979 resultados para Global Leadership
We validate, extend, and empirically and theoretically criticize the cultural dimension of humane orientation of the project GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program). Theoretically, humane orientation is not just a one-dimensionally positive concept about being caring, altruistic, and kind to others as discussed by Kabasakal and Bodur (2004), but there is also a certain ambivalence to this concept. We suggest differentiating humane orientation toward in-group members from humane orientation toward out-group members. A multicountry construct validation study used student samples from 25 countries that were either high or low in humane orientation (N = 876) and studied their relation to the traditional GLOBE scale and other cultural-level measures (agreeableness, religiosity, authoritarianism, and welfare state score). Findings revealed a strong correlation between humane orientation and agreeableness, welfare state score, and religiosity. Out-group humane orientation proved to be the more relevant subfacet of the original humane orientation construct, suggesting that future research on humane orientation should make use of this measure instead of the vague original scale. The ambivalent character of out-group humane orientation is displayed in its positive correlation to high authoritarianism. Patriotism was used as a control variable for noncritical acceptance of one’s society but did not change the correlations. Our findings are discussed as an example of how rigid expectations and a lack of tolerance for diversity may help explain the ambivalent nature of humane orientation
La globalización, en las últimas décadas, ha tenido una amplia repercusión e influencia sobre la evolución de los procesos que intervienen en la gestión y la ordenación urbano-territorial. Esta influencia ha sido especialmente destacable en los procesos de conformación de las Ciudades Globales (CG). No obstante, dentro de los procesos actuales, y de los ya iniciados décadas atrás, se encuentran discordancias tanto con respecto a los modelos de gestión urbanoterritoriales como con relación a los procesos de conformación de las CG. Esto es debido a que cada territorio o CG no ha seguido un proceso homogéneo; sino que, a través del modelo empresarial de la “Planificación Estratégica” (PE) cada proceso ha sido adaptado para poder atender y potenciar las características más singulares de cada territorio, y de esta forma, poder alcanzar las ambiciosas posiciones de liderazgo. Por este motivo, el éxito de la PE se ha basado en simplificar la complejidad de los modelos y agentes que participan en los procesos de conformación de los territorios y ciudades globales. En esta investigación se propone analizar el valor de la PE como proceso de gestión y ordenación urbano-territorial; al igual que se pretende esclarecer tanto los modelos como los elementos de los que se compone. Para, poder así, identificar las relaciones que se producen entre los modelos y elementos principales de los que se compone una PE. Por motivos relacionados con la necesaria acotación de toda investigación, y mediante el apoyo de tanto el tutor de esta investigación como de expertos externos consultados, se ha acordado analizar los aspectos más característicos del proceso estratégico, como son: los territoriales, los económicos y los de gobernanza. Esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo a través del uso del método estudio de casos, mediante un proceso de recogida de información compuesto por dos estudios de campo, Singapur y Dubái, con similitudes tanto en el proceso como en los resultados. También se han realizado consultas a expertos multidisciplinares, cuya información y aportaciones se han articulado y procesado mediante la utilización del sistema de análisis de realidades complejas, presentado en el marco conceptual. Los resultados del estudio de los casos de Singapur y de Dubái muestran como las acciones urbano-territoriales que se han llevado a cabo en ambas ciudades y en sus territorios circundantes son consecuencia del uso de la planificación estratégica en beneficio de un mejor posicionamiento dentro del contexto global. De esta forma, mediante el análisis de las asimetrías y de las relaciones existentes entre el proceso, los casos de estudio y el contexto global, se identifica y se esclarece los términos relacionados con las ciudades globales referentes, consolidadas y emergentes. A su vez, a lo largo del marco conceptual se correlaciona y esclarece los procesos territoriales, económicos y de gobernanza, identificando las responsabilidades entre las instituciones, los organismos, los agentes y los actores (tanto públicos como privados) que inician y gestionan tanto el plan estratégico como los procesos derivados de él. Para finalizar, el análisis cruzado de los resultados demuestra la relación existente entre la planificación estratégica, la ordenación urbano-territorial, la gestión económica y la gobernanza. Pudiéndose identifican las asimetrías producidas durante la implantación de un plan estratégico, de forma que, tras un análisis del sistema de realidades complejas, estas asimetrías puedan ser solventadas. RESUMO Nas últimas décadas, a globalização tem tido um grande impacto sobre a evolução dos processos de gestão e planejamento urbano-territorial. Essa influência foi particularmente notável nos processos de formação das cidades globais (CG). No entanto, comparando os processos atuais e aqueles iniciados há décadas, as discrepâncias são encontradas tanto no que diz respeito aos modelos de uso do solo urbano, como em relação aos processos de formação e gestão das CG. Isso ocorre porque cada território ou CG não tem seguido um processo uniforme; mas, por meio do modelo de negócios de "Planejamento Estratégico" (PE) cada processo foi adaptado para servir e melhorar as características mais singulares de cada território para alcançar posições de liderança global. Portanto, o sucesso do PE é baseado na simplificação da complexidade dos modelos e atores envolvidos nos processos de formação dos territórios e das cidades globais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o valor do PE como um processo de gestão territorial e urbana; como também esclarecer os modelos e elementos do PE estudados. Para, então, poder identificar as relações que ocorrem entre os modelos e os principais elementos integrantes de um PE. Como recorte de pesquisa, após consultas com o tutor da pesquisa e com outros pesquisadores especialistas, decidiu-se analisar os aspectos mais característicos do processo estratégico, sendo eles: os territoriais, os econômicos e os de governabilidade. Esta pesquisa ’e um estudo de casos. Para realizá-lo, foram escolhidos dois estudos de campo (Dubai e Cingapura) e além de consultas com especialistas multidisciplinares, cujas informações e colaborações foram analisadas por um sistema de analise de realidades complexas, explicado na parte conceitual dessa tese. Os resultados do estudo dos casos de Dubai e Cingapura mostra como as ações urbanoterritoriais que foram realizadas em ambas cidades e em seus territórios circundantes são resultado do uso do planejamento estratégico em prol de uma melhor localização no contexto global. Assim, através da análise das assimetrias e da relação entre o processo, os estudos de caso e o contexto global, identifica-se e esclarece os termos relacionados com as cidades globais referentes, consolidadas e emergentes. Também, no arcabouço conceitual correlacionase e esclarecem-se os processos econômicos, territoriais e de governabilidade, identificando as responsabilidades das instituições, agências, agentes e atores (públicos e privados), que iniciam e gerenciam tanto o plano estratégico, como os processos derivados. A análise cruzada dos resultados demonstra a relação entre o planejamento estratégico, o planejamento urbano-territorial, a gestão econômica e a governabilidade. A pesquisa é capaz de identificar as assimetrias produzidas durante a implementação de um plano estratégico, para que depois da análise do sistema de realidades complexas, essas assimetrias possam ser resolvidas. ABSTRACT Globalization, in recent decades, has had a wide impact and influence on the evolution of the processes involved in the urban planning management. This influence has been particularly notable in the formation processes for the Global Cities (GC). However, within the current processes, even in those started decades ago, discrepancies are found between the urbanterritorial models and their relation to the processes of formation for the CG. This is because each territory, or CG, has not followed a uniform process; although, each process has been adapted through the business model of the "Strategic Planning" (SP) to serve and enhance the most unique characteristics of each urban territory, until reaching the ambitious global leadership positions. Therefore, the success of SP is based on simplifying the complexity of the models and actors involved in the processes of formation of the GCs and territories. This research aims to analyze the value of SP as a process for the urban and territorial management; intended to clarify both models and elements of which it is composed. And, for so, identify the relationships that occur between them. For reasons related to the required limits of all research, and through the support of this research by both the tutor and the consulted outside experts, has agreed to analyze the most characteristic aspects of the strategic process, which are: territory, economy and governance. This research was conducted through the use of the case study methodology; by a process of information collection of two field studies, Singapore and Dubai, with similarities in both the process and the results; and through consultation with a variety of multidisciplinary experts. Whose information and input has been articulated and processed by the use of a system prepared for the complex analysis of realities presented in the research’s conceptual framework. Thus, analyzing the asymmetries and relationship between the results of the study cases of Singapore and Dubai, have shown how the urban-territorial actions, which have been carried out in both cities and in their surrounding territories, are the result of the use of the strategic planning process for the benefit of a better position with respect to the global context. Meanwhile, along the conceptual framework correlates and clarifies the territorial, economic and governance processes, identifying responsibilities between the institutions, agencies, agents and actors (public and private) that initiate and manage both strategic planning and processes derived from it. Finally, the cross-analysis of the results shows the relationship between strategic planning, urban and territorial planning, economic management and governance. Being able to identify and eliminate the asymmetries produced during the implementation of a strategic planning for the formation of a Global City.
Why do we think more of the United States (US) than the European Union (EU) in discussing Afghani or Iraqi democratization, and EU more than US when it is East European? Should not democratization be the same? A comparative study asks what democracy has historically meant in the two regions, how democratization has been spelled out, why instruments utilized differ, and democracy within global leadership contexts. Neither treats democracy as a vital interest, but differences abound: (a) While the US shifted from relative bottom-up to top-down democracy, the EU added bottom-up to its top-down approach; (b) the US interprets democracy as the ends of other policy interests, the EU treats it as the means to other goals; and (c) flexible US instruments contrast with rigid EU counterparts. Among the implications: (a) the 4-stage US approach reaches globally wider than EU’s multi-dimensional counterpart, but EU’s regional approach sinks deeper than the US’s; (b) human rights find better EU than US anchors; (c) whereas the US approach makes intergovernmental actions the sine qua non of democratization, EU’s intergovernmental, transnational, and supranational admixture promotes quid pro quo dynamics and incremental growth; and (d) competitive democratization patterns creates lock-ins for both recipient and supplier countries.
Created as part of the 2016 Jackson School for International Studies SIS 495: Task Force.
This paper is a cross-national study testing a framework relating cultural descriptive norms to entrepreneurship in a sample of 40 nations. Based on data from the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness project, we identify two higher-order dimensions of culture – socially supportive culture (SSC) and performance-based culture (PBC) – and relate them to entrepreneurship rates and associated supply-side and demand-side variables available from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Findings provide strong support for a social capital/SSC and supply-side variable explanation of entrepreneurship rate. PBC predicts demand-side variables, such as opportunity existence and the quality of formal institutions to support entrepreneurship.
With the European Commission making global leadership claims in the field of audit regulation, the content of its 2010 Green Paper on ‘Audit Policy: Lessons from the Crisis’ warrants careful scrutiny. Important issues raised in the Green Paper include regulatory oversight, competition in the audit market, the dangers of having very few firms with the capacity to audit global transnational corporations, professional judgement, innovative audit practices and, last but not least, social responsibility. This article analyses the principal perspectives and assumptions underpinning the construction of the Green Paper. The aims are threefold: to enhance understanding of the contemporary regulatory mindset of the European Commission, contribute to policy debate and inspire future research.
An effective strategy is critical for the successful development of e-Government. The leading nations in the e-Government rankings include Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Their leading role makes them interesting to study when looking for reasons to successful e-Government. The purpose of this research paper is to describe the e-Government development strategies of Nordic countries, which rank highly on the international stage. In particular it aims to study the foci of these strategies. The approach is a document study of the e-Government development strategies of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland was carried out using a qualitative content analysis inductive method. The results show that the major focus of Nordic e-Government strategies is on public sector reforms. Other focus areas include economic reforms and, to a lesser extent, e-Democracy efforts. Sweden, Finland and Norway have set ambitious policy goals in order to achieve global leadership in e-Government development. In response to the question posed by this paper’s title, we can say that Nordic e-Government strategies, except for Norway, focus more on reforming public sector services than on economic reforms. E-Democracy reforms are hardly focused on at all. Practical implications: Public sector policy makers can relate their policy foci to some of the more successful e-Government countries in the world. Research implications/originality is that this paper can apart from the findings also provide a means on how to identify the actual foci of a country’s e-Government policy.
A kutatás megkíséreli feltárni, hogy a magyar szervezetek besorolhatók-e olyan kisebb csoportokba, amelyek jól megragadható, homogén szervezeti kultúrával rendelkeznek. A kutatás során a GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) kutatási módszerére építve többváltozós statisztikai eljárások segítségével három szervezeti kultúra klasztert (piacorientáltak, közszolgálatiak, tradicionálisak) sikerült elhatárolni. A három klaszter vállalatai szignifikánsan különböznek a legtöbb szervezeti kultúra változó mentén.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental identificar las tácticas de influencia que utiliza el señor Carlos Pérez, gerente y socio principal de G. & M., en su trato cotidiano con sus colaboradores, así como la reacción de estos últimos ante dichas tácticas.
This dissertation is a multi-level, cross-cultural study of women in leadership conducted with both macro-society data and individual-level data aggregated to the country level. The research questions are, “What macro and micro forces are hindering or advancing women into business or political leadership?” “How do these forces impact the level of women's involvement in business and political leadership in a particular country?” Data was collected from 10 secondary sources, available for 213 countries, and includes about 300 variables for business leadership (N=115) and political leadership (N=181). To date, most women in leadership research has been Western- or US-based, and little rigorous empirical, multi-level research has been done across countries. The importance of cross-cultural studies on women in leadership stems from the potential to better understand why some countries have more women in positions of both business and political leadership; and the factors that affect women's involvement in such positions in different countries. A “Levels of Women's Participation in Leadership” country model is tested using cluster and discriminant analyses. Results indicate that the factors that affect women?s participation in leadership in countries with fewer women leaders are different from the factors that affect women's participation in countries with high levels of participation. This dissertation proposes that initiatives to increase participation of women in leadership need to consider the relevant factors that significantly affect countries at certain Levels of Women's Participation in Leadership. ^
This dissertation is a multi-level, cross-cultural study of women in leadership conducted with both macro-society data and individual-level data aggregated to the country level. The research questions are, “What macro and micro forces are hindering or advancing women into business or political leadership?” “How do these forces impact the level of women’s involvement in business and political leadership in a particular country?” Data was collected from 10 secondary sources, available for 213 countries, and includes about 300 variables for business leadership (N=115) and political leadership (N=181). To date, most women in leadership research has been Western- or US- based, and little rigorous empirical, multi-level research has been done across countries. The importance of cross-cultural studies on women in leadership stems from the potential to better understand why some countries have more women in positions of both business and political leadership; and the factors that affect women’s involvement in such positions in different countries. A “Levels of Women’s Participation in Leadership” country model is tested using cluster and discriminant analyses. Results indicate that the factors that affect women’s participation in leadership in countries with fewer women leaders are different from the factors that affect women’s participation in countries with high levels of participation. This dissertation proposes that initiatives to increase participation of women in leadership need to consider the relevant factors that significantly affect countries at certain Levels of Women’s Participation in Leadership.
States and international organizations have found irresistible cause in a globalizing world to coopt nonstate actors (NGOs, private standard setters and so forth) to manage the manifold problems arising under their stretched mandates and resources. The pooling of capacities in the pursuit of common goals seems perfectly sensible. Yet although the strategy of cooptation has become a policy of choice, policy makers often lack full knowledge of its implications. As Philip Selznick first showed, cooptation can have unintended consequences, shifting leadership from one organization to another. We place this fertile insight in a better specified analytical framework. That is, one capable of explaining when and how leadership shifts occur and where the status quo leaders will remain at the helm. Using original interview data and structured focused comparisons to test the framework, we reveal dramatic variation in leadership changes following the cooptation of outside actors in global financial and environmental governance.
The global financial crisis has had innumerate outcomes around the globe. Whilst most of these are generally perceived to be negative, there are outcomes which could be considered positive for society. One such outcome is the spotlight that the financial crisis has shone on corruption within organisations and in particular, the role that destructive leaders play in the promotion of negative behaviours within organisations. This interest in identifying so-called ‘dark-side’ traits in leaders is a positive step both academically and practically. Academically, there is a limited research examining individuals with ‘dark-traits’ within organisations (Mahmut, Homewood & Stevenson, 2008). Practically, most leader derailment can be attributed to ‘dark-side’ traits and leaders with such traits are implicated in a host of issues for organisations including poor staff morale and satisfaction, bullying, poor levels of productivity, high staff turnover, unethical behaviour and even white collar crime (e.g. Boddy,2010; 2011; Lesha & Lesha, 2012; O’Boyle, Forsyth, Banks & McDaniel, 2012; Sanecka, 2013). This paper focuses on one of the ‘dark-side’ traits; psychopathy. Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterised by guiltlessness, incapacity to experience love, impulsivity, shallow emotions, superficial charm and an inability to learn from experience (Cleckley, 1941, 1982). Research has found that individuals with high levels of psychopathy can be found working within organisations and experiencing some degree of career success (e.g. Babiak, Neumann & Hare, 2010; Board & Fritzon, 2005; Boddy, 2010; Lilienfeld, Latzman, Watts, Smith & Dutton, 2014). These individuals are theoretically thought to be attracted to careers which offer power, status and monetary rewards. In particular, the finance industry has been suggested as an ideal work place for the organisational psychopath. Some authors go as far as attribute organisational psychopaths a key role in the financial crisis (Boddy, 2011). However, little research has been conducted to explore whether levels of psychopathy in employees differ across industries and what careers might be most attractive to individuals with high levels of psychopathy. This paper presents the results of a large scale survey of 265 alumni of universities in the Central England region of the UK. The survey was conducted to assess the link between levels of three factors of psychopathy (Egotism, Callousness and Antisocialism) with occupation as defined by Holland’s RIASEC model. Participants completed Brinkley, Diamond, Magaletta & Heigel’s (2008) revision of Levenson’s Self-Report Psychopathy Scale and responded to questions regarding their current occupation. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess whether levels of Egotism, Callousness and Antisocialism were predictive of occupation. The results showed that when compared to individuals who occupy job roles within the Social sector of Holland’s model, individuals with higher levels of psychopathy were more likely to be employed within Realistic, Investigative, Enterprising and Conventional roles. When comparing Social and Realistic roles, more Egotistical individuals were likely to be employed within Realistic roles. When comparing those employed in Social roles to Investigative, Enterprising and Conventional roles, individuals with higher levels of Antisocialism were more likely to be employed within the latter three occupations than within Social roles. This suggests that individuals with psychopathy do gravitate towards certain career paths. Social roles where job incumbents are required to be caring and interact with others to a large extent appear to be unattractive to individuals with high levels of psychopathy. Social roles are also associated with lower monetary rewards and are generally less prestigious (Henley, 2001). These individuals instead seek out occupations where there are higher levels of risk, power and reward. Roles in the Realistic category include those which include high levels of risk e.g. fighter pilot, fireman etc., (Cohen, Meir, Segal & Amar, 2003). Investigative careers hold the highest level of prestige and ranking. Enterprising roles include management positions where power is wielded over subordinates and sales roles, where customers can be manipulated (ACT, 2009). Conventional roles include those within the finance industry, which include some of the most financially lucrative positive available (Babiak & Hare, 2006). The above suggests that individuals with higher levels of psychopathy may be seeking to satisfy their self-centred natures by selecting careers which provide them with high levels of reward in one way or another. Alternatively, these individuals may select roles where their traits can be accepted. The importance of Antisocialism in predicting occupation may be testament to the importance of finding a career which ‘fits’ such traits. Antisocialism is generally associated with negative outcomes in the workplace (Ettner, MacLean & French, 2010). Therefore, finding environments tolerant of antisocial tendencies may be a priority for individuals with high levels of these traits. The results suggest that Enterprising, Investigative and Conventional work environments may be tolerant of Antisocialism in employees and Realistic environments tolerant of Egotism. Academically, the results show that there is value in studying ‘dark-side’ characteristics in organisations. Individuals with higher levels of psychopathic traits, do not appear to randomly enter employment. Instead, they appear to gravitate to careers which meet their needs and/or tolerate their traits. It is important to further explore what industries and positions are particularly attractive to individuals with higher levels of psychopathy and what makes them attractive to these individuals. Such knowledge is important for practitioners to be able to advise organisations as to the likely level of risk they face of employing organisational psychopaths and to enable organisations which are particularly attractive to highly psychopathic employees to design selection systems which detect undesirable traits in candidates. Furthermore, organisations can examine their culture to assess whether traits such as antisocialism are tolerated (or even rewarded) and what the implications of this are.