81 resultados para Ginkgo


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茉莉酸类化合物是一种具有诱导植物次生代谢,抵抗外来侵害,提高植物抗逆防御性等重要作用的植物激素,主要包括茉莉酸(JA)、茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)及其异亮氨酸衍生物等。茉莉酸的化学合成已报道有十几种之多,但都还无法实现工业化生产,满足农业需求。 本文以α-羧基肉桂酸为起始原料,经过加氢还原、AlCl3-NaCl离子液体中的分子内F-C酰基化反应,HATU催化下与异亮氨酸结合三步反应,合成了一种茉莉酸类似物吲哚异亮氨酸甲酯结合物(Ind-IleMe),总收率约70 %。 用合成的Ind-IleMe、coronalon及MeJA对银杏叶进行诱导,银杏叶经盐酸甲醇溶液加热水解提取黄酮苷元,HPLC检测发现,经诱导后的银杏叶与对照相比银杏黄酮含量均有所增加,最高可诱导银杏叶黄酮含量增长15%—20%,最高诱导浓度coronalon 最低,为1 μmol/L,Ind-IleMe是10 μmol/L,MeJA的诱导浓度最高,大于等于100 μmol/L。 对MeJA诱导后银杏叶的生理生化中几个重要指标进行了测定,发现经诱导后SOD、MDA、PAL、蛋白活性或含量相对升高,叶绿素、可溶性糖含量相对降低,这与MeJA诱导提高银杏叶的逆境防御及次生代谢有关。 在植物的次生代谢中,挥发性气体(VOCs)具有防御草食动物及实现同种及不同种植物间信息交流的重要作用。本文应用自组装的炭阱吸附装置和固相微萃取(SPME)来收集诱导后的银杏叶、利马豆及三种酒中的挥发物,GC-MS检测进行定性定量分析,发现诱导后的银杏叶释放出更多的挥发性有机物,主要是石竹烯等一些参与植物防御机制的倍半萜类,通过对比炭阱吸附和SPME在挥发物的收集上,发现炭阱吸附具有吸附效率更高、样品可短期保存、重复进样分析、可定量等优越性,因此具有很好的发展前景。


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1 It has not been uniform to date that the Ginkgo biloba extracts enhance cognitive function in aged animals, and the mechanisms of action remain difficult to elucidate. In this study, the Morris water maze task and electrophysiological methods were used


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随着工业化和城市化的迅速发展,高浓度CO2和高浓度O3对植物影响的研究受到了广泛的重视,但二者交互作用对城市树木的生理及碳氧平衡的影响尚不清楚。银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)是沈阳市城市森林的两种重要树种,对大气环境变化的响应具有代表性。本文采用开顶箱法研究了在高浓度CO2(700 μmol•mol-1)、O3(80 nmol•mol-1)及其复合作用条件下城市银杏、油松生长、光合、蒸腾以及呼吸作用的日动态、季节动态变化,揭示了银杏、油松光合对高浓度CO2、O3的适应机制及其本身环境效应的变化规律,为研究城市森林对全球变化的响应与反馈提供了重要基础。 得出的主要结果如下: 1. 短期(0-30 d)高浓度CO2处理提高了银杏、油松叶片/针叶细胞间CO2浓度、羧化效率和表观量子效率,从而提高了银杏、油松的净光合速率。 2. 一个生长季(100 d)高浓度CO2处理促进了银杏、油松叶片/针叶的生长,提高了细胞渗透调节物质含量,增强了银杏、油松抵御逆境胁迫的潜能。银杏、油松日变化曲线趋向单峰曲线,缓解了中午的光抑制现象;固碳释氧量提高了近1倍,有助于减缓全球变化的速度。 银杏、油松的气孔导度和羧化效率的降低是发生光合适应的重要原因。 3. 高浓度O3处理可导致两树种的生理伤害,银杏叶片表现为褐斑型伤害,油松则为水锈型,叶片生长受到抑制。同时两树种可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖含量降低,电导率升高。 两树种叶绿素含量降低,净光合速率下降。银杏光合速率的降低前期表现为气孔限制,后期转为非气孔限制为主。油松光合速率下降则是两种限制因素共同作用的结果,难分主次,表明油松的气孔调节能力弱于银杏,更易受到O3的伤害。造成实验处理后期银杏、油松光合速率下降的非气孔因素是表观量子效率和羧化效率的降低。 高浓度O3处理使银杏、油松的光抑制现象加强,固碳释氧、降温增湿能力降低,且油松降低幅度大于银杏。 4. 高浓度CO2和O3复合处理提高了银杏油松的叶绿素含量,减轻了高浓度O3对叶片/针叶的伤害,促进了叶的生长。 与对照相比,复合处理提高了银杏、油松的净光合速率,降低了气孔导度和蒸腾速率,从而使水分利用效率和含水量得到提高。表观量子效率和羧化效率的提高是光合速率大幅度上升的重要因素;呼吸速率的提高则是后期光合速率增幅减小的重要原因。复合处理前期CO2主要是通过气孔调节来缓解O3对树木的伤害,高浓度CO2处理对光合作用的促进作用大于高浓度O3处理的抑制作用。 高浓度CO2和O3复合处理的银杏、油松的光呼吸速率、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖的含量增加,电导率降低,提高了银杏、油松的抗逆性,这是高浓度CO2缓解O3胁迫对树木伤害的一个原因。复合处理同样缓解了银杏、油松光抑制现象,提高了固碳释氧量,但银杏降温增湿能力降低。


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本文采用开顶箱法研究了在连续两年高浓度CO2(700 μmol•mol-1)、O3(80 nmol•mol-1)及其复合作用条件下银杏和油松的生长、初生代谢产物和次生代谢产物含量的季节动态变化、年度动态变化,揭示了银杏、油松次生代谢对高浓度CO2、O3的适应机制及其对树木本身的影响,为研究城市森林对全球变化的响应与反馈提供了重要理论依据。 得出的主要结果如下: 1. CO2倍增处理在2006、2007两个生长季中都增加了银杏、油松叶片中淀粉、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白的含量;同时也显著增加了银杏叶片中单宁、萜类化合物和油松单宁、总酚的含量。但是在2007生长季中,这些物质的增幅相对2006生长季CO2处理减缓。高浓度CO2处理对银杏、油松叶可溶性蛋白含量和银杏叶中黄酮化合物含量的影响在两个生长季中变化不同:在2006生长季中高浓度CO2处理增加了银杏、油松叶可溶性蛋白含量,降低了银杏叶中黄酮化合物含量;在2007生长季中则降低了银杏、油松叶中可溶性蛋白含量,增加了银杏叶黄酮化合物含量。 2. O3倍增处理在2006、2007两个生长季中都有降低银杏、油松叶中淀粉、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量和银杏叶中单宁、黄酮化合物含量的趋势;同时, O3倍增处理在两个生长季上都增加了银杏叶中萜类化合物和油松单宁、总酚化合物的含量。这表明次生代谢物质对高浓度O3处理的响应由于次生代谢物质的种类和所属植物种类的不同而不同。 3. 高浓度CO2和O3复合处理在2006和2007生长季上对银杏、油松的影响与单因子CO2处理类似。在复合作用中,单因子O3带来的光合产物下降的现象消失,银杏和油松的初生代谢产物都高于对照水平;同时,复合作用下次生代谢物质的变化也与单因子CO2处理一致。这表明在复合作用对银杏、油松次生代谢产物的影响主要通过CO2抵消O3对光合作用的抑制来实现,同时也说明CO2对银杏、油松次生代谢的影响强于O3的影响。高浓度CO2能够保护植物免受高浓度O3的伤害。 4. CO2倍增处理和复合处理增加了银杏和油松叶次生代谢物质的含量,这不仅能够增强银杏和油松对环境因子的抵御能力,而且还会增加植物对碳的同化作用,从而增加其对大气CO2的吸收;同时,由于次生代谢物质的抗菌能力,银杏和油松叶内次生代谢物质的增加有可能会减缓其凋落物在土壤中的降解,从而增加土壤碳“汇”。


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本文主要研究了沈阳市主要绿化树种银杏(Ginkgo biloba)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compounds,VOCs)排放的日变化、季节变化规律,同时采用开顶箱法研究了高浓度CO2(700 µmol•mol-1)、O3(80 nmol•mol-1)及复合作用下城市主要绿化树种银杏、蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、油松、华山松(Pinus armandii)VOCs排放规律,揭示了城市中树木VOCs排放的变化规律及其对高浓度CO2和O3的响应,为研究城市森林对全球变化的响应与反馈提供了科学依据。 本实验建立的热解吸与气相色谱联用方法,最小检测量为4×10-10 g,具有较高的灵敏度和精确度,可满足对树木VOCs分析的要求。研究发现,银杏和油松VOCs的释放具有显著的日变化和季节变化规律,二者夜间均不排放异戊二烯。α-蒎烯为油松释放VOCs的主要成份,同时发现油松排放的α-蒎烯,β-蒎烯,莰烯和柠檬烯之间具有显著相关关系,说明这几种化合物在遗传控制上有某种共同效应或者具有相同的代谢途径。不同树种排放的VOCs组成明显不同,银杏及蒙古栎主要排放异戊二烯,而油松和华山松主要排放单萜;蒙古栎VOCs释放量显著高于其他树种。市区树木VOCs排放速率显著高于郊区,沈阳市主要绿化树种银杏和油松VOCs的年排放量分别为12.16 t和14.48 t。大气CO2和O3浓度升高条件下,树木VOCs释放规律和排放组成,受植物种类和生长季的影响;单独提高大气CO2或O3浓度可显著影响树木VOCs的释放和组成,但是二者复合作用没有显著影响。


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采用开顶箱法模拟大气O3和CO2浓度升高(80 nmol•mol-1,700 μmol•mol-1),对银杏(Ginkgo biloba)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)幼树进行了连续两个生长季的熏蒸试验,研究了银杏叶片和油松针叶活性氧产生清除系统的生理变化过程,从活性氧代谢生理机制上揭示其抗性变化规律,为研究城市森林对全球变化的响应与反馈机制提供重要的理论基础。 得出如下结论: 1. 高浓度O3显著增加了银杏叶片ASA含量和抗氧化酶(SOD、APX)活性,增强了活性氧清除能力;但这种抗氧化能力的提高不足以消除高O3带来的氧化逆境,H2O2和MDA含量显著高于对照处理。与银杏相比,高浓度O3在试验初期诱导油松针叶SOD和APX酶活性升高,增强了活性氧清除能力;随着处理时间的延长ASA被耗竭,H2O2过量积累显著地抑制了抗氧化酶活性,加剧了氧化伤害。银杏和油松结果的差异表明,银杏对80 nmol•mol-1浓度的O3具有更高的抗性,而油松针叶活性氧代谢等生理过程受其影响更大。 2. 高浓度CO2对银杏叶片活性氧代谢无显著性影响。然而,高浓度CO2减缓了油松针叶活性氧的产生,抗氧化酶活性呈降低的趋势;但针叶内ASA含量显著高于对照处理,这说明高浓度CO2促进了油松针叶ASA合成,或者是减少了ASA的消耗。在试验处理后期,针叶内H2O2含量和MDA含量显著低于对照处理。 3. 高浓度O3和高浓度CO2复合处理中,高浓度CO2缓解了高浓度O3对银杏叶片和油松针叶造成的氧化胁迫,但其生理机制不同:银杏叶片ASA含量以及抗氧化酶活性普遍低于高浓度O3单因素处理而高于对照处理,并且叶片H2O2含量和膜质过氧化产物MDA含量显著低于高浓度O3单因素处理,这说明高浓度CO2通过减少活性氧的产生来缓解高浓度O3所致的活性氧积累以及膜质过氧化伤害。与银杏不同的是,高浓度CO2使油松针叶内ASA含量显著高于高浓度O3处理,增强了活性氧清除能力,减轻了活性氧对抗氧化酶活性的抑制作用,有效的控制了ROS的产生与清除之间的平衡,缓解了高O3带来的氧化伤害。


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本文系统研究了沈阳城市森林的布局与结构、城市森林功能、城市森林病虫害发生与树木健康状况和城市自然资源与社会经济状况等指标对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康与管理的影响。同时一,采用2种生态系统健康评价方法对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康状况进行了评价,并提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策。研究结果如下:1、截至2004年末,沈阳城市森林植被覆盖率已经达到35%,城市森林林地分布基本合理,但需要进一步加强道路林地、居住区林地和城郊大面积生态林建设。2、沈阳城市森林以乔木为主,乔灌株数比为1.7:1,乔灌的覆盖度比约为7:1。3、沈阳城市森林不同类型林地中植物组成不同。公园林地中有74个属,137个种(变种);庭院林地中有53个属,104个种(变种);居住区林地中有45个属,81个种(变种);道路林地中有43个属,94个种(变种);运河风景林地中有75个属,142个种(变种);棋盘山风景林地中有48个属,118个种(变种)。4、公园林地、庭院林地、居住区林地、道路林地和运河风景林地的Shannon一Wiener多样性指数分别为2.78、3.05、3.15、3.18和3.18,均匀度指数分别为0.56、0.66、0.72、0.70和0.64。除了棋盘山风景林地外,沈阳城市森林中栽植总量超过乔木总量5%的乔木树种有7个属,分别为李、柳树、杨树、桧柏、榆树、槐树和银杏,7种树木总量达到了全部乔木总量的82.09%;栽植总量超过灌木总量5%的灌木树种也有7个属,分别为水腊、丁香、李属,小聚、玫瑰、忍冬和连翘,7个属灌木总量达到了全部灌木总量的87.92%。5、公园林地、庭院林地、道路林地和防护林地中OBH<20cm、20cm<DBH<60cm和DBH>60cm树木的比例分别为:57.9%、40.0%、2.1%,49.2%、47.8%、3.0%,65.3%、33.1%、1.6%和64.6%、34.9%、0.5%,表明沈阳城市森林树木的规格总体上偏小。6、经样方调查和CITYgreen模型计算,沈阳城市森林的生态效益约2.0亿USD/yr.。公园林地、庭院林地和风景林地的景观指标相对较高;道路林地和居住区林地的景观效果一般;防护林地的景观效果较差。7、目前已经发现的沈阳城市森林病害约600余种,虫害约700余种,其中杨树主要病虫害39种,柳树的主要病虫害有33种,榆树和槐树的主要病虫害均为,1种。杨柳树腐烂病、光肩星天牛、天幕毛虫、桃红颈天牛和美国白蛾等是近10年来沈阳城市森林中普遍发生和造成严重危害的主要病虫害。沈阳城市森林主要树木的平均健康指数为2.68,处于一般健康状态。8、沈阳城市森林的土壤和水资源状况均不利于树木的健康生长,沈阳的社会经济发展也有待于进一步提高。9、经过生物指示物法(光肩星天牛为生物指示物)、专家权重法、公众问卷调查和对比研究,沈阳城市森林生态系统总体上处于亚健康状态。10、通过对沈阳城市森林资源、管理状况的调查研究和健康状况的评价,本文提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策,包括合理规划沈阳城市森林林地布局,增加道路林地、居住区林地和城郊林地的面积和植被覆盖率;调整树木种类组成,避免单一或少数树种的大量栽植,提高生物多样性水平;保护大树和古树;增加城市森林管理资金的投入;应用先进技术,采取科学的病虫害防治和植物养护方法,促进树木的健康生长等。This project systematically studied the urban forest ecosystem health and management in Shenyang. The study explored factors, such as urban forest structure, distribution, pests, aesthetic value, ecological benefit, natural resources and socieo-economic status, that affecting the urban forest ecosystem health and management. Two methods were used to evaluate the ecosystem health. This project also proposed Shenyang's urban forest ecosystem health management strategies. The research results can be summarized as follows: 1. As of the end of 2004, urban forest coverage in Shenyang is about 35%, and is in relatively even patch distribution pattern. However, the street trees and roadside forest patches, residential block forest patches should be enhanced. 2. Trees are the major component of the Shenyang s urban forest, followed by shrubs. The quantity ratio of tree to shrub is about 1.7:1, and the coverage ratio of trees to shrub is about 7:1. 3. Species composition varies by location. There are 74 genera, 137 species (including varieties) in the public parks; 53 genera, 104 species (and var.) in the green spaces of the institution (including school), factory, and company; 45 genera, 81 species (var.) in residential blocks; 43 genera, 94 species (var.) in streets and roadside forest patches; 75 genera, 142 species (var.) in the Canal landscape forest patches; 48 genera, 118 species (var.) in the Qipan Mountain recreation forest. 4. The Shannon-Woener indices varies in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in streets and roadside forest patches, in residential blocks.there are 2.78, 3.05, 3.18, 3.15, 3.18, respectively; and the evenness indices are 0.56, 0.66, 0.70, 0.72, 0.64, respectively. Besides the Qipan Mountain forest patches, trees of 7 genera, Prunus spp., Salix spp., Populus spp., Sabina spp., Ulmus spp., Robinia spp. and Ginkgo biloba are of more than 5% the total urban trees, respectively. In fact, trees from these 7 genera are about 82% of all trees in Shenyang's urban forests. In terms of shrubs, species of 7 genera, Ligustrum spp., Syringa spp., Prunus spp., Berberis spp., Rosa spp., Lonicera spp., and Forsythia spp. are more than 5% the total urban shrubs, respectively. 88% of all the shrubs in Shenyang s urban forest are from these 7 genera. 5. The diameter class of DBH<20cm, 20cm60cm of trees in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in in streets and roadside forests, and in protective forests are 57.9%, 40.0%, 2.1%; 49.2%, 47.8%, 3.0%; 65.3%, 33.1%, 1.6%; and 64.6%, 34.9%, 0.5%, respectively. The result indicated that the DBH is relatively small in Shenyang s urban forests. 6. Using random plots sampling and CITYgreen model calculation, the ecological benefit of Shenyang's urban is about 0.2 billion US dollars per year. The aesthetic value of parks, institution and company yards, and scenary forest patches is relative high; however, the aesthetic value of protective forest patches is low. 7. There are more than 600 types of diseases and more than 700 kinds of insects in Shenyang's urban forest. Among them, Populus spp., Salix spp., Ulmus spp. and Robinia spp., are attached mainly by 39, 33, 11, and 11, difference types of pests respectively. The rot disease of the Populus spp. and Salix spp., and the insects such as, Anoplophora glabripennis, Malacosoma neustria, Aromia bungii, and Hyphantria cunea are major pests in Shenyang s urban forest for the past 10 years. The trees health condition is relatively poor by having the average health index of 2.68 for major species. 8. The urban soil and water resource are not favorable to tree's growth in Shenyang, and so is the socieo-economic status. 9. Through using bio-indicator, professional and public evaluation, and comparision with other urban forests, it can be concluded that the status of Shenyang s urban forest is not very healthy in general. 10. To improve the urban forest ecosystem health in Shenyang, a better urban forest design need to be implemented to enhance the area and vegetation coverage of the street and roadside forests, the residential block forests, and the surburb forest Species biodiversity need to be enhanced by adjust the species composition of urban forest trees to reduce the single or several tree species populations and to plant more varieties. A better fundings for urban forest health management need to be budgeted. Advanced technologies in tree care and scientific measures to control pests need to be adopted to prove better care for plants and to keep trees grow healthfully.


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近年来,随着温室气体体积分数不断上升,研究CO2和O3体积分数升高对植物的影响已取得一定进展,但二者对植物的复合作用及生理研究不够深入。文章利用开顶式气室研究了大气CO2和O3体积分数升高对银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)光合特性的影响。结果表明,在整个生长季内,与对照相比,在大气CO2体积分数为700×10-6条件下,银杏叶片净光合速率显著增加(P<0.05),希尔反应活力增大,Ca2+/Mg2+-ATPase活性增强,光合产物可溶性糖和淀粉含量增多;而在O3体积分数为80×10-9的情况下,银杏叶片净光合速率下降,希尔反应活力减小,Ca2+/Mg2+-ATPase活性减弱,光合产物可溶性糖和淀粉含量减少;在CO2和O3复合作用(700×10-6+80×10-9)条件下,银杏叶片净光合速率、希尔反应活力、可溶性糖和淀粉均有所增加,且淀粉含量增加极显著(P<0.01),而Ca2+-ATPase活性先增强后减弱,Mg2+-ATPase活性先减弱后增强。说明CO2可缓解O3对银杏的负效应,而O3亦对CO2的正效应有削弱作用。


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利用开顶式气室,研究了CO2浓度升高条件下城市森林主要树种油松(Pinus tabulaefomis)和银杏(Ginkgo biloba)主要光合特性的变化。结果表明,整个生长季,CO2浓度升高(700μmol.mol-1)条件下2树种叶片的净光合速率、可溶性糖、淀粉和可溶性蛋白含量均接近或高于相应对照(自然CO2浓度)值,但不同树种增加的幅度不同;而2树种的叶绿素含量和Chla/Chlb值对CO2浓度升高反应不一,表现为CO2浓度升高条件下油松的叶绿素含量较对照值高,Chla/Chlb值降低,银杏的叶绿素含量为前期升高,后期降低,Chla/Chlb值变化与之正好相反,说明城市森林组成树种对CO2浓度升高的响应具有复杂性。CO2浓度升高条件下,两树种均未发生光合适应现象。


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利用开放式气室(OTC)持续观测了2个生长季(2005—2006年)。在每年9月30日停止供气后,采样1次。观测高浓度CO2和O3处理的银杏(Ginkgo biloba)成年叶片气孔数量的变化规律。结果表明:在700μmol.mol-1CO2处理条件下,叶片气孔的长度、宽度、周长和面积均明显高于对照(P<0.05);在80μmol.mol-1O3处理条件下,气孔的长度、宽度、周长和面积却显著低于对照(P<0.01);成年叶片气孔在高浓度CO2影响下,气孔密度略有升高(P>0.05),而气孔指数显著减少(P<0.05);大气O3浓度升高对气孔密度影响不大(P>0.05),气孔指数显著减少(P<0.05);银杏成年叶片气孔的长度、宽度与气孔比密度存在一定的负相关关系,可用一元二次曲线方程较好地描述。


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Extracts from the Ginkgo biloba tree are widely used as herbal medicines, and include bilobalide (BB) and ginkgolides A and B (GA and GB). Here we examine their effects on human 5-HT(3)A and 5-HT(3)AB receptors, and compare these to the effects of the structurally related compounds picrotin (PTN) and picrotoxinin (PXN), the two components of picrotoxin (PTX), a known channel blocker of 5-HT3, nACh and GABA(A) receptors. The compounds inhibited 5-HT-induced responses of 5-HT3 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes, with IC50 values of 470 mu M (BB), 730 mu M (GB), 470 mu M (PTN), 11 mu M (PXN) and > 1 mM (GA) in 5-HT(3)A receptors, and 3.1 mM (BB), 3.9 mM (GB), 2.7 mM (PTN), 62 mu M (PXN) and > 1 mM (GA) in 5-HT(3)AB receptors. Radioligand binding on receptors expressed in HEK 293 cells showed none of the compounds displaced the specific 5-HT3 receptor antagonist [H-3]granisetron, confirming that they do not act at the agonist binding site. Inhibition by GB at 5-HT(3)A receptors is weakly use-dependent, and recovery is activity dependent, indicating channel block. To further probe their site of action at 5-HT(3)A receptors, BB and GB were applied alone or in combination with PXN, and the results fitted to a mathematical model; the data revealed partially overlapping sites of action. We conclude that BB and GB block the channel of the 5-HT(3)A receptor. Thus these compounds have comparable, although less potent, behaviour than at some other Cys-loop receptors, demonstrating their actions are conserved across the family. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The British Association for Psychopharmacology (BAP) coordinated a meeting of experts to review and revise its first (2006) Guidelines for clinical practice with anti-dementia drugs. As before, levels of evidence were rated using accepted standards which were then translated into grades of recommendation A to D, with A having the strongest evidence base (from randomized controlled trials) and D the weakest (case studies or expert opinion). Current clinical diagnostic criteria for dementia have sufficient accuracy to be applied in clinical practice (B) and brain imaging can improve diagnostic accuracy (B). Cholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine) are effective for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (A) and memantine for moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease (A). Until further evidence is available other drugs, including statins, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin E and Ginkgo biloba, cannot be recommended either for the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's disease (A). Neither cholinesterase inhibitors nor memantine are effective in those with mild cognitive impairment (A). Cholinesterase inhibitors are not effective in frontotemporal dementia and may cause agitation (A), though selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may help behavioural (but not cognitive) features (B). Cholinesterase inhibitors should be used for the treatment of people with Lewy body dementias (Parkinson's disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)), especially for neuropsychiatric symptoms (A). Cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine can produce cognitive improvements in DLB (A). There is no clear evidence that any intervention can prevent or delay the onset of dementia. Although the consensus statement focuses on medication, psychological interventions can be effective in addition to pharmacotherapy, both for cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms. Many novel pharmacological approaches involving strategies to reduce amyloid and/or tau deposition are in progress. Although results of pivotal studies are awaited, results to date have been equivocal and no disease-modifying agents are either licensed or can be currently recommended for clinical use.


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A random dialing telephone survey of 1,071 60+ year-olds in 4 Ontario communities identified 553 (52%) users of natural health products. Mean age was 72 yrs (min-max:60-95); 76% were female. The most frequently reported natural health products were: echinacea (27%), glucosamine (26%), garlic (20%), ginkgo biloba (10%), St. John's wort (5%), ginseng (5%), flax seed oil (3%), evening primrose oil (2%), devil's claw (2%), saw palmetto (2%). Natural source vitamin use was reported by 24% of users, and 6% reporting using herbal teas. 51% of users used 2 or more herbal products and 8% used 5 or more products. 19% of herbal users also used a conventional prescription drug to manage the same health problem as the herbal product. The reported range of monthly expenditures for these products varied from a few cents (grew their own) to $288 (CAN). Thirty-five percent of users did not know the price of at least one of their natural products. Of the 75% of respondents willing to disclose their annual household income ($CAN), 20 had an income of $46,000. The widespread use and potential for significant expenditure of limited resources would suggest that more study is required into the efficacy, safety and value of these products.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Microbiana, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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In the last 50 years science has provided new perspectives on the ancient art of herbal medicine. The present article discusses ways in which the evidence base for the professional use of 'Western' herbal medicine, as therapy to treat disease, known as phytotherapy, can be strengthened and developed. The evidence base for phytotherapy is small and lags behind that for the nutritional sciences, mainly because phytochemicals are ingested as complex mixtures that are incompletely characterised and have only relatively recently been subject to scientific scrutiny. While some methodologies developed for the nutritional sciences can inform phytotherapy research, opportunities for observational studies are more limited, although greater use could be made of patient case notes. Randomised clinical trials of single-herb interventions are relatively easy to undertake and increasing numbers of such studies are being published. Indeed, enough data are available on three herbs (ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) and saw palmetto (Serenoa repens)) for meta-analyses to have been undertaken. However, phytotherapy is holistic therapy, using lifestyle advice, nutrition and individually-prescribed mixtures of herbs aimed at reinstating homeostasis. While clinical experience shows that this approach is applicable to a wide range of conditions, including chronic disease, evidence of its efficacy is scarce. Strategies for investigating the full holistic approach of phytotherapy and its main elements are discussed and illustrated through the author's studies at the University of Reading.