67 resultados para HACCP


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Quality related problems have become dominant in the seafood processing industry in Kerala. This has resulted in the rejection of seafood sent from India to many destinations. The latest being the total block listing of seafood companies from India from being exported to Europe and partial block listing by the US. The quality systems prevailed in the seafood industry in India were outdated and no longer in use in the developed world. According to EC Directive discussed above all the seafood factories exporting to European countries have to adopt HACCP. Based on this, EIA has now made HACCP system mandatory in all the seafood processing factories in India. This transformation from a traditional product based inspection system to a process control system requires thorough changes in the various stages of production and quality management. This study is conducted by the author with to study the status of the existing infrastructure and quality control system in the seafood industry in Kerala with reference to the recent developments in the quality concepts in international markets and study the drawbacks, if any, of the existing quality management systems in force in the seafood factories in Kerala for introducing the mandatory HACCP concept. To assess the possibilities of introducing Total Quality Management system in the seafood industry in Kerala in order to effectively adopt the HACCP concept. This is also aimed at improving the quality of the products and productivity of the industry by sustaining the world markets in the long run.


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One thousand, two hundred and sixty four samples of individually quick-frozen (IQF) peeled and deveined raw and 914 samples of cooked ready to eat shrimp samples produced from farm raised black tiger (Penaeus monodon) obtained from a seafood unit working under HACCP concept were analysed for total aerobic plate count (APC), coliform count, Escherichia coli, coagulase positive Staphylococci and Salmonella. The overall bacteriological quality of the product was found to be good. Of the frozen raw shrimp, 96% of samples showed APC below 105 while 99% of the frozen cooked ready-to-eat samples showed APC less than 104. The APC ranged from 1·0´102 to 4·2´106 cfu/gm in frozen raw shrimp and from 1·0´102 to 6·4´104 cfu/gm in the frozen cooked shrimp. Prevalences of coliforms in raw shrimp and cooked shrimp samples were 14·4% and 2·9% respectively. The coliform count in raw products ranged from 1·0´101 to 2·5´103 cfu/gm and in the cooked products, from 1·0 ´101 to 1·8´102 cfu/gm. Although all the cooked shrimp samples were free of coagulase positive staphylococci, E. coli and Salmonella, 1·0, 2·0 and 0·1% of the frozen raw shrimp samples tested positive for coagulase positive Staphylococci, E. coli and Salmonella respectively. The Salmonella strain was identified as Salmonella typhimurium. The results of the present study highlight the importance of implementation of HACCP system in the seafood industry to ensure consistent quality of frozen seafood


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El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación desarrollada como proyecto de grado para optar el título de Magister en Dirección en la cual se identifican los impactos que en materia ambiental son generados a lo largo de los procesos realizados dentro de los frigoríficos en Colombia y evaluar la manera como se realiza la gestión ambiental de los frigoríficos cárnicos más representativos en Colombia, como parte de esta gestión es importante revisar la política de Estado y finalmente, se proponen algunas acciones de tipo directivo en las cuáles todos los actores de la cadena cárnica pueden participar con el objetivo de mejorar el tema ambiental de éstas organizaciones en Colombia.


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Ante el fenómeno de la globalización, el gigante asiático se presenta como un actor fundamental para establecer relaciones económicas, por su reciente ascenso en la jerarquía de poder, su creciente industria demandante de materias primas y su densa población, cuya capacidad de consumo aumenta día a día. Lo anterior le permite a Colombia abrir nuevos mercados que generen un mejoramiento económico y un mayor reconocimiento internacional La presente investigación se desarrolló mediante una metodología cualitativa que abarca la revisión de material bibliográfico, investigaciones realizadas y consulta de documentos oficiales. También se recogen datos estadísticos, fundamentales para soportar los objetivos de este documento y se citan casos de países como Brasil, Argentina y Chile, que constituyen un referente para conocer los procesos que llevan a cabo estas naciones con el gigante asiático relacionados a las importaciones de carne Bovina. La inclusión actual del sector ganadero en los nuevos contextos nacionales e internacionales de competencia por mercados, resulta indispensable para asegurar no sólo la estabilidad sino fundamentalmente la sostenibilidad de la actividad a mediano y largo plazo. Lo anterior debe convertirse en un propósito nacional de los sectores públicos y privados para comenzar a desarrollar, conjuntamente con los gremios; acciones que permitan remover los obstáculos que hoy en día se presentan y promover la modernización de esta actividad. Es pertinente elevar la condición de la producción, comercialización y mercadeo de la ganadería bovina colombiana, además de garantizar niveles de rentabilidad que permitan consolidar la confianza y el impulso necesario para el desarrollo de las inversiones básicas, que la normatividad a nivel de logística y salubridad exige para llegar a nuevos países.


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A segurança dos produtos alimentares, que são utilizados na cobertura das necessidades nutricionais, constitui um direito fundamental dos consumidores. A legislação em vigor, atribui ao produtor a responsabilidade da produção de produtos alimentares seguros, pelo que lhes cabe garantir simultaneamente a qualidade e a segurança desses produtos. A implementação de sistemas de qualidade e segurança alimentar representa, portanto, um fator de competitividade importante, para qualquer empresa/organização ligada ao setor alimentar. Possibilita, também, às empresas/organizações, que a tal se comprometem, assegurar, junto dos vários parceiros, um controlo eficaz e dinâmico dos perigos potenciais ligados àqueles produtos. Daí deverá decorrer um aumento da confiança entre os diversos intervenientes da cadeia alimentar, promovendo o estabelecimento de novas e duradouras relações comerciais. Pode servir como garantia dos contratos com clientes/consumidores que assim o exijam. O sistema HACCP constitui uma ferramenta específica, que permite identificar, avaliar e controlar quais de entre os problemas importantes potenciais para a segurança dos géneros alimentícios, se poderão traduzir em riscos efetivos. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi o de implementar o sistema HACCP ao setor do vinho, concretamente a uma adega da zona oeste de Portugal (Adega da Merceana). A sua finalidade foi a de melhorar o controlo dos possíveis perigos para os consumidores, que podem apresentar os produtos enológicos.


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The globalization of trade in fish has created many challenges for the developing world specifically with regard to food safety and quality. International organisations have established a good basis for standards in international trade. Whilst these requirements are frequently embraced by the major importers (such as Japan, the EU and the USA), they often impose additional safety requirements and regularly identify batches which fail to meet their strict standards. Creating an effective national seafood control system which meets both the internal national needs as well the requirements for the export market can be challenging. Many countries adopt a dual system where seafood products for the major export markets are subject to tight control whilst the majority of the products (whether for the local market or for more regional trade) are less tightly controlled. With regional liberalization also occurring, deciding on appropriate controls is complex. In the Sultanate of Oman, fisheries production is one of the countries' chief sources of economic revenue after oil production and is a major source of the national food supply. In this paper the structure of the fish supply chain has been analysed and highlighted the different routes operating for the different markets. Although much of the fish are consumed within Oman, there is a major export trade to the local regional markets. Much smaller quantities meet the more stringent standards imposed by the major importing countries and exports to these are limited. The paper has considered the development of the Omani fish control system including the key legislative documents and the administrative structures that have been developed. Establishing modern controls which satisfy the demands of the major importers is possible but places additional costs on businesses. Enhanced controls such as HACCP and other management standards are required but can be difficult to justify when alternative markets do not specify these. These enhanced controls do however provide additional consumer protection and can bring benefits to local consumers. The Omani government is attempting to upgrade the system of controls and has made tremendous progress toward the implementation of HACCP and introducing enhanced management systems into its industrial sector. The existence of strengthened legislative and government support, including subsidies, has encouraged some businesses to implement HACCP. The current control systems have been reviewed and a SWOT analysis approach used to identify key factors for their future development. The study shows that seafood products in the supply chain are often exposed to lengthy handling and distribution process before reaching the consumers, a typical issue faced by many developing countries. As seafood products are often perishable, they safety is compromised if not adequately controlled. The enforcement of current food safety laws in the Sultanate of Oman is shared across various government agencies. Consequently, there is a need to harmonize all regulatory requirements, enhancing the domestic food protection and to continue to work towards a fully risk-based approach in order to compete successfully in the global market.


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We analyzed ostriches from an equipped farm located in the Brazilian southeast region for the presence of Salmonella spp. This bacterium was investigated in 80 samples of ostrich droppings, 90 eggs, 30 samples of feed and 30 samples of droppings from rodents. Additionally, at slaughter-house this bacterium was investigated in droppings, caecal content, spleen, liver and carcasses from 90 slaughtered ostriches from the studied farm. Also, blood serum of those animals were harvested and submitted to serum plate agglutination using commercial Salmonella Pullorum antigen. No Salmonella spp. was detected in any eggs, caecal content, liver, spleen, carcass and droppings from ostriches and rodents. However, Salmonella Javiana and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica 4, 12: i:- were isolated from some samples of feed. The serologic test was negative for all samples. Good sanitary farming management and the application of HACCP principles and GMP during the slaughtering process could explain the absence of Salmonella spp. in the tested samples.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research study deals with the production and distribution of drinking water with quality and safety in order to meet the needs of the Man. Points out the limitations of the methodology for assessing water quality in use today. Approaches the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for adoption, by the companies responsible for producing and distributing water, of assessment methodologies and risk management (HACCP), in order to ensure the quality and safety of water drinking. Suggests strategies for implementing the plan for water safety plan. Uses the process of water production, composed by Maxaranguape river basin, the water treatment plant and distribution system, which is part of the Plan for Expansion of the Supply System of Natal, as case study. The results, it was possible to devise strategies for implementation of the Water Safety Plan (WSP), which comprises the following steps: a) a preliminary stage. b) assessment system. c) process monitoring. d) management plan and e) validation and verification of the PSA. At each stage are included actions for its implementation. The implementation of the PSA shows a new type of water production, in which the fountain as a whole (watershed and point of capture), the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and distribution, shall compose the production process, over which to build quality and safety of the final product (drinking water)


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Nas últimas duas décadas, o crescimento do interesse pela metodologia Seis Sigma intensificou a aplicação da abordagem estatística e de outras abordagens quantitativas com o intuito de melhorar não apenas a qualidade de produtos, serviços e processos, como também aumentar o desempenho organizacional e o processo de tomada de decisão. Este artigo trata da aplicação da abordagem estatística no contexto da gestão da qualidade em indústrias de alimentos de médio e grande porte do Estado de São Paulo com o propósito de: identificar quais ferramentas e técnicas estatísticas são mais amplamente empregadas por indústrias do setor para garantir e controlar a qualidade; avaliar a interdependência entre o sucesso da implementação de programas de qualidade e segurança alimentar como Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) e sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle (APPCC) e o uso de estatística; e analisar estimativas do grau de relevância do pensamento estatístico e de seus benefícios como ferramenta de melhoria da qualidade. Um survey exploratório-descritivo foi realizado e os resultados revelaram que a abordagem estatística começa a ser mais valorizada nas indústrias de alimentos pela relevância de seus benefícios assim como já ocorre em outros setores. Há evidências de que a implantação bem sucedida dos programas de segurança alimentar seja uma condição primordial para o uso efetivo de estatística e de outras abordagens quantitativas.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)