964 resultados para Gravidez - Complicações


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Pentraxina 3 (PTX3) é um componente essencial da resposta imune inata e age como receptores de reconhecimento de padrões (PPRs) reconhecendo produtos microbianos, opsonizando fungos, bactérias Gram positivas e negativas, além de apresentar a capacidade de ativar o sistema complemento. Poucos estudos na literatura mundial têm investigado a expressão de PTX3 nas complicações gestacionais associadas à invasão microbiana da cavidade amniótica e resultados conflitantes têm sido descritos. Avaliar a expressão gênica e protéica de PTX3 em membranas corioamnióticas de gestações pré-termo complicadas por Trabalho de Parto Prematuro (TPP) e bolsa íntegra ou Rotura Prematura de Membranas Pré-Termo (RPM-PT), na presença de corioamnionite histológica (CA). Foram incluídas no estudo 30 gestantes com TPP, sendo 15 na ausência e 15 na presença de corioamnionite histológica e 30 gestantes com RPM-PT, sendo 15 na ausência e 15 na presença de corioamnionite histológica. Cortes parafinizados foram encaminhados à análise histopatológica para confirmação de corioamnionite histológica. Outros fragmentos de 1cm2 das membranas foram submetidos à extração de RNA total. Após a extração do RNA, as amostras com concentração entre 0,02 e 0,2g/ L de RNA foram submetidas à obtenção de cDNA para posterior utilização na quantificação da expressão gênica de PTX3 pela técnica da PCR em tempo real empregando-se o Sistema TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays. Fragmentos das mesmas amostras incluídas no estudo foram utilizados para verificar a expressão da proteína PTX-3 através da técnica de Western Blotting. Dentre as 60 membranas corioamnióticas incluídas no estudo, 56 (93,3%) expressaram PTX-3. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na expressão de mRNA de PTX-3 (p=0,137) entre os grupos: RPM-PT na presença de CA (Md: 0.355; 0.11-1.03), RPM-PT na...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy specific syndrome characterized by a systemic inflammatory response, with higher intensity than that observed in normal pregnancy. Cells of the immune system, such as monocytes and granulocytes are endogenously activated and secrete high levels of free radicals and inflammatory cytokines. The objective of this study was to assess the activation state of monocytes from pregnant women with preeclampsia by endogenous expression of TLR2 e TLR4 receptors and to correlate the expression of TLR2 and TLR4 on monocytes surface of pregnant women with PE with the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- and interleukin-10 (IL-10) by these cells stimulated or not with peptidoglycan (PG) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), as agonists agents of TLR2 and TLR4, respectively. We evaluated 15 pregnant women with PE, 15 normotensive pregnant women (NT) and 15 non-pregnant (NP). Peripheral blood monocytes were incubates in the presence or absence of LPS or PG. The supernatant obtained after 18h of culture was aspirated and used for TNF- and IL-10 determination by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The endogenous expression of TLR2 and TLR4 receptors was evaluated by flow cytometry. Our results showed significant highly concentrations of TNF- and TLR4 expression in monocytes of preeclamptic women when compared with NT and NP. Normal pregnant women presented higher levels of IL-10 in comparison with PE and NP groups. TLR2 expression was similar in the three groups studied. Therefore, our study highlights the important role of TLR4 in PE and the consequent high production of TNF- by monocytes of these patients, as well as the potential mechanism involving low levels of IL-10 in the pathophysiology of the disease. These observations demonstrate the strong link between the pathology of PE and the immune system of these patients


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Changes in circulating angiogenic factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Thus, evaluation of angiogenesis agonist and antagonist factors is of greater importance to understand the mechanisms responsible for this disorder. The objective of the present study was to evaluate whether circulating angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors may differentiate early-onset from late-onset preeclampsia. The study was conducted in 86 women with preeclampsia diagnosed in the third trimester of pregnancy. Preeclampsia was classified according to the onset of clinical manifestation in early-onset (before 34 weeks of gestation; n=31) or in late-onset (from 34 weeks of gestation on; n=55) preeclampsia. Serum was obtained from the patients in the moment of the diagnosis and assayed for placental growth factor (PlGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), soluble Endoglin (sEng) and soluble form of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (sVEGFR-1) determination by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that early-onset preeclampsia was characterized by significant lower levels of PlGF (median 38.3 vs 123.5 pg/mL) and VEGF (median 23.1 vs 35.3 pg/mL) in serum as well as by higher serum levels of sEng (median 54.7 vs 42.1 pg/mL) and sVEGFR-1 (median 5211.0 vs 4657.6 pg/mL) compared with late-onset preeclampsia. In this study serum levels of angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors prove useful in differentiating early-onset from late-onset preeclampsia in the third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, these findings suggest that angiogenic factors determination may indicate that early- and late-onset preeclampsia have different pathophysiology


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Introduction: The HELLP syndrome is a severe complication of pregnant women with preeclampsia (PE), characterized by association of hemolysis, changes in liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia. Hemolysis, defined by the presence of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, is one of the characteristics in this syndrome. However, as hemolysis occurs in a short time there is some difficulty in its laboratory diagnosis. Therefore, the search for a more sensitive and specific method for hemolysis determination may help in the early diagnosis of the HELLP syndrome. Objectives: a) To determine the plasma concentration of haptoglobin in normotensive pregnant women and in pregnant women with PE, classified into mild PE, severe PE and HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome; b) To compare the efficacy of haptoglobin plasma concentration and serum total bilirubin as criteria for hemolysis diagnosis in HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analytical and comparative study involving 66 pregnant women diagnosed with PE, being 25 cases with mild PE, 28 with severe PE, and 13 with HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome. Twenty-one normotensive pregnant women were included for comparison of haptoglobin plasma concentration between the groups and to determine the normal values for pregnant women. The variables studied were: maternal age, gestational age, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, proteinuria, hematocrit and hemoglobin values, platelet count, serum total bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (AST) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (ALT), urea, creatinine and uric acid, and also plasma concentrations of haptoglobin. The results were analyzed by nonparametric tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The values of urea, uric acid, AST, ALT and LDH were significantly higher, while the number of platelets was lower in pregnant women with HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome compared to pregnant women with mild PE and ...


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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RESUMO: A pré-eclâmpsia tem elevada morbi-mortalidade materna e perinatal. A sua etiologia multi-fatorial tem sido objeto de investigação, não sendo ainda totalmente conhecida. Não se conhece também a razão da diferente suscetibilidade individual e das diferentes expressões da doença. A hipertensão crónica e a diabetes são fatores de risco reconhecidos, e o adiamento da maternidade contribui para que estas duas patologias sejam atualmente mais prevalentes entre as mulheres grávidas. Uma vez que o seu quadro fisiopatológico precede em meses o quadro clínico, tem-se investigado a possibilidade de serem encontrados marcadores precoces e indicadores de risco. Em Portugal, os estudos relativos à hipertensão na gravidez são escassos, bem como a investigação sobre fatores de risco e marcadores para a mesma. No sentido de avaliar possíveis marcadores de risco para o desenvolvimento de préeclâmpsia ou complicações hipertensivas foi colhida, para esta dissertação, uma amostra de 1215 mulheres que frequentaram a consulta de Hipertensão ou de Diabetes na gravidez de um centro terciário, entre 2004 e 2013. Optou-se pela realização de três estudos independentes, abrangendo os dois primeiros um leque temporal de 9 e de 2 anos respetivamente. O primeiro, centrado na hipertensão, pesquisou, em 521 mulheres com hipertensão na presente ou em anterior gravidez, fatores de risco capazes de influenciar a progressão para pré-eclâmpsia. O segundo, direcionado para a diabetes gestacional, considerou uma amostra de 334 grávidas, parte das quais tinha também hipertensão crónica e procurou identificar fatores que contribuíram para o aparecimento de complicações hipertensivas. O terceiro estudo, realizado em 2012 e 2013, em três coortes de grávidas com hipertensão crónica, com diabetes gestacional, e sem estas patologias - procurou avaliar no 1º trimestre o comportamento de dois marcadores placentares obtidos no 1º trimestre - proteína plasmática A associada à gravidez (PAPP-A) e o fator de crescimento placentar (PlGF) - e o seu papel, quer como bio-marcadores isolados, quer em associação aos fatores de risco encontrados nos anteriores estudos, na construção de um modelo preditivo de préeclâmpsia. No primeiro estudo, a nuliparidade, a hipertensão gestacional, a fluxometria das artérias uterinas com IP superiores ao P95 entre as 20-22 semanas e a existência de restrição de crescimento fetal, foram os fatores que contribuíram para a construção de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia. No segundo estudo, a coexistência de diabetes e hipertensão crónica agravou o prognóstico, associando-se as complicações hipertensivas à multiparidade, obesidade, idade materna e etnia negra. No terceiro estudo verificou-se uma redução da PlGf e da PAPP-A no 1º trimestre nas duas primeiras coortes, comparativamente à coorte sem patologia; na análise separada de cada coorte, quando se verificaram complicações hipertensivas ou pré-eclâmpsia, as concentrações de PlGf e PAPP-A também foram inferiores. Contudo, na elaboração de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia, em conjunto com marcadores encontrados, apenas a PlGf pode ser integrada no modelo preditivo, o que se verificou na coorte com hipertensão crónica. Os marcadores bioquímicos em estudo tiveram valores inferiores nas coortes com patologia hipertensiva, demonstrando uma deficiente produção destas proteínas placentares nestas situações, podendo ser importante a sua pesquisa. Contudo, neste estudo, apenas na coorte de hipertensão crónica a PlGf teve participação como fator de risco, na construção de um modelo preditivo de pré-eclâmpsia.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: Preeclampsia is associated with a great maternal and perinatal morbimortality. Its multifactorial etiology has been under investigation and is still insufficiently understood. The reason why there are differences in individual susceptibility and differences in expressions of the disease is still unknown. Chronic hypertension and diabetes are known risk factors for preeclampsia and maternity delay contributes to the great prevalence of these pathologies among pregnant women. As the physiopathological signs antedate by months the clinical course of the disease, early risk factors and biological markers are object of clinical research. In Portugal, scarce clinical studies were devoted to hypertension in pregnancy and to risk factors and markers of this pathology. This dissertation inquires 1215 pregnant women who were treated for hypertension or diabetes in a tertiary care center between 2004 and 2013, in order to find risk markers for hypertensive complications or preeclampsia. We conducted three independent studies for this purpose. In the first one we investigated which risk factors could influence the progression to preeclampsia in 521 pregnant women with present or past history of hypertension. The second one was conducted to find what factors were associated to hypertensive complications, with a sample of 334 pregnant women with gestational diabetes, some also with chronic hypertension, addressing the identification of the factors contributing to hypertensive complications. The third study was conducted between 2012 and 2013 with three cohorts of pregnant women, with chronic hypertension, gestational diabetes, and in the third one, pregnant women had a low risk pregnancy. The objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of two placental markers – PAPP-A and PlGf – obtained in the first trimester, and the role of these markers as isolated biomarkers or in association with other risk factors, in order to define a predictive model of early preeclampsia. In the first study, nuliparity, gestational hypertension, uterine arteries doppler with PI above P95 between 20-22 weeks of gestation and the presence of fetal growth restriction were the markers involved in a predictive model for preeclampsia. In the second study the cohort with the coexistence of diabetes and hypertension had registered worse result and hypertensive complications were associated to multiparity, obesity, maternal age and black ethnicity. In the third study there was a reduction of the PlGf and a PAPP-A concentration for the first trimester in the two first cohorts comparatively to the low risk cohort; the separate analysis of each cohort showed that plGf and PAPP-A concentrations were reduced when hypertensive complications appeared. However, when trying to find a preeclampsia predictive model, only plGf gave significant results for being considered in the model and this was only possible in the chronic hypertension cohort. The biochemical markers investigated in this study were reduced in the cohorts when high blood pressure complications occurred, showing a defective production of these placenta proteins, and suggesting that they should be investigated as first trimester biomarkers. Nevertheless, for this research, in the cohort of chronic hypertension only PlGf had a significant result, when multivariate analysis of all the risk factors was considered for the construction of a preeclampsia predictive model.


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Resumo não disponível.


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Não existe uniformidade nos critérios diagnósticos do diabetes gestacional, mas em geral eles se baseiam em testes de tolerância à glicose realizados em 2 a 3 horas . O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a capacidade de um TTG 75g realizado em 1 hora em predizer diabetes gestacional segundo critérios da Organização Mundial da Saúde e desfechos adversos da gravidez a ele relacionados. Trata-se de um estudo de coorte de mulheres com 20 ou mais anos de idade, sem diabetes fora da gravidez, atendidas em serviços de pré-natal do Sistema Público de Saúde, em seis capitais brasileiras, entre 1991 e 1995. Os dados referem-se a 5004 mulheres que foram entrevistadas e realizaram um teste oral de tolerância com 75 g de glicose entre a 24ª e 28ª semana de gestação. Dados da evolução da gravidez e do parto foram extraídos dos prontuários. A capacidade da glicemia de 1 hora em predizer o diabetes gestacional foi excelente, com área sob a curva ROC de 0,903 (0,886-0,919). O ponto de corte que otimiza sensibilidade (83%) e especificidade (83%) na predição de diabetes gestacional é 141 mg/dl. Para macrossomia, sua sensibilidade é 33% e a especificidade 78%. Altas especificidades foram alcançadas com glicemias na ordem de 180 mg/dl na detecção do diabetes gestacional (99%) e da macrossomia (97%). Um ponto intermediário, com sensibilidade satisfatória (62%) e especificidade ainda elevada (94%) na predição do diabetes gestacional é 160 mg/dl. Para macrossomia, sua especificidade é 90%. A predição de desfechos adversos da gravidez foi semelhante à da glicemia de 2 horas. É possível, portanto, simplificar a detecção do diabetes gestacional com o TTG-1h , empregado como teste de rastreamento (140mg/dl) e de diagnóstico (180mg/dl) simultaneamente.Uma proporção pequena de gestantes ainda requer confirmação, mas o diagnóstico terá sido realizado mais precocemente naquelas com glicemia mais elevada.


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Hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy (HSP) are configured as one of the major complications in the pregnancy and postpartum period and can lead premature newborn and subsequent hospitalization of the newborn to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This study aimed to analyze the perceptions, meanings and feelings of mothers on the hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy and premature obstetric labor. The research was qualitative and has a theoretical methodological the Social Representations Theory(SRT) in the approach to the Central Nucleus Theory. The study included 70 women, mean age 29 years, predominantly school to high school, most of them married or in consensual union, primiparous and prevalence of cesarean delivery occurred between 32 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.The data were collected from may to december 2008 in the Maternity School Januário Cicco in Natal , and obtained through the following instruments for data collection: questionnaire including questions about socio-demographic status; the Free Words Association Test (FWAT) and and verbalized mental image construction used three stimuli: such as pregnancy with high blood pressure, preterm birth and NICU, and interview with the following guiding question: what it meant for you to have a pregnancy with high blood pressure and consequently the birth of a premature baby? Data analysis was performed using multi-method obtained from the data processing by EVOC (Ensemble Programmes Permettant L 'Analyze des Évocations) and ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segment de Texte) and thematic analysis in categories. The results will be presented in four thematic units under the following representative universes: HSP, prematurity as a result of HSP, NICU and the social representations of mothers on the hypertensive disorder of pregnancy sequenced premature birth and hospitalization of the child in the NICU. The results obtained by multimethod analyses showed similar constructions and point to death as the central nucleus and negative aspects, coping strategies, need of care, knowledge about the disease, fragility and meanings of the NICU as peripheral elements. It is considered that the perceptions, meanings and feelings of puerperal women in relation to HSPs and to premature delivery are a negative social representation, with representational elements that may have influenced the adverse effects on the disease and its consequences. We suggest action on the peripheral elements of this representation, with adequate orientation, early diagnosis, effective conduct, receptive attitude on the part of the team, health promotion measures and effective public policies, in order to improve the care provided to puerperal women, making them feel welcome and minimizing their suffering


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The preeclampsia is a disease that evolves to high death rate for the mother and for the fetus. The incidence of this disease in the world is variable and there are no data of this disturb in the Brazilian population. This paper had the objective to determine the incidence and risk factors for development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in a neighborhood in Natal, RN, Brazil, taking place a prospective study, cohort type, with the objective of evaluating the entire pregnancy of 242 women that got pregnant between 2004-2007. The incidence of hypertensive disorders was of 17%, while the incidence of preeclampsia was of 13.8%. The age average of women that developed the hypertensive disorders was of 27.4 years (SD±.9), whilst those that developed preeclampsia was of 26.6 (SD ±7.8) years and the normotensive was of 23.9 (SD±5.8) (p=0.002). It is noted a significant increase of the hypertensive disorder with age (p=0.0265). The gestational age for those who developed preeclampsia was lower than the women that developed normotensive pregnancy (p=0.0002). The body mass index (BMI) of the group of women that developed the hypertensive disorder was of 25.8 (SD±3.9), significantly higher than the group of normotensive women with 23.5 (SD±3.7) (p=0.02). The levels of triglycerides and cholesterol tended to be higher on women with preeclampsia than on normotensive, p=0.0502 and p=0.0566, respectively. Six (6) women presented with severe preeclampsia and one (1) developed HELLP Syndrome. The resolution of the pregnancy was performed by cesarean section in 70% of women that developed hypertensive disorders, whilst the normotensive was of 23.6% (p<0.0001). A subgroup of the studied subjects was reassessed one year after labor, revealing that 50% of the patients were still hypertensive. There were no larger complications nor mother death during labor. The incidence of hypertensive disorders are above the levels noted in other studies and 30% of the women were within the poles of greater risk for the hypertensive disorders; the elevated BMI in the beginning of the pregnancy is a risk factor for hypertensive disorder. The risk of severe complication in preeclampsia is high, with imminence of eclampsia occurring in 20.1% of women who developed hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The adequate prenatal care and the opportune labor assistance may minimize the complications of the pregnancy hypertension and avoid mother death, although the risk of women remaining hypertensive is elevated


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A gravidez gemelar na qual coexistem um feto normal e uma mola completa é um evento raro. Complicações clínicas e aumento de risco de malignização são de importância nesta patologia. Este trabalho descreve um caso de diagnóstico tardio em decorrência da presença do feto. Este diagnóstico foi feito no momento da resolução da gestação e confirmado por estudo histopatológico e citometria de fluxo. A resolução da gestação foi por via transpélvica em decorrência de hemorragia uterina maciça. O seguimento pós-molar evidenciou a persistência de níveis elevados de bhCG, obtendo-se remissão completa da doença com o uso do metotrexato. À luz deste caso, discutem-se o diagnóstico, a história natural e a conduta desta rara intercorrência na clínica obstétrica.