924 resultados para Gay and lesbian studies


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A Mort a Venècia Thomas Mann es refereix explícitament al Simposi i al Fedre de Plató per explicar la relació entre Gustav von Aschenbach i Tadzio, però amaga que la seva novel·la s'inspira també en l'Eròtic de Plutarc. Per què? L'objectiu d'aquest article és justament revelar les raons d'aquest capteniment. En efecte, Plutarc elogia l'amor matrimonial a l'Eròtic i aquest no és el camí que segueix Mann, però, alhora, l'escriptor alemany troba en el diàleg plutarqueu tot el que necessita per bastir la seva història d'amor masculí i decideix no prescindir-ne.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és proposar i fonamentar una via plutarquea -no només Les Vides Paral·leles, sinó també L'Eròtic- vers el contingut platònic de Billy Budd de B. Britten amb libretto d'E. M. Fosrter en col·laboració amb Eric Crozier. H. Melville no cita pas Plutarc en la seva novel·la, però l'excel·lent coneixement dels textos de l'escriptor i filòsof grec per part d'E. M. Foster fa que aquesta hipòtesi sigui altament versemblant.


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El objetivo de este artículo es proponer y fundamentar una vía plutarquea -no sólo Las Vidas Parelelas, sino tambén El Eròtico- al contenido platónico de Billy Budd de B. Britten con libreto de E. M. Foster en colaboración con Eric Crozier. H. Melville no cita a Plutarco en su novela, pero el excelente conocimiento de los textos del escritor y filósofo griego por parte de E. M. Forster hace que esta hipótesis sea altamente verosímil.


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The aim of this article is to propose and lay the foundations of a Plutarch's way ¿not only his Lives but also his Eroticus- to the Platonic content of Billy Budd by B. Britten with a libretto by E. M. Forster in association with Eric Crozier. Plutarch is not quoted in H. Melville¿s novel, but E. M. Forster¿s good knowledge of the texts by the Greek writer and philosopher makes this hypothesis quite credible


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Presentació de llibre editat pel Centre Dona i Literatura


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De grandes enquêtes en milieu scolaire, au Québec comme ailleurs, ont documenté depuis les années 2000 la portée des violences homophobes, particulièrement à l’école secondaire, ainsi que leurs impacts négatifs sur les élèves qui en sont victimes, qu’ils s’identifient ou non comme lesbiennes, gais, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement (LGBQ). La diffusion des résultats de ces enquêtes, ainsi que les constats similaires d’acteurs sur le terrain, ont fait accroitre les appels à la vigilance des écoles quant aux discriminations homophobes pouvant prendre forme en leur enceinte. Plusieurs des responsabilités résultant de cette mobilisation ont échoué par défaut aux enseignants, notamment en raison de leur proximité avec leurs élèves. Cependant, malgré la panoplie de publications et de formations visant explicitement à les outiller à ce sujet, les enseignants rapportent de manière consistante manquer de formation, d’habiletés, de soutien et d’aise à l’idée d’intervenir contre l’homophobie ou de parler de diversité sexuelle en classe. Cette thèse de doctorat vise à comprendre les pratiques d’intervention et d’enseignement que rapportent avoir les enseignants de l’école secondaire québécoise, toutes orientations sexuelles confondues, par rapport à la diversité sexuelle et à l’homophobie. Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, nous avons interrogé la sociologie de l’éducation, les études de genre (gender studies) et les études gaies et lesbiennes, ainsi qu’emprunté aux littératures sur les pratiques enseignantes et sur l’intervention sociale. Les données colligées consistent en des entrevues semi-structurées menées auprès de 22 enseignants du secondaire, validées auprès de 243 enseignants, par le biais d’un questionnaire en ligne. Étayés dans trois articles scientifiques, les résultats de notre recherche permettent de mieux saisir la nature des pratiques enseignantes liées à la diversité sexuelle, mais également les mécanismes par lesquels elles viennent ou non à être adoptées par les enseignants. Les témoignages des enseignants ont permis d’identifier que les enseignants sont globalement au fait des attentes dont ils font l’objet en termes d’intervention contre l’homophobie. Ceci dit, en ce qu’ils sont guidés dans leurs interventions par le concept limité d’homophobie, ils ne paraissent pas toujours à même de saisir les mécanismes parfois subtils par lesquels opèrent les discriminations sur la base de l’orientation sexuelle, mais aussi des expressions de genre atypiques. De même, si la plupart disent condamner vertement l’homophobie dont ils sont témoins, les enseignants peuvent néanmoins adopter malgré eux des pratiques contribuant à reconduire l’hétérosexisme et à alimenter les mêmes phénomènes d’infériorisation que ceux qu’ils cherchent à combattre. Sauf exception, les enseignants tendent à comprendre le genre et l’expression de genre davantage comme des déterminants de type essentialiste avec lesquels ils doivent composer que comme des normes scolaires et sociales sur lesquelles ils peuvent, comme enseignants, avoir une quelconque influence. Les stratégies de gestion identitaire des enseignants LGB influencent les pratiques qu’ils rapportent être en mesure d’adopter. Ceux qui optent pour la divulgation, totale ou partielle, de leur homosexualité ou bisexualité peuvent autant rapporter adopter des pratiques inclusives que choisir de se tenir à distance de telles pratiques, alors que ceux qui favorisent la dissimulation rapportent plutôt éviter autant que possible ces pratiques, de manière à se garder de faire face à des situations potentiellement délicates. Également, alors que les enseignants LGB étaient presque exclusivement vus jusqu’ici comme ceux chez qui et par qui se jouaient ces injonctions à la vie privée, les enseignants hétérosexuels estiment également être appelés à se positionner par rapport à leur orientation sexuelle lorsqu’ils mettent en œuvre de telles pratiques. Nos résultats révèlent un double standard dans l’évocation de la vie privée des enseignants. En effet, la divulgation d’une orientation hétérosexuelle, considérée comme normale, est vue comme conciliable avec la neutralité attendue des enseignants, alors qu’une révélation similaire par un enseignant LGB est comprise comme un geste politique qui n’a pas sa place dans une salle de classe, puisqu’elle se fait au prix du bris d’une présomption d’hétérosexualité. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’il existe de fortes prescriptions normatives relatives à la mise en genre et à la mise en orientation sexuelle à l’école. Les enseignants s’inscrivent malgré eux dans cet environnement hétéronormatif. Ils peuvent être amenés à y jouer un rôle important, que ce soit en contribuant à la reconduction de ces normes (par exemple, en taisant les informations relatives à la diversité sexuelle) ou en les contestant (par exemple, en expliquant que certains stéréotypes accolés à l’homosexualité relèvent d’aprioris non fondés). Les discours des enseignants suggèrent également qu’ils sont traversés par ces normes. Ils peuvent en effet choisir de se conformer aux attentes normatives dont ils font l’objet (par exemple, en affirmant leur hétérosexualité), ou encore d’y résister (par exemple, en divulguant leur homosexualité à leurs élèves, ou en évitant de conforter les attentes dont ils font l’objet) au risque d’être conséquemment pénalisés. Bien entendu, cette influence des normes de genre diffère d’un enseignant à l’autre, mais semble jouer autant sur les enseignants hétérosexuels que LGB. Les enseignants qui choisissent de contester, explicitement ou implicitement, certaines de ces normes dominantes rapportent chercher des appuis formels à leurs démarches. Dans ce contexte, une telle quête de légitimation (par exemple, la référence aux règlements contre l’homophobie, la mobilisation des similitudes entre l’homophobie et le racisme, ou encore le rapprochement de ces enseignements avec les apprentissages prescrits pour leur matière) est à comprendre comme un outillage à la contestation normative. La formation professionnelle des enseignants sur l’homophobie et sur la diversité sexuelle constitue un autre de ces outils. Alors que les enseignants québécois continuent d’être identifiés comme des acteurs clés dans la création et le maintien d’environnements scolaires non-discriminatoires et inclusifs aux réalités de la diversité sexuelle, il est impératif de les appuyer en multipliant les signes formels tangibles sur lesquelles leurs initiatives peuvent prendre appui (politiques explicites, curriculum scolaire inclusif de ces sujets, etc.). Nos résultats plaident en faveur d’une formation enseignante sur la diversité sexuelle, qui ferait partie du tronc commun de la formation initiale des maîtres. Chez les enseignants en exercice, il nous apparait préférable de miser sur une accessibilité accrue des formations et des outils disponibles. En réponse toutefois aux limites que pose à long terme une approche cumulative des formations spécifiques portant sur différents types d’oppressions (l’homophobie, le racisme, le sexisme, etc.), nous argumentons en faveur d’un modèle d’éducation anti-oppressive au sein duquel les élèves seraient invités à considérer, non seulement la multiplicité et le caractère situé des divers types d’oppressions, mais également les mécanismes d’attribution de privilège, de constitution de la normalité et de la marginalité, et de présentation de ces arbitraires culturels comme des ordres naturels.


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My project explores and compares different forms of gender performance in contemporary art and visual culture according to a perspective centered on photography. Thanks to its attesting power this medium can work as a ready-made. In fact during the 20th century it played a key role in the cultural emancipation of the body which (using a Michel Foucault’s expression) has now become «the zero point of the world». Through performance the body proves to be a living material of expression and communication while photography ensures the recording of any ephemeral event that happens in time and space. My questioning approach considers the gender constructed imagery from the 1990s to the present in order to investigate how photography’s strong aura of realism promotes and allows fantasies of transformation. The contemporary fascination with gender (especially for art and fashion) represents a crucial issue in the global context of postmodernity and is manifested in a variety of visual media, from photography to video and film. Moreover the internet along with its digital transmission of images has deeply affected our world (from culture to everyday life) leading to a postmodern preference for performativity over the more traditional and linear forms of narrativity. As a consequence individual borders get redefined by the skin itself which (dissected through instant vision) turns into a ductile material of mutation and hybridation in the service of identity. My critical assumptions are taken from the most relevant changes occurred in philosophy during the last two decades as a result of the contributions by Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze who developed a cross-disciplinary and comparative approach to interpret the crisis of modernity. They have profoundly influenced feminist studies so that the category of gender has been reassessed in contrast with sex (as a biological connotation) and in relation to history, culture, society. The ideal starting point of my research is the year 1990. I chose it as the approximate historical moment when the intersection of race, class and gender were placed at the forefront of international artistic production concerned with identity, diversity and globalization. Such issues had been explored throughout the 1970s but it was only from the mid-1980s onward that they began to be articulated more consistently. Published in 1990, the book "Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity" by Judith Butler marked an important breakthrough by linking gender to performance as well as investigating the intricate connections between theory and practice, embodiment and representation. It inspired subsequent research in a variety of disciplines, art history included. In the same year Teresa de Lauretis launched the definition of queer theory to challenge the academic perspective in gay and lesbian studies. In the meantime the rise of Third Wave Feminism in the US introduced a racially and sexually inclusive vision over the global situation in order to reflect on subjectivity, new technologies and popular culture in connection with gender representation. These conceptual tools have enabled prolific readings of contemporary cultural production whether fine arts or mass media. After discussing the appropriate framework of my project and taking into account the postmodern globalization of the visual, I have turned to photography to map gender representation both in art and in fashion. Therefore I have been creating an archive of images around specific topics. I decided to include fashion photography because in the 1990s this genre moved away from the paradigm of an idealized and classical beauty toward a new vernacular allied with lifestyles, art practices, pop and youth culture; as one might expect the dominant narrative modes in fashion photography are now mainly influenced by cinema and snapshot. These strategies originate story lines and interrupted narratives using models’ performance to convey a particular imagery where identity issues emerge as an essential part of fashion spectacle. Focusing on the intersections of gender identities with socially and culturally produced identities, my approach intends to underline how the fashion world has turned to current trends in art photography and in some case turned to the artists themselves. The growing fluidity of the categories that distinguish art from fashion photography represents a particularly fruitful moment of visual exchange. Varying over time the dialogue between these two fields has always been vital; nowadays it can be studied as a result of this close relationship between contemporary art world and consumer culture. Due to the saturation of postmodern imagery the feedback between art and fashion has become much more immediate and then increasingly significant for anyone who wants to investigate the construction of gender identity through performance. In addition to that a lot of magazines founded in the 1990s bridged the worlds of art and fashion because some of their designers and even editors were art-school graduates encouraging innovation. The inclusion of art within such magazines aimed at validating them as a form of art in themselves supporting a dynamic intersection for music, fashion, design and youth culture: an intersection that also contributed to create and spread different gender stereotypes. This general interest in fashion produced many exhibitions of and about fashion itself at major international venues such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. Since then this celebrated success of fashion has been regarded as a typical element of postmodern culture. Owing to that I have also based my analysis on some important exhibitions dealing with gender performance like "Féminin-Masculin" at the Centre Pompidou of Paris (1995), "Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose. Gender performance in photography" at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of New York (1997), "Global Feminisms" at the Brooklyn Museum (2007), "Female Trouble" at the Pinakothek der Moderne in München together with the workshops dedicated to "Performance: gender and identity" in June 2005 at the Tate Modern of London. Since 2003 in Italy we have had Gender Bender - an international festival held annually in Bologna - to explore the gender imagery stemming from contemporary culture. In few days this festival offers a series of events ranging from visual arts, performance, cinema, literature to conferences and music. Being aware that any method of research is neither race nor gender neutral I have traced these critical paths to question gender identity in a multicultural perspective taking account of the political implications too. In fact, if visibility may be equated with exposure, we can also read these images as points of intersection of visibility with social power. Since gender assignations rely so heavily on the visual, the postmodern dismantling of gender certainty through performance has wide-ranging effects that need to be analyzed. In some sense this practice can even contest the dominance of visual within postmodernism. My visual map in contemporary art and fashion photography includes artists like Nan Goldin, Cindy Sherman, Hellen van Meene, Rineke Dijkstra, Ed Templeton, Ryan McGinley, Anne Daems, Miwa Yanagi, Tracey Moffat, Catherine Opie, Tomoko Sawada, Vanessa Beecroft, Yasumasa Morimura, Collier Schorr among others.


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Gain insight into crucial British mental health approaches for LGB individuals. There is very little collaborative literature between LGB-affirmative psychologists and psychotherapists in the United States and the United Kingdom. British Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychologies: Theory, Research, and Practice may well be a crucial beginning step in building dialogue between these two countries on important LGB psychotherapy developments. Leading authorities comprehensively examine the latest studies and effective therapies for LGB individuals in the United Kingdom. Practitioners will discover an extensive survey of the most current developments to supplement their own work, while educators and students will find diverse expert perspectives on which to consider and broaden their own viewpoints. This unique book offers an informative introduction to British psychosocial perspectives on theory, research, and practice. British Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychologies provides a critical exploration of the recent history of LGB psychology and psychotherapy in the United Kingdom, focusing on key publications and outlining the current terrain. Other chapters are organized into two thematic sections. The first section explores theoretical frameworks in United Kingdom therapeutic practice, while the second section examines sexual minority identities and their needs for support and community. Topics in British Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychologies include: - similarities and differences between LGBT psychology and psychotherapy in the United States and United Kingdom - gay affirmative therapy (GAT) as a positive framework - existential-phenomenological approach to psychotherapy - core issues in the anxiety about whether or not to “come out” - object relations theory - exploring homo-negativity in the therapeutic process - aspects of psychotherapy that lesbians and gay men find helpful - research into how the mainstreaming of lesbian and gay culture has affected the lives of LGB individuals - study into LGB youth issues - difficulties of gay men with learning disabilities—with suggestions on how to offer the best psychological service - a study on gay athletes’ experiences of coming out in a heterosexist world British Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychologies takes a needed step toward sharing valuable psychosocial perspectives between countries. This useful, enlightening text is perfect for educators, students, psychologists, psychotherapists, and counselors working in the field of sexuality.


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LGB teens’ feelings, desires, and physical attractions run contrary to the heteronormative standards of American society. As such, LGB youth often experience feelings of sadness and dejection that can lead to depression and suicidal tendencies (Russell & Joyner, 2001). Evaluating the factors that could possibly influence the emotional well-being of LGB youth would be an important undertaking given the hindrances LGB adolescents face during sexual socialization. The purpose of this dissertation was to study the portrayal of sexuality in media popular with LGB adolescents and to assess the relationship between media exposure and emotional well-being among LGB teens. In particular, this dissertation distinguished between mainstream media and gay- and lesbian-oriented (GLO) media. GLO media were defined as any media outlet specifically designed, produced, and marketed for gay and lesbian audiences. Two studies were conducted to serve as the initial investigation in a program of research that will be designed to better understand the role of media in the lives of LGB individuals. The first study of this dissertation was a content analysis of the television programs, films, songs, and magazines most popular with LGB teens as determined by self-reports of media consumption in a survey of media use. A total of 96 media vehicles composed the content analysis sample, including 48 television programs, 22 films, 25 musical artists, and 6 magazines. Using a coding scheme that was adapted from previous media sex research, Study 1 measured the frequency of sexual instances as well as the type, nature, and source characteristics for each sexual instance. Results of the content analysis suggest that heterosexuality reigns supreme in mainstream media. When LGB sexuality is depicted in mainstream media, it is often sanitized. LGB sexual talk is rarely sexual; rather it is primarily about the social or cultural components of being lesbian, gay, or bisexual. LGB sexual behavior is also rare in mainstream media, which tend to depict LGB individuals as non-sexually as possible. LGB sexuality in mainstream media exists, but is more about proclaiming LGB identity than actually living it. GLO media depicted LGB sexuality more frequently than mainstream media did. GLO media often depict LGB sexuality in a more realistic manner. LGB sexual talk is about LGB identity, as well as the relational and sexual aspects of being a sexual minority. LGB sexual behavior is commonplace in GLO media, depicting LGB individuals as sexual beings. LGB sexuality in GLO media is prevalent and relatively authentic. The second study was a survey that assessed the relationship between media exposure (both mainstream media and GLO media) and LGB teens’ emotional well-being, considering self-discrepancy as an important mediating variable in that relationship. Study 2 also considered age, sex, and sexual identity commitment as possible moderating variables in the relationship between media exposure and emotional well-being. In Study 2, emotional well-being was defined as lower levels of dejection-related emotions. LGB adolescents (N = 573) completed a questionnaire that was used to investigate the relationships between media exposure and emotional well-being. Results of the survey indicated that mainstream media exposure was not significantly associated with dejection-related emotions. In contrast, GLO media exposure was negatively related to feelings of dejection even when controlling for age, sex, race, perceived social support, school climate, religiosity, geographical location, sexuality of peers, and motivation for viewing LGB inclusive media content. Neither age nor sex moderated the relationships between media exposure variables and dejection, but sexual identity commitment did act as a moderator in the relationship between GLO media exposure and dejection. The negative relationship between GLO media exposure and dejection was stronger for participants lower in sexual identity commitment than for participants higher in sexual identity commitment. In addition, the magnitude of discrepancies between the actual self and the ideal self mediated the relationship between GLO media exposure and dejection for LGB adolescents low in sexual identity commitment. However, self-discrepancy did not mediate the relationship between GLO media exposure and dejection for LGB teens highly committed to their sexual identities. Results of both the content analysis and the survey are discussed in terms of implications for theory and method. Practical implications of this dissertation’s findings are also discussed, as well as directions for future research.


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This article makes use of institutional ethnography to research foster care and adoption by lesbians and gay men, drawing on the work of the feminist sociologist Dorothy E. Smith in order to demonstrate the investigation of social work institutional categories and the ‘relations of ruling’. Through an analysis of the ways in which ‘gender’ and the idea of the ‘gender role model’ is used within the assessment of gay and lesbian foster carers and adopters, the author shows how these categories are produced and used to police relationship forms and to identify ‘deviant instances’.


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This paper focuses on the questions which heterosexual trainees ask about lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) experience within diversity training about LGB issues. Drawing on a data corpus of 162 questions asked by trainees in 13 tape-recorded training sessions, questions were coded into six categories: (1) general understanding questions; (2) questions about the trainer's life, experience and practices; (3) professional practice questions; (4) questions about lesbian and gay related legislation, policies and procedures; (5) questions about specific people and projects and (6) questions about the meanings, derivations and correct use of terms and symbols. Real questions are compared with the decontexualized questions (and answers to them) that are provided in training manuals and it is demonstrated that these questions differ markedly from how questions actually get asked and how they actually get answered. Recommendations are provided for improving training and the argument made for turning towards analyses of the real world in action, especially when considering intergroup relations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Abstract: In recent decades, the structure of the American family has been revolutionized to incorporate families of diverse and unconventional compositions. Gay and lesbian couples have undoubtedly played a crucial role in this revolution by establishing families through the tool of adoption. Eleven adoptive parents from the state of Connecticut were interviewed to better conceptualize the unique barriers gay couples encounter in the process adoption. Both the scholarly research and the interview data illustrate that although gay couples face enormous legal barriers, the majority of their hardship comes through social interactions. As a result, the cultural myths and legal restrictions that create social hardships for gay adoptive parents forge a vicious and discriminatory cycle of marginalization that American legal history illustrates is best remedied through judicial intervention at the Supreme Court level. While judicial intervention, alone, cannot change the reality of gay parenthood, I argue that past judicial precedent illustrates that such change can serve as a tool of individual, political, and legal validation for the gay community for obtaining equal rights.


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One of the most important factors of recognition, belonging and identification in scientific communities is their specialized language: doctors, mathematicians and anthropologists feel they are part of a group with which they can interact because they share a common “language”. While ideology is present in all academic registers, it is in human sciences where its presence (or absence) leads to more visible linguistic phenomena. An interesting example is that of lesbian studies: as non-heterosexual members of society have become less stigmatized, lesbian studies have developed a language of their own. In our paper, we shall explore the mechanisms used in the creation of specific vocabulary in this academic area, paying special attention to the refashioning or deconstruction of meaning of established terms as a result of changes in social perception or the challenging of pre-determined meanings.