159 resultados para Grooming
"Suggestions for reading" at end of some of the chapters.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Cover title: Dog care & keeping.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
Barn och ungdomar spenderar mycket tid på internet vilket medför risker att utsättas för grooming. Detta kan påverka deras psykiska hälsa, skolprestationer och framtida arbetsliv. Lärare utgör en viktig yrkesgrupp som kan upptäcka och förebygga elevers utsatthet på internet. Studiens syfte var att belysa lärares oro, uppfattningar och attityder avseende elevers utsatthet för grooming samt att undersöka lärares åsikter om sin och skolans roll i frågor beträffande detta. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 207 högstadie- och gymnasielärare som respondenter. Lärarna var oroliga för att elever ska utsättas för grooming och hade låg tilltro till sin egen förmåga att identifiera och hantera utsatta elever. De ansåg i hög utsträckning att skolan har ett ansvar i frågan och efterfrågade mer kunskap. Kvinnliga lärare, högstadielärare samt de med egen erfarenhet av grooming uttryckte större oro jämfört med övriga. Utbildning av lärare om vilka följder grooming kan få gällande elevers skolprestation kan bidra till att de kan uppmärksamma unga som blivit utsatta.
We demonstrate a regenerative optical grooming switch for buffer-less interconnection of metro/access and metro/core ring networks with switching functionality in time, space and wavelength domain. Key functionalities of the router are the traffic aggregation with time-slot interchanging (TSI) functionality, the WDM-to-ODTM multiplexing and the OTDM-to-WDM demultiplexing of high-speed channel into lower bit-rate tributaries as well as multi-wavelength all-optical 2R regeneration of several higher-speed signals. BER and Q-factor measurements of different switching scenarios show excellent performance with no error floor and Q-factors above 21 dB.
A regenerative all-optical grooming switch for interconnecting 130 Gbit/s on-off keying (OOK) metro/core ring and 43 Gbit/s-OOK metro/access ring networks with switching functionality in time, space, and wavelength domains is demonstrated. Key functionalities of the switch are traffic aggregation with time-slot interchanging functionality, optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) demultiplexing, and multi-wavelength 2R regeneration. Laboratory and field demonstrations show the excellent performance of the new concept with error-free signal transmission and Q-factors above 20 dB.
Field experiments of 42.7/128.1 Gb/s wavelength-division multiplexed, optical time-division multiplexed (WDM-OTDM) transmultiplexing and all-optical dual-wavelength regeneration at the OTDM rate are presented in this paper. By using the asynchronous retiming scheme, we achieve error-free bufferless data grooming with time-slot interchange capability for OTDM meshed networking. We demonstrate excellent performance from the system, discuss scalability, applicability, and the potential reach of the asynchronous retiming scheme for transparent OTDM-domain interconnection.
The purpose of this study was to build on a previous one that focused on the effect of visible body modification (WM) on employment. In this study, samples from actual employee manuals used in the hospitality industry were collected and analyzed, specifically looking at policies regarding visible tattoos and body piercings. Examples from those employee manuals are presented, along with suggestions for operators looking to change or clarify their grooming standards.
Using transcripts of chatroom grooming interactions, this paper explores and evaluates the usefulness of Swales’ (1981) move analysis framework in contributing to the current understanding of online grooming processes. The framework is applied to seven transcripts of grooming interactions taken from perverted-justice.com. The paper presents 14 identified rhetorical moves used in chatroom grooming and explores the broad structures that grooming conversations take by presenting these structures as colour-coded visualisations which we have termed “move maps”. It also examines how some individual linguistic features are used to realise a single move termed “Assessing and Managing Risk”. The findings suggest that move analysis can usefully contribute in two key ways: determining communicative functions associated with 'grooming language' and the visualisation of variation between grooming interactions.
329 p.
Rapport de stage présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention clinique.
O grooming online – aliciamento de crianças e jovens através da internet – tem sido alvo de preocupação e estudos a nível internacional. No entanto, o contexto português caracteriza-se pelo relativo desconhecimento sobre o fenómeno. O presente estudo tem como objetivos conhecer as experiências, perceções e inseguranças dos/as jovens acerca do grooming online, bem como revelar números de vitimação. Pretende-se, ainda, analisar as diferenças de género e etárias, quer ao nível da vitimação quer ao nível da perceção da gravidade do grooming online e do sentimento de insegurança relativamente ao fenómeno. Optou-se por um estudo exploratório de natureza quantitativa e os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário construído para o efeito. A amostra foi constituída por 151 participantes, 76 (50,3%) do sexo masculino e 75 (49,7%) do sexo feminino. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo, nomeadamente uma percentagem de 20,5% de vitimação por grooming online, revelam uma realidade preocupante em Portugal, pelo que este fenómeno deve ser alvo de maior atenção e discussão no nosso país, inclusive através de modificações legislativas para que se possa atuar sobre o mesmo.