743 resultados para Genetic psychology -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Congresses
La Xarxa d’Innovació Docent d’Avaluació està formada per un grup de vuit professores i professors de diferents estudis i departaments de la UdG. És una xarxa formada el curs 2009/10 i té com a objectiu fonamental implementar innovacions a l’avaluació de les assignatures dels membres per tal de millorar-les. Els objectius de la present comunicació es poden resumir en: - Presentar els canvis en els sistema d’avaluació de 3 assignatures de membres de la Xarxa i l’anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts. - Plantejar els principals impactes en la docència fruit de la participació a la Xarxa d’Innovació Docent d’Avaluació dels diferents membres. - Plantejar la proposta de treball de la XID d’Avaluació pel curs 2011-2012.
Es presenten les línies mestres del treball de la Xarxa d’Innovació Docent sobre Aprenentatge Cooperatiu (XIDAC) de la UdG durant el curs 2010-2011.
Australian universities now commonly list creativity amongst the generic attributes that graduates are expected to have achieved or demonstrated upon graduation. While this reflects emerging local and global trends to encourage creativity at every educational level, creativity as a generic capability has special difficulties. These include problems of definition, its perceived value, the gap between espoused beliefs and practice, and tensions between standards and accreditation agendas and the desire to embed creative outcomes in the curriculum. Contextual and disciplinary differences also shape the expression of creative teaching and teaching for creativity. This paper explores these issues, acknowledging the role of information and communications technologies in shaping the technology-enhanced learning spaces where creativity may emerge. Csikszentmihalyi’s model of creativity as a system of interactions is presented as a useful foundation for furthering the discourse in this domain, along with the notion of creative ecologies as spaces for effecting change.
This study was an investigation of individual and organizational factors, as perceived by front-line vocational service workers from Adult Rehabilitation Centres (ARC Industries) for mentally retarded adults. The specific variables which were measured included role conflict/role ambiguity (role factors), internal/external locus of control (individual differences), job satisfaction with work and supervision (job attitudes) and participation in deci~ion making (organizational factor). The exploration of these constructs was conducted by means of self-report questionnaires which were completed by sixty-nine out of a total of ninety front-line employees. The surveys were distributed in booklet form to nine distinct rehabilitation facilities from St. Catharines, West Lincoln, Greater Niagara, Port Colborne, WeIland, Fort Erie, Hamilton, Guelph and Brantford. The survey data was evaluated by the statisti.cal Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) which used the Pearson Product Moment Correlation procedure and a compar~son of means test. A comparison of correlation coefficients test was also conducted. This statistical procedure was calculated mathematically. The results obtained from the statistical evaluation confirmed the prediction that self-reported measures of participation in decision making and satisfaction (work and supervision) would be negatively correlated with role conflict and role ambiguity. As well, the speculation that perceived satisfaction (work and supervision) would be positively correlated with participation in decision making was empirically supported. Internal and external locus of control did not contribute to a significant difference in r~sponses to role perceptions (conflict and ambiguity) , satisfaction (work and supervision) or the correlational relationship between participation in decision making and satisfaction (work and supervision). Overall, the findings from this study substantiated the importance of examining employee perceptions in the workplace and the interrelationships among individual and organizational variables. This research was considered a contribution to the general area of occupational stress and to the study of individuals in work organizations.
El autoconcepto ha sido objeto de estudio tradicional en la Psicología, destacando la importancia del dominio físico, especialmente durante la adolescencia, periodo vital caracterizado por un fuerte descenso en sus niveles, que determinan, entre otros, el establecimiento de hábitos de vida y decisiones conductuales más o menos saludables. Con el objetivo de aumentar el autoconocimiento, mejorar el autoconcepto físico y facilitar la adquisición de herramientas para el trabajo personal así como profesional, se propone la aplicación autónoma de un programa educativo de corte cognitivo sobre un grupo de alumnado universitario. La evaluación del programa muestra su utilidad para fomentar el autoaprendizaje tanto de aspectos teóricos acerca del autoconcepto como de estrategias prácticas para su mejora
Spurred on by both the 1987 Pearce Report1 and the general changes to higher education spawned by the “Dawkins revolution” from 1988, there has been much critical self-evaluation leading to profound improvements to the quality of teaching in Australian law schools.2 Despite the changes there are still areas of general law teaching practice which have lagged behind recent developments in our understanding of what constitutes high quality teaching. One such area is assessment criteria and feedback. The project Improving Feedback in Student Assessment in Law is an attempt to remedy this. It aims to produce a manual containing key principles for the design of assessment and the provision of feedback, with practical yet flexible ideas and illustrations which law teachers may adopt or modify. Most of the examples have been developed by teachers at the University of Melbourne Law School. The project was supported in 1996 by a Committee for the Advancement of University Teaching grant and the manual will be published late in 1997.3 This note summarises the core principles which are elaborated further in the manual.
This study addressed the problem of instructor support for self-directed learning, specifically, learner-directed program planning, within a classroom setting in higher education. A combination of survey, interview, document analysis, and observation was used to assess and evaluate the attitudes and practices of a sample of full-time faculty at an Ontario university. Eighty-seven percent of the study sample reported instructional beliefs, values, and expectations that were not supportive of self-directed learning, especially in terms of student participation in program planning. Planning was seen as the responsibility of the instructor. Instructors were least open to student participation in the planning of the evaluation of learning. However, there was considerable stated support for other of the basic principles of adult education. The remaining 13% of the study sample reported instructional beliefs, values, and expectations that were fully supportive of self-directed learning. Instructional practices were analyzed in relation to the instructors' stated beliefs. Although practices reflected, in many instances, instructors' statements of support, there were some significant discrepancies between apparent support for the concept of self-directed learning and actual classroom practice. Both beliefs and practice were compared to a research model of self-directed learning. Most instructors did not have a concept of self-directed learning as comprehensive as that described in the research model. Instructor support for self-directed learning was profoundly influenced by the university setting. It was concluded that more strenuous attempts to research, enhance, and promote instructional and institutional support for self-directed learning in higher education are warranted.
The purpose of this qualitative inquiry was to determine how the Practical Nursing and Pharmacy Technician programs in one southern Ontario community college could more effectively accommodate ESL learners' communication needs. The literature review examined (a) linguistic issues, such as language testing and second-language learning theories, (b) organizational matters, such as ESL curriculum and teacher training, and (c) affective issues, such as motivation for second-language learning, learning styles, and the student-teacher relationship. I gathered perceptual data from the programs' administrators, faculty members, and ESL learners. Eleven participants took part in individual interviews or a focus group session. The results suggest that ESL learners need assistance with discipline-specific vocabulary and cultural nuances. College ESL learners' weak communicative competence, together with misleading acceptance standards for ESL learners and limited support available to faculty members and to students, decrease opportunities for successful completion of the programs. The results point to re-assessment of the college's admission policies and procedures, program evaluation practices that consider the needs of ESL learners, discipline-specific language support, and strategies to enhance the ESL student-teacher relationship. The study highlights theory relating to ESL learners' self-perception and engagement, as well as the importance of including the voice of college ESL learners in educational research. The results suggest that despite ESL learners' perseverance in completing their studies, power imbalances remain. The college has yet to implement organizational strategies such as discipline-specific communications and ESL courses and extended language support that could meet the communication needs of ESL learners in the two programs.
En la present comunicació, parlo del camí personal que m'ha portat a fer un taller de contacontes en francès, dins los estudis de Filologia francesa a la UB. Parlo també del propi taller, explicant en què consistix. I finalment, descric en què este nou format taller per fer classes de francès llengua estrangera integra maneres de fer i de concebre de la Teràpia Gestalt. Durant lo meu camí d'experiència docent, que ja passa dels quinze anys, me confronto en alguns prejudicis didàctics que em fan qüestionar-me bàsicament la manera de fer les classes. També perquè la diversitat del públic assistent no facilita gens una didàctica de caire transmissiu. Així, desenvolupant un interès per un aprenentatge real i consistent, vaig integrant cada vegada més una modalitat pràctica i interactiva a l'aula. Lo qual coïncidix en les tendències més recents d'ensenyament/aprenentatge on se proposa un centrament en l'aprenent. Est interès per la modalitat d'aprenentatge s'ajunta en una investigació i formació personal en Teràpia Gestalt que començo a desenvolupar fa uns cinc o sis anys. I és esta formació fonamentalment experiencial la que m'ajuda a concebre progressivament la situació de classe des d'un punt de vista holístic o global. El resultat és que començo a fer una assignatura en forma de taller de creativitat, en la llengua estrangera estudiada, el francès. Bàsicament és un taller de contacontes, on fem exercicis de corp-oralitat per a què l'alumne pugue aconseguir passar a escena, explicar una història i fer-ho en francès. En est escenari l'alumne necessita molta confiança, i és aquí on pot entrar eficaçment una actitud gestàltica de part del docent. Així, si com a docent busco enfortir i encoratjar la pràctica de l'alumne, en definitiva el seu aprenentatge, me puc servir d'algunes de les actituds bàsicament gestàltiques, com ara incentivar la presència, la consciència i la responsabilitat de l'alumne, a travès sobretot d'interrelacions i interaccions en diversos sentits