976 resultados para Goat milk - Storage


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The widespread use of cooling technology as a tool for maintaining the microbiological and organoleptic characteristics of milk, Without effective hygienic practices throughout the milk production, caused the psychrotrophic micro-organisms to become major deteriorative bacteria in the dairy industry. The present study aimed to assess how the proteolytic psychrotrophic metabolism responds to different milk storage temperatures, drawing a parallel among psychrotrophic growth, amount of micro-organisms capable of breaking down proteins and amount of GMP (glycomacropeptide) released. Milk samples were collected directly from the cooling tank and subjected to count of psychrotrophs, count of proteolytic micro-organisms and the concentration of GMP at different storage times and temperatures. There was no linearity between the microbiological parameters and the GMP measured, according to the time/temperature binomial. The highest concentration of GMP (5.07 mg/mL) was measured in the binomial 8°C/24h (T8/ M24). The data make clear the need for further studies about questions involving the psychrotrophic microbiota in order to clarify extremely important basic questions about their metabolism.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To obtain a probiotic caprine Coalho cheese naturally enriched in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), goats' diet was supplemented with soybean oil to produce CLA-enhanced milk, and Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 was incorporated into cheeses. CLA concentration and probiotic viability were evaluated during 60 days. Four pilot-scale cheese-making trials were manufactured, in triplicates. Cheeses T1 and T2 were produced with control milk, and T3 and T4 with CLA-enhanced milk. L. acidophilus was added to cheeses T2 and T4 during processing. The CLA content (isomer C18:2 cis-9, trans-11) in T3 and T4 was 246% to 291% higher than in T1 and T2 (P < 0.01). Populations of L. acidophilus were around 7.5 log cfu g(-1) in T2 and T4 during the study, and the highest CLA content in T4 did not influence the probiotic viability (P > 0.01). The CLA-enriched probiotic caprine Coalho cheese obtained is proposed as a vehicle for beneficial microorganisms and fatty acids. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho estimar parâmetros genéticos para a produção de leite acumulada até os 305 dias (P305) de cabras das raças Saanen e Alpina. Foram utilizadas as duas primeiras parições de cabras pertencentes a rebanhos participantes do programa de controle produtivo e reprodutivo de caprinos (PROCAPRI) da UNESP-FCAV-Jaboticabal-SP. A P305 foi analisada por meio de modelos de repetibilidade e bicaracterísticas. Para verificar a influência dos efeitos fixos sobre a característica analisada foram realizadas análises preliminares, pelo método de quadrados mínimos. Os componentes de covariâncias foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita (REML), utilizando o programa Wombat. A duração da lactação, a idade da cabra ao parto, o rebanho, o ano de parto e a estação de parto foram importantes fontes de variação para a P305. Não houve diferença significativa entre as raças estudadas. As estimativas de herdabilidade e repetibilidade para a P305, obtidas com o modelo de repetibilidade, foram de 0,29 e 0,36, respectivamente. As estimativas de herdabilidade, obtidas pelos modelos de repetibilidade e bicaracterísticas foram semelhantes. Sendo assim, um modelo de repetibilidade poderia ser indicado para avaliar a P305 pela sua simplicidade.


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This PhD research is part of a project addressed to improve the quality of Grana Trentino production. The objectives were to evaluated if milk storage and collection procedures may affect cheese-making technology and quality. Actually the milk is collected and delivered to the cheese factory just after milking in 50 L cans without refrigeration or in tanks cooled at 18 °C. This procedure is expensive (two deliveries each day) and the milk quality is difficult to preserve as temperatures are not controlled. The milk refrigeration at the farm could allow a single delivery to the dairy. Therefore it could be a good strategy to preserve raw milk quality and reduce cheese spoilage. This operation may, however, have the drawbacks of favouring the growth of psychrotrophic bacteria and changing the aptitude of milk to coagulation. With the aim of studying the effect on milk and cheese of traditional and new refrigerated technologies of milk storage, two different collection and creaming technologies were compared. The trials were replicated in three cheese factories manufacturing Grana Trentino. Every cheese-making day, about 1000 milk liters were collected from always the same two farms in the different collection procedures (single or double). Milk was processed to produce 2 wheels of Grana trentino every day. During the refrigerated trials, milk was collected and stored at the farm in a mixed tank at 12 or 8 °C and then was carried to the dairy in truck once a day. 112 cheese making day were followed: 56 for traditional technology and 56 for the refrigerated one. Each one of these two thechnologies lead to different ways of creaming: long time in the traditional one and shorter in the new one. For every cheese making day we recorded time, temperatures and pH during the milk processing to cheese. Whole milk before ceraming, cream and skim milk after creaming, vat milk and whey were sampled during every cheese-making day for analysis. After 18 months ripening we opened 46 cheese wheels for further chemical and microbiological analyses. The trials were performed with the aim of: 1 estimate the effect of storage temperatures on microbial communities, physico-chemical or/and rheological differences of milk and skim milk after creaming. 2 detect by culture dependent (plate counts) and indipendent (DGGE) methodolgies the microbial species present in whole, skimmed milk, cream and cheese sampled under the rind and in the core; 3 estimate the physico-chemical characteristics, the proteolytic activity, the content of free aminoacids and volatile compounds in 18 months ripened Grana Trentino cheeses from different storing and creaming of milk technologies. The results presented are remarkable since this is the first in-deep study presenting microbiological and chemical analysis of Grana Trentino that even if belonging to Grana Padano Consortium, it is clearly different in the milk and in the manufacturing technology.


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Enfocado como un estudio de caso, el artículo analiza dos iniciativas agroindustriales que se proponen brindar una solución «local» a la crisis que enfrenta la producción caprina en Argentina central: i) el «Proyecto de Leche Caprina» encabezado por la Cooperativa de Productores Capricultores del Valle de Punilla que planea desarrollar una cuenca láctea; y ii) el «Proyecto del Ente Caprino» liderado por la Municipalidad de Quilino que propone instalar un frigorífico para el faenamiento de ganado caprino. Si bien ambos proyectos comparten la idea de promover el desarrollo regional a través del fomento de la capricultura, poseen características muy diferentes en cuanto al sistema de actores presentes y la estrategia que implementan para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos. Ambas experiencias fueron estudiadas considerando las mismas dimensiones: origen de la iniciativa, trayectoria del proyecto y del sistema de actores presentes, y evaluación de la experiencia en relación con los objetivos propuestos. El acompañamiento sistemático de cada uno de los proyectos permitió comprender la lógica subyacente en cada uno de ellos y las principales fortalezas y debilidades que los caracterizan. Finalmente, se analizaron las causas que explican la escasa relación que existe entre proyectos que en teoría deberían estar estrechamente vinculados y se formularon algunas reflexiones que permiten adelantar la posible trayectoria de cada uno de ellos.


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The caprine milk is a product of high biological value and high digestibility. Due to these characteristics it is quite used by newly born children that are not breastfed or that are intolerant to the bovine milk. The vitamin deficiency is a public health problem in underdeveloped areas as the Northeast of Brazil and where areas the caprine ones adapt very well. The present study was led to analyze the influence of the feeding in the vitamin levels in the caprine milk. The animals used were the races Saanen and Murciana, divided in three groups. The first group with 38 animals of race Saanen and the second with 30 animals of race Murciana were, fed with concentrated and voluminous. A third group with 20 animals of the race Saanen was fed exclusively with voluminous. The four group was added with 10. 000 UI of retinol palmitato, administered directly, like capsule, in the mouth of animal. Parallel it was verified the level of retinol of milk in the beginning and final of the sucked, in the goats of the second group (race Murciana n =30). The retinol of caprine milk was determined through the system of liquid cromatografia of high efficiency (HPLC). The retinol levels in the studied groups were respectively: first (38. 5 ± 12. 7 μg/100ml), second (40. 5 ± 9. 7 μg/100ml); third, with 20 animals of race Saanen fed exclusively with voluminous (23. 1 ± 6. 7 μg/100ml) and in the group a, suplementation with 10. 000 UI of retinol palmitato (43,7 ± 18,8 μg/100ml) before, and (61,9 ± 26,9 μg/100ml) after the supplementation. It was not found significant difference between the averages from animals of the first and second group, that were fed with the same concentrate diet and voluminous, showing that the retinol levels in the milk of these two races are equivalent. Already in the animals of the first and third group that they were fed with different diets, in those which diet was just voluminous, a drastic reduction was verified in the retinol levels. In relation to the retinol of the milk in different moments from the same sucked, it was observed in the beginning of the breast-feeding (22. 6 ± 9. 8 μg/100ml) and at the end of the sucked (49. 6 ± 14. 7μg/100ml), being the difference between the averages, statistically significant (p < 0,0001). Already in the animals that were supplemented, a significant increase was observed in the retinol concentration, being obtained a medium response of 41,85%


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Increased occurrence of drought and dry spells during the growing season have resulted in increased interest in protection of tropical water catchment areas. In Mgeta, a water catchment area in the Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania, water used for vegetable and fruit production is provided through canals from the Uluguru South Forest Reserve. The clearing of forest land for cultivation in the steep slopes in the area is causing severe land degradation, which is threatening the water catchment area, livelihoods, and food security of the local communities, as well as the major population centers in the lowlands. In this paper, the economic performance of a traditional cropping-livestock system with East African (EA)-goats and pigs and extensive vegetable production is compared with a more sustainable and environmentally friendly crop-dairy goat production system. A linear programming (LP) crop-livestock model, maximizing farm income considering the environmental constraints in the area was applied for studying the economic performance of dairy goats in the production system. The model was worked out for the rainy and dry seasons and the analysis was conducted for a basic scenario representing the current situation, based on the variability in the 30 years period from 1982-2012, and in a scenario of both lower crop yields and increased crop variability due to climate change. Data obtained from a sample of 60 farmers that were interviewed using a questionnaire was used to develop and parameterize the model. The study found that in the steep slopes of the area, a crop-dairy goat system with extensive use of grass and multipurpose trees (MPTs) would do better than the traditional vegetable gardening with the EA goat production system. The crop-dairy goat system was superior both in the basic and in a climate change scenario since the yield variation of the grass and MPTs system was less affected compared to vegetable crops due to more tree cover and the use of perennial grasses. However, the goat milk production in the area was constrained by inadequate feeding and lack of an appropriate breeding program. Hence, farmers should enhance goat milk production by supplementing with more concentrate feed and by implementing goat-breeding principles. Moreover, policy measures to promote such a development are briefly discussed.


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Resumo: A produção de leite de cabra no Brasil destaca-se no Nordeste, onde as condições de criação e os programas governamentais favorecem a produção. A qualidade higiênico-sanitária do leite de cabra, além de ser uma característica indispensável ao produto, exigida pela legislação Brasileira, contribui para diminuição nas perdas econômicas decorrentes da mastite e para a manutenção dos produtores na atividade. O Kit Embrapa de Ordenha Manual® para caprinos leiteiros é um conjunto de utensílios e práticas indispensáveis para a obtenção higiênica do leite de cabra, o qual apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável aos agricultores familiares devido à sua facilidade na utilização e baixo custo de aquisição. O Kit foi implantado e validado em 41 propriedades familiares, localizadas nos estados do Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba e Ceará. Procedeu-se a coleta de leite de cabra 3 dias antes e 3 dias após a utilização do Kit, para a realização da Contagem Total de Bactérias (CTB). Observou-se uma redução média de 72% da CTB no leite produzido, e, 95% das propriedades adequaram-se à CTB exigida pela legislação Brasileira. [Effect of the use of the Milking Manual® EMBRAPA Kit for dairy goats total count in milk bacteria]. Abstract: The goat milk production in Brazil stands out in the Northeast, where the breeding conditions and government programs favor the production. The sanitary hygienic quality of goat milk as well as being an indispensable feature to the product, required by Brazilian law, contributes to decrease in economic losses resulting from mastitis and to the maintenance of the producers in the activity. The Embrapa manual milking kit® for dairy goats is an essential set of tools and practices for obtaining hygienic goat milk, which presents itself as a viable alternative to farmers due to its ease of use and low cost. The Kit has been deployed and validated in 41 family farms in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Ceará. The goat milking practice was carried out both three days before and three days after using the kit for the realization of Total Bacteria Count (CTB). There was an average reduction of 72 % CTB on the milk, and 95 % of the properties have adapted to the CTB required by Brazilian law.


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A presente publicação descreve os procedimentos necessários para a identificação e confirmação molecular de estirpes de S. aureus causadoras de mastite subclínica, provenientes de amostras de leite de cabra, por meio da técnica de RT-PCR.


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A caprinocultura leiteira no Brasil vem se consolidando nos últimos anos, seja pelo aumento na produção no Nordeste alavancada por políticas públicas, seja pelo aumento na oferta de derivados lácteos, com alto valor agregado, observado com maior intensidade nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do País. Esse crescimento, ao exemplo do que ocorreu em outros países tropicais e subtropicais, tem sido sustentado pelo uso de material genético importado, notadamente de países da Europa, de raças como a Saanen, as Alpinas e a Toggenburg, e ainda a Anglo Nubiana. No entanto, a base de dados sobre o potencial de produção e a composição em constituintes lácteos dessas raças puras e de suas cruzas, ainda não está bem caracterizada nos países de clima tropical e subtropical, devido a tais informações não estarem disponíveis em número suficiente, ou de serem avaliadas superficialmente ou ainda não estarem devidamente sistematizadas e disponibilizadas. Baseado nisso, reuniram-se nesta Série Embrapa Documentos informações publicadas na literatura sobre o desempenho produtivo (produção de leite e de seus constituintes) das raças europeias mais difundidas mundialmente, em estado puro ou utilizadas em cruzamentos em ambientes tropical e subtropical. Espera-se que este documento subsidie a tomada de decisão quanto ao uso dos recursos genéticos disponíveis no País, bem como, seja base para disciplinas acadêmicas para técnicos e produtores de caprinos leiteiros.