887 resultados para Glutathione Disulphide
Double trouble: A hybrid organic-inorganic (organometallic) inhibitor was designed to target glutathione transferases. The metal center is used to direct protein binding, while the organic moiety acts as the active-site inhibitor (see picture). The mechanism of inhibition was studied using a range of biophysical and biochemical methods.
Several synthetic pesticides and allelochemicals used to treat Triatoma infestans adults by topic application showed some degree of cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (GST) induction. General inducers of detoxication systems such as phenobarbital and 3-methylcholantrene topically applied on T. infestans resulted in no GST induction. Meanwhile, general insecticide synergist such as piperonyl butoxide (160 mg/insect) increased the GST-activity in the range of 120-140%. Insects injected with reduced glutathione (300 mg/insect) presented at the forth day elevated GST activity
For the development of vaccine strategies to generate efficient protection against chronic infections such as parasitic diseases, and more precisely schistosomiasis, controlling pathology could be more relevant than controlling the infection itself. Such strategies, motivated by the need for a cost-effective complement to existing control measures, should focus on parasite molecules involved in fecundity, because in metazoan parasite infections pathology is usually linked to the output of viable eggs. In numerous animal models, vaccination with glutathione S-transferases of 28kDa has been shown to generate an immune response strongly limiting the worm fecundity, in addition to the reduction of the parasite burden. Recent data on acquired immunity directed to 28GST in infected human populations, and new development to draw adapted vaccine formulations, are presented.
We have examined the effects of two agents depleting the intracellular pool of glutathione (GSH) on macrophage activation induced by IFN-gamma + LPS, as measured by nitrite production and leishmanicidal activity. Diethylmaleate (DEM), which depletes intracellular GSH by conjugation via a reaction catalyzed by the GSH-S-transferase, strongly inhibited nitrite secretion and leishmanicidal activity when added before or at the time of addition of IFN-gamma + LPS; this inhibition was progressively lost when addition of DEM was delayed up to 10 hr. A close correlation was observed between levels of intracellular soluble GSH during activation and nitrite secretion. Inhibition was partially reversed by the addition of glutathione ethyl ester (GSH-Et). Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), a specific inhibitor of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, also inhibited macrophage activation, although to a lesser extent than DEM despite a more pronounced soluble GSH depletion. This inhibition was completely reversed by the addition of GSH-Et. DEM and BSO did not alter cell viability or PMA-triggered O2- production by activated macrophages, suggesting that the inhibitory effects observed on nitrite secretion and leishmanicidal activity were not related to a general impairment of macrophage function. DEM and BSO treatment reduced iNOS specific activity and iNOS protein in cytosolic extracts. DEM also decreased iNOS mRNA expression while BSO had no effect. Although commonly used as a GSH-depleting agent, DEM may have additional effects because it can also act as a sulhydryl reagent; BSO, on the other hand, which depletes GSH by enzymatic inhibition, has no effect on protein-bound GSH. Our results suggest that both soluble and protein-bound GSH may be important for the induction of NO synthase in IFN-gamma + LPS-activated macrophages.
Previous reports from our group have established that the fetal ovine gamma globin chain (Hbgamma) and LPS can synergize in the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially TNFalpha, from mouse and human leukocytes. A fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE) which was observed to have marked immunoregulatory properties in vivo and in vitro had independently been observed to contain significant amounts of each of these molecules. However, the biological activity of this extract (hereafter FSLE) was not explained solely by its content of Hbgamma and LPS, and independent analysis confirmed also the presence of migration inhibitory factor, MIF, and glutathione in FSLE. We have investigated whether MIF and the cellular anti-oxidant glutathione can further synergize with Hbgamma and LPS in TNFalpha induction from human cells in vitro, and mouse cells activated in vivo/in vitro. Our data show that indeed there is evidence for such a synergy. Treatment or mouse cells with FSLE produced an enhanced TNFalpha production which could be inhibited independently both by anti-Hbgamma and by anti-MIF, and optimally by a combination of these reagents.
Abstract Genetic studies have shown an association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the catalytic subunit (GCLC) of the glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), the key enzyme for glutathione (GSH) synthesis. The present study was aimed at analyzing the influence of a GSH dysregulation of genetic origin on plasma thiols (total cysteine, homocysteine, and cysteine-glycine) and other free amino acid levels as well as fibroblast cultures GSH levels. Plasma thiols levels were also compared between patients and controls. As compared with patients with a low-risk GCLC GAG TNR genotype, patients with a high-risk genotype, having an impaired GSH synthesis, displayed a decrease of fibroblast GSH and plasma total cysteine levels, and an increase of the oxidized form of cysteine (cystine) content. Increased levels of plasma free serine, glutamine, citrulline, and arginine were also observed in the high-risk genotype. Taken together, the high-risk genotypes were associated with a subgroup of schizophrenia characterized by altered plasma thiols and free amino acid levels that reflect a dysregulation of redox control and an increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. This altered pattern potentially contributes to the development of a biomarker profile useful for early diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of novel drugs targeting redox dysregulation in schizophrenia. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 15, 2003-2010.
Background: Glutathione (GSH) dysregulation at the gene, protein and functional levels observed in schizophrenia patients, and schizophrenia-like anomalies in GSH deficit experimental models, suggest that genetic glutathione synthesis impairments represent one major risk factor for the disease (Do et al., 2009). In a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, add-on clinical trial of 140 patients, the GSH precursor N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC, 2g/day, 6 months) significantly improved the negative symptoms and reduced sideeffects due to antipsychotics (Berk et al., 2008). In a subset of patients (n=7), NAC (2g/day, 2 months, cross-over design) also improved auditory evoked potentials, the NMDA-dependent mismatch negativity (Lavoie et al, 2008). Methods: To determine whether increased GSH levels would modulate the topography of functional brain connectivity, we applied a multivariate phase synchronization (MPS) estimator (Knyazeva et al, 2008) to dense-array EEGs recorded during rest with eyes closed at the protocol onset, the point of crossover, and at its end. Results: The whole-head imaging revealed a specific synchronization landscape in NAC compared to placebo condition. In particular, NAC increased MPS over frontal and left temporal regions in a frequency-specific manner. The topography and direction of MPS changes were similar and robust in all 7 patients. Moreover, these changes correlated with the changes in the Liddle's score of disorganization, thus linking EEG synchronization to the improvement of the clinical picture. Conclusions: The data suggest an important pathway towards new therapeutic strategies that target GSH dysregulation in schizophrenia. They also show the utility of MPS mapping as a marker of treatment efficacy.
Previous studies showed a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE), in association with monophosphoryl lipid A, MPLA (a bioactive component of lipid A of LPS), could interact to induce the development of dendritic cells (DCs) which regulated production of Foxp3+ Treg. This interaction was associated with an altered gene expression both of distinct subsets of TLRs and of CD200Rs. Prior studies had suggested that major interacting components within FSLE were gamma-chain of fetal hemoglobin (Hgbgamma) and glutathione (GSH). We investigated whether differentiation/maturation of DCs in vitro in the presence of either GM-CSF or Flt3L to produce preferentially either immunogenic or tolerogenic DCs was itself controlled by an interaction between MPLA, GSH and Hgbgamma. At low (approximately 10 microg/ml) Hgbgamma concentrations, DCs developing in culture with GSH and MPLA produced optimal stimulation of allogeneic CTL cell responses in vitro (and enhanced skin graft rejection in vivo). At higher concentrations (>40 microg/ml Hgbgamma) and equivalent concentrations of MPLA and GSH, the DCs induce populations of Treg which can suppress the induction of allogeneic CTL and graft rejection in vivo. These different populations of DCs express different patterns of mRNAs for the CD200R family. Addition of anti-TLR or anti-MD-1 mAbs to DCs developing in this mixture (Hgbgamma+GSH+MPLA), suggests that one effect of (GSH+Hgbgamma) on MPLA stimulation may involve altered signaling through TLR4.
Objective: Converging evidence speak in favor of an abnormal susceptibility to oxidative stress in schizophrenia. A decreased level of glutathione (GSH), the principal non-protein antioxidant and redox regulator, was observed both in cerebrospinal-fluid and prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients (Do et al., 2000). Results: Schizophrenia patients have an abnormal GSH synthesis most likely of genetic origin: Two independent case-control studies showed a significant association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the GSH key synthesizing enzyme glutamate-cysteine-ligase (GCL) catalytic subunit (GCLC) gene. The most common TNR genotype 7/7 was more frequent in controls, whereas the rarest TNR genotype 8/8 was three times more frequent in patients. The disease-associated genotypes correlated with a decrease in GCLC protein expression, GCL activity and GSH content. Such a redox dysregulation during development could underlie the structural and functional anomalies in connectivity: In experimental models, GSH deficit induced anomalies similar to those observed in patients. (a) morphology: In animal models with GSH deficit during the development we observed in prefrontal cortex a decreased dendritic spines density in pyramidal cells and an abnormal development of parvalbumine (but not of calretinine) immunoreactive GABA interneurones in anterior cingulate cortex. (b) physiology: GSH depletion in hippocampal slices induces NMDA receptors hypofunction and an impairment of long term potentiation. In addition, GSH deficit affected the modulation of dopamine on NMDA-induced Ca 2+ response in cultured cortical neurons. While dopamine enhanced NMDA responses in control neurons, it depressed NMDA responses in GSH-depleted neurons. Antagonist of D2-, but not D1-receptors, prevented this depression, a mechanism contributing to the efficacy of antipsychotics. The redox sensitive ryanodine receptors and L-type calcium channels underlie these observations. (c) cognition: Developing rats with low [GSH] and high dopamine lead deficit in olfactory integration and in object recognition which appears earlier in males that females, in analogy to the delay of the psychosis onset between man and woman. Conclusion: These clinical and experimental evidence, combined with the favorable outcome of a clinical trial with N-Acetyl Cysteine, a GSH precursor, on both the negative symptoms (Berk et al., submitted) and the mismatch negativity in an auditory oddball paradigm supported the proposal that a GSH synthesis impairment of genetic origin represent, among other factors, one major risk factor in schizophrenia.
In schizophrenia patients, glutathione dysregulation at the gene, protein and functional levels, leads to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor hypofunction. These patients also exhibit deficits in auditory sensory processing that manifests as impaired mismatch negativity (MMN), which is an auditory evoked potential (AEP) component related to NMDA receptor function. N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor, was administered to patients to determine whether increased levels of brain glutathione would improve MMN and by extension NMDA function. A randomized, double-blind, cross-over protocol was conducted, entailing the administration of NAC (2 g/day) for 60 days and then placebo for another 60 days (or vice versa). 128-channel AEPs were recorded during a frequency oddball discrimination task at protocol onset, at the point of cross-over, and at the end of the study. At the onset of the protocol, the MMN of patients was significantly impaired compared to sex- and age- matched healthy controls (p=0.003), without any evidence of concomitant P300 component deficits. Treatment with NAC significantly improved MMN generation compared with placebo (p=0.025) without any measurable effects on the P300 component. MMN improvement was observed in the absence of robust changes in assessments of clinical severity, though the latter was observed in a larger and more prolonged clinical study. This pattern suggests that MMN enhancement may precede changes to indices of clinical severity, highlighting the possible utility AEPs as a biomarker of treatment efficacy. The improvement of this functional marker may indicate an important pathway towards new therapeutic strategies that target glutathione dysregulation in schizophrenia.