999 resultados para Germanium (Ge)


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The cation\[Si,C,O](+) has been generated by 1) the electron ionisation (EI) of tetramethoxysilane and 2) chemical ionisation (CI) of a mixture of silane and carbon monoxide. Collisional activation (CA) experiments performed for mass-selected \[Si,C,O](+), generated by using both methods, indicate that the structure is not inserted OSiC+; however, a definitive structural assignment as Si+-CO, Si+-OC or some cyclic variant is impossible based on these results alone. Neutralisation-reionisation (+NR+) experiments for EI-generated \[Si,C,O](+) reveal a small peak corresponding to SiC+, but no detectable SiO+ signal, and thus establishes the existence of the Si+-CO isomer. CCSD(T)//B3LYP calculations employing a triple-zeta basis set have been used to explore the doublet and quartet potential-energy surfaces of the cation, as well as some important neutral states The results suggest that both Si+-CO and Si+ - OC isomers are feasible; however, the global minimum is (2)Pi SiCO+. Isomeric (2)Pi SiOC+ is 12.1 kcal mol(-1) less stable than (2)Pi SiCO+, and all quartet isomers are much higher in energy. The corresponding neutrals Si-CO and Si-OC are also feasible, but the lowest energy Si - OC isomer ((3)A") is bound by only 1.5 kcal mol(-1). We attribute most, if nor all, of the recovery signal in the +NR' experiment to SiCO+ survivor ions. The nature of the bonding in the lowest energy isomers of Si+ -(CO,OC) is interpreted with the aid of natural bond order analyses, and the ground stale bonding of SiCO+ is discussed in relation to classical analogues such as metal carbonyls and ketenes.


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Ge islands with areas up to hundreds of μm2 were grown on Si(111). These islands, grown above 750 °C and at a deposition rate of 1 monolayer/min, become decreasingly compact with increasing size and can have nonuniform cross sections with heights reaching over 500 nm. The largest islands are ramified, often comprising multiple discrete parts. X-rayphotoemission electron microscopy absorption maps show that the islands have a higher concentration of Ge at their centers, with more Si near the edges. We propose that the shape transformation is driven by strain relief at the island perimeters.


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Crystallization of amorphous germanium (a-Ge) by laser or electron beam heating is a remarkably complex process that involves several distinct modes of crystal growth and the development of intricate microstructural patterns on the nanosecond to ten microsecond time scales. Here we use dynamic transmission electron microscopy (DTEM) to study the fast, complex crystallization dynamics with 10 nm spatial and 15 ns temporal resolution. We have obtained time-resolved real-space images of nanosecond laser-induced crystallization in a-Ge with unprecedentedly high spatial resolution. Direct visualization of the crystallization front allows for time-resolved snapshots of the initiation and roughening of the dendrites on submicrosecond time scales. This growth is followed by a rapid transition to a ledgelike growth mechanism that produces a layered microstructure on a time scale of several microseconds. This study provides insights into the mechanisms governing this complex crystallization process and is a dramatic demonstration of the power of DTEM for studying time-dependent material processes far from equilibrium.


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The crystallization of amorphous semiconductors is a strongly exothermic process. Once initiated the release of latent heat can be sufficient to drive a self-sustaining crystallization front through the material in a manner that has been described as explosive. Here, we perform a quantitative in situ study of explosive crystallization in amorphous germanium using dynamic transmission electron microscopy. Direct observations of the speed of the explosive crystallization front as it evolves along a laser-imprinted temperature gradient are used to experimentally determine the complete interface response function (i.e., the temperature-dependent front propagation speed) for this process, which reaches a peak of 16 m/s. Fitting to the Frenkel-Wilson kinetic law demonstrates that the diffusivity of the material locally/immediately in advance of the explosive crystallization front is inconsistent with those of a liquid phase. This result suggests a modification to the liquid-mediated mechanism commonly used to describe this process that replaces the phase change at the leading amorphous-liquid interface with a change in bonding character (from covalent to metallic) occurring in the hot amorphous material.


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Recent observation of n-type conduction in amorphous Ge20Ss_xBix at large bismuth concentrations (x = 11), which otherwise shows p-type conduction, has aroused considerable interest in the international scientific community [1]. The mechanism of such impurity incorporation in a germanium chalcogenide glass is not understood and is a topic of current interest. In our recent publications [2-10] we have brought to light some hitherto unknown and interesting features of bismuth dopants in chalcogen-rich Ge-X (X -- S, Se) glassy compositions. In this communication we present our new results of investigations on vitreous semiconductors Ge20S80 Bi using electron microscopy, electron diffraction of as-prepared and annealed/pressure quenched compositions. Our results provide conclusive support to the formation of composite clusters containing all the three elements, germanium, sulphur and bismuth, which crystallize in simpler stoichiometric compounds Bi2S3 and GeS2.


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We report the material and electrical properties of Erbium Oxide (Er2O3) thin films grown on n-Ge (100) by RF sputtering. The properties of the films are correlated with the processing conditions. The structural characterization reveals that the films annealed at 550 degrees C, has densified as compared to the as-grown ones. Fixed oxide charges and interface charges, both of the order of 10(13)/cm(2) is observed.


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We demonstrate the depinning of Fermi level on both p- and n-type germanium after sulfur passivation by aqueous (NH4)(2)S treatment. Schottky contacts realized using metals with a wide range of work functions produce nearly ideal behavior confirming that the Fermi level is depinned. Examination of the passivated surface using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals bonding between Ge and sulfur.It is shown that good Ohmic contacts to n-type Ge and a hole barrier height (phi(Bp)) of 0.6 eV to p-type Ge can be achieved after this passivation treatment, with Zr Schottky contacts. This is the highest phi(Bp) reported so far.


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Si and Ge were cleaved on the (111) plane under ultra high vacuum and exposed to O and subsequent heat treatment. LEED and spot photometric measurements were taken. Cleaved surfaces for both Si and Ge gave the expected (2 x 1) structure. Results for O exposure were qualitatively for Si and Ge. The 1/2 orders disappeared after exposure to approx = 10 exp - exp 7. Integral orders started to weaken at 10 exp -6 to 10 exp - exp 2 torr min., disappearing at 10 exp -1 torr min. Heat treatment of Si at 900 deg C for several seconds restored the integral orders and further heating gave a new pattern with 1/3 orders. Exposure to 2 x 10 exp -6 torr min O without further heating weakened the fractional orders and at 10 exp -5 torr min they disappeared. Integral orders remained after further heating in O. For Ge integral orders were not restored after 0 exposure until heat treatment had continued at 550 deg C for several min. The (1 x 1) structure disappeared after heating at 590 deg C in 7 x 10 exp -1 torr O and further heating at 590 deg C without O restored the integral order Variations of intensity with voltage were measured for the (00) and (20) spots. The results supported a model proposed by Haneman (Phys. Rev., 1968, 170, 705) involving two kinds of atom sites on the cleaved surface. 20 ref.--E.J.S.


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A high contrast laser writing technique based on laser induced efficient chemical oxidation in insitu textured Ge films is demonstrated. Free running Nd-YAG laser pulses are used for irradiating the films. The irradiation effects have been characterised using optical microscopy, electron spectroscopy and microdensitometry. The mechanism for the observed contrast has been identified as due to formation of GeO2 phase upon laser irradiation using X-ray initiated Auger spectroscopy (XAES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The contrast in the present films is found to be nearly five times more than that known due to GeO phase formation in similar films.


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We observe a sharp feature in the ultra-low-temperature magnetoconductivity of degenerately doped Ge:Sb at H∼25 kOe, which is robust up to at least three times the critical density for the insulator-metal transition. This field corresponds to a low-energy scale characteristic of the special nature of antimony donors in germanium. Its presence and sensitivity to uniaxial stress confirm the notion of metallic impurity bands in doped germanium.


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A precise X-ray investigation is carried out to probe the lowest-order anharmonic contribution of the atomic potential of the germanium atom. A total number of 1052 reflections (h + k + l = 4n and 4n +/- 1) are precisely measured at room temperature using a spherical single crystal of germanium and using a Nonius CAD-4 X-ray diffractometer with crystal monochromatized MoKalpha radiation. A least-square refinement program is used to refine the harmonic and anharmonic thermal parameters of the crystal. The refinement gives beta(Ge) = (-0.749 +/- 1.79) x 10-(16) J nm-3 with B(Ge) = (0.528 +/- 0.004) x 10(-2) nm2. The reliability index (R) amounts to 1.71% for germanium.


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We propose and demonstrate a technique for electrical detection of polarized spins in semiconductors in zero applied magnetic fields. Spin polarization is generated by optical injection using circularly polarized light which is modulated rapidly using an electro-optic cell. The modulated spin polarization generates a weak time-varying magnetic field which is detected by a sensitive radio-frequency coil. Using a calibrated pickup coil and amplification electronics, clear signals were obtained for bulk GaAs and Ge samples from which an optical spin orientation efficiency of 4.8% could be determined for Ge at 1342 nm excitation wavelength. In the presence of a small external magnetic field, the signal decayed according to the Hanle effect, from which a spin lifetime of 4.6 +/- 1.0 ns for electrons in bulk Ge at 127 K was extracted.


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Thin foils of copper, silver and gold were equilibrated with tetragonal GeO2 under controlled View the MathML source gas streams at 1000 K. The equilibrium concentration of germanium in the foils was determined by the X-ray fluorescence technique. The standard free energy of formation of tetragonal GeO2 was measured by a solid oxide galvanic cell. The chemical potential of germanium calculated from the experimental data and the free energies of formation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide was found to decrease in the sequence Ag + Ge > Au + Ge > Cu + Ge. The more negative value for the chemical potential of germanium in solid copper, compared to that in solid gold, cannot be explained in terms of the strain energy factor, electro-negativity differences or the vaporization energies of the solvent, and suggests that the d band and its hybridization with s electrons are an important factor in determining the absolute values for the chemical potential in dilute solutions. However, the variation of the chemical potential with solute concentration can be correlated to the concentration of s and p electrons in the outer shell.


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Modulation-doped two-dimensional hole gas structures consisting of a strained germanium channel on relaxed Ge0.7Si0.3 buffer layers were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. Sample processing was optimized to substantially reduce the contribution from the parasitic conducting layers. Very high hall mobilities of 1700 cm2/V s for holes were observed at 295 K which are the highest reported to date for any kind of p-type silicon-based heterostructures. Hall measurements were carried out from 13 to 300 K to determine the temperature dependence of the mobility and carrier concentration. The carrier concentration at room temperature was 7.9×1011 cm−2 and decreased by only 26% at 13 K, indicating very little parallel conduction. The high-temperature mobility obeys a T−α behavior with α∼2, which can be attributed to intraband optical phonon scattering.


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In-filled and Ge-doped Co4Sb12 skutterudites materials were synthesized by an induction melting process which was followed by annealing at 650 degrees C for 7 days. A structural, compositional, and morphological study was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron probe micro analysis (EPMA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The formation of a single skutterudite phase (delta-CoSb3) was confirmed by XRD and the composition of all the samples was verified by EPMA. The homogeneity and morphology of the samples was observed by potential Seebeck microprobe (PSM) and SEM, respectively. The PSM result confirmed the inhomogeneity of the samples. The temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity were measured in the temperature range of 300-650 K. The samples of In0.16Co4Sb12-xGex (x = 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2) show a negative Seebeck coefficient confirming an n-type conductivity and the In0.16Co4Sb11.7Ge0.3 sample shows a positive Seebeck coefficient confirming a p-type conductivity. There was a change in the Seebeck coefficient from an n-type to a p-type at the doping concentration of x = 0.3 due to the excess Ge which increases in hole carrier concentration. Electrical conductivity decreases with an increase in Ge doping concentrations and with increases in temperature due to the bipolar effect. Thermal conductivity increases with an increase in carrier concentration and decreases when the temperature is increased. The highest ZT = 0.58 was achieved by In0.16Co4 Sb11.95Ge0.05 at 673K and In-filled and Ge-doped Co4Sb12 was not effective in improving the figure of merit. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3677982]