951 resultados para Geology--Switzerland--Maps
Soil erosion models and soil erosion risk maps are often used as indicators to assess potential soil erosion in order to assist policy decisions. This paper shows the scientific basis of the soil erosion risk map of Switzerland and its application in policy and practice. Linking a USLE/RUSLE-based model approach (AVErosion) founded on multiple flow algorithms and the unit contributing area concept with an extremely precise and high-resolution digital terrain model (2 m × 2 m grid) using GIS allows for a realistic assessment of the potential soil erosion risk, on single plots, i.e. uniform and comprehensive for the agricultural area of Switzerland (862,579 ha in the valley area and the lower mountain regions). The national or small-scale soil erosion prognosis has thus reached a level heretofore possible only in smaller catchment areas or single plots. Validation was carried out using soil loss data from soil erosion damage mappings in the field from long-term monitoring in different test areas. 45% of the evaluated agricultural area of Switzerland was classified as low potential erosion risk, 12% as moderate potential erosion risk, and 43% as high potential erosion risk. However, many of the areas classified as high potential erosion risk are located at the transition from valley to mountain zone, where many areas are used as permanent grassland, which drastically lowers their current erosion risk. The present soil erosion risk map serves on the one hand to identify and prioritise the high-erosion risk areas, and on the other hand to promote awareness amongst farmers and authorities. It was published on the internet and will be made available to the authorities in digital form. It is intended as a tool for simplifying and standardising enforcement of the legal framework for soil erosion prevention in Switzerland. The work therefore provides a successful example of cooperation between science, policy and practice.
The intensive postwar search for new petroleum horizons has resulted in widespread prospecting in the northern Great Plains. No commercial production has as yet been derived from Ordovician or Devonian rocks in Montana, but the relatively few tests that have penetrated to critical depths have disclosed encouraging conditions which merit further consideration, especially in Devonian strata.
Cardiomyopathies are myocardial diseases that lead to cardiac dysfunction, heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden death. In human medicine, cardiomyopathies frequently warrant heart transplantation in children and adults. Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) is a heart muscle disorder that has been observed during the last 30 years in cattle of Holstein-Friesian origin. In Switzerland BDCMP affects Swiss Fleckvieh and Red Holstein breeds. BDCMP is characterized by a cardiac enlargement with ventricular remodeling and chamber dilatation. The common symptoms in affected animals are subacute subcutaneous edema, congestion of the jugular veins, and tachycardia with gallop rhythm. A cardiomegaly with dilatation and hypertrophy of all heart chambers, myocardial degeneration, and fibrosis are typical postmortem findings. It was shown that all BDCMP cases reported worldwide traced back to a red factor-carrying Holstein-Friesian bull, ABC Reflection Sovereign. An autosomal recessive mode of inheritance was proposed for BDCMP. Recently, the disease locus was mapped to a 6.7-Mb interval MSBDCMP06-BMS2785 on bovine Chr 18 (BTA18). In the present study the BDCMP locus was fine mapped by using a combined strategy of homozygosity mapping and association study. A BAC contig of 2.9 Mb encompassing the crucial interval was constructed to establish the correct marker order on BTA18. We show that the disease locus is located in a gene-rich interval of 1.0 Mb and is flanked by the microsatellite markers DIK3006 and MSBDCMP51.
In 1947, Switzerland was affected by a heat period of large spatial and temporal extent and rare occurrence. The heatwaves of 1947 can be compared with the events of 2003 in terms of intensity and duration. The summer of 1947 is studied based on the analysis of MeteoSwiss station data as well as the “Twentieth Century Reanalysis” (20CR) data set. Heatwaves were defined as six consecutive exceedances of the local 90th percentile of temperature. Five different heatwaves were identified which struck Switzerland during the summer of 1947. The most intense heatwave event is analysed in more detail. The meteorological situation was characterized by a high-pressure bridge over Central Europe. Based on a comparison with literature and with observations, the applicability of the 20CR dataset for the meteorological analysis of heatwave events could be demonstrated. The representation of the heat period in summer 1947 in 20CR is satisfactory when compared with station data, albeit with a temperature bias due to differences in topography. Hence, heatwaves cannot be defined using an absolute threshold. We conclude that 20CR is applicable for an overview of the meteorological patterns characterizing a heat wave but may not reproduce local details.
This paper studies the representation of a drought period that affected Central Europe from 1945 to 1949 in the “Twentieth Century Reanalysis” (20CR). We analysed temperature and precipitation fields in 20CR and compared them to other data products. From the monthly precipitation rate at a 20CR grid point in the Swiss Plateau, the Standardised Precipitation Index over six months (SPI6) was calculated and compared with the corresponding index calculated from station data. For additional analyses, 20CR soil moisture, run off, and evaporation data were used. 20CR well reproduces the temperature and precipitation anomalies over Central Europe during this period, although during 1947, the precipitation anomaly is shifted to the east as compared to observations. With respect to the SPI6 index, the agreement between 20CR and station data is good except again for 1947 (conversely, drought was overestimated in 20CR for 1945 and 1949). Low SPI values in 20CR are accompanied by negative soil moisture anomalies and a negative water balance. Thus, apart from the shift in the spatial drought pattern in 1947, the drought is depicted in a realistic way in 20CR.
The flood seasonality of catchments in Switzerland is likely to change under climate change because of anticipated alterations of precipitation as well as snow accumulation and melt. Information on this change is crucial for flood protection policies, for example, or regional flood frequency analysis. We analysed projected changes in mean annual and maximum floods of a 22-year period for 189 catchments in Switzerland and two scenario periods in the 21st century based on an ensemble of climate scenarios. The flood seasonality was analysed with directional statistics that allow assessing both changes in the mean date a flood occurs as well as changes in the strength of the seasonality. We found that the simulated change in flood seasonality is a function of the change in flow regime type. If snow accumulation and melt is important in a catchment during the control period, then the anticipated change in flood seasonality is most pronounced. Decreasing summer precipitation in the scenarios additionally affects the flood seasonality (mean date of flood occurrence) and leads to a decreasing strength of seasonality, that is a higher temporal variability in most cases. The magnitudes of mean annual floods and more clearly of maximum floods (in a 22-year period) are expected to increase in the future because of changes in flood-generating processes and scaled extreme precipitation. Southern alpine catchments show a different signal, though: the simulated mean annual floods decrease in the far future, that is at the end of the 21st century. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.