the lowest in corn products (183 ± 2.64 – 366 ± 4.58 μg kg−1). This was followed by biscuits (57 ± 2.64 – 1433 ± 2.51 μg kg−1), breakfast cereals (121 ± 8.73 – 245 ± 3.60 μg kg−1), bread (119 ± 1.73 – 263 ± 3.60 μg kg−1) and then coffee (113 ± 2.64 - 64 ± 3.05 μg kg−1). Regarding traditional foods, the highest level of AA was found in AL- Mshabak (481 ± 2.08 μg kg−1) and AL-Awamat (421 ± 2.64 μg kg−1) followed by AL-Namora (282 ± 4.35 μg kg−1) and AL-Kenafa (242 ± 2.64 μg kg−1). It was also observed that the lowest amount of AA was in fried bread (230 μg kg−1), AL-Fatayer (192 ± 3.51 μg kg−1) and AL-Baqlawa (172 ± 4.35 μg kg−1) while Eid Aqras (130 ± 4.58 μg kg−1) and AL-Brazeq (167 ± 3.78 μg kg−1) contained the least amount of AA. Conclusion: The results indicate that the highest levels of AA are found in the most commonly consumed foods. There was significant difference (p < 0.05) in AA levels among different food items and within different brands of the same product.
Background: Oral cancer is a significant public health problem world-wide and exerts high economic, social, psychological, and physical burdens on patients, their families, and on their primary care providers. We set out to describe the changing trends in incidence and survival rates of oral cancer in Ireland between 1994 and 2009. Methods: National data on incident oral cancers [ICD 10 codes C01-C06] were obtained from the National Cancer Registry Ireland from 1994 to 2009. We estimated annual percentage change (APC) in oral cancer incidence during 1994–2009 using joinpoint regression software (version The lifetime risk of oral cancer to age 79 was estimated using Irish incidence and population data from 2007 to 2009. Survival rates were also examined using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazard models to explore the influence of several demographic/lifestyle covariates with follow-up to end 2012. Results: Data were obtained on 2,147 oral cancer incident cases. Men accounted for two-thirds of oral cancer cases (n = 1,430). Annual rates in men decreased significantly during 1994–2001 (APC = -4.8 %, 95 % CI: −8.7 to −0.7) and then increased moderately (APC = 2.3 %, 95 % CI: −0.9 to 5.6). In contrast, annual incidence increased significantly in women throughout the study period (APC = 3.2 %, 95 % CI: 1.9 to 4.6). There was an elevated risk of death among oral cancer patients who were: older than 60 years of age; smokers; unemployed or retired; those living in the most deprived areas; and those whose tumour was sited in the base of the tongue. Being married and diagnosed in more recent years were associated with reduced risk of death. Conclusion: Oral cancer increased significantly in both sexes between 1999 and 2009 in Ireland. Our analyses demonstrate the influence of measured factors such as smoking, time of diagnosis and age on observed trends. Unmeasured factors such as alcohol use, HPV and dietary factors may also be contributing to increased trends. Several of these are modifiable risk factors which are crucial for informing public health policies, and thus more research is needed.