995 resultados para Högskolan Dalarna


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Foreign graduates have been part of the success stories of many developed countries. This is as a result of their immeasurable deposit of ideas, knowledge, and innovation in the host country. Though the process of these foreign graduates penetrating and integrating into the labour market of the host country could be slow and rough as they encounter some obstacles on the way; they still strive to break through and be part of the country’s workforce because they foresee some opportunities therein. This research study is about the obstacles and opportunities foreign graduates meet in Dalarna labour market. The study investigated and identified the obstacles and opportunities foreign graduates meet in Dalarna labour market. For a thorough execution of this research, we collected primary data by handing questionnaires to 65 foreign graduates searching for jobs in Dalarna region and interviewed eight people, among which seven were foreign graduates and one of them was a staff at Arbestförmedlingen (Employment Agency) to give us a general view of the Dalarna labour market. We read previous research works and related articles to understand the topic in order to get an overview of the terminologies and concept to apply. This study concluded that language is a major obstacle foreign graduates meet in the Dalarna labour market. Other possible obstacles include culture, poor integration policies, lack of a placement bureau, lack of trust, limited opportunities, favoritism, lack of jobs, lack of references and experience. On the other hand factors like job availability, outgoing labour force and unskilled labour are possible opportunities foreign graduates meet in the Dalarna labour market. Furthermore flexible work time, good working atmosphere, experience, social security/welfare, good standard of living, family friendly region, higher wages, job security and cheap cost of living are also possible benefits that foreign graduates get in Dalarna.


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Behovet att förbättra jämställdheten finns över hela Sverige och arbetsmiljöverket har tjugofem miljoner kronor för de följande två åren till förbättringsåtgärder. De fjorton strategier som finns i Dalarna för jämställdhet har inte implementerats helt. Behov finns att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse inom mansdominerade arbetsplatser. Fem kvinnor blev intervjuade inom energiproducentbolag i Dalarna. Resultatet visar att kvinnorna trivs på sina arbetsplatser trots en ständigt påslagen riskkalkylering vid kontakt med sina manliga kollegor. Deras erfarenhet avspeglar sig med att de lämnar flera praktiska strategier till förbättringar.    


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Literacy is an invaluable asset to have, and has allowed for communication, documentation and the spreading of ideas since the beginning of the written language. With technological advancements, and new possibilities to communicate, it is important to question the degree to which people’s abilities to utilise these new methods have developed in relation to these emerging technologies. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to analyse the state of students’ at Dalarna University mulitimodal literacy, as well as their experience of multimodality in their education. This has led to the two main research questions: What is the state of the students at Dalarna University multimodal literacy? And: How have the students at Dalarna University experienced multimodality in education? The paper is based on a mixed-method study that incorporates both a quantitative and qualitative aspect to it. The main thrust of the research paper is, however, based on a quantitative study that was conducted online and emailed to students via their program coordinators. The scope of the research is in audio-visual modes, i.e. audio, video and images, while textual literacy is presumed and serves as an inspiration to the study. The purpose of the study is to analyse the state of the students’ multimodal literacy and their experience of multimodality in education. The study revealed that the students at Dalarna University have most skill in image editing, while not being very literate in audio or video editing. The students seem to have had mediocre experience creating meaning through multimodality both in private use and in their respective educational institutions. The study also reveals that students prefer learning by means of video (rather than text or audio), yet are not able to create meaning (communicate) through it.


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Högskolepedagogik, högskolepedagogisk utbildning, BHU


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Background: Constructive alignment (CA) is a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the alignment between the intended learning outcomes (ILOs), teaching and learning activities (TLAs) and assessment tasks (ATs) as well as creation of a teaching/learning environment where students will be able to actively create their knowledge. Objectives: This paper aims at investigating the extent of constructively-aligned courses in Computer Engineering and Informatics department at Dalarna University, Sweden. This study is based on empirical observations of teacher’s perceptions of implementation of CA in their courses. Methods: Ten teachers (5 from each department) were asked to fill a paper-based questionnaire, which included a number of questions related to issues of implementing CA in courses. Results: Responses to the items of the questionnaire were mixed. Teachers clearly state the ILOs in their courses and try to align the TLAs and ATs to the ILOs. Computer Engineering teachers do not explicitly communicate the ILOs to the students as compared to Informatics teachers. In addition, Computer Engineering teachers stated that their students are less active in learning activities as compared to Informatics teachers. When asked about their subjective ratings of teaching methods all teachers stated that their current teaching is teacher-centered but they try to shift the focus of activity from them to the students. Conclusions: From teachers’ perspectives, the courses are partially constructively-aligned. Their courses are “aligned”, i.e. ILOs, TLAs and ATs are aligned to each other but they are not “constructive” since, according to them, there was a low student engagement in learning activities, especially in Computer Engineering department.


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Bakgrund: De verksamheter som bedriver miljöfarlig verksamhet enligt miljöbalkenär anmälnings- eller tillståndspliktiga. Dessa företag ska lämnamiljöinformation i förvaltningsberättelsen. Tidigare studier visar attföretagen inte följer denna regel fullt ut. Som förklaring till företagensval av att miljöredovisa eller att inte redovisa sin miljöpåverkan användervi oss av legitimitetsteorin och intressentteorin.Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att för år 2013 se hur väl detillståndspliktiga företagen i Dalarna följer lagen om miljöredovisningoch vilka faktorer som kan förklara deras tillämpning av lagen.Metod: Studien bygger huvudsakligen på kvantitativ metod med inslag avkvalitativ metod. Vi använder en deduktiv ansats för att skapa fyrahypoteser om omsättning, branschtillhörighet, revisionsbyrå ochskuldsättningsgrad. Urvalet är de tillståndspliktiga företagen i Dalarna.Varje företag kan ha flera enheter som är tillståndspliktiga och vårt urval,Dalarna, blir 209 enheter varav 116 är stora enheter.Slutsats: Företagen i Dalarna uppfyller inte lagen om reglerad miljöredovisning tillfullo. Endast 18 av 116 stora enheter uppfyller alla fyra punkterna.Däremot är det 61,2 procent av de stora enheterna som får tre poäng.Som en jämförelse med Ljungdahls studie där nästan 27 procent når trepoäng ser vi en klar förbättring. De faktorer som kan förklara företagenstillämpning av lagen i vår undersökning är omsättning, de som anlitarrevisionsbyrån PwC samt branschtillhörighet avlopp och avfall. Av defyra hypoteser som vi använder är det en som stämmer, två som förkastasoch en som vi inte med säkerhet kan avgöra om den ska vara kvar ellerförkastas.


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The students' expectations must be met to ensure their overall satisfaction. Because of this student satisfaction has become a measurement tool with which the universities can compete against each other in order to attract potential students and also a higher level of internal and external funding. This thesis deals with students' overall satisfaction in tourism education at Dalarna University in Sweden. It is important to understand what it takes for the universities to be able to produce a motivated workforce for the communities and how satisfied students could help in achieving this goal. Sweden was selected because of the recent introduction of tuition fees, in 2010, which has made it even more crucial to understand the factors affecting students' satisfaction. The method chosen for conducting this study was a questionnaire where the students of Dalarna University were asked to rate different aspects of their overall experience on a Likert scale. The research was conducted via Facebook and email questionnaire. The results show different levels of satisfaction based on the tourism programmes and gender for example. The major finding from this research implicate that the social conditions and surrounding city categories are the most influential when it comes to the overall satisfaction of students at Dalarna University. The results give the university and the city of Borlänge an insight on issues that really matter to the students and how to improve them.


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This paper describes the on-line teaching strategies for languages adopted at the University of Dalarna (Sweden) and the experience of a collaboration carried out with the Language Centre of the University of Parma that led to the administration of an international course in Italian for specific purposes. According to the results of its first administration, the promotion of advanced forms of "virtual mobility" together with the prospective of a joint degree in Italian language and culture will be outlined.


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Projektet Växa och verka i Dalarna har genomförts under perioden januari 2006 till och med november 2007. Verksamheten har riktat sig till arbetslösa, inskrivna vid arbetsförmedlingen som var eller riskerade att bli långtidsarbetslösa. Aktiviteterna var inriktade på att deltagarna själva aktivt skulle ”undersöka sina möjligheter att skapa sin egen försörjning, att ha flera ben att stå på, /…/” (Projektplanen). Detta krävde att deltagarna i projektet hade en ”stark vilja, god disciplin och en bra dos av entreprenörskap.” (Projektplanen) Projektet lyckades väl i sin måluppfyllelse, sålunda gick 74 procent till arbete, fortsatte studera, eller startade eget företag. Resultatet kan jämföras med att målet var 60 procent, vilket sannolikt också blivit än högre om man inte hade behövt bredda målgruppen som en effekt av att det var svårt att rekrytera tillräckligt med deltagare utifrån de kriterier som hade ställts upp. En del av resultatet kan därför sannolikt förklaras av att det var en särskilt motiverad målgrupp som projektet arbetade med. Projektet Växa och verka i Dalarna har visat på att det finns en grupp arbetslösa, även bland dem som har gått arbetslösa länge, där det är möjligt att underlätta deras återinträde på arbetsmarknaden med gott resultat. Detta kan ske genom att de tränas och tillåts att vara aktiva och ta ett eget ansvar för sin situation, d.v.s. att de ges frihet att agera och inte bara tvingas att söka det ena arbetet efter det andra. Genom regelbundna kontakter mellan deltagare och coacher var det tämligen enkelt att upptäcka om någon deltagare försökte ”gå den lätta vägen”. Projektet visade även att gruppen arbetslösa är heterogen och att det krävs olika typer av åtgärder riktade mot olika grupper, d.v.s. beroende på individernas bakgrund och tidigare erfarenheter. Det visade sig relativt snart, eftersom det blev mer eller mindre omöjligt att rekrytera deltagare som svarade upp mot de kriterier som ställts upp.


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De flesta kvinnor är enmansföretagare och driver en enskild firma, medan männen driver ett aktiebolag. I Dalarna gick det år 2006 2,7 manliga företagare på en kvinnlig, samtidigt som allt fler kvinnorna startar eget företag. I några av de kommuner som deltar i projektet W7 Dalarna har en hög andel kvinnliga företagare bland de företag som startas.Det övergripande syftet för W7 DALARNA formulerades som: ”att bygga upp en stark organisation med lokal närvaro och samordnad verksamhet.” Verksamhetens innehåll skulle inriktas på opinionsbildning, inspiration, utbildning, erfarenhetsutbyte, metodutveckling och att tillvarata synergieffekter inom projektets tre verksamhetsteman. Projektet syftadeockså till att utveckla kompetens- och kvalitetssäkring inom området affärsrådgivningoch att etablera och upprätthålla en lokal fysisk närvaro. Därutöver skulle projektet: ”verka för att Resurscentra för kvinnor skall accepteras som en aktör för lokal och regional utveckling, och fungera som en jämbördig partner i tillväxtarbetet.”


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Distance teaching is now-a-days used in different shapes. However, it is something different from traditional campus organised education as it systematically uses Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a key element. When the distance teacher education started in Sweden many teacher educators doubted the wisdom of this. They expressed that the educational process to become a teacher would be deteriorated. For instance, they feared for high drop out rates and difficulties to examine in a proper way. The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education has recently edited a report that showed that this form of teacher education was well adapted to the labour market, but the possibilities for the teacher students to shape their education were relatively limited. However, we still know quite little about the effects of this way to educate teacher students. This paper explores the possibility of using distance teacher education.In a case study 20 students, who were the first to finish a complete a distance teacher education at Högskolan Dalarna, were asked in a questionnaire how they had apprehended their education. We also interviewed four of these students, as well as five teacher educators.One of our findings were that the distance teacher education reached new target groups, who not had been able to participate in university studies if it not had been offered in this form. Especially, this was valid for the middle-aged women, living a long distance away from a university, with social responsibilities for children or old parents. Other findings were that these students in general were target oriented and ambitious, wrote more than the campus students and developed that kind of skill better. Marratech, an ICT system for small groups, e-mail and chat were used for the communication. Marratech was considered to permit free and spontaneous communication, both of the teacher educators and the students. Initially the teacher educators were sceptical to distance teacher education, but afterwards they were surprised of how well it had worked. They declared that they had better and nearer contact with their students and more control over the students´ performance, but some parts of the teacher education were better suitable for campus education, for example, power of creating characters. Distance teacher education was considered time consuming and demanded much activity from the teacher educators as the students wanted rapid responses. This study indicates that distance teacher education works well for mature individuals with high motivation. However, it demands more time from the teacher educators, but it gives in general good results. Still, there are pedagogical challenges to overcome. Maybe we should reflect on a mix of distance teacher education and campus based teacher education, instead of separated ways of accomplishing teacher education?


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For some time, a debate has been going on in Sweden on how to link schools and universities to create more efficient and mutually beneficial co-operation. A pilot scheme at the University of Dalarna, financed by the State and local authorities, has created special posts for teachers allowing them to work part time in school and part time at the university. The teachers involved become “magistrander”, post-graduate students working towards a Master’s degree. Initiatives of this type raise some important questions:• What impact, if any, does this type of programme have on teachers’ skills and on activities taking place in schools?• Does it affect courses and research at the university taking part in this co-operation?The purpose of this paper is to discuss expectations and results based on experiences from the University of Dalarna.


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Utvecklingen och framväxten av det sk informationssamhället har medfört att det svenska högskolesystemet har byggts ut. Ny grupper av studenter söker sig till högskolan. Från drygt 40.000 studenter i mitten av 60-talet finns idag över 400.000 studenter vid våra högskolor och universitet. Ett vidgat tillträde till högre utbildning ställer flera nya och utmanande frågor. Har så många människor motiv och förmåga att ta sig an högskolestudier? Är utbygnaden motiverad och löner den sig? Hur skall gymnasieskola och vuxenutbildning förbereda de kommande studenterna på ett bra sätt? Behöver så många utbilda sig, eller med andra ord, passar alla dessa nya studenter för högskolans krav? Är högskolan verkligen intresserad av att anpassa sig och ge dessa nya grupper tillträde till den högre utbildningen? Dessa och andra frågor, som utgår från den nya situation som högskolan befinner sig i, diskuterade och bearbetade en grupp lärare från Högskolan Dalarna och fem av Dalarnas folkhögskolor i en forskningscirkel. Syftet med detta paper är att sammanfatta erfarenheterna från forskningscirkeln.