880 resultados para Gymnasiums with swimming pool workers
Red, black ink on linen; plan, sections of pool, detail of drain; signed; 99 x 54 cm. [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Ink on linen; location, type of plantings; tennis court, pool, footpaths; two sections; signed; 121 x 80 cm.; Scale: 1" = 10' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Blueprint, pencil; unsigned. 60 x 47 cm. Scale: 1" = 16' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Yellow, black ink on linen; location, type of plantings; pool, rockwood, council ring; list of rock plantings;elevations in pencil, contour lines; signed. 112 x 61 cm. Scale: 1" = 5' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Yellow, black ink on linen; plan of pool, of rockwork, of spring; details of ladder, rail, drains, pool wall and floor; section thru pool and spring; [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of virtual environments representing situations that are emotionally significant to subjects with eating disorders (ED). These environments may be applied with both evaluative and therapeutic aims and in simulation procedures to carry out a range of experimental studies. This paper is part of a wider research project analyzing the influence of the situation to which subjects are exposed on their performance on body image estimation tasks. Thirty female patients with eating disorders were exposed to six virtual environments: a living-room (neutral situation), a kitchen with highcalorie food, a kitchen with low-calorie food, a restaurant with high-calorie food, a restaurant with low-calorie food, and a swimming-pool. After exposure to each environment the STAI-S (a measurement of state anxiety) and the CDB (a measurement of depression) were administered to all subjects. The results show that virtual reality instruments are particularly useful for simulating everyday situations that may provoke emotional reactions such as anxiety and depression, in patients with ED. Virtual environments in which subjects are obliged to ingest high-calorie food provoke the highest levels of state anxiety and depression.
Olympic size swimming pool gets filled with water.
Background: Citrus flavonoids, such as hesperidin, have shown therapeutic properties that improve hyperglycemia and insulin resistance, and decrease blood serum lipids and inflammation. The current investigation studied the effects of hesperidin supplementation associated with continuous and interval swimming on the biochemical parameters (glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides), and oxidative stress markers (TBARS and DPPH) in rats.Methods: The animals (n = 60) were randomly divided in six groups: negative (C) and positive control (CH) for hesperidin supplementation, and continuous or interval swimming without (CS and IS) or with hesperidin supplementation (CSH and ISH). Hesperidin was given by gavage for four weeks (100 mg/kg body mass) before the exercise. Continuous swimming was performed for 50 min with loads from 5% to 8 % of body weight from the first to fourth week, while interval swimming training was performed for 50 min in sessions of 1 min of swimming followed by 2 min of resting, carrying loads from 10% to 15, 20 and 25% from the first to fourth week. At the end of the experiment, blood serum samples were draw to perform analysis of glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-C and triglycerides. Oxidative biomarkers were evaluated by lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and antioxidant capacity assay (DPPH) of the blood serum.Results: There was a continuous decline of serum glucose from C (100%) > CH (97%) > CS (94%) > CSH (91%, p < .05), IS (87%, p < .05) > ISH (80%, p < .05), showing a combined beneficial effect of hesperidin and swimming. Also, continuous or intermittent swimming with hesperidin supplementation lowered total cholesterol (-16%, p < .05), LDL-C (-50%, p < 0.05) and triglycerides (-19%, p < 0.05), and increased HDL-C (48%, p < .05). Furthermore, hesperidin enhanced the antioxidant capacity on the continuous swimming group (183%, p < .05) and lowered the lipid peroxidation on the interval swimming group (-45%, p < .05).Conclusions: Hesperidin supplementation per se, or in combination with swimming exercise protocols, improved the biochemical profile and antioxidant biomarkers evidencing that the use of flavanones may enhance the health benefits promoted by exercise. © 2013 de Oliveira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Mycobacterium marinum can cause fish tank granuloma (or swimming pool or aquarium granuloma) in immunocompetent patients. Dissemination of Mycobacterium marinum-infection is a rare condition which occurs mainly in immunocompromised patients and can be life-threatening. We report the case of an 87-year-old woman who was treated with oral corticosteroids for polymyalgia rheumatica for many years and developed erythema nodosum-like lesions on the right forearm and arthritis of the right wrist. By increasing the steroid dosage and adding methotrexate only short-term remission was achieved. Seven months later painful erythematous nodules occurred on all extremities which became necrotic, ulcerative and suppurative. Ziehl-Neelsen staining revealed acid-fast bacilli and Mycobacterium marinum was cultured from skin biopsies, blood, and urine. The critically ill patient was treated with clarithromycin and ethambutol resulting in a dramatic improvement of the general condition. After four months, doxycycline had to be added because of new skin lesions. This case illustrates the impact of Mycobacterium marinum infection in immunocompromised patients.
O Ipen/Cnen-SP possui um Reator de Pesquisa(IEA-R1) em operação desde 1957. Ele utiliza água leve como blindagem, moderador e como fluido refrigerante, o volume desta piscina é de 273m3. Até 1995 a operação do Reator era descontinua, ou seja, operava diariamente sendo desligado no final do dia, a uma potência de 2,0 MW. A partir daquele ano, após algumas modificações de segurança, o Reator passou a operar de forma continua, ou seja, de segunda-feira a quarta-feira sem ser desligado, totalizando 64 horas semanais. A potência também foi aumentando até 4,5 MW em 2012. Em virtude dessas alterações, a saber, operação contínua e do aumento da potência, as doses dos trabalhadores aumentaram e por isso foram realizados vários estudos para diminui-las. Estudos demonstraram que uma das principais limitações para operação de um reator em potência elevada, provém das radiações gama emitidas pelo sódio-24. Outros elementos como magnésio-27, Alumínio-28, Argônio-51, contribuem de forma considerável para a atividade da água da piscina. A introdução de uma camada de água quente em sua superfície, estável e isenta de elementos radioativos com 1,5m a 2m de espessura constituiria uma blindagem às radiações provenientes dos elementos radioativos dissolvidos na água. Estudos de otimização provaram que a instalação da camada quente não era necessária para o regime e potência atual de operação do Reator, pois outros procedimentos adotados eram mais eficazes. A partir desta decisão o serviço de Proteção Radiológica do Reator IEA-R1, montou um programa de avaliação das doses para certificar-se de que elas se mantinham em valores razoáveis baseados em princípios estabelecidos em normas nacionais e internacionais. O intuito deste trabalho é realizar uma análise das doses individuais dos IOE (Individuo Ocupacionalmente Expostos), considerando as mudanças no regime de operação do Reator e sugerir opções de proteção e segurança, viáveis em primeira instância, para reduzir as doses analisadas, visando se chegar aos níveis de referencia de 3 mSv/ano adotados pela instalação em apreço.
[Ensian caption: "A flying start is always an advantage to a competitor in speed swimming events in the spacious, modern Women's Swimming Pool."]
To explore the relationship between caregiver characteristics and the adequacy of domestic swimming pool fencing.A typical metropolitan area of a large Australian capital city, Brisbane.From a reanalysis of the dataset of the 1989 Brisbane Home Safety Survey of 1050 householders, associations between 10 caregiver factors, pool ownership, and quality of pool fencing, were analysed. Household characteristics relating to toddlers (children < or = 4 years), and socioeconomic measures were also included in the analyses. Pool fencing quality was measured on an ordinal scale derived from Australian Standards Association guidelines, confirmed through home visits by trained inspectors.Caregiver factors did not distinguish households with a swimming pool from those without, nor were they associated with adequacy of pool fencing among pool owners. Pool owners, with or without children, were less likely to perceive having a childproof fence as being important. Strongest correlates of adequacy of pool fencing were socioeconomic indicators of surrounding districts.These results do not support the arguments of opponents of compulsory pool fencing that caregiver factors are adequate to prevent toddler drownings and obviate the need for a pool fence. Pool owners do not appear to perceive their pool as a hazard for young children, and complacency about the adequacy of pool fencing needs to be replaced by increased caregiver health beliefs, skills, and perceptions. Article in Injury Prevention 3(4):257-61 · December 1997