995 resultados para Granitic rocks


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ABSTRACT: The eastern border of the Transition Subdomain of the Carajás Province is constituteddominantly of Archean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG). Deformed monzogranites, similar to the Planalto granite suite, and metagabbros inserted in association mafic-enderbitic also occur. Paleoproterozoic isotropic granites and mafic dykes devoid of significant deformation crosscut the Archean lithologies. The TTGs are exposed as blocks or as flat outcrops in areas of low relief and commonly include quartz-diorite enclaves. The TTG rocks display gray colour and are generally medium-grained, showing compositional banding or, sometimes, homogeneous aspect. They show commonly a NW-SW to E-W trending foliation with vertical to subvertical dips and were submitted to NE-SW stress. Locally, it was identified a NE-SW foliation transposed to E-W along shear zones. In some instances, they exhibit mylonitic to protomilonitics features, registered in the oval form of plagioclase porphyroclasts or boudinated leucogranitics veins. Two petrographic varieties are recognized for this association: biotite-trondjhemite and subordinate biotite-granodiorites, both have similar mineralogical and textural aspects and are characterized by a poorly preserved igneous texture, partially overwritten by an intense recrystallization. EDS analyses revealed that the plagioclase is a calcic oligoclase (An27-19), with Or ranging from 0.6 - 2.3%. The biotites are ferromagnesian, with dominance of Fe over Mg (Fe / [Fe + Mg] ranging from 0.54 to 0.59) and the analyzed epidote presents pistacite contents ranging from 23 to 27.6 % and plot mostly in the range of magmatic epidotes. The trondhjemite shows all typical characteristics of Archean TTG suites. They have high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios, suggesting they were derived from the partial melting of garnet amphibolite sources at high pressures (ca. 1.5 GPa) or, at least, that their magmatic evolution was controlled by the fractionation of garnet and possibly amphibole, without significant influence of plagioclase. The studied TTGs show similarities with Mariazinha tonalite and Mogno trondjemite, of the Rio Maria Domain, Colorado trondhjemite and, in at a lesser degree, to the Rio Verde trondhjemite, of the Carajás Domain. The granodiorites display a calc-alkaline signature and shows LILE enrichment, specifically K2O, Rb and Ba, when compared to the trondhjemites, but still preserving some geochemical features of the TTG. The geochemical data indicate that the trondhjemite and granodiorite are not related by fractional crystallization. An origin of the granodiorite by partial melting of the TTG rocks is also discarded. The granodiorite could, however, result of contamination of TTG magmas by lithosphere metasomatism or assimilation of sediments from subducted oceanic crust along trondhjemite liquid genesis. In the eastern portion of the mapped area, it was identified a small, E-W trending granite stock clearly controlled by shear zones. The rocks have mylonitic textures, characterized by ovoid-shaped feldspar porphyroclasts, wrapped by recrystallized quartz and mica. These granitic rocks have geochemical signatures of reduced A-type granites and are similar to the Planalto granite suite. Boulders of mafic rocks crop out locally in the northern portion of the area. These rocks show a dominant granoblastic texture, and are mainly composed of amphibole and plagioclase, with subordinate biotite and quartz. In the northern part of the mapped area, it was identified a body of isotropic granite without significant deformation and showing locally rapakivi textures. This granitic pluton was correlated to the Paleoproterozoic A-type granites, represented in the Carajás Domain by the Serra dos Carajás suite and Rio Branco Granite. These granites were not studied in detail. The geological and geochemical aspects shown by the Archean granitoids identified in the eastern part of the Transition Subdomain implies in the existence of significant TTG rocks in the Transition Subdomain. This reinforces the hypothesis that the Transition Subdomain could represent an extension of the Rio Maria Domain, but affected by crustal reworking events in the Neoarchean.


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Este trabalho apresenta dados geológicos, petrográficos e mineralógicos referentes ao granito que hospeda o depósito aurífero Tocantinzinho e objetivou contribuir ao entendimento dos processos hidrotermais associados à sua gênese. O depósito ocorre em biotita monzogranito tardi a pós-tectônico, do subtipo oxidado da série ilmenita, que foi alojado a profundidades de 6 - 9 km. Esse granitoide encontra-se bastante fraturado e localmente brechado, tendo experimentado processos hidrotermais de grau fraco a moderado, os quais geraram duas principais variedades (salame e smoky) sem diferenças mineralógicas ou químicas importantes, porém macroscopicamente muito distintas. Vários tipos de alteração hidrotermal foram reconhecidos nas rochas granitoides, sendo representados principalmente por vênulas e pela substituição de minerais primários. A história hidrotermal teve início com a microclinização, durante a qual o protólito granítico foi em parte transformado na variedade salame. A temperaturas em torno de 330 oC ocorreu a cloritização, que produziu chamosita com XFe na faixa de 0,55 - 0,70. Seguiu-se a sericitização, durante a qual os fluidos mineralizadores precipitaram pirita, calcopirita, esfalerita, galena e ouro. À medida que a alteração progrediu, as soluções se saturaram em sílica e precipitaram quartzo em vênulas. No estágio mais tardio (carbonatação), provavelmente houve mistura entre fluidos aquosos e aquocarbônicos, de que teria resultado a reação entre Ca2+ e CO2 e formação de calcita. A maioria dos sulfetos encontra-se em vênulas, algumas em trama stockwork. O ouro é normalmente muito fino e ocorre principalmente como inclusões submicroscópicas ou ao longo de microfraturas em pirita e quartzo. O depósito Tocantinzinho é muito similar aos depósitos Batalha, Palito e São Jorge, e aos do campo Cuiú-Cuiú. Tipologicamente poderia ser classificado como depósito relacionado a intrusões.


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O município de Porto Velho (RO) gera em torno de 220 toneladas de lixo urbano por dia, os quais são dispostos em área de “lixeira” desde 1993. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação do método geofísico da eletrorresistividade, através das técnicas da sondagem elétrica vertical e imageamento elétrico (arranjos Schlumberger e dipolo-dipolo) que foram executadas na área da lixeira da cidade de Porto Velho (RO), com o objetivo de identificar a contaminação do solo e das águas subterrâneas. A geologia sobre a qual está assentado o aterro de Porto Velho é constituída por sedimentos do pleistoceno (argilo-arenosos com concreções lateríticas) assentados sobre rochas graníticas – fraturadas - da Formação Santo Antônio. Palavras-chave: Eletrorresistividade, imageamento elétrico, sondagem elétrica vertical, resíduos sólidos urbanos.


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This manuscript aims proposing a methodology for correlating soil porosity to the respective geological units using geostatistical analysis techniques, including interpolation data by kriging. The site studied was in Lorena municipality, Paraíba do Sul Valley, southeastern Brazil. Specifically all studies were carried out within an area of 12 km2 located at Santa Edwirges farm. The database comprehended 41 soil samples taken at different geological and geomorphologic units at three different depths: surface, 50 cm and 100 cm depth. The geostatistical analyses results were correlated to a geological mapping specifically elaborated for the site. This mapping accounts for two different geological formations and a geological contact characterized by a shearing zone. The results indicate the existence of a significant relationship between the soil porosity and the respective geological units. The studies revealed that the residual soils from weathered granitic rocks tend to have higher porosities than the residual soils from weathered biotite gneiss rocks, while the soil porosity within the shearing zone is relatively un-sensitive to the respective geological formation. The spatial patterns observed were efficient to evaluate the relationship between the soil porosity, geology unit and the and geomorphology showing a good potential for correlating with others soil properties such as hydraulic conductivity, soil water retention curves and erosion potentials.


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The granitic massif Capão Bonito is located in the southwest of the State of São Paulo and is associated with Neoproterozoic evolution of Central Mantiqueira Province. Its rocks outcrop along the edge of the Paraná Basin in a body with elongated shape whose major axis has a general NE-SW, covering an area of approximately 110km2. Occurs in intrusive epimetamorphic rocks of Votuverava Formation, Acungui Group and granitic rocks of the Três Córregos Complex and their placement is related to a brittle tectonics of NE-SW direction shear zones. In metasediments, when preserved from deformational features imposed by mylonitic deformation, preserve up textures and mineralogy of contact metamorphism with development of mineral in albite-epidote and hornblende hornfels facies. The Massif Capão Bonito consists of red syenogranites, holo-leucocratic with biotite and rare hornblende, medium to coarse inequigranulars and isotropic lightly mylonitic and / or cataclastic in marginal regions. Commercially are called Vermelho Capão Bonito and for export as Ruby Red Granite. Rocks belonging to the calcium-alkaline high potassium to shoshonitic series or the series subalkaline potassic and metaluminous to peraluminous character. The magmatism is compatible with granite type A, tardi-orogenic to anorogenic of intraplate environment, from the crust material with lower melting emplacement associated with correlated transtensive structure to shear zones in an extensional environment at the end of collisional event of Orogênese Ribeira. Metamorphism occurred in the region in the greenschist facies, low to medium, generating quartzites, phyllites, schists, and calcium-silicate metabasics


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Este trabalho resume os dados de florística e fitossociologia de 11, das 14 parcelas de 1 ha, alocadas ao longo do gradiente altitudinal da Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brasil. As parcelas começam na cota 10 m (Floresta de Restinga da Praia da Fazenda, município de Ubatuba) e estão distribuídas até a cota 1100 m (Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana da Trilha do rio Itamambuca, município de São Luis do Paraitinga) abrangendo os Núcleos Picinguaba e Santa Virgínia do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar. Na Restinga o solo é Neossolo Quartzarênico francamente arenoso, enquanto que na encosta o solo é um Cambisolo Háplico Distrófico argilo-arenoso, sendo que todas as parcelas apresentaram solo ácido (pH 3 – 4) com alta diluição de nutrientes e alta saturação de alumínio. Na Restinga e no sopé da encosta o clima é Tropical/Subtropical Úmido (Af/Cfa), sem estação seca, com precipitação média anual superior a 2.200 mm e temperatura média anual de 22 °C. Subindo a encosta mantêm-se a média de precipitação, mas há um gradativo resfriamento, de forma que a 1.100 m o clima é Subtropical Úmido (Cfa/Cfb), sem estação seca, com temperatura média anual de 17 °C. Destaca-se ainda que, quase diariamente, a parte superior da encosta, geralmente acima de 400 m, é coberta por uma densa neblina. Nas 14 parcelas foram marcados, medidos e amostrados 21.733 indivíduos com DAP ≥ 4,8 cm, incluindo árvores, palmeiras e fetos arborescentes. O número médio de indivíduos amostrados nas 14 parcelas foi de 1.264 ind.ha–1 (± 218 EP de 95%). Dentro dos parâmetros considerados predominaram as árvores (71% FOD Montana a 90% na Restinga), seguidas de palmeiras (10% na Restinga a 25% na FOD Montana) e fetos arborescentes (0% na Restinga a 4% na FOD Montana). Neste aspecto destaca-se a FOD Terras Baixas Exploradas com apenas 1,8% de palmeiras e surpreendentes 10% de fetos arborescentes. O dossel é irregular, com altura variando de 7 a 9 m, raramente as árvores emergentes chegam a 18 m, e a irregularidade do dossel permite a entrada de luz suficiente para o desenvolvimento de centenas de espécies epífitas. Com exceção da FOD Montana, onde o número de mortos foi superior a 5% dos indivíduos amostrados, nas demais fitofisionomias este valor ficou abaixo de 2,5%. Nas 11 parcelas onde foi realizado o estudo florístico foram encontradas 562 espécies distribuídas em 195 gêneros e 68 famílias. Apenas sete espécies – Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae), Calyptranthes lucida Mart. ex DC. e Marlierea tomentosa Cambess (ambas Myrtaceae), Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz (Nyctaginaceae), Cupania oblongifolia Mart. (Sapindaceae) e as Urticaceae Cecropia glaziovii Snethl. e Coussapoa microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini – ocorreram da Floresta de Restinga à FOD Montana, enquanto outras 12 espécies só não ocorreram na Floresta de Restinga. As famílias com o maior número de espécies são Myrtaceae (133 spp), Fabaceae (47 spp), 125 Fitossociologia em parcelas permanentes de Mata Atlântica http://www.biotaneotropica.org.br/v12n1/pt/abstract?article+bn01812012012 http://www.biotaneotropica.org.br Biota Neotrop., vol. 12, no. 1 Introdução A Mata Atlântica sensu lato (Joly et al. 1999) é a segunda maior floresta tropical do continente americano (Tabarelli et al. 2005). A maior parte dos Sistemas de Classificação da vegetação brasileira reconhece que no Domínio Atlântico (sensu Ab’Saber 1977) esse bioma pode ser dividido em dois grandes grupos: a Floresta Ombrófila Densa, típica da região costeira e das escarpas serranas com alta pluviosidade (Mata Atlântica – MA – sensu stricto), e a Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, que ocorre no interior, onde a pluviosidade, além de menor, é sazonal. Na região costeira podem ocorrer também Manguezais (Schaeffer-Novelli 2000), ao longo da foz de rios de médio e grande porte, e as Restingas (Scarano 2009), crescendo sobre a planície costeira do quaternário. No topo das montanhas, geralmente acima de 1500 m, estão os Campos de Altitude (Ribeiro & Freitas 2010). Em 2002, a Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica em parceria com o INPE (Instituto..., 2002) realizaram um levantamento que indica que há apenas 7,6% da cobertura original da Mata Atlântica (s.l.). Mais recentemente Ribeiro et al. (2009) refinaram a estimativa incluindo fragmentos menores, que não haviam sido contabilizados, e concluíram que resta algo entre 11,4 e 16% da área original. Mesmo com esta fragmentação, o mosaico da Floresta Atlântica brasileira possui um dos maiores níveis de endemismos do mundo (Myers et al. 2000) e cerca da metade desses remanescentes de grande extensão estão protegidos na forma de Unidades de Conservação (Galindo & Câmara 2005). Entre os dois centros de endemismo reconhecidos para a MA (Fiaschi & Pirani 2009), o bloco das regiões sudeste/sul é o que conserva elementos da porção sul de Gondwana (Sanmartin & Ronquist 2004), tido como a formação florestal mais antiga do Brasil (Colombo & Joly 2010). Segundo Hirota (2003), parte dos remanescentes de MA está no estado de São Paulo, onde cerca de 80% de sua área era coberta por florestas (Victor 1977) genericamente enquadradas como Mata Atlântica “sensu lato” (Joly et al. 1999). Dados de Kronka et al. (2005) mostram que no estado restam apenas 12% de área de mata e menos do que 5% são efetivamente florestas nativas pouco antropizadas. Nos 500 anos de fragmentação e degradação das formações naturais, foram poupadas apenas as regiões serranas, principalmente a fachada da Serra do Mar, por serem impróprias para práticas agrícolas. Usando o sistema fisionômico-ecológico de classificação da vegetação brasileira adotado pelo IBGE (Veloso et al. 1991), a Floresta Ombrófila Densa, na área de domínio da Mata Atlântica, foi subdividida em quatro faciações ordenadas segundo a hierarquia topográfica, que refletem fisionomias de acordo com as variações das faixas altimétricas e latitudinais. No estado de São Paulo, na latitude entre 16 e 24 °S temos: 1) Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas - 5 a 50 m de altitude; 2) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana – no sopé da Serra do Mar, com cotas de altitude variando entre 50 e 500 m; 3) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana – recobrindo a encosta da Serra do Mar propriamente dita, em altitudes que variam de 500 a 1.200 m; 4) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Altimontana – ocorrendo no topo da Serra do Mar, acima dos limites estabelecidos para a formação montana, onde a vegetação praticamente deixa de ser arbórea, pois predominam os campos de altitude. Nas últimas três décadas muita informação vem sendo acumulada sobre a composição florística e a estrutura do estrato arbóreo dos remanescentes florestais do estado, conforme mostram as revisões de Oliveira-Filho & Fontes (2000) e Scudeller et al. (2001). Em florestas tropicais este tipo de informação, assim como dados sobre a riqueza de espécies, reflete não só fatores evolutivos e biogeográficos, como também o histórico de perturbação, natural ou antrópica, das respectivas áreas (Gentry 1992, Hubbell & Foster 1986). A síntese dessas informações tem permitido a definição de unidades fitogeográficas com diferentes padrões de riqueza de espécies e apontam para uma diferenciação, entre as florestas paulistas, no sentido leste/oeste (Salis et al. 1995, Torres et al. 1997, Santos et al. 1998). Segundo Bakker et al. (1996) um método adequado para acompanhar e avaliar as mudanças na composição das espécies e dinâmica da floresta ao longo do tempo é por meio de parcelas permanentes (em inglês Permanent Sample Plots –PSPs). Essa metodologia tem sido amplamente utilizada em estudos de longa duração em florestas tropicais, pois permite avaliar a composição e a estrutura florestal e monitorar sua mudança no tempo (Dallmeier 1992, Condit 1995, Sheil 1995, Malhi et al. 2002, Lewis et al. 2004). Permite avaliar também as consequências para a floresta de problemas como o aquecimento global e a poluição atmosférica (Bakker et al. 1996). No Brasil os projetos/programas que utilizam a metodologia de Parcelas Permanentes tiveram origem, praticamente, com o Projeto Rubiaceae (49) e Lauraceae (49) ao longo de todo gradiente da FOD e Monimiaceae (21) especificamente nas parcelas da FOD Montana. Em termos de número de indivíduos as famílias mais importantes foram Arecaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae, Lauraceae e na FOD Montana, Monimiaceae. Somente na parcela F, onde ocorreu exploração de madeira entre 1960 e 1985, a abundância de palmeiras foi substituída pelas Cyatheaceae. O gradiente estudado apresenta um pico da diversidade e riqueza nas altitudes intermediárias (300 a 400 m) ao longo da encosta (índice de Shannon-Weiner - H’ - variando de 3,96 a 4,48 nats.indivíduo–1). Diversas explicações para este resultado são apresentadas neste trabalho, incluindo o fato dessas altitudes estarem nos limites das expansões e retrações das diferentes fitofisionomias da FOD Atlântica durante as flutuações climáticas do Pleistoceno. Os dados aqui apresentados demonstram a extraordinária riqueza de espécies arbóreas da Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlântica dos Núcleos Picinguaba e Santa Virgínia do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, reforçando a importância de sua conservação ao longo de todo o gradiente altitudinal. A diversidade desta floresta justifica também o investimento de longo prazo, através de parcelas permanentes, para compreender sua dinâmica e funcionamento, bem como monitorar o impacto das mudanças climáticas nessa vegetação.


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This thesis focusses on the tectonic evolution and geochronology of part of the Kaoko orogen, which is part of a network of Pan-African orogenic belts in NW Namibia. By combining geochemical, isotopic and structural analysis, the aim was to gain more information about how and when the Kaoko Belt formed. The first chapter gives a general overview of the studied area and the second one describes the basis of the Electron Probe Microanalysis dating method. The reworking of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic basement during the Pan-African orogeny as part of the assembly of West Gondwana is discussed in Chapter 3. In the study area, high-grade rocks occupy a large area, and the belt is marked by several large-scale structural discontinuities. The two major discontinuities, the Sesfontein Thrust (ST) and the Puros Shear Zone (PSZ), subdivide the orogen into three tectonic units: the Eastern Kaoko Zone (EKZ), the Central Kaoko Zone (CKZ) and the Western Kaoko Zone (WKZ). An important lineament, the Village Mylonite Zone (VMZ), has been identified in the WKZ. Since plutonic rocks play an important role in understanding the evolution of a mountain belt, zircons from granitoid gneisses were dated by conventional U-Pb, SHRIMP and Pb-Pb techniques to identify different age provinces. Four different age provinces were recognized within the Central and Western part of the belt, which occur in different structural positions. The VMZ seems to mark the limit between Pan-African granitic rocks east of the lineament and Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic basement to the west. In Chapter 4 the tectonic processes are discussed that led to the Neoproterozoic architecture of the orogen. The data suggest that the Kaoko Belt experienced three main phases of deformation, D1-D3, during the Pan-African orogeny. Early structures in the central part of the study area indicate that the initial stage of collision was governed by underthrusting of the medium-grade Central Kaoko zone below the high-grade Western Kaoko zone, resulting in the development of an inverted metamorphic gradient. The early structures were overprinted by a second phase D2, which was associated with the development of the PSZ and extensive partial melting and intrusion of ~550 Ma granitic bodies in the high-grade WKZ. Transcurrent deformation continued during cooling of the entire belt, giving rise to the localized low-temperature VMZ that separates a segment of elevated Mesoproterozoic basement from the rest of the Western zone in which only Pan-African ages have so far been observed. The data suggest that the boundary between the Western and Central Kaoko zones represents a modified thrust zone, controlling the tectonic evolution of the Kaoko belt. The geodynamic evolution and the processes that generated this belt system are discussed in Chapter 5. Nd mean crustal residence ages of granitoid rocks permit subdivision of the belt into four provinces. Province I is characterised by mean crustal residence ages <1.7 Ga and is restricted to the Neoproterozoic granitoids. A wide range of initial Sr isotopic values (87Sr/86Sri = 0.7075 to 0.7225) suggests heterogeneous sources for these granitoids. The second province consists of Mesoproterozoic (1516-1448 Ma) and late Palaeo-proterozoic (1776-1701 Ma) rocks and is probably related to the Eburnian cycle with Nd model ages of 1.8-2.2 Ga. The eNd i values of these granitoids are around zero and suggest a predominantly juvenile source. Late Archaean and middle Palaeoproterozoic rocks with model ages of 2.5 to 2.8 Ga make up Province III in the central part of the belt and are distinct from two early Proterozoic samples taken near the PSZ which show even older TDM ages of ~3.3 Ga (Province IV). There is no clear geological evidence for the involvement of oceanic lithosphere in the formation of the Kaoko-Dom Feliciano orogen. Chapter 6 presents the results of isotopic analyses of garnet porphyroblasts from high-grade meta-igneous and metasedimentary rocks of the sillimanite-K-feldspar zone. Minimum P-T conditions for peak metamorphism were calculated at 731±10 °C at 6.7±1.2 kbar, substantially lower than those previously reported. A Sm-Nd garnet-whole rock errorchron obtained on a single meta-igneous rock yielded an unexpectedly old age of 692±13 Ma, which is interpreted as an inherited metamorphic age reflecting an early Pan-African granulite-facies event. The dated garnets survived a younger high-grade metamorphism that occurred between ca. 570 and 520 Ma and apparently maintained their old Sm-Nd isotopic systematics, implying that the closure temperature for garnet in this sample was higher than 730 °C. The metamorphic peak of the younger event was dated by electronmicroprobe on monazite at 567±5 Ma. From a regional viewpoint, it is possible that these granulites of igneous origin may be unrelated to the early Pan-African metamorphic evolution of the Kaoko Belt and may represent a previously unrecognised exotic terrane.


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The vegetation pattern of siliceous boulder snow beds (Dicranoweision crispulae all. nov. prov.) of Svalbard was investigated by using transect studies in several places on Spitsbergen. Dicranoweisia crispula is the best diagnostic species. It is found throughout the whole snow bed, is a good differential species against Racomitrium lanuginosum communities above the snow bed, and does not occur on basic rocks. Three Andreaea spp. are also among the most important members of these communities. They are all acidophilous, but with different pH preferences. Eight weakly acidophilous species lacking both on basic and on gneissic/granitic rocks, are reported from Svalbard. Half of these are characteristic species of Dicranoweision crispulae on Svalbard.


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La finalidad de esta investigación se enmarca dentro de los estudios sobre hormigones de presas llevados a cabo en el Laboratorio Central de Estructuras y Materiales del CEDEX. En España se han diagnosticado 18 obras afectadas tanto por la reacción álcali-sílice de tipo rápido como por la de tipo lento. Dos de de las obras, fabricadas con áridos graníticos, no presentan signos de deterioro pero en laboratorio se han hallado productos expansivos. En las 16 presas españolas restantes, el hormigón de 10 de ellas estaba fabricado con áridos graníticos, de las cuales, 7 están afectadas por la reacción de tipo lento. Sin embargo, en las clasificaciones internacionales de las rocas potencialmente reactivas se establece habitualmente que las rocas graníticas son inocuas o de reactividad muy baja. En los casos puntuales encontrados en la literatura, la reactividad de este tipo de áridos se encuentra frecuentemente asociada al cuarzo microcristalino que contienen y ocasionalmente se asocia esta reactividad también al cuarzo deformado y/o microfisurado. En la tesis doctoral de Víctor Daniel Lanza Fernández, también realizada en el CEDEX, se han tratado los áridos de reacción rápida, dando una descripción detallada de los componentes que intervienen en este tipo de reacción y presentando un ensayo eficaz para su detección en el laboratorio. La investigación desarrollada en la presente tesis doctoral se ha centrado en los áridos de reacción lenta, mucho menos estudiados. A partir del estudio bibliográfico realizado sobre este tipo de reacción se ha detectado ciertas lagunas, basadas principalmente en la falta de un método de detección en el laboratorio para los áridos de reacción lenta. No se ha encontrado un procedimiento en el estudio petrográfico que sea fiable y cuantificable para este tipo de áridos. El ensayo acelerado de barras de mortero, que para los áridos de reacción rápida supone un método rápido y fiable, falla en la detección de los áridos de reacción lenta al aplicar los límites normalizados. Si bien en publicaciones recientes se ha propuesto la posibilidad de ampliar el tiempo de tratamiento hasta los 90 días, la duración del ensayo es más larga de lo deseado. Para resolver estas lagunas, se han tomado áridos de obras reales afectadas por la reacción álcali-sílice (en algún caso también de las canteras de donde se extrajeron los áridos para la ejecución), con lo que la reactividad de estos áridos queda demostrada por su comportamiento en obra. Al objeto de aumentar la muestra de ensayo y utilizar también áridos inocuos, se han tomado muestras de canteras, tanto en uso como abandonadas. Sobre estos áridos se ha realizado una caracterización completa con los ensayos actualmente disponibles para el estudio de su reactividad con los álcalis del cemento: estudio petrográfico, ensayo acelerado de barras de mortero y Gel-Pat modificado. En la investigación se ha desarrollado una metodología de tinción de geles álcali-sílice para la cuantificación de los mismos en el interior de las barras de mortero. Se ha relacionado el volumen de gel generado en la reacción con la expansión producida, tanto para áridos lentos, como rápidos, estableciendo analogías y diferencias en el comportamiento de ambos. La cuantificación de este tipo de compuestos realizada en las barras de mortero, abre la posibilidad de estudiar la capacidad expansiva que presentan en testigos de hormigón de obras afectadas. Este dato podría ser una herramienta importante para el desarrollo de modelos matemáticos que puedan predecir el futuro comportamiento de las estructuras afectadas por la reacción álcali-sílice. La tinción ha sido asimismo utilizada para establecer un método de detección de áridos reactivos basado en el ensayo de Gel-Pat modificado. La metodología de detección propuesta para estos áridos es cuantitativa y proporciona los resultados en 14 días, suponiendo una ventaja importante sobre los métodos actuales, que permiten detectarlos en 90 días (de forma orientativa en 56 días). This research is part of the studies on durability of concrete dams carried out in the Laboratorio Central de Estructuras y Materiales of CEDEX during the last years. At the present time, 18 public works affected by alkali-silica reaction have been diagnosed in Spain. In 12 of them the concrete was mixed with granitic aggregates, 7 of which were damaged by the slow alkali-silica reaction, 3 by the rapid alkali-silica reaction and in the other 2 cases, although there was no visual evidence of the reaction in field, the laboratory tests showed the presence of expansive products inside the concrete. However, in the international classifications of potentially reactive aggregates granitic rocks are pointed out as innocuous or as low reactivity and usually their reactivity is attributed to the presence of microcrystalline quartz and occasionally with the strained and microcracked quartz. The rapid reactive aggregates were deeply studied in a previous research (Víctor Daniel Lanza’s Thesis) also carried out in CEDEX. In this research, a detailed description of the components involved in the rapid alkali-silica reaction was given. Also, a fast method to detect them in the laboratory was developed. The research of the present PhD Thesis is focused in the slow-reactive aggregates, much less studied. The state of the art has shown some gaps in the knowledge about this reaction, mainly the absence of a reliable method to detect slow-reactive aggregates. On one side, there is no systematic and quantitative petrographic test for these aggregates. On the other side, the accelerated mortar bar test has been proved to be effective to detect rapid reactive aggregates but the standard limits fail in the detection of the slowreactive aggregates. In recent investigations it has been proposed extending the test until 90 days, but this period is considered too long. In this research, aggregates taken from affected structures have been used in the test, so their reactivity has been shown in practice. With the aim of increasing the number of samples aggregates from quarries have been also used. A method to stain alkali-silica gels has been applied to mortar bars, thereby quantifying the volume of gel generated inside. This volume has been related to the expansion of the bars, both for rapid for slow reactive aggregates, establishing similarities and differences. The quantification of the gel volume, applied to concrete cores extracted from affected structures, could be an important tool in mathematical models to predict the future behaviour of the structures affected by the alkali-silica reaction. The staining method has been also used to develop a method to detect slow reactive aggregates, based on the optimised Gel-Pat test, obtaining results in 14 days. This represents a major improvement compared to the actual methods (accelerated mortar bar test) which give an indicative value of reactivity at 56 days, and a final result at 90 days.


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Mineral surfaces were important during the emergence of life on Earth because the assembly of the necessary complex biomolecules by random collisions in dilute aqueous solutions is implausible. Most silicate mineral surfaces are hydrophilic and organophobic and unsuitable for catalytic reactions, but some silica-rich surfaces of partly dealuminated feldspars and zeolites are organophilic and potentially catalytic. Weathered alkali feldspar crystals from granitic rocks at Shap, north west England, contain abundant tubular etch pits, typically 0.4–0.6 μm wide, forming an orthogonal honeycomb network in a surface zone 50 μm thick, with 2–3 × 106 intersections per mm2 of crystal surface. Surviving metamorphic rocks demonstrate that granites and acidic surface water were present on the Earth’s surface by ∼3.8 Ga. By analogy with Shap granite, honeycombed feldspar has considerable potential as a natural catalytic surface for the start of biochemical evolution. Biomolecules should have become available by catalysis of amino acids, etc. The honeycomb would have provided access to various mineral inclusions in the feldspar, particularly apatite and oxides, which contain phosphorus and transition metals necessary for energetic life. The organized environment would have protected complex molecules from dispersion into dilute solutions, from hydrolysis, and from UV radiation. Sub-micrometer tubes in the honeycomb might have acted as rudimentary cell walls for proto-organisms, which ultimately evolved a lipid lid giving further shelter from the hostile outside environment. A lid would finally have become a complete cell wall permitting detachment and flotation in primordial “soup.” Etch features on weathered alkali feldspar from Shap match the shape of overlying soil bacteria.


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A variety of mineral deposits occur in the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and Late Cretaceous granitic rocks of central Idaho. The main objective of this project is to identify the sources of metals and sulfur in central Idaho ores. Lead isotope compositions of various crustal rocks were determined and compared with the ore lead composition in order to trace sources of lead, and by inference other metals. Sulfur isotope compositions of various sulfide minerals were also determined to trace the sources of sulfur and to explore the coupling or decoupling of metal and sulfur sources. ^ On the basis of lead and sulfur isotope compositions, two groups of ores are recognized: a sedimentary group and an igneous group. The sedimentary group ores are characterized by radiogenic lead and heavy sulfur typical of upper crustal rocks. The sedimentary group ores were formed by meteoric water-dominated hydrothermal systems that leached metals and sulfur from host Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and the underlying Precambrian crystalline basement rocks. The igneous group ores can be divided into two types, the Carrietown-type, and the non Carrietown-type. The Carrietown-type ores are isotopically different from their host granites and are characterized by low uranogenic lead isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/ 204Pb) and variable thorogenic lead isotope ratios (208Pb/ 204Pb) typical of lower crustal rocks. The non Carrietown-type ores are similar to host granites and are more radiogenic in their uranogenic lead isotope ratios when compared to the Carrietown-type ores. The differences in the lead isotope compositions of the igneous group ores are attributed to two different phases of magmatic activity. The magmatic phase exposed on the surface involved melting of shallow crustal Precambrian crystalline rocks as well as mid/lower crustal rocks while the underlying phase was derived by melting of mid/lower crustal rocks only. Igneous group ores have both light and heavy sulfur associated with them and it is a function of interaction of hydrothermal fluids with Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. ^ Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and Precambrian basement rocks are the sources of radiogenic lead, and the granites are the sources of light sulfur. Heavy sulfur comes almost entirely from Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. ^


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The main objective of the project was to develop a geochemical method for exploration of ores associated with granitic rocks. Fe and Mn oxidates were sampled in streambeds and lakes from 129 localities in Southeastern Norway. 65 of these localities are situated in the northern Oslo Graben. The samples were examined mineralogically and chemically by a variety of methods. Geochemical maps of the element content in oxidates show regional distribution patterns for several elements. Sampling and analysis of oxidates can be used in exploration for mineralizations such as the Skrukkelia Mo-deposit in the northern Oslo Graben. New anomalies (especially for Zn and W) have been detected. Appendix I contains a description of samples, chemical and mineralogical determinations performed on the samples, backscattered electron image-, X-ray image- and scanning electron image pictures of the oxidate preparates. Appendix II contains spectral plots, point analysis with the microprobe, X-ray diffractograms, analytical results, correlation coefficient matrix, scatterplots, frequency distributions and information on data storage. Appendix III containS maps of the element content in oxidates.


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This report presents the preliminary results of the study of rocks and sediments obtained by dredging during four cruises of the R/V Jean Charcot and R/V Le Suroit during a cooperative program between CNEXO and CEPM (CH 58: April 1975; SU 01: December 1975; CH 66: February 1976; and CH 67: March 1976). Several dredges on the continental slope of the Goban Spur recovered "granitic" rocks on two morphological structures, Granite Cliff and "Menez Bihan" (Pautot et al., 1976), in water depths ranging from 3200 to 4200 meters. According to the radiometric age and petrology, the granodiorite appears to have a close affinity with similar igneous facies which have been described in Iberia (Capdevilla et al., 1973) and attributed to the Variscan intrusive episode which is also found in the nearby continental area (southwest Great Britain and Brittany, France). They often are coated by a centimeter-thick layer of ferromanganiferous deposits (Shaaf et al., 1977).