979 resultados para Grapevine rust mite


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Grapevine is one of the most cultivated fruit crop worldwide with Vitis vinifera being the species with the highest economical importance due to the high quality standards of its berries. Nonetheless, it is also the most susceptible Vitis species to fungal pathogens. Among others, relevant fungal diseases currently threatening grapevine cultures are powdery mildew, caused by Erysiphe necator, and esca, a disease complex comprised of several fungi in which Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium aleophilum participate.(...)


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Abstract: We herein report human dermatitis caused by the tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese). The cases occurred in an apartment in a residential district of Porto Alegre City, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where three members of the same family presented with pruritic lesions on the arms and legs. On inspecting the bathroom, several mites measuring approximately 1.0mm in length were observed coming from a nest of Rufous Hornero, Furnarius rufus (Gmelin). This is the first report of O. bursa in the urban area of Porto Alegre City, from a nest of F. rufus that bites humans.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia de Plantas


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Uma lista de novas referências e ocorrências para ácaros tetraniquídeos da mandioca é apresentada.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un grup d’alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2006."Tristany i Isolda" representa un dels grans mites eròtics moderns. A través de les diferents versions de les fonts medievals i de les més contemporànies més estimades per melòmans, Wagner i Bédier, es defineixen semblances i diferències i els trets principals dels personatges, arguments, espais... L'estudi d'aquestes obres constata que la finalitat de tots els creadors era, almenys a efectes interpretatius, la mateixa. És evident que tant Tomàs com Wagner intentaven plasmar les alegries i els sofriments dels eterns amants, però potser per influència de Plató mostren un procés catàrtic i redemptor de dos individus a través de l'amor que es converteix en una via cap a un eixamplament tan enorme de la consciència que no pot desembocar sinó en la mort, el punt en què dos amants es converteixen en un únic alè, el punt en què dos éssers satisfacin individualment els seus anhels de felicitat col•lectiva. Partint d'aquesta idea, com el lector comprovarà a les conclusions, es pot sostenir la tesi que aquest tipus de relació en què l'anhel de saviesa vital és tan exacerbat es correspon generalment amb una actitud lesbiana. I és que, perifrasejant Wagner, tot rau en aprendre a morir.


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Some bacteria have the capacity to reduce incidence and severity of plant diseases either by inhibiting the pathogen or by modulating the resistance response of the plant. Plants dispose of different resistance mechanisms that are influenced by the biotic and abiotic environment. The present experiments explored the effects of biocontrol strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens on the resistance of wheat varieties against brown rust disease caused by Puccinia triticina. Root inoculation with biocontrol pseudomonads reduced the disease severity on the leaves. The plant response depended on the genotype of both the microbes and the wheat varieties, suggesting a straight interaction at the molecular level.


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1. The mechanisms underlying host choice strategies by parasites remain poorly understood. We address two main questions: (i) do parasites prefer vulnerable or well-fed hosts, and (ii) to what extent is a parasite species specialized towards a given host species? 2. To answer these questions, we investigated, both in the field and in the lab, a host-parasite system comprising one ectoparasitic mite (Spinturnix myoti) and its major hosts, two sibling species of bats (Myotis myotis and M blythii), which coexist intimately in colonial nursery roosts. We exploited the close physical associations between host species in colonial roosts as well as naturally occurring annual variation in food abundance to investigate the relationships between parasite intensities and (i) host species and (ii) individual nutritional status. 3. Although horizontal transmission of parasites was facilitated by the intimate aggregation of bats within their colonial clusters, we found significant interspecific differences in degree of infestation throughout the 6 years of the study, with M. myotis always more heavily parasitized than M. blythii. This pattern was replicated in a laboratory experiment in which any species-specific resistance induced by exploitation of different trophic niches in nature was removed. 4. Within both host species, S. myoti showed a clear preference for individuals with higher nutritional status. In years with high resource abundance, both bat hosts harboured more parasites than in low-resource years, although the relative difference in parasite burden across species was maintained. This pattern of host choice was also replicated in the laboratory. When offered a choice, parasites always colonized better-fed individuals. 5. These results show first that host specialization in our study system occurred. Second, immediate parasite choice clearly operated towards the selection of hosts in good nutritional state.