81 resultados para Gobo, Giampietro


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A forma indiscriminada de extração dos recursos naturais e a poluição gerada pelos resíduos promovem impactos sobre o meio ambiente e é motivo de grande preocupação. Visando a oferecer alternativas de destinação de resíduos agrícolas, o presente trabalho estudou composições da mistura de solo-cimento-resíduo agrícola, tendo como objetivo principal determinar os teores máximos de resíduos a serem incorporados sem o comprometimento de suas características mecânicas. Foram utilizados dois tipos de resíduos vegetais (cascas de arroz e de braquiária) e utilizou-se o cimento Portland CP II-F-32 para a composição dos tratamentos. Nas combinações, os teores de cimento e resíduo variaram desde 100% de cimento e 0% de resíduo, até 60% de cimento e 40% de resíduo. Os tijolos foram prensados com o auxílio de máquina de fabricação de tijolos e submetidos aos ensaios de compressão simples e absorção de água. Os melhores resultados, em termos de resistência à compressão simples e de absorção de água, foram obtidos pelos tratamentos com substituição de 10% de resíduos vegetais em relação ao teor de cimento. De forma geral, os resultados sugerem a possibilidade do uso desses resíduos no teor de 10%, sem o comprometimento das propriedades mecânicas relacionadas à resistência e à absorção de água dos tijolos de solo-cimento.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desenvolvimento folicular em ratas Wistar com obesidade induzida por dieta de cafeteria (DCAF) submetidas à administração de losartan (LOS), um antagonista do receptor AT1 da Angiotensina II. MÉTODOS: Aos 21 dias de vida, as ratas foram separadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: controle (CTL), que recebeu ração padrão, e cafeteria (CAF), que recebeu a DCAF, altamente palatável e calórica. Aos 70 dias de vida, início da idade reprodutiva, animais do grupo CAF foram subdivididos em dois grupos (n=15/grupo): CAF, que recebeu água, e CAF+LOS, que recebeu 30 mg/kg de peso corporal (PC) de LOS por gavagem durante 30 dias. O grupo CTL também recebeu água por gavagem. Aos 100 dias de vida foi realizada a eutanásia dos animais e o PC e das gorduras retroperitoneal, perigonadal e subcutânea foi avaliado. Os ovários direitos foram retirados para contagem do número dos diferentes tipos de folículos ovarianos. As concentrações plasmáticas dos hormônios folículo-estimulantes (FSH), luteinizante (LH), prolactina (PRL) e progesterona foram avaliadas. Os resultados foram expressos como média±erro padrão da média. Para análise estatística, foi utilizado one-way ANOVA, seguido pelo pós-teste de Newman-Keuls (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: O PC e das gorduras, assim como o número de folículos antrais, foi elevado no grupo CAF em relação ao CTL. Todavia, as concentrações de FSH e LH foram mais baixas entre os animais CAF. A administração de LOS reduziu o PC e das gorduras retroperitoneal e subcutânea, bem como o número de folículos antrais. O tratamento com LOS atenuou a redução das concentrações de FSH e de LH. As concentrações de progesterona e PRL foram semelhantes entre os grupos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de LOS pode favorecer o desenvolvimento folicular em fêmeas obesas e pode possibilitar sua utilização como fármaco coadjuvante no tratamento da infertilidade associada à obesidade.


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Com o objetivo de conhecer a composição química e os requisitos de qualidade da cachaça produzida na Região Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foram analisadas 27 amostras de cachaça, produzidas e comercializadas em 18 municípios pertencentes às microrregiões Ijuí, Cruz Alta, Santa Rosa e Três Passos, que integram o Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e compararam-se os valores encontrados com aqueles estabelecidos pela Legislação. Para as análises estatísticas, aplicaram-se os testes de ANOVA e Tukey. As amostras avaliadas apresentaram valores médios de teor alcoólico, acidez, álcoois superiores, aldeídos, ésteres e metanol dentro do que estabelece a Legislação. Entretanto os valores de intervalo de concentração para estes mesmos parâmetros revelaram amostras fora do estipulado por Lei, indicando falta de conhecimento tecnológico de produção por parte de alguns dos produtores. Sugere-se a ampliação do presente estudo, com a finalidade de se investigar outros aspectos tecnológicos, tendo em vista a otimização dos processos de fabricação e a melhoria da qualidade da bebida.


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The Iowa gambling task (IGT) is one of the most influential behavioral paradigms in reward-related decision making and has been, most notably, associated with ventromedial prefrontal cortex function. However, performance in the IGT relies on a complex set of cognitive subprocesses, in particular integrating information about the outcome of choices into a continuously updated decision strategy under ambiguous conditions. The complexity of the task has made it difficult for neuroimaging studies to disentangle the underlying neurocognitive processes. In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging in combination with a novel adaptation of the task, which allowed us to examine separately activation associated with the moment of decision or the evaluation of decision outcomes. Importantly, using whole-brain regression analyses with individual performance, in combination with the choice/outcome history of individual subjects, we aimed to identify the neural overlap between areas that are involved in the evaluation of outcomes and in the progressive discrimination of the relative value of available choice options, thus mapping the two fundamental cognitive processes that lead to adaptive decision making. We show that activation in right ventromedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was predictive of adaptive performance, in both discriminating disadvantageous from advantageous decisions and confirming negative decision outcomes. We propose that these two prefrontal areas mediate shifting away from disadvantageous choices through their sensitivity to accumulating negative outcomes. These findings provide functional evidence of the underlying processes by which these prefrontal subregions drive adaptive choice in the task, namely through contingency-sensitive outcome evaluation.


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often comorbid and share behavioural-cognitive abnormalities in sustained attention. A key question is whether this shared cognitive phenotype is based on common or different underlying pathophysiologies. To elucidate this question, we compared 20 boys with ADHD to 20 age and IQ matched ASD and 20 healthy boys using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a parametrically modulated vigilance task with a progressively increasing load of sustained attention. ADHD and ASD boys had significantly reduced activation relative to controls in bilateral striato–thalamic regions, left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and superior parietal cortex. Both groups also displayed significantly increased precuneus activation relative to controls. Precuneus was negatively correlated with the DLPFC activation, and progressively more deactivated with increasing attention load in controls, but not patients, suggesting problems with deactivation of a task-related default mode network in both disorders. However, left DLPFC underactivation was significantly more pronounced in ADHD relative to ASD boys, which furthermore was associated with sustained performance measures that were only impaired in ADHD patients. ASD boys, on the other hand, had disorder-specific enhanced cerebellar activation relative to both ADHD and control boys, presumably reflecting compensation. The findings show that ADHD and ASD boys have both shared and disorder-specific abnormalities in brain function during sustained attention. Shared deficits were in fronto–striato–parietal activation and default mode suppression. Differences were a more severe DLPFC dysfunction in ADHD and a disorder-specific fronto–striato–cerebellar dysregulation in ASD.


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often comorbid and share cognitive abnormalities in temporal foresight. A key question is whether shared cognitive phenotypes are based on common or different underlying pathophysiologies and whether comorbid patients have additive neurofunctional deficits, resemble one of the disorders or have a different pathophysiology. We compared age- and IQ-matched boys with non-comorbid ADHD (18), non-comorbid ASD (15), comorbid ADHD and ASD (13) and healthy controls (18) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a temporal discounting task. Only the ASD and the comorbid groups discounted delayed rewards more steeply. The fMRI data showed both shared and disorder-specific abnormalities in the three groups relative to controls in their brain-behaviour associations. The comorbid group showed both unique and more severe brain-discounting associations than controls and the non-comorbid patient groups in temporal discounting areas of ventromedial and lateral prefrontal cortex, ventral striatum and anterior cingulate, suggesting that comorbidity is neither an endophenocopy of the two pure disorders nor an additive pathology.


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Background Serotonin is under-researched in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), despite accumulating evidence for its involvement in impulsiveness and the disorder. Serotonin further modulates temporal discounting (TD), which is typically abnormal in ADHD relative to healthy subjects, underpinned by reduced fronto-striato-limbic activation. This study tested whether a single acute dose of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine up-regulates and normalizes reduced fronto-striato-limbic neurofunctional activation in ADHD during TD. Method Twelve boys with ADHD were scanned twice in a placebo-controlled randomized design under either fluoxetine (between 8 and 15 mg, titrated to weight) or placebo while performing an individually adjusted functional magnetic resonance imaging TD task. Twenty healthy controls were scanned once. Brain activation was compared in patients under either drug condition and compared to controls to test for normalization effects. Results Repeated-measures whole-brain analysis in patients revealed significant up-regulation with fluoxetine in a large cluster comprising right inferior frontal cortex, insula, premotor cortex and basal ganglia, which further correlated trend-wise with TD performance, which was impaired relative to controls under placebo, but normalized under fluoxetine. Fluoxetine further down-regulated default mode areas of posterior cingulate and precuneus. Comparisons between controls and patients under either drug condition revealed normalization with fluoxetine in right premotor-insular-parietal activation, which was reduced in patients under placebo. Conclusions The findings show that a serotonin agonist up-regulates activation in typical ADHD dysfunctional areas in right inferior frontal cortex, insula and striatum as well as down-regulating default mode network regions in the context of impulsivity and TD.


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Postanesthetic pain is a relatively common complication after local anesthesia. This complication may be caused by the anesthetic technique or by the anesthetic solution used. Tissue reactions induced by the anesthetic solutions may be one of the factors resulting in pain after anesthesia. The objective of this study was to comparatively analyze tissue reactions induced by different anesthetic solutions in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. The following solutions were utilized: 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor; a 0.5% bupivacaine solution with 1:200,000 adrenaline; a 4% articaine solution and 2% mepivacaine, both with 1:100,000 adrenaline; and a 0.9% sodium chloride solution as a control. Sterilized absorbent paper cones packed inside polyethylene tubes were soaked in the solutions and implanted in the subcutaneous region. The sacrifice periods were 1, 2, 5, and 10 days after surgery. The specimens were prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological analysis. The results showed that there is a difference in tissue irritability produced by the local anesthetic solutions. The results also showed that there is no relation between the concentration of the drug and the inflammatory intensity, that the mepivacaine and articaine solutions promoted less inflammatory reaction than the bupivacaine, and that the lidocaine solution produced the least intense inflammation.