998 resultados para Glass compositions


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The influence of both thermal treatment and laser irradiation on the structural and optical properties of films in the Sb 2 O 3 –Sb 2 S 3 system was investigated. The films were prepared by RF-sputtering using glass compositions as raw materials. Irreversible photodarkening effect was observed after exposure the films to a 458nm solid state laser. It is shown, for the first time, the use of holographic technique to measure “in situ”, simultaneously and independently, the phase and amplitude modulations in glassy films. The films were also photo-crystallized and analysed “in situ” using a laser coupled to a micro-Raman equipment. Results showed that Sb 2 S 3 crystalline phase was obtained after irradiation. The effect of thermal annealing on the structure of the films was carried out. Different from the result obtained by irradiation, thermal annealing induces the crystallization of the Sb 2 O 3 phase. Photo and thermal induced effects on films were studied using UV–Vis and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), thermal analysis (DSC), X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (MEV) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).


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Major and trace element (including REE) geochemistry of basalts and chilled basaltic glasses from the MAR axial zone in the vicinity of the Sierra Leone FZ (5-7°10'N) has been studied. Associations of basalts of various compositions with particular ocean-floor geological structural features have been analyzed as well. Three basaltic varieties have been discriminated. Almost ubiquitous are high-Mg basalts (Variety 1) that are derivatives of N-MORB tholeiitic melts and that are produced in the axial zone of spreading. Variety 2 is alkaline basalts widespread on the southwestern flank of the MAR crest zone in the Sierra Leone region, likely generated through deep mantle melting under plume impact. Variety 3 is basalts derivative from T- and P-MORB-like tholeiitic melts and originating through addition of deeper mantle material to depleted upper mantle melts. Magma generation parameters, as calculated from chilled glass compositions, are different for depleted tholeiites (44-55 km, 1320-1370°C) and enriched tholeiites (45-78 km, 1330-1450°C). Mantle plume impact is shown to affect not only tholeiitic basalt compositions but also magma generation conditions in the axial spreading zone, resulting in higher Ti and Na concentrations in melts parental to rift-related basalts occurring near the plume. T- and P-MORBs are also developed near areas where mantle plumes are localized. High-Mg basalts are shown to come in several types with distinctive Ti and Na contents. Nearly every single MAR segment (bounded by sinistral strike slips and the Bogdanov Fracture Zone) is featured by its own basalt type suggesting that it has formed above an asthenospheric diapir with its unique magma generation conditions. These conditions are time variable. Likely causes of temporal and spatial instability of the mantle upwelling beneath this portion of the MAR are singular tectonic processes and plume activity. In sulfide-bearing rift morphostructures (so-called "Ore area'' and the Markov Basin), basalts make up highly evolved suites generated through olivine and plagioclase fractionation, which is suggestive of relatively long-lived magma chambers beneath the sulfide-bearing rift morphostructures. Functioning of these chambers is a combined effect of singular geodynamic regime and plume activity. In these chambers melts undergo deep differentiation leading to progressively increasing concentration of sulfide phase, eventually to be supplied to the hydrothermal plumbing system.


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The compositions of 45 natural basalt glasses from nine dredge stations and six Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 sites near 9°N on the East Pacific Rise have been determined by electron microprobe. These comprise 19 distinct chemical groups. Seventeen of these fall in the range of the eastern Pacific tholeiite suite, which is characterized by marked enrichment in FeO*, TiO2, K2O, and P2O5 as CaO, MgO, and Al2O3 all decrease. Based on trace elements, an estimated 50-75 per cent fractionation of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine is required to produce ferrobasalts from parental olivine tholeiites. Additional chemical variations occur which require source heterogeneities, differences in the degree of melting, different courses of shallow fractionation, or magma mixing to explain. Glass compositions from within the Siqueiros fracture zone are mostly less fractionated than those from the flanks of the Rise, and show chemical differences which require variations in the depth of melting or highpressure fractionation to explain. Some of them could not be parental to East Pacific Rise flank ferrobasalts. Two remaining glass groups, from dredge hauls atop a ridge and a seamount, respectively, have distinctly higher K2O, P2O5, and TiO2 as well as lower CaO/Al2O3 and SiO2 at corresponding values of MgO than the tholeiite suite. These abundances, and whole-rock Y/Zr, Ce/Y, Nb/Zr, and isotopic abundances indicate that these basalts had a deeper, less depleted mantle source than the Rise tholeiite suite. Trace element abundances preclude the "ridge" basalt type from being a hybrid between the "seamount" basalt type and any East Pacific Rise tholeiite so far analyzed. The East Pacific Rise glasses from 9°N compare very closely to glasses dredged and drilled elsewhere on the East Pacific Rise. However, glass compositions from Site 424 on the Galapagos Rift drilled during Leg 54, as well as glasses and basalts dredged from the Galapagos and Costa Rica rifts, indicate that a greater degree of melting prevailed along much of the Galapagos Spreading Center than anywhere along the East Pacific Rise.


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Early Pliocene to Pleistocene volcaniclastic sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 from Sites 834 to 839 in the Lau Basin show a wide range of chemical and mineralogical compositions extending the spectrum previously known from the Lau Basin, Lau Ridge and Tofua Arc. The following major types of volcaniclastics have been distinguished: (1) primary fallout ashes originating from eruptions on land, (2) epiclastic deposits that resulted from subaerial and submarine eruptions, (3) subaqueous fallout and pyroclastic flow deposits resulting from explosive submarine eruptions, and (4) hyaloclastites resulting from mechanical fragmentation and spalling of chilled margins of submarine pillow tubes and sheet-lava flows. Vitric shards are mostly basaltic andesitic to rhyolitic and broadly follow two major trends in terms of K2O enrichment: a low-K series (LKS) with about 1 wt% K2O at 70 wt% SiO2, and a very low-K series (VLKS) with only about 0.5 wt% K2O at 70 wt% SiO2. Sites 834 and 835 on "old" backarc basin crust, >4.2 and 3.4 m.y. old, comprise LKS rhyolites >3.3 m.y. old. Calc-alkaline basaltic turbidites originating from the Lau Ridge flowed in at 3.3 Ma. In the period from 3.3 to 2.4 Ma basaltic andesitic to rhyolitic, fine-grained LKS and VLKS volcaniclastics were deposited by turbidity currents and subaerial fallout. Three thin, discrete fallout layers (2.4-3.2 m.y. old) with high-K calc-alkaline compositions probably erupted in New Zealand. Volcaniclastics from Site 836, all <0.6 m.y. old, make up 24% of the sediments and comprise local basaltic andesitic to andesitic hyaloclastites with low Ba/Zr ratios of 0.9 to 1.4 and polymict andesitic sediments with Ba/Zr ratios of up to 5.5, containing clasts altered to lower greenschist facies. In Sites 837-839, drilled on young crust (1.8-2.1 m.y. old), volcaniclastics make up 45%-64% of the total sediment. Glass compositions are often bimodal with a mafic and a rhyolitic population. Large-volume rhyolitic, silt- to lapilli-sized volcaniclastics are interpreted as pyroclastic flows from explosive eruptions on a seamount 25-50 km away from the sites. Ba/Zr ratios are 2 to 4, partially overlapping with some Lau Basin basement lavas that show an "arc" signature, and they can reach values >5 in thin volcaniclastic layers <0.6 m.y. old.


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Volcanic ash layers (1-3 cm thick) are abundant in the North Aoba Basin drill sites but less common at forearc sites. Ash deposited on the forearc slopes is liable to be redistributed as turbidites. In addition, the westerly upper winds also minimize ash-fall on the western (forearc) side of the New Hebrides Island Arc. Crystalline components in the ashes are primarily plagioclase (An90-An44), clinopyroxene (Ca46Mg49Fe5-Ca43Mg33Fe24), olivine (Fo87-Fo62), and titanomagnetite. There are also small amounts of orthopyroxene, magnetite, apatite, and quartz. Glass shards occur in most of the ashes and range in composition from basalt to rhyolite. There is often a variety of glass compositions within a single ash layer. One explanation for this is that the rate of accumulation of ash from several different eruptions or eruptive phases exceeded the background sedimentation rate: there may also have been a certain amount of reworking. The high-K and low-K trends previously recognized in volcanic rocks from the New Hebrides Island Arc are clearly represented in the Leg 134 glasses. All of the ashes investigated here are thought to have originated from the Central Chain volcanoes. The source of the high-K group was probably the Central Basin volcanoes of Santa Maria, Aoba, and Ambrym. The lower-K series includes a distinctive group of dacites and is likely to have originated from the Epi-Tongoa-Tongariki sector of the arc where major pyroclastic eruptions, associated with caldera collapse, have occurred during the Holocene, perhaps as recently as 400 yr ago.


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The compositions of natural glasses and phenocrysts in basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 501, 504, and 505, near the Costa Rica Rift, constitute evidence for the existence of a periodically replenished axial magma chamber that repeatedly erupted lavas of remarkably uniform composition. Magma compositions were affected by three general components: (1) injected magmas carrying (in decreasing order of abundance) Plagioclase, olivine, and chrome-spinel phenocrysts (spinel assemblage); (2) injected magmas carrying Plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine phenocrysts, but no spinel (clinopyroxene assemblage); and (3) moderately evolved hybrids in the magma chamber itself. The compositions of the injected phenocrysts and minerals in glomerocrysts are as follows: Plagioclase - An85-94; olivine - Fo87-89; clinopyroxene - high Cr2O3 (0.7-1.1%), endiopside (Wo42En51Fs7), and aluminous chromian spinel (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.3). These minerals resemble those thought to occur in upper mantle sources (9 kbars and less) of ocean-ridge basalts and to crystallize in magmas near those sources. In the magma chamber, more sodic Plagioclase (An79-85), less magnesian olivine (Fo81-86) and low-Cr2O3 (0.1-0.4%) clinopyroxene formed rims on these crystals, grew as other phenocrysts, and formed cumulus segregations on the walls and floors of the magma chamber. In the spinel-assemblage magmas, magnesiochromite (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.4-0.5) also formed. Some cumulus segregations were later entrained in lavas as xenoliths. The glass compositions define 16 internally homogeneous eruptive units, 13 of which are in stratigraphic order in a single hole, Hole 504B, which was drilled 561.5 meters into the ocean crust. These units are defined as differing from each other by more than analytical uncertainty in one or more oxides. However, many of the glass groups in Hole 504B show virtually no differences in TiO2 contents, Mg/Mg + Fe2+, or normative An/An + Ab, all of which are sensitive indicators of crystallization differentiation. The differences are so small that they are only apparent in the glass compositions; they are almost completely obscured in whole-rock samples by the presence of phenocrysts and the effects of alteration. Moreover, several of the glass units at different depths in Hole 504B are compositionally identical, with all oxides falling within the range of analytical uncertainty, with only small variations in the rest of the suite. The repetition of identical chemical types requires (1) very regular injection of magmas into the magma chamber, (2) extreme similarity of injected magmas, and (3) displacement of very nearly the same proportion of the magmas in the chamber at each injection. Numerical modeling and thermal considerations have led some workers to propose the existence of such conditions at certain types of spreading centers, but the lava and glass compositions at Hole 504B represent the first direct evidence revealed by drilling of the existence of a compositionally nearly steady-state magma chamber, and this chapter examines the processes acting in it in some detail. The glass groups that are most similar are from clinopyroxene-assemblage lavas, which have a range of Mg/Mg + Fe2"1" of 0.59 to 0.65. Spinel-assemblage basalts are less evolved, with Mg/Mg + Fe2+ of 0.65 to 0.69, but both types have nearly identical normative An/An + Ab (0.65-0.66). However, the two lava types contain megacrysts (olivine, Plagioclase, clinopyroxene) that crystallized from melts with Mg/Mg + Fe2+ values of 0.70 to 0.72. Projection of glass compositions into ternary normative systems suggests that spinel-assemblage magmas originated deeper in the mantle than clinopyroxene-assemblage magmas, and mineral data indicate that the two types followed different fractionation paths before reaching the magma chamber. The two magma types therefore represent neither a low- nor a high-pressure fractionation sequence. Some of the spinel-assemblage magmas may have had picritic parents, but were coprecipitating all of the spinel-assemblage phenocrysts before reaching the magma chamber. Clinopyroxene-assemblage magmas did not have picritic parents, but the compositions of phenocrysts suggest that they originated at about 9 kbars, near the transition between plagioclase peridotite and spinel peridotite in the mantle. Two glass groups have higher contents of alkalis, TiO2, and P2O5 than the others, evidently as a result of the compositions of mantle sources. Eruption of these lavas implies that conduits and chambers containing magmas from dissimilar sources were not completely interconnected on the Costa Rica Rift. The data are used to draw comparisons with the East Pacific Rise and to consider the mechanisms that may have prevented the eruption of ferrobasalts at these sites.


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The increased longevity of humans and the demand for a better quality of life have led to a continuous search for new implant materials. Scientific development coupled with a growing multidisciplinarity between materials science and life sciences has given rise to new approaches such as regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The search for a material with mechanical properties close to those of human bone produced a new family of hybrid materials that take advantage of the synergy between inorganic silica (SiO4) domains, based on sol-gel bioactive glass compositions, and organic polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS ((CH3)2.SiO2)n, domains. Several studies have shown that hybrid materials based on the system PDMS-SiO2 constitute a promising group of biomaterials with several potential applications from bone tissue regeneration to brain tissue recovery, passing by bioactive coatings and drug delivery systems. The objective of the present work was to prepare hybrid materials for biomedical applications based on the PDMS-SiO2 system and to achieve a better understanding of the relationship among the sol-gel processing conditions, the chemical structures, the microstructure and the macroscopic properties. For that, different characterization techniques were used: Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, liquid and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, X-ray diffraction, small-angle X-ray scattering, smallangle neutron scattering, surface area analysis by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Surface roughness and wettability were analyzed by 3D optical profilometry and by contact angle measurements respectively. Bioactivity was evaluated in vitro by immersion of the materials in Kokubos’s simulated body fluid and posterior surface analysis by different techniques as well as supernatant liquid analysis by inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. Biocompatibility was assessed using MG63 osteoblastic cells. PDMS-SiO2-CaO materials were first prepared using nitrate as a calcium source. To avoid the presence of nitrate residues in the final product due to its potential toxicity, a heat-treatment step (above 400 °C) is required. In order to enhance the thermal stability of the materials subjected to high temperatures titanium was added to the hybrid system, and a material containing calcium, with no traces of nitrate and the preservation of a significant amount of methyl groups was successfully obtained. The difficulty in eliminating all nitrates from bulk PDMS-SiO2-CaO samples obtained by sol-gel synthesis and subsequent heat-treatment created a new goal which was the search for alternative sources of calcium. New calcium sources were evaluated in order to substitute the nitrate and calcium acetate was chosen due to its good solubility in water. Preparation solgel protocols were tested and homogeneous monolithic samples were obtained. Besides their ability to improve the bioactivity, titanium and zirconium influence the structural and microstructural features of the SiO2-TiO2 and SiO2-ZrO2 binary systems, and also of the PDMS-TiO2 and PDMS-ZrO2 systems. Detailed studies with different sol-gel conditions allowed the understanding of the roles of titanium and zirconium as additives in the PDMS-SiO2 system. It was concluded that titanium and zirconium influence the kinetics of the sol-gel process due to their different alkoxide reactivity leading to hybrid xerogels with dissimilar characteristics and morphologies. Titanium isopropoxide, less reactive than zirconium propoxide, was chosen as source of titanium, used as an additive to the system PDMS-SiO2-CaO. Two different sol-gel preparation routes were followed, using the same base composition and calcium acetate as calcium source. Different microstructures with high hydrophobicit were obtained and both proved to be biocompatible after tested with MG63 osteoblastic cells. Finally, the role of strontium (typically known in bioglasses to promote bone formation and reduce bone resorption) was studied in the PDMS-SiO2-CaOTiO2 hybrid system. A biocompatible material, tested with MG63 osteoblastic cells, was obtained with the ability to release strontium within the values reported as suitable for bone tissue regeneration.


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This study aimed at investigating in vitro osteogenesis on three fluorcanasite glass-ceramic compositions with different solubilities (K3, K5, and K8). Osteoblastic cells were obtained from human alveolar bone fragments and cultured under standard osteogenic condition until subconfluence. First passage cells were cultured on K3, K5, and K8 and on Bioglass (R) 45S5 (45S5-control). Cell adhesion was evaluated at 24 h. For proliferation and viability, cells were cultured for 1, 4, and 10 days. Total protein content and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were measured at 7, 14, and 21 days. Cultures were stained with Alizarin red at 21 days, for detection of mineralized matrix. Data were compared by ANOVA followed by Duncan`s test. Cell adhesion, cell proliferation, viability, total protein content, and ALP activity were not affected by fluorcanasite glass-ceramic composition and solubility. Bone-like formation was similar on all fluorcanasite-glass ceramics and was reduced compared to 45S5. The changes in the chemical composition and consequently solubility of the fluorcanasite glass-ceramics tested here did not significantly alter the in vitro osteogenesis. Further modifications of the chemical composition of the fluorcanasite glass-ceramic would be required to improve bone response, making this biomaterial a good candidate to be employed as a bone substitute.


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A combination of an extension of the topological instability "λ criterion" and the "average electronegativity" has been recently reported in the literature to predict compositions with high glass-forming ability (GFA). In the present work, both criteria have been applied to select the Ni61.0Nb36.0B3 alloy with a high glass-forming ability. Ingots were prepared by arc-melting and were used to produce ribbons processed by the melt-spinning technique further characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Ni61.0Nb36.0B3 alloy revealed a complete amorphization and supercooled liquid region ΔTx = 68 K. In addition, wedge-shaped samples were prepared using copper mold casting in order to determine the critical thickness for amorphous formation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that fully amorphous samples could be obtained, reaching up to ~800 µm in thickness.