234 resultados para HAEMOPHILUS (VIROLOGIA)


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Few vaccines in history have induced such a dramatic decline in incidence over such a short period of time as the Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate. This vaccine was introduced in 1988 in the United States, but only in 1999 was Hib immunization introduced by the Brazilian Ministry of Health as part of the routine infant National Immunization Program. The authors analyzed 229 H. influenzae (Hi) isolates from Public Health Laboratories in three Brazilian states: Pernambuco (Northeast, N = 54), Santa Catarina (South, N = 19), and Rio de Janeiro (Southeast, N = 156). The isolates were collected from Brazilian children 0-10 years of age with meningitis and other infections from 1990 to 2003 and were part of the research collection of the National Institute of Quality Control in Health, FIOCRUZ. Bacterial strains were characterized by serotyping and biotyping. During the pre-vaccination period the prevalence infection due to Hib was of 165 isolates and only 2 non-b Hi among all the notified meningitis infections caused by Hi. Our results showed a significant decrease in the prevalence of Hib meningitis from 165 to 33 isolates after 1999. However, during the post-vaccination period of 2001-2003 we observed an increase in the number of non-b Hi isolates: only 2 non-b strains isolated from 1990 to 1999 and 29 from 1999 to 2003. Based on the present data, the authors emphasize the need for more sensitive epidemiological and bacteriological studies aiming the improvement of the available Hib vaccine, in order to protect the susceptible population to infections due to other serological types of Hi and the reevaluation of immunization schedules used by the National Immunization Program.


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We evaluated the functional activity of Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib) antibodies elicited in a group of infants immunized with the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine combined with an Hib vaccine produced totally in Brazil after technological transfer of Hib vaccine production from Glaxo SmithKline, Belgium. Blood samples from immunized infants (N = 985) were collected for the determination of Hib antibodies. Total Ig and IgM and IgG subclasses of antibodies against polyribosyl ribitol phosphate (PRP) were analyzed by ELISA. Almost all vaccinees (97.56%, 961/985) developed a strong anti-PRP IgG antibody response (≥1.0 μg/mL), while an anti-PRP IgM response was observed in 64.24% (634/985) of them (≥0.15 μg/mL). Only 18.88% (186/985) of the infants in the group with high PRP antibody IgG concentrations (≥1.0 μg/mL) developed a high IgM antibody response. Anti-PRP IgG antibody levels were significantly higher than anti-PRP IgM. These results demonstrate the predominance of IgG antibodies over IgM antibodies in response to PRP, with a ratio of 17:1. IgG antibodies were predominantly of the IgG1 subclass. An increase in IgG avidity was also observed during the course of immunization.


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Haemophilus parasuis est un pathogène porcin causant la maladie de Glässer caractérisée par de la polysérosite fibrineuse, polyarthrite, méningite et septicémie. La pathogenèse de l’infection et les facteurs de virulence sont encore mal connus. Le site de colonisation de Haemophilus parasuis dans le tractus respiratoire supérieur est controversé. Pour accéder à la circulation sanguine, H. parasuis doit envahir la muqueuse. H. parasuis adhère à des cellules épithéliales porcines de trachée (NPTr). Pour accéder au système nerveux central et causer la méningite, H. parasuis doit traverser la barrière hémato-méningée. H. parasuis adhère à et envahit des cellules endothéliales porcines de microvaisseaux cérébraux (PBMEC) provenant de la BBB. Le but de cette étude était d’étudier certaines interactions entre H. parasuis et son lipooligosccharide (LOS), et des cellules endothéliales et épithéliales porcines. Les résultats démontrent que l’adhésion de H. parasuis Nagasaki aux NPTr et aux PBMEC est en partie médiée par son LOS. H. parasuis induit l’apoptose des NPTr et des PBMEC, mais le LOS ne semble pas impliqué. H. parasuis, et à un niveau moindre son LOS, stimulent la sécrétion d’interleukine- (IL) 6 et d’IL-8. Différentes souches de H. parasuis sérotypes 4 et 5 (sérotypes les plus prévalents en Amérique du Nord) stimulent également les NPTr et PBMEC à produire IL-6 et IL-8. Les résultats suggèrent que le LOS de H. parasuis joue un certain rôle dans la pathogenèse de l’infection, mais d’autres composantes bactériennes sont également impliquées.


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Cinqüenta e oito cepas de Haemophilus influenzae foram isoladas da nasofaringe de crianças saudáveis que freqüentam uma creche, e através da técnica de Southern blot foi pesquisada nas cepas acapsuladas a presença de seqüências do gene capsular. Sete cepas (12%) caracterizadas sorologicamente como acapsuladas mostraram homologia com seqüências específicas da cápsula. Uma cepa foi caracterizada com uma linhagem H. influenzae tipo b cápsula deficiente.


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The present study evaluated the use of PCR for Histophilus somni detection in bovine semen. Semen samples were experimentally infected with H. somni at dilutions ranging from 107 to 101 bacteria/mL and subjected to DNA extraction by the phenol/chloroform method, followed by PCR amplification. The amplification products were analyzed by electrophoresis in 8% acrylamide gel. The oligonucleotide primers used yielded an amplification fragment of 400 base pairs from the bacterial DNA. Positive amplification was obtained even for the 101 bacteria/mL dilution. PCR proved to be an efficient method for the detection of H. somni. The results obtained in this study have brought relevant information for the diagnosis of H. somni, justifying the need for the diagnosis of this bacterium in bulls, especially in semen samples that should be free of contamination. The PCR method has shown to be a useful tool for the quality control of semen produced in artificial insemination centers.


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Haemophilus parasuis infection in pigs is characterized by fibrinous polyserositis, arthritis and meningitis. Despite the fact that traditional diagnosis is based on herd history, clinical signs, bacterial isolation and serotyping, molecular-based methods are alternatives for species-specific tests and epidemiological studies. The aim of this study was to characterize H. parasuis field strains from different states of Brazil, employing serotyping and genotyping methods. Serotyping revealed that serovar 4 was the most prevalent (26.1%), followed by serovars 5(17.4%), 14(8.7%), 13 (4.4%) and 2 (4.4%), whereas 39% of the strains were considered as untypeable. AFLP with a single enzyme and PFGE were able to type all isolates tested, generating 34 and 20 different profiles, respectively, including untypeable strains. Besides the slightly higher discrimination index presented by AFLP, PFGE with Not I restriction enzyme showed a better correlation with epidemiological data, grouping strains of the same serovar, animal or farm origin. The results indicated AFLP and PFGE as valuable tools for typing H. parasuis isolates collected in Brazil. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Haemophilus parasuis infection, known as Glässer’s disease, is characterized by fibrinous polyserositis, arthritis and meningitis in piglets. Although traditional diagnosis is based on herd history, clinical signs, bacterial isolation and serotyping, the molecular-based methods are alternatives for species-specific tests and epidemiologic study. The aim of this study was to characterize H. parasuis strains isolated from different states of Brazil by serotyping, PCR and ERIC-PCR. Serotyping revealed serovar 4 as the most prevalent (24 %), followed by serovars 14 (14 %), 5 (12 %), 13 (8 %) and 2 (2 %), whereas 40 % of the strains were considered as non-typeable. From 50 strains tested 43 (86%) were positive to Group 1 vtaA gene that have been related to virulent strains of H.parasuis. ERIC-PCR was able to type isolates tested among 23 different patterns, including non-typeable strains. ERIC-PCR patterns were very heterogeneous and presented high similarity between strains of the same animal or farm origin. The results indicated ERIC-PCR as a valuable tool for typing H. parasuis isolates collected in Brazil.


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Earlier investigations have shown that 'Haemophilus somnus', 'Haemophilus agni' and 'Histophilus ovis' represent the same species. In the present investigation, the taxonomic position of this species is explored further by sequencing the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes of strains that were investigated previously by DNA-DNA hybridization. These results clearly support the allocation of this species to a novel genus within the family PASTEURELLACEAE: The phenotypic separation of Histophilus somni gen. nov., sp. nov. from other members of the family can, for most strains, be based on capnophilia, yellowish pigmentation and indole production. However, due to phenotypic variation, the use of a species-specific PCR test based on the 16S rRNA gene is included in the species description. This is justified by the high sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene within the species and the fact that the highest sequence similarity to any other taxon within the family is 93.4 %. The type strain, 8025(T)=ATCC 43625(T)=CCUG 36157(T), was isolated in the USA from a bovine brain with lesions of thromboembolic meningoencephalitis.


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Respiratory disease resulting from infection of calves with Haemophilus somnus (H. somnus) is an annual occurrence in fall calves at the McNay Farm. Previous observations of skin test reactivity to H. somnus antigens suggested a role for this phenomenon in the pathogenesis of the disease. Groups of calves, about 90 days of age, were vaccinated with four different commercial H. somnus vaccines, and serum levels of H. somnus antibodies were determined. Antibodies of the IgG and IgE classes were detected with ELISA procedures conducted on sera collected before and after vaccination. Most of the calves had detectable H. somnus IgE class antibodies at the start of the experimentation but IgG class antibodies were minimal. Antibodies of both classes increased in nonvaccinated and vaccinated calves during the 30 day period of experimentation. However, the level of IgE class antibodies in vaccinates was lower than in controls suggesting that vaccination may limit the IgE response.


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BACKGROUND The optimal schedule and the need for a booster dose are unclear for Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccines. We systematically reviewed relative effects of Hib vaccine schedules. METHODS We searched 21 databases to May 2010 or June 2012 and selected randomized controlled trials or quasi-randomized controlled trials that compared different Hib schedules (3 primary doses with no booster dose [3p+0], 3p+1 and 2p+1) or different intervals in primary schedules and between primary and booster schedules. Outcomes were clinical efficacy, nasopharyngeal carriage and immunological response. Results were combined in random-effects meta-analysis. RESULTS Twenty trials from 15 countries were included; 16 used vaccines conjugated to tetanus toxoid (polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to tetanus toxoid). No trials assessed clinical or carriage outcomes. Twenty trials examined immunological outcomes and found few relevant differences. Comparing polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to tetanus toxoid 3p+0 with 2p+0, there was no difference in seropositivity at the 1.0 μg/mL threshold by 6 months after the last primary dose (combined risk difference -0.02; 95% confidence interval: -0.10, 0.06). Only small differences were seen between schedules starting at different ages, with different intervals between primary doses, or with different intervals between primary and booster doses. Individuals receiving a booster were more likely to be seropositive than those at the same age who did not. CONCLUSIONS There is no clear evidence from trials that any 2p+1, 3p+0 or 3p+1 schedule of Hib conjugate vaccine is likely to provide better protection against Hib disease than other schedules. Until more data become available, scheduling is likely to be determined by epidemiological and programmatic considerations in individual settings.


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Two homosexual men were colonized in the urethra with Haemophilus parainfluenzae nonsusceptible to ampicillin (MIC, 8 μg/ml), amoxicillin-clavulanate (MIC, 4 μg/ml), cefotaxime (MIC, 1.5 μg/ml), cefepime (MIC, 3 μg/ml), meropenem (MIC, 0.5 μg/ml), cefuroxime, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol (all MICs, ≥ 32 μg/ml). Repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR (rep-PCR) showed that the strains were indistinguishable. The isolates had amino acid substitutions in PBP3, L4, GyrA, and ParC and possessed Mef(A), Tet(M), and CatS resistance mechanisms. This is the first report of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) H. parainfluenzae.


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In order to identify optimal therapy for children with bacterial pneumonia, Pakistan's ARI Program, in collaboration with the National Institute of Health (NIH), Islamabad, undertook a national surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. The project was carried out at selected urban and peripheral sites in 6 different regions of Pakistan, in 1991–92. Nasopharyngeal (NP) specimens and blood cultures were obtained from children with pneumonia diagnosed in the outpatient clinic of participating facilities. Organisms were isolated by local hospital laboratories and sent to NIH for confirmation, serotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Following were the aims of the study (i) to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae in children aged 2–59 months; (ii) to determine the ability of selected laboratories to identify and effectively transport isolates of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae cultured from nasopharyngeal and blood specimens; (iii) to validate the comparability of resistance patterns for nasopharyngeal and blood isolates of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae from children with pneumonia; and (iv) to examine the effect of drug resistance and laboratory error on the cost of effectively treating children with ARI. ^ A total of 1293 children with ARI were included in the study: 969 (75%) from urban areas and 324 (25%) from rural parts of the country. Of 1293, there were 786 (61%) male and 507 (39%) female children. The resistance rate of S. pneumoniae to various antibiotics among the urban children with ARI was: TMP/SMX (62%); chloramphenicol (23%); penicillin (5%); tetracycline (16%); and ampicillin/amoxicillin (0%). The rates of resistance of H. influenzae were higher than S. pneumoniae: TMP/SMX (85%); chloramphenicol (62%); penicillin (59%); ampicillin/amoxicillin (46%); and tetracycline (100%). There were similar rates of resistance to each antimicrobial agent among isolates from the rural children. ^ Of a total 614 specimens that were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility, 432 (70.4%) were resistant to TMP/SMX and 93 (15.2%) were resistant to antimicrobial agents other than TMP/SMX viz. ampicillin/amoxicillin, chloramphenicol, penicillin, and tetracycline. ^ The sensitivity and positive predictive value of peripheral laboratories for H. influenzae were 99% and 65%, respectively. Similarly, the sensitivity and positive predictive value of peripheral laboratory tests compared to gold standard i.e. NIH laboratory, for S. pneumoniae were 99% and 54%, respectively. ^ The sensitivity and positive predictive value of nasopharyngeal specimens compared to blood cultures (gold standard), isolated by the peripheral laboratories, for H. influenzae were 88% and 11%, and for S. pneumoniae 92% and 39%, respectively. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Members of the bacterial families Haemophilus and Neisseria, important human pathogens that commonly colonize the nasopharynx, are naturally competent for DNA uptake from their environment. In each genus this process is discriminant in favor of its own and against foreign DNA through sequence specificity of DNA receptors. The Haemophilus DNA uptake apparatus binds a 29-bp oligonucleotide domain containing a highly conserved 9-bp core sequence, whereas the neisserial apparatus binds a 10-bp motif. Each motif (“uptake sequence”, US) is highly over-represented in the chromosome of the corresponding genus, particularly concentrated with core sequences in inverted pairs forming gene terminators. Two Haemophilus core USs were unexpectedly found forming the terminator of sodC in Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), and sequence analysis strongly suggests that this virulence gene, located next to IS1106, arose through horizontal transfer from Haemophilus. By using USs as search strings in a computer-based analysis of genome sequence, it was established that while USs of the “wrong” genus do not occur commonly in Neisseria or Haemophilus, where they do they are highly likely to flag domains of chromosomal DNA that have been transferred from Haemophilus. Three independent domains of Haemophilus-like DNA were found in the meningococcal chromosome, associated respectively with the virulence gene sodC, the bio gene cluster, and an unidentified orf. This report identifies intergenerically transferred DNA and its source in bacteria, and further identifies transformation with heterologous chromosomal DNA as a way of establishing potentially important chromosomal mosaicism in these pathogenic bacteria.


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Haemophilus influenzae is a major cause of otitis media and other respiratory tract disease in children. The pathogenesis of disease begins with colonization of the upper respiratory mucosa, a process that involves evasion of local immune mechanisms and adherence to epithelial cells. Several studies have demonstrated that human milk is protective against H. influenzae colonization and disease. In the present study, we examined the effect of human milk on the H. influenzae IgA1 protease and Hap adhesin, two autotransported proteins that are presumed to facilitate colonization. Our results demonstrated that human milk lactoferrin efficiently extracted the IgA1 protease preprotein from the bacterial outer membrane. In addition, lactoferrin specifically degraded the Hap adhesin and abolished Hap-mediated adherence. Extraction of IgA1 protease and degradation of Hap were localized to the N-lobe of the bilobed lactoferrin molecule and were inhibited by serine protease inhibitors, suggesting that the lactoferrin N-lobe may contain serine protease activity. Additional experiments revealed no effect of lactoferrin on the H. influenzae P2, P5, and P6 outer-membrane proteins, which are distinguished from IgA1 protease and Hap by the lack of an N-terminal passenger domain or an extracellular linker region. These results suggest that human milk lactoferrin may attenuate the pathogenic potential of H. influenzae by selectively inactivating IgA1 protease and Hap, thereby interfering with colonization. Future studies should examine the therapeutic potential of lactoferrin, perhaps as a supplement in infant formulas.