362 resultados para Gustavia elliptica


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The Mesocena elliptica Ehr. zone in deep-sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean is characterized by a short vertical range at the base of the Pleistocene section. Depending on sedimentation rate this zone lies at various depths below the ocean bottom. M. elliptica is unknown in recent oceanic plankton. In fossil state known species indicate that sediments containing them are of Oligocene-Miocene age. New data obtained in early 1960's show that within a short interval, evidently in Early Pleistocene, M. elliptica was abundant in plankton, primarily in tropical regions. Correlation of paleomagnetic data with results of diatom analysis shows that the Mesocena elliptica zone always lies above the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary, and that maximum contents of M. elliptica coincide with the Jaramillo event (0.85-0.95 million years ago).


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The Mesocena elliptica Ehr. zone in deep-sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean is characterized by a short vertical range at the base of the Pleistocene section. Depending on sedimentation rate this zone lies at various depths below the ocean bottom. M. elliptica is unknown in recent oceanic plankton. In fossil state known species indicate that sediments containing them are of Oligocene-Miocene age. New data obtained in early 1960's show that within a short interval, evidently in Early Pleistocene, M. elliptica was abundant in plankton, primarily in tropical regions. Correlation of paleomagnetic data with results of diatom analysis shows that the Mesocena elliptica zone always lies above the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary, and that maximum contents of M. elliptica coincide with the Jaramillo event (0.85-0.95 million years ago).


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Future oceans are predicted to contain less oxygen than at present. This is because oxygen is less soluble in warmer water and predicted stratification will reduce mixing. Hypoxia in marine environments is thus likely to become more widespread in marine environments and understanding species-responses is important to predicting future impacts on biodiversity. This study used a tractable model, the Antarctic clam, Laternula elliptica, which can live for 36 years, and has a well-characterized ecology and physiology to understand responses to hypoxia and how the effect varied with age. Younger animals had a higher condition index, higher adenylate energy charge and transcriptional profiling indicated that they were physically active in their response to hypoxia, whereas older animals were more sedentary, with higher levels of oxidative damage and apoptosis in the gills. These effects could be attributed, in part, to age-related tissue scaling; older animals had proportionally less contractile muscle mass and smaller gills and foot compared with younger animals, with consequential effects on the whole-animal physiological response. The data here emphasize the importance of including age effects, as large mature individuals appear to be less able to resist hypoxic conditions and this is the size range that is the major contributor to future generations. Thus, the increased prevalence of hypoxia in future oceans may have marked effects on benthic organisms' abilities to persist and this is especially so for long-lived species when predicting responses to environmental perturbation.


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Antarctic calcified macroorganisms are particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification because many are weakly calcified, the dissolution rates of calcium carbonate are inversely related to temperature, and high latitude seas are predicted to become undersaturated in aragonite by the year 2100. We examined the post-mortem dissolution rates of aragonitic and calcitic shells from four species of Antarctic benthic marine invertebrates (two bivalves, one limpet, one brachiopod) and the thallus of a limpet shell-encrusting coralline alga exposed to acidified pH (7.4) or non-acidified pH (8.2) seawater at a constant temperature of 4 C. Within a period of only 14-35 days, shells of all four species held in pH 7.4 seawater had suffered significant dissolution. Despite calcite being 35% less soluble in seawater than aragonite, there was surprisingly, no consistent pattern of calcitic shells having slower dissolution rates than aragonitic shells. Outer surfaces of shells held in pH 7.4 seawater exhibited deterioration by day 35, and by day 56 there was exposure of aragonitic or calcitic prisms within the shell architecture of three of the macroinvertebrate species. Dissolution of coralline algae was confirmed by differences in weight loss in limpet shells with and without coralline algae. By day 56, thalli of the coralline alga held in pH 7.4 displayed a loss of definition of the conceptacle pores and cracking was evident at the zone of interface with limpet shells. Experimental studies are needed to evaluate whether there are adequate compensatory mechanisms in these and other calcified Antarctic benthic macroorganisms to cope with anticipated ocean acidification. In their absence, these organisms, and the communities they comprise, are likely to be among the first to experience the cascading impacts of ocean acidification.


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A espécie endêmica G. elliptica R. E. Fries não apresentava estudos fitoquímicos e biológicos detalhados na literatura. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a composição química e as propriedades biológicas dos óleos essenciais, extratos brutos, alcaloides totais, tortas, frações das tortas, amostras isoladas dessa espécie. O material vegetal foi coletado em Paranapiacaba (Santo André, SP, Brasil). O óleo essencial extraído das folhas por destilação à vapor apresentou um rendimento de 0,2%. A análise histológica das folhas encontrou óleo em células oleíferas localizadas no parênquima esponjoso. A composição do óleo (CG-EM) indicou espatulenol e óxido de cariofileno como compostos majoritários. Os alcaloides totais foram obtidos dos extratos brutos das folhas e dos galhos e analisados por CG-EM, identificando quatro aporfinas (nornuciferina, estefarina, corituberina e asimilobina) e duas protoberberinas (discretamina e caseadina). Os alcaloides totais foram fracionados em coluna cromatográfica ou por Extração em Fase Sólida e purificados por cromatografia em camada preparativa, originando duas amostras (Amostra 9 e 10). Na Amostra 9, foram identificados dois alcaloides aporfinicos nornuciferina e asimilobina (CG-EM e RMN-1H). Na Amostra 10, foram identificados (LC-EM/EM) cinco alcaloides aporfínicos (desidronantenina, glaunidina, liriodenina, N-óxido de oliverina e telikovina) e um alcaloide protoberberínico (caseadina). Caseadina, glaunidina, N-óxido de oliverina e telikovina não foram previamente identificados em Guatteria. Os resíduos dos extratos brutos livres de alcaloides foram fracionados pelo método de partição com solventes de polaridade crescente. Os extratos brutos e as frações acetato de etila e butanólicas de folhas e galhos apresentaram flavonoides (NP-PEG). Nos ensaios biológicos, a melhor atividade antioxidante (sequestro do radical DPPH) foi encontrada para a fração clorofórmica dos galhos (EC50=24,25±1,14 µg/mL) e a torta dos galhos (EC50=26,23±4,20 µg/mL). No ensaio antimicrobiano pelo método turbidimétrico a atividade mais importante foi obtida contra Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) para os alcaloides totais dos galhos (CIM/CBM=0,12±0,01/0,26 mg/mL) e das folhas (CIM/CBM=0,21±0,01/0,28 mg/mL), e fração hexânica das folhas (CIM/CBM=0,24±0,02/>1 mg/mL). Uma alta atividade antitumoral foi observada frente a células humanas de mama (MCF-7) para Amostra 10 (IC50=2,28±0,18 µg/mL), fração de acetato de etila das folhas (IC50=4,47±0,40 µg/mL), óleo essencial (IC50=7,01±0,23 µg/mL) e os alcaloides totais das folhas (IC50=9,32±0,36 µg/mL). Para as células de próstata (PC-3), foi encontrada atividade para a Amostra 10 (IC50=1,37±0,36 µg/mL) e o óleo essencial (IC50=5,32±0,35 µg/mL). A futura aplicação dos extratos e frações de G. elliptica como um agente antitumoral parece ser segura, pois mantiveram uma viabilidade celular maior do que 90% no ensaio de citotoxicidade com culturas de fibroblasto murino (BALB/c 3T3, ATCC CCL-163) nas concentrações onde a atividade antitumoral foi promissora (<30 µg/mL) contra MCF-7 e/ou PC-3.


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Elevated temperatures associated with ocean warming and acidification can influence development and, ultimately, success of larval molluscs. The effect of projected oceanic changes on fertilisation and larval development in an Antarctic bivalve, Laternula elliptica, was investigated through successive larval stages at ambient temperature and pH conditions (-1.6°C and pH 7.98) and conditions representative of projections through to 2100 (-0.5°C to +0.4°C and pH 7.80 to pH 7.65). Where significant effects were detected, increased temperature had a consistently positive influence on larval development, regardless of pH level, while effects of reduced pH varied with larval stage and incubation temperature. Fertilisation was high and largely independent of stressors, with no loss of gamete viability. Mortality was unaffected at all development stages under experimental conditions. Elevated temperatures reduced occurrences of abnormalities in D-larvae and accelerated larval development through late veliger and D-larval stages, with D-larvae occurring 5 d sooner at 0.4°C compared to ambient temperature. Reduced pH did not affect occurrences of abnormalities in larvae, but it slowed the development of calcifying stages. More work is required to investigate the effects of developmental delays of the magnitude seen here in order to better determine the ecological relevance of these changes on longer term larval and juvenile success.


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A high input of lithogenic sediment from glaciers was assumed to be responsible for high Fe and Mn contents in the Antarctic soft shell clam Laternula elliptica at King George Island. Indeed, withdrawal experiments indicated a strong influence of environmental Fe concentrations on Fe contents in bivalve hemolymph, but no significant differences in hemolymph and tissue concentrations were found among two sites of high and lower input of lithogenic debris. Comparing Fe and Mn concentrations of porewater, bottom water, and hemolymph from sampling sites, Mn appears to be assimilated as dissolved species, whereas Fe apparently precipitates as ferrihydrite within the oxic sediment or bottom water layer prior to assimilation by the bivalve. Hence, we attribute the high variability of Fe and Mn accumulation in tissues of L. elliptica around Antarctica to differences in the geochemical environment of the sediment and the resulting Fe and Mn flux across the benthic boundary.


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Recent rapid changes of air temperature on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula results in increased sediment discharge and ice scouring frequencies in coastal regions. These changes are bound to especially affect slow growing, sessile filter feeders such as the Antarctic bivalve, Laternula elliptica, a long-lived and abundant key species with circumpolar distribution. We investigated the effect of sedimentation and ice scouring on small/young and large/old individuals at two closely located stations, distinctly influenced by both types of disturbance. Small individuals dealt better with disturbance in terms of their respiratory response to sediment exposure, reburrowing ability, and survival after injury, compared to larger animals. At the more disturbed station L. elliptica population density was lower, but larger animals reburrowed faster after iceberg disturbance and reduced their metabolic rate under strong sediment coverage, compared to larger animals of the less disturbed station, indicating that an adaptation or learning response to both types of disturbance may be possible. Smaller individuals were not influenced. Laternula elliptica seems capable of coping with the rapidly changing environmental conditions. Due to a decrease in population density and mean population lifespan, L. elliptica could however lose its key role in the bentho-pelagic carbon flux in areas of high sediment deposition.


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Iron stable isotope signatures (d56Fe) in hemolymph (bivalve blood) of the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica were analyzed by Multiple Collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) to test whether the isotopic fingerprint can be tracked back to the predominant sources of the assimilated Fe. An earlier investigation of Fe concentrations in L. elliptica hemolymph suggested that an assimilation of reactive and bioavailable Fe (oxyhydr)oxide particles (i.e. ferrihydrite), precipitated from pore water Fe around the benthic boundary, is responsible for the high Fe concentration in L. elliptica (Poigner et al., 2013, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2013.10.027). At two stations in Potter Cove (King George Island, Antarctica) bivalve hemolymph showed mean d56Fe values of -1.19 ± 0.34 per mil and -1.04 ± 0.39 per mil, respectively, which is between 0.5 per mil and 0.85 per mil lighter than the pool of easily reducible Fe (oxyhydr)oxides of the surface sediments (-0.3 per mil to -0.6 per mil). This is in agreement with the enrichment of lighter Fe isotopes at higher trophic levels, resulting from the preferential assimilation of light isotopes from nutrition. Nevertheless, d56Fe hemolymph values from both stations showed a high variability, ranging between -0.21 per mil (value close to unaltered/primary Fe(oxyhydr)oxide minerals) and -1.91 per mil (typical for pore water Fe or diagenetic Fe precipitates), which we interpret as a "mixed" d56Fe signature caused by Fe assimilation from different sources with varying Fe contents and d56Fe values. Furthermore, mass dependent Fe fractionation related to physiological processes within the bivalve cannot be ruled out. This is the first study addressing the potential of Fe isotopes for tracing back food sources of bivalves.


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Gustavia augusta L., conhecida popularmente como jeniparana, é uma espécie arbórea neotropical, que ocorre nas florestas Atlântica e Amazônica. Considerando-se a abundância dessa espécie na floresta Atlântica e a fragilidade e fragmentação desse ecossistema, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, caracterizar seus frutos, sementes, germinação e plântulas, acrescentando informações para subsidiar estudos sobre sua conservação e utilização. Os frutos maduros foram coletados em fragmentos de floresta Atlântica, no município de Paulista, PE. Em seguida, foram realizadas análises morfológicas e biométricas dos frutos, sementes e plântulas da espécie. O fruto de G. augusta é um pixídio globoso, anfissarcídio, pentalocular, indeiscente. A semente é exalbuminosa, estenospérmica, trisseriada, bitegumentada e a massa de cem sementes desse lote foi de 47,95 g. A germinação da espécie é do tipo hipógea, com o tegumento aderido aos cotilédones na fase inicial do crescimento da plântula, que tem início a partir do quinto dia após a semeadura, em condições de laboratório. O tempo médio e o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) foram de 14 dias e 0,87, respectivamente. A plântula com 40 dias apresenta todas as estruturas, sendo classificada no tipo morfofuncional fanerohipógeo-armazenador (PHR).


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O pó das raízes das espécies de timbó coletadas em diferentes regiões da Amazônia, testado em agrupamentos de larvas, não produziu efeito diferencial significativo entre duas linhagens de Musca domestica. As duas espécies com maior número de plantas empregadas foram Derris nicou e Denis urucu; seus representantes são provenientes de regiões que foram consideradas como "refúgios florestais", durante o plcistoceno na Amazônia. Dentro de cada espécie, as plantas variaram, desde aquelas ineficientes, até as que foram altamente letais no controle das moscas. Esta capacidade diferencial no controle das larvas entre plantas da mesma espécie, originadas de regiões diferentes, sugere que ambas as espécies devem ter apresentado isolamento de suas populações, durante esta época do quaternário. Nas regiões ou "refúgios florestais", onde essas espécies estiveram representadas, D. urucu foi superior a D. nicou na capacidade de controlar as larvas. Enquanto, entre as plantas da região F (refúgio do Leste-peruano), do Estado do Acre, as duas espécies apresentaram convergência de valores, dos danos produzidos nos agrupamentos de larvas. Entre as outras espécies, Derris sp. (timbó amarelo ou melancia) não apresentou entre as amostras provenientes de duas regiões, diferenças nos efeitos às larvas; enquanto, a espécie introduzida na Amazônia, Derris elliptica, mostrou danos nos agrupamentos de larvas, semelhantes a algumas das melhores plantas de D. nicou e D. urucu.


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Em um inventário da família Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae) na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna, município de Melgaço, Pará, foi observada a ocorrência de Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn., Leptolejeunea tridentata Bischler e Rhaphidolejeunea polyrhiza (Nees) Bischler. Leptolejeunea tridentata é uma nova ocorrência para o Brasil. Todas as espécies são descritas e ilustradas, com comentários adicionais. Uma chave artificial para a separação das mesmas é apresentada.