973 resultados para Ground beetles, habitat fragmentation, inundation, RAPD-analysis


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA molecular marker was utilized as a means of analyzing genetic variability in seven bat species: Molossus molossus, M. rufus, Eumops glaucinus, E. perotis, Myotis nigricans, Eptesicus furinalis, and Artibeus planirostris. The determination of genetic diversity was based on 741 bands produced by a 20-random primer set. Only eight bands were considered monomorphic to one species. The greatest number of bands and the most polymorphic condition were exhibited by M. molossus, followed by M. nigricans, A. planirostris, E. furinalis, E. glaucinus, M. rufus, and E. perotis. Nei's genetic diversity index in the seven species considering the 20 primers was not greater than 0.22, but some primers were capable of detecting values between 0.39 and 0.49. Nei's unbiased genetic distance values and the UPGMA clustering pattern show that M. molossus and M. rufus have a close genetic relationship, unlike that observed between E. perotis and E. glaucinus. The latter was clustered with A. planirostris and E. furinalis. The low values for genetic diversity and distance observed indicate a genetic conservatism in the seven species. The fluorescent in situ hybridization experiments did not confirm a monomorphic condition for the eight bands identified, demonstrating that the monomorphic bands obtained by random amplified polymorphic DNA are insufficient for the identification of bat species.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to examine the genetic variability on an endangered Neotropical fish species, Brycon lundii, collected on two regions with distinct environmental conditions in the São Francisco River (Brazil), downstream from a hydroelectric station. Using decamer oligonucleotides as single primers in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), genetic similarity index, mean allele frequency and mean heterozigosity were estimated, revealing variations between samples from the two regions. Moreover, a fragment of about 1200 base pairs was found in 100% of the examined animals collected at the region closer to the hydroelectric dam, while its frequency was much lower (27.3%) within the sample from the second collecting site, 30 km downstream from the dam, indicating a possible correlation between genetic variation and geographical area. A dendogram representing the relationships among genotypes was obtained, demonstrating at least two major clusters of animals. Based on the data, a model of population structuring in Brycon lundii is suggested. The described approach holds great promise for further analyses and gives support to biodiversity maintenance and recovery efforts of B. lundii.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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1. Habitat fragmentation and variation in habitat quality can both affect plant performance, but their effects have rarely been studied in combination. We thus examined plant performance in response to differences in habitat quality for a species subject to habitat fragmentation, the common but declining perennial herb Lychnis flos-cuculi. 2. We reciprocally transplanted plants between 15 fen grasslands in north-east Switzerland and recorded plant performance for 4 years. 3. Variation between the 15 target sites was the most important factor and affected all measures of plant performance in all years. This demonstrates the importance of plastic responses to habitat quality for plant performance. 4. Plants from smaller populations produced fewer rosettes than plants from larger populations in the first year of the replant-transplant experiment. 5. Plant performance decreased with increasing ecological difference between grassland of origin and target grassland, indicating adaptation to ecological conditions. In contrast, plant performance was not influenced by microsatellite distance and hardly by geographic distance between grassland of origin and target grassland. 6. Plants originating from larger populations were better able to cope with larger ecological differences between transplantation site and site of origin. 7. Synthesis: In addition to the direct effects of target grasslands, both habitat fragmentation, through reduced population size, and adaptation to habitats of different quality, contributed to the performance of L. flos-cuculi. This underlines that habitat fragmentation also affects species that are still common. Moreover, it suggests that restoration projects involving L. flos-cuculi should use plant material from large populations living in habitats similar to the restoration site. Finally, our results bring into question whether plants in small habitat remnants will be able to cope with future environmental change.


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Habitat fragmentation strongly affects species distribution and abundance. However, mechanisms underlying fragmentation effects often remain unresolved. Potential mechanisms are (1) reduced dispersal of a species or (2) altered species interactions in fragmented landscapes. We studied if abundance of the spider-hunting and cavity-nesting wasp Trypoxylon figulus Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) is affected by fragmentation, and then tested for any effect of larval food (bottom up regulation) and parasitism (top down regulation). Trap nests of T. figulus were studied in 30 agricultural landscapes of the Swiss Plateau. The sites varied in the level of isolation from forest (adjacent, in the open landscape but connected, isolated) and in the amount of woody habitat (from 4 % to 74 %). We recorded wasp abundance (number of occupied reed tubes), determined parasitism of brood cells and analysed the diversity and abundance of spiders that were deposited as larval food. Abundances of T. figulus were negatively related to forest cover in the landscape. In addition, T. figulus abundances were highest at forest edges, reduced by 33.1% in connected sites and by 79.4% in isolated sites. The mean number of spiders per brood cell was lowest in isolated sites. Nevertheless, structural equation modelling revealed that this did not directly determine wasp abundance. Parasitism was neither related to the amount of woody habitat nor to isolation and did not change with host density. Therefore, our study showed that the abundance of T. figulus cannot be fully explained by the studied trophic interactions. Further factors, such as dispersal and habitat preference, seem to play a role in the population dynamics of this widespread secondary carnivore in agricultural landscapes.


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We investigate the effect of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity of a species experiencing a range expansion. These two evolutionary processes have not been studied yet, at the same time, owing to the difficulties of deriving analytic results for non-equilibrium models. Here we provide a description of their interaction by using extensive spatial and temporal coalescent simulations and we suggest guidelines for a proper genetic sampling to detect fragmentation. To model habitat fragmentation, we simulated a two-dimensional lattice of demes partitioned into groups (patches) by adding barriers to dispersal. After letting a population expand on this grid, we sampled lineages from the lattice at several scales and studied their coalescent history. We find that in order to detect fragmentation, one needs to extensively sample at a local level rather than at a landscape level. This is because the gene genealogy of a scattered sample is less sensitive to the presence of genetic barriers. Considering the effect of temporal changes of fragmentation intensities, we find that at least 10, but often >100, generations are needed to affect local genetic diversity and population structure. This result explains why recent habitat fragmentation does not always lead to detectable signatures in the genetic structure of populations. Finally, as expected, long-distance dispersal increases local genetic diversity and decreases levels of population differentiation, efficiently counteracting the effects of fragmentation.


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Humans affect biodiversity at the genetic, species, community, and ecosystem levels. This impact on genetic diversity is critical, because genetic diversity is the raw material of evolutionary change, including adaptation and speciation. Two forces affecting genetic variation are genetic drift (which decreases genetic variation within but increases genetic differentiation among local populations) and gene flow (which increases variation within but decreases differentiation among local populations). Humans activities often augment drift and diminish gene flow for many species, which reduces genetic variation in local populations and prevents the spread of adaptive complexes outside their population of origin, thereby disrupting adaptive processes both locally and globally within a species. These impacts are illustrated with collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) in the Missouri Ozarks. Forest fire suppression has reduced habitat and disrupted gene flow in this lizard, thereby altering the balance toward drift and away from gene flow. This balance can be restored by managed landscape burns. Some have argued that, although human-induced fragmentation disrupts adaptation, it will also ultimately produce new species through founder effects. However, population genetic theory and experiments predict that most fragmentation events caused by human activities will facilitate not speciation, but local extinction. Founder events have played an important role in the macroevolution of certain groups, but only when ecological opportunities are expanding rather than contracting. The general impact of human activities on genetic diversity disrupts or diminishes the capacity for adaptation, speciation, and macroevolutionary change. This impact will ultimately diminish biodiversity at all levels.


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Fragmentation of wildlife habitat is a primary driver of global species decline. A major contributor to habitat fragmentation in the United States is rural residential development. Rural development in Colorado is occurring at rates far greater than the national average. Additionally, the lack of state-level planning control coupled with a lack of comprehensive, effective planning tools at the local level creates conditions that contribute to habitat fragmentation in many rural counties. Greater oversight and involvement in land use planning is needed by the state level to assist county governments. This study provides five recommendations to strengthen Colorado state land use policy in order to reduce habitat fragmentation.


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"October, 1981."


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Literature cited: p. 28-29.


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Sustainable forest restoration and management practices require a thorough understanding of the influence that habitat fragmentation has on the processes shaping genetic variation and its distribution in tree populations. We quantified genetic variation at isozyme markers and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), analysed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) in severely fragmented populations of Sorbus aucuparia (Rosaceae) in a single catchment (Moffat) in southern Scotland. Remnants maintain surprisingly high levels of gene diversity (H-E) for isozymes (H-E = 0.195) and cpDNA markers (H-E = 0.490). Estimates are very similar to those from non-fragmented populations in continental Europe, even though the latter were sampled over a much larger spatial scale. Overall, no genetic bottleneck or departures from random mating were detected in the Moffat fragments. However, genetic differentiation among remnants was detected for both types of marker (isozymes Theta(n) = 0.043, cpDNA Theta(c) = 0.131; G-test, P-value < 0.001). In this self-incompatible, insect-pollinated, bird-dispersed tree species, the estimated ratio of pollen flow to seed flow between fragments is close to 1 (r = 1.36). Reduced pollen-mediated gene flow is a likely consequence of habitat fragmentation, but effective seed dispersal by birds is probably helping to maintain high levels of genetic diversity within remnants and reduce genetic differentiation between them.


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To examine the effects of recent habitat fragmentation, we assayed genetic diversity in a rain forest endemic lizard, the prickly forest skink (Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae), from seven forest fragments and five sites in continuous forest on the Atherton tableland of northeastern Queensland, Australia. The rain forest in this region was fragmented by logging and clearing for dairy farms in the early 1900s and most forest fragments studied have been isolated for 50-80 years or nine to 12 skink generations. We genotyped 411 individuals at nine microsatellite DNA loci and found fewer alleles per locus in prickly forest skinks from small rain forest fragments and a lower ratio of allele number to allele size range in forest fragments than in continuous forest, indicative of a decrease in effective population size. In contrast, and as expected for populations with small neighbourhood sizes, neither heterozygosity nor variance in allele size differed between fragments and sites in continuous forests. Considering measures of among population differentiation, there was no increase in F-ST among fragments and a significant isolation by distance pattern was identified across all 12 sites. However, the relationship between genetic (F-ST) and geographical distance was significantly stronger for continuous forest sites than for fragments, consistent with disruption of gene flow among the latter. The observed changes in genetic diversity within and among populations are small, but in the direction predicted by the theory of genetic erosion in recently fragmented populations. The results also illustrate the inherent difficulty in detecting genetic consequences of recent habitat fragmentation, even in genetically variable species, and especially when effective population size and dispersal rates are low.


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Angadenia berteroi is a tropical perennial subshrub of the pine rocklands with large yellow flowers that set very few fruits. My dissertation seeks to elucidate the factors that affect the reproductive fitness of Angadenia berteroi a native species of the south Florida pine rocklands. I provide novel information on the pollination biology of this native species. I also assess the effects of herbivory on growth and the reproductive success of A. berteroi. Finally, I elucidate how habitat fragmentation and quality are correlated with reproductive fitness of this native perennial plant. Using a novel experimental approach, I determined the most effective pollinator group. I used nylon fishing line of widths corresponding to proboscis diameter of the major groups of visitors to examine pollen removal and deposition. In the field, I estimated visitation frequency and efficacy of each pollinator type. Using potted plants, I exposed flowers to single visit from different types of pollinators to measure fruit set. I performed artificial defoliation with scissors on plants growing in the greenhouse to assess the effects of defoliation before flowering as well as during flowering. Additionally, I used structural equation modelling (SEM) to elucidate how A. berteroi reproductive fitness was affected by habitat fragmentation and quality. My experiments provide evidence that Angadenia berteroi is specialized for bee pollination; though butterflies, skippers and others also visit its flowers, A. berteroi is exclusively pollinated by two native bees of the South Florida pine rocklands . This research also demonstrated that herbivory by the oleander moth may have direct and indirect effects on Angadenia berteroi growth and reproductive success. The SEM results suggested that habitat quality (litter depth and subcanopy cover) may favor reproduction in native species of the South Florida pine rocklands that are properly maintained by periodic fires and exotic control. Insights from this threatened and charismatic species may provide impetus to properly manage remaining pine rocklands in South Florida for this and other endemic understory species.