826 resultados para Geometric representation


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High-angle grain boundary migration is predicted during geometric dynamic recrystallization (GDRX) by two types of mathematical models. Both models consider the driving pressure due to curvature and a sinusoidal driving pressure owing to subgrain walls connected to the grain boundary. One model is based on the finite difference solution of a kinetic equation, and the other, on a numerical technique in which the boundary is subdivided into linear segments. The models show that an initially flat boundary becomes serrated, with the peak and valley migrating into both adjacent grains, as observed during GDRX. When the sinusoidal driving pressure amplitude is smaller than 2 pi, the boundary stops migrating, reaching an equilibrium shape. Otherwise, when the amplitude is larger than 2 pi, equilibrium is never reached and the boundary migrates indefinitely, which would cause the protrusions of two serrated parallel boundaries to impinge on each other, creating smaller equiaxed grains.


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Pipeline systems play a key role in the petroleum business. These operational systems provide connection between ports and/or oil fields and refineries (upstream), as well as between these and consumer markets (downstream). The purpose of this work is to propose a novel MINLP formulation based on a continuous time representation for the scheduling of multiproduct pipeline systems that must supply multiple consumer markets. Moreover, it also considers that the pipeline operates intermittently and that the pumping costs depend on the booster stations yield rates, which in turn may generate different flow rates. The proposed continuous time representation is compared with a previously developed discrete time representation [Rejowski, R., Jr., & Pinto, J. M. (2004). Efficient MILP formulations and valid cuts for multiproduct pipeline scheduling. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 1511] in terms of solution quality and computational performance. The influence of the number of time intervals that represents the transfer operation is studied and several configurations for the booster stations are tested. Finally, the proposed formulation is applied to a larger case, in which several booster configurations with different numbers of stages are tested. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The canonical representation of speech constitutes a perfect reconstruction (PR) analysis-synthesis system. Its parameters are the autoregressive (AR) model coefficients, the pitch period and the voiced and unvoiced components of the excitation represented as transform coefficients. Each set of parameters may be operated on independently. A time-frequency unvoiced excitation (TFUNEX) model is proposed that has high time resolution and selective frequency resolution. Improved time-frequency fit is obtained by using for antialiasing cancellation the clustering of pitch-synchronous transform tracks defined in the modulation transform domain. The TFUNEX model delivers high-quality speech while compressing the unvoiced excitation representation about 13 times over its raw transform coefficient representation for wideband speech.


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This work considers a semi-implicit system A, that is, a pair (S, y), where S is an explicit system described by a state representation (x)over dot(t) = f(t, x(t), u(t)), where x(t) is an element of R(n) and u(t) is an element of R(m), which is subject to a set of algebraic constraints y(t) = h(t, x(t), u(t)) = 0, where y(t) is an element of R(l). An input candidate is a set of functions v = (v(1),.... v(s)), which may depend on time t, on x, and on u and its derivatives up to a Finite order. The problem of finding a (local) proper state representation (z)over dot = g(t, z, v) with input v for the implicit system Delta is studied in this article. The main result shows necessary and sufficient conditions for the solution of this problem, under mild assumptions on the class of admissible state representations of Delta. These solvability conditions rely on an integrability test that is computed from the explicit system S. The approach of this article is the infinite-dimensional differential geometric setting of Fliess, Levine, Martin, and Rouchon (1999) (`A Lie-Backlund Approach to Equivalence and Flatness of Nonlinear Systems`, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(5), (922-937)).


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This work studies the turbo decoding of Reed-Solomon codes in QAM modulation schemes for additive white Gaussian noise channels (AWGN) by using a geometric approach. Considering the relations between the Galois field elements of the Reed-Solomon code and the symbols combined with their geometric dispositions in the QAM constellation, a turbo decoding algorithm, based on the work of Chase and Pyndiah, is developed. Simulation results show that the performance achieved is similar to the one obtained with the pragmatic approach with binary decomposition and analysis.


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This work considers a nonlinear time-varying system described by a state representation, with input u and state x. A given set of functions v, which is not necessarily the original input u of the system, is the (new) input candidate. The main result provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a local classical state space representation with input v. These conditions rely on integrability tests that are based on a derived flag. As a byproduct, one obtains a sufficient condition of differential flatness of nonlinear systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the protein folding problem, solvent-mediated forces are commonly represented by intra-chain pairwise contact energy. Although this approximation has proven to be useful in several circumstances, it is limited in some other aspects of the problem. Here we show that it is possible to achieve two models to represent the chain-solvent system. one of them with implicit and other with explicit solvent, such that both reproduce the same thermodynamic results. Firstly, lattice models treated by analytical methods, were used to show that the implicit and explicitly representation of solvent effects can be energetically equivalent only if local solvent properties are time and spatially invariant. Following, applying the same reasoning Used for the lattice models, two inter-consistent Monte Carlo off-lattice models for implicit and explicit solvent are constructed, being that now in the latter the solvent properties are allowed to fluctuate. Then, it is shown that the chain configurational evolution as well as the globule equilibrium conformation are significantly distinct for implicit and explicit solvent systems. Actually, strongly contrasting with the implicit solvent version, the explicit solvent model predicts: (i) a malleable globule, in agreement with the estimated large protein-volume fluctuations; (ii) thermal conformational stability, resembling the conformational hear resistance of globular proteins, in which radii of gyration are practically insensitive to thermal effects over a relatively wide range of temperatures; and (iii) smaller radii of gyration at higher temperatures, indicating that the chain conformational entropy in the unfolded state is significantly smaller than that estimated from random coil configurations. Finally, we comment on the meaning of these results with respect to the understanding of the folding process. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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One of the goals of the ARC funded Eresearch project called Sharing access and analytical tools for ethnographic digital media using high speed networks, or simply EthnoER is to take outputs of normal linguistic analytical processes and present them online in a system we have called the EthnoER online presentation and annotation system, or EOPAS.


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Traditional waste stabilisation pond (WSP) models encounter problems predicting pond performance because they cannot account for the influence of pond features, such as inlet structure or pond geometry, on fluid hydrodynamics. In this study, two dimensional (2-D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were compared to experimental residence time distributions (RTD) from literature. In one of the-three geometries simulated, the 2-D CFD model successfully predicted the experimental RTD. However, flow patterns in the other two geometries were not well described due to the difficulty of representing the three dimensional (3-D) experimental inlet in the 2-D CFD model, and the sensitivity of the model results to the assumptions used to characterise the inlet. Neither a velocity similarity nor geometric similarity approach to inlet representation in 2-D gave results correlating with experimental data. However. it was shown that 2-D CFD models were not affected by changes in values of model parameters which are difficult to predict, particularly the turbulent inlet conditions. This work suggests that 2-D CFD models cannot be used a priori to give an adequate description of the hydrodynamic patterns in WSP. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Montreal Process indicators are intended to provide a common framework for assessing and reviewing progress toward sustainable forest management. The potential of a combined geometrical-optical/spectral mixture analysis model was assessed for mapping the Montreal Process age class and successional age indicators at a regional scale using Landsat Thematic data. The project location is an area of eucalyptus forest in Emu Creek State Forest, Southeast Queensland, Australia. A quantitative model relating the spectral reflectance of a forest to the illumination geometry, slope, and aspect of the terrain surface and the size, shape, and density, and canopy size. Inversion of this model necessitated the use of spectral mixture analysis to recover subpixel information on the fractional extent of ground scene elements (such as sunlit canopy, shaded canopy, sunlit background, and shaded background). Results obtained fron a sensitivity analysis allowed improved allocation of resources to maximize the predictive accuracy of the model. It was found that modeled estimates of crown cover projection, canopy size, and tree densities had significant agreement with field and air photo-interpreted estimates. However, the accuracy of the successional stage classification was limited. The results obtained highlight the potential for future integration of high and moderate spatial resolution-imaging sensors for monitoring forest structure and condition. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 2000.


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We study the level-one irreducible highest weight representations of the quantum affine superalgebra U-q[sl((N) over cap\1)], and calculate their characters and supercharacters. We obtain bosonized q-vertex operators acting on the irreducible U-q[sl((N) over cap\1)] modules and derive the exchange relations satisfied by the vertex operators. We give the bosonization of the multicomponent super t-J model by using the bosonized vertex operators. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0022- 2488(00)00508-9].


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The experiment examined the influence of memory for prior instances on aircraft conflict detection. Participants saw pairs of similar aircraft repeatedly conflict with each other. Performance improvements suggest that participants credited the conflict status of familiar aircraft pairs to repeated static features such as speed, and dynamic features such as aircraft relative position. Participants missed conflicts when a conflict pair resembled a pair that had repeatedly passed safely. Participants either did not attend to, or interpret, the bearing of aircraft correctly as a result of false memory-based expectations. Implications for instance models and situational awareness in dynamic systems are discussed.


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In order to analyse the effect of modelling assumptions in a formal, rigorous way, a syntax of modelling assumptions has been defined. The syntax of modelling assumptions enables us to represent modelling assumptions as transformations acting on the set of model equations. The notion of syntactical correctness and semantical consistency of sets of modelling assumptions is defined and methods for checking them are described. It is shown on a simple example how different modelling assumptions act on the model equations and their effect on the differential index of the resulted model is also indicated.


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The ground and excited state geometry of the six-coordinate copper(II) ion is examined in detail using the CuF64- and Cu(H2O)(6)(2+) complexes as examples. A variety of spectroscopic techniques are used to illustrate the relations between the geometric and electronic properties of these complexes through the characterization of their potential energy surfaces.