37 resultados para Galling
Recent studies on the obligate interaction between fig trees and their pollinating agaonid wasps have focused on population aspects and wasp-seed exploitation at the level of the inflorescence. Detailed studies on larval and gall development are required to more fully understand how resources are exploited and adaptations fine-tuned by each partner in nursery pollination mutualisms. We studied the larval development of the active pollinating fig wasp, Pegoscapus sp., and the galling process of individual flowers within the figs of its monoecious host, Ficus citrifolia, in Brazil. The pollinator development is strongly dependent on flower pollination. Figs entered by pollen-free wasps were in general more likely to abort. Retained, unpollinated figs had both higher larval mortality and a lower number of wasps. Pegoscapus sp. larvae are adapted to plant development, with two contrasting larval feeding strategies proceeding alongside gall development. The first two larval stages behave as ovary parasites. Later larval stages feed on hypertrophied endosperm. This indicates that a successful galling process relies on endosperm, and also reveals why pollination would be a prerequisite for the production of high-quality galls for this Pegoscapus species.
Prospektive 1-Jahres-Follow-up-Untersuchung in der kombinierte multidimensionale Früherkennung und alters- und fachübergreifende integrierte Versorgung (Interventionsbedingung, n = 120) mit einer Standardbehandlung (historische Kontrollgruppe, n = 105) bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in der frühen Phase einer psychotischen Störung verglichen wird. Daten bei Aufnahme in die Studie weisen auf eine hohe Komplexität und Schwere der Erkrankung hin. Primäres Zielkriterium ist die Rate einer 6-monatigen kombiniert symptomatischen und funktionalen Remission zum Studienendpunkt.
K. Galling
Insect damage on fossil leaves from the Central Rocky Mountains, United States, documents the response of herbivores to changing regional climates and vegetation during the late Paleocene (humid, warm temperate to subtropical, predominantly deciduous), early Eocene (humid subtropical, mixed deciduous and evergreen), and middle Eocene (seasonally dry, subtropical, mixed deciduous and thick-leaved evergreen). During all three time periods, greater herbivory occurred on taxa considered to have short rather than long leaf life spans, consistent with studies in living forests that demonstrate the insect resistance of long-lived, thick leaves. Variance in herbivory frequency and diversity was highest during the middle Eocene, indicating the increased representation of two distinct herbivory syndromes: one for taxa with deciduous, palatable foliage, and the other for hosts with evergreen, thick-textured, small leaves characterized by elevated insect resistance. Leaf galling, which is negatively correlated with moisture today, apparently increased during the middle Eocene, whereas leaf mining decreased.
Although the prevalence or even occurrence of insect herbivory during the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) has been questioned, we present the earliest-known ecologic evidence showing that by Late Pennsylvanian times (302 million years ago) a larva of the Holometabola was galling the internal tissue of Psaronius tree-fern fronds. Several diagnostic cellular and histological features of these petiole galls have been preserved in exquisite detail, including an excavated axial lumen filled with fecal pellets and comminuted frass, plant-produced response tissue surrounding the lumen, and specificity by the larval herbivore for a particular host species and tissue type. Whereas most suggestions over-whelmingly support the evolution of such intimate and reciprocal plant-insect interactions 175 million years later, we provide documentation that before the demise of Pennsylvanian age coal-swamp forests, a highly stereotyped life cycle was already established between an insect that was consuming internal plant tissue and a vascular plant host responding to that herbivory. This and related discoveries of insect herbivore consumption of Psaronius tissues indicate that modern-style herbivores were established in Late Pennsylvanian coal-swamp forests.
The effects of culture filtrates of Fusarium oxysporum and Sclerotium rolfsii on egg hatching and juvenile survival of Meloidogyne incognita in vitro and impact of these filtrates on infectivity of M. incognita were investigated on soybean seedlings. Five- and 10-day-old filtrates of F. oxysporum caused 65 and 54% egg-hatching inhibition, while that of S. rolfsii caused 61 and 49% inhibition, respectively. Juveniles of M. incognita died within 6 days when incubated in 5-day-old filtrate of F. oxysporum, while the similar filtrate of S. rolfsii caused 100% juvenile mortality on the fifth day. Filtrates reduced root galling, egg population, number of adult females in soybean plants at harvest and also soil population. Culture filtrates could be used as source of biological nematicides.
There are approximately 90,000 ha of grapes in Brazil including wine, juice and table grapes. American varieties (Isabella, Niagara, Ives) comprise the largest part of Brazilian viticulture being destined for wine, juice and table grape. In Southern Brazil, these varieties are produced mainly in non grafted vineyards. Grape phylloxera is common on the roots of these varieties however the insect is not regarded as a serious problem. Leaf galls are common on V. vinifera cultivars, particularly Cabernet sauvignon, and this infestation can be severe in some years causing defoliation. No information about insect damage on leaves in relation to vineyard production and longevity is available. New selections from a breeding program aimed at developing new hybrids for wine production are highly susceptible to damage from leaf galling phylloxera. When leaf galling is severe, growers spray pyretroid and neonicotinoid insecticides however, in many situations, secondary mites can also damage the crop as a consequence of the foliar broad spectrum insecticides application. Studies about the genetic diversity of grape phylloxera strains in Brazil and their association with vine damage and secondary fungal infection must be conducted to clarify the importance of this pest to Brazilian viticulture.