902 resultados para Graphical User Interfaces


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The goal of this work was to provide professional and amateur writers with a new way of enhancing their productivity and mental well-being, by helping them overcoming writers block and being able to achieve a state of optimal experience while writing. Our approach is based on bringing together different components to create what we call a creative moment. A creative moment is composed by an image, a text, a mood, a location and a color. The color presented in the creative moment varied according to the mood that was associated to the creative moment. With the creative moments we hoped that our users could have a way to easily trigger their creativity and have a kick start in their work. The prototyping of a web crowdsourcing platform, named CreativeWall, and a Microsoft Word Add-In, that was used on the user study performed, is described and their implementations are discussed. The user study reveals that our approach does have a positive influence in the productivity of the participants when compared with another existing approach. The study also revealed that our approach can ease the process of achieving a state of optimal experience by enhancing one of the dimensions presented on the Flow Theory. At the end we present what we consider would be some possible future developments for the concept created during the development of this work.


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The goal of this work was to provide professional and amateur writers with a new way of enhancing their productivity and mental well-being, by helping them overcoming writers block and being able to achieve a state of optimal experience while writing. Our approach is based on bringing together different components to create what we call a creative moment. A creative moment is composed by an image, a text, a mood, a location and a color. The color presented in the creative moment varied according to the mood that was associated to the creative moment. With the creative moments we hoped that our users could have a way to easily trigger their creativity and have a kick start in their work. The prototyping of a web crowdsourcing platform, named CreativeWall, and a Microsoft Word Add-In, that was used on the user study performed, is described and their implementations are discussed. The user study reveals that our approach does have a positive influence in the productivity of the participants when compared with another existing approach. The study also revealed that our approach can ease the process of achieving a state of optimal experience by enhancing one of the dimensions presented on the Flow Theory. At the end we present what we consider would be some possible future developments for the concept created during the development of this work.


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[EN]We investigate mechanisms which can endow the computer with the ability of describing a human face by means of computer vision techniques. This is a necessary requirement in order to develop HCI approaches which make the user feel himself/herself perceived. This paper describes our experiences considering gender, race and the presence of moustache and glasses. This is accomplished comparing, on a set of 6000 facial images, two di erent face representation approaches: Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Gabor lters. The results achieved using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classi er are promising and particularly better for the second representation approach.


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[EN]This paper describes in detail a real-time multiple face detection system for video streams. The system adds to the good performance provided by a window shift approach, the combination of different cues available in video streams due to temporal coherence. The results achieved by this combined solution outperform the basic face detector obtaining a 98% success rate for around 27000 images, providing additionally eye detection and a relation between the successive detections in time by means of detection threads.


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Surgical interventions are usually performed in an operation room; however, access to the information by the medical team members during the intervention is limited. While in conversations with the medical staff, we observed that they attach significant importance to the improvement of the information and communication direct access by queries during the process in real time. It is due to the fact that the procedure is rather slow and there is lack of interaction with the systems in the operation room. These systems can be integrated on the Cloud adding new functionalities to the existing systems the medical expedients are processed. Therefore, such a communication system needs to be built upon the information and interaction access specifically designed and developed to aid the medical specialists. Copyright 2014 ACM.


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2nd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies


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Datuen analisi kuantitatiboa egin behar duen edonork, gaur egun, aukera zabala du. Programa ugari daude, komertzialak zein doakoak, edozein analisi mota, sinpleena zein konplexuena, egiteko. Programa komertzialen artean, SPSS, SAS, STATISTICA, Systat, Stata edo GenStat aipa daitezke. Programa horiek merkatu osoaz jabetu dira, eta Europako eta Amerikako unibertsitateetan analisi-tresna moduan erabiltzen dira. Programa horiek joan dira, lehenengo bertsioetatik gaurkoetaraino, interfaze grafikoak hobetuz (GUI Graphical User Interfaces) eta analisi-eredu gero eta konplexuagoak erantsiz. Leihoen kudeaketan oinarrituriko testuinguru-menuen eta goitik beherako menuen garapenari esker, programak erabilerrazagoak dira, eta analisi zein eredu formal konplexuenekin lan egiteko aukera izan du erabiltzaileen komunitateak.


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[EN]In this project has been developed a tool which synthesizes realistic waveforms produced by the intra-aortic balloon pump. In addition the following waveforms have also been synthesized: arterial blood pressure (ABP) waveform, the four variations produced due to timing errors of the balloon and the waveform of the helium gas rapidly shuttling in and out of the balloon chamber. All waveforms are synthesized in synchrony with the balloon's inflation/deflation cycles. A database composed of annotated ECG (Electrocardiogram) normal sinus rhythm records has also been created during the project. In order to facilitate the work, two graphical user interfaces were developed. The first interface allows the selection of the ECG records, which were latter annotated using the second interface. Starting from the newly created annotated database, the different waveforms, mentioned above, were synthesized. In this document, in view of the synthesized waveforms, it can be concluded that the obtained results are satisfactory.


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It is common that documents are represented by document icon in graphical user interfaces. The document icon facilitates user to retrieve documents, but it is difficult to distinguish the document from a collection of documents that user have accessed to. Our paper presents a document icon on which the users can add some subjective values and mark. Then we describe a system ex-explorer that users can browser and search the extent document icon. We found that it is easy to re-find the document on which users added some annotation or mark by themselves.


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Models and software products have been developed for modelling, simulation and prediction of different correlations in materials science, including 1. the correlation between processing parameters and properties in titanium alloys and ?-titanium aluminides; 2. time–temperature–transformation (TTT) diagrams for titanium alloys; 3. corrosion resistance of titanium alloys; 4. surface hardness and microhardness profile of nitrocarburised layers; 5. fatigue stress life (S–N) diagrams for Ti–6Al–4V alloys. The programs are based on trained artificial neural networks. For each particular case appropriate combination of inputs and outputs is chosen. Very good performances of the models are achieved. Graphical user interfaces (GUI) are created for easy use of the models. In addition interactive text versions are developed. The models designed are combined and integrated in software package that is built up on a modular fashion. The software products are available in versions for different platforms including Windows 95/98/2000/NT, UNIX and Apple Macintosh. Description of the software products is given, to demonstrate that they are convenient and powerful tools for practical applications in solving various problems in materials science. Examples for optimisation of the alloy compositions, processing parameters and working conditions are illustrated. An option for use of the software in materials selection procedure is described.


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Vorgestellt wird eine weltweit neue Methode, Schnittstellen zwischen Menschen und Maschinen für individuelle Bediener anzupassen. Durch Anwenden von Abstraktionen evolutionärer Mechanismen wie Selektion, Rekombination und Mutation in der EOGUI-Methodik (Evolutionary Optimization of Graphical User Interfaces) kann eine rechnergestützte Umsetzung der Methode für Graphische Bedienoberflächen, insbesondere für industrielle Prozesse, bereitgestellt werden. In die Evolutionäre Optimierung fließen sowohl die objektiven, d.h. messbaren Größen wie Auswahlhäufigkeiten und -zeiten, mit ein, als auch das anhand von Online-Fragebögen erfasste subjektive Empfinden der Bediener. Auf diese Weise wird die Visualisierung von Systemen den Bedürfnissen und Präferenzen einzelner Bedienern angepasst. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit kann der Bediener aus vier Bedienoberflächen unterschiedlicher Abstraktionsgrade für den Beispielprozess MIPS ( MIschungsProzess-Simulation) die Objekte auswählen, die ihn bei der Prozessführung am besten unterstützen. Über den EOGUI-Algorithmus werden diese Objekte ausgewählt, ggf. verändert und in einer neuen, dem Bediener angepassten graphischen Bedienoberfläche zusammengefasst. Unter Verwendung des MIPS-Prozesses wurden Experimente mit der EOGUI-Methodik durchgeführt, um die Anwendbarkeit, Akzeptanz und Wirksamkeit der Methode für die Führung industrieller Prozesse zu überprüfen. Anhand der Untersuchungen kann zu großen Teilen gezeigt werden, dass die entwickelte Methodik zur Evolutionären Optimierung von Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen industrielle Prozessvisualisierungen tatsächlich an den einzelnen Bediener anpaßt und die Prozessführung verbessert.


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The JModel suite consists of a number of models of aspects of the Earth System. They can all be run from the JModels website. They are written in the Java language for maximum portability, and are capable of running on most computing platforms including Windows, MacOS and Unix/Linux. The models are controlled via graphical user interfaces (GUI), so no knowledge of computer programming is required to run them. The models currently available from the JModels website are: Ocean phosphorus cycle Ocean nitrogen and phosphorus cycles Ocean silicon and phosphorus cycles Ocean and atmosphere carbon cycle Energy radiation balance model (under development) The main purpose of the models is to investigate how material and energy cycles of the Earth system are regulated and controlled by different feedbacks. While the central focus is on these feedbacks and Earth System stabilisation, the models can also be used in other ways. These resources have been developed by: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton project led by Toby Tyrrell and Andrew Yool, focus on how the Earth system works.


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As the number and proportion of older people worldwide continues to grow, robotic devices can play a role in helping older people continue to live independent and active lives. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and interactions that involve pointing to items and selecting them are becoming more common in assistive robots. The authors are currently working on a project investigating techniques to improve point-select interactions for older people. In particular, the project studies how older people respond to expanding and moving targets. The research is ongoing, and this paper describes the methods that will be used in upcoming experiments.


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Studies in the literature have proposed techniques to facilitate pointing in graphical user interfaces through the use of proxy targets. Proxy targets effectively bring the target to the cursor, thereby reducing the distance that the cursor must travel. This paper describes a study which aims to provide an initial understanding of how older adults respond to proxy targets, and compares older with younger users. We found that users in both age groups adjusted to the proxy targets without difficulty, and there was no indication in the cursor trajectories that users were confused about which target, i.e. the original versus the proxy, was to be selected. In terms of times, preliminary results show that for younger users, proxies did not provide any benefits over direct selection, while for older users, times were increased with proxy targets. A full analysis of the movement times, error rates, throughput and subjective feedback is currently underway.


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“Point and click” interactions remain one of the key features of graphical user interfaces (GUIs). People with motion-impairments, however, can often have difficulty with accurate control of standard pointing devices. This paper discusses work that aims to reveal the nature of these difficulties through analyses that consider the cursor’s path of movement. A range of cursor measures was applied, and a number of them were found to be significant in capturing the differences between able-bodied users and motion-impaired users, as well as the differences between a haptic force feedback condition and a control condition. The cursor measures found in the literature, however, do not make up a comprehensive list, but provide a starting point for analysing cursor movements more completely. Six new cursor characteristics for motion-impaired users are introduced to capture aspects of cursor movement different from those already proposed.