986 resultados para Galician portuguese medieval cantigas


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With the aim to provide new insights into operational cetacean-fishery interactions in Atlantic waters, this thesis assesses interactions of cetaceans with Spanish and Portuguese fishing vessels operating in Iberian and South West Atlantic waters. Different opportunistic research methodologies were applied, including an interview survey with fishers (mainly skippers) and onboard observations by fisheries observers and skippers, to describe different types of interactions and to identify potential hotspots for cetacean-fishery interactions and the cetacean species most involved, and to quantify the extent and the consequences of these interactions in terms of benefits and costs for cetaceans and fisheries. In addition, the suitability of different mitigation strategies was evaluated and discussed. The results of this work indicate that cetaceans interact frequently with Spanish and Portuguese fishing vessels, sometimes in a beneficial way (e.g. cetaceans indicate fish schools in purse seine fisheries), but mostly with negative consequences (depredation on catch, gear damage and cetacean bycatch). Significant economic loss and high bycatch rates are, however, only reported for certain fisheries and associated with particular cetacean species. In Galician fisheries, substantial economic loss was reported as a result of bottlenose dolphins damaging artisanal coastal gillnets, while high catch loss may arise from common dolphins scattering fish in purse seine fisheries. High cetacean bycatch mortality arises in trawl fisheries, mainly of common dolphin and particularly during trawling in water depths below 350 m, and in coastal set gillnet fisheries (mainly common and bottlenose dolphins). In large-scale bottom-set longline fisheries in South West Atlantic waters, sperm whales may significantly reduce catch rates through depredation on catch. The high diversity of cetacean-fishery interactions observed in the study area indicates that case-specific management strategies are needed to reduce negative impacts on fisheries and cetaceans. Acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) may be used to prevent small cetaceans from approaching and getting entangled in purse seines and set gillnets, although possible problems include cetacean habituation to the pinger sounds, as well as negative side effects on non-target cetaceans (habitat exclusion) and fisheries target species (reduced catch rates). For sardine and horse mackerel, target species of Iberian Atlantic fisheries, no aversive reaction to pinger sounds was detected during tank experiments conducted in the scope of this thesis. Bycatch in trawls may be reduced by the implementation of time/area restrictions of fishing activity. In addition, the avoidance of fishing areas with high cetacean abundance combined with the minimization of fishery-specific sound cues that possibly attract cetaceans, may also help to decrease interactions. In large-scale bottom-set longline fisheries, cetacean depredation on catch may be reduced by covering hooked fish with net sleeves ("umbrellas") provided that catch rates are not negatively affected by this gear modification. Trap fishing, as an alternative fishing method to bottom-set gillnetting and longlining, also has the potential to reduce cetacean bycatch and depredation, given that fish catch rates are similar to the rates obtained by bottom-set gillnets and longlines, whereas cetacean by-catch is unlikely. Economic incentives, such as the eco-certification of dolphin-safe fishing methods, should be promoted in order to create an additional source of income for fishers negatively affected by interactions with cetaceans, which, in turn, may also increase fishers’ willingness to accept and adopt mitigation measures. Although the opportunistic sampling methods applied in this work have certain restrictions concerning their reliability and precision, the results are consistent with previous studies in the same area. Moreover, they allow for the active participation of fishers that can provide important complementary ecological and technical knowledge required for cetacean management and conservation.


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O presente relatório resultou do estágio efetuado na DGPC, no âmbito da componente não-letiva do Mestrado em Arqueologia. O seu propósito centrou-se no Inventário e Georreferenciação das manifestações funerárias rupestres medievais, enquadradas na região do Centro de Portugal. Este trabalho possibilitou a atualização e introdução de inúmeras ocorrências, respeitantes a sepulturas e necrópoles escavadas na rocha, na base de dados da DGPC – o Endovélico. A concretização deste objetivo assentou essencialmente na consulta de bibliografia especializada, assim como de relatórios técnico-científicos. Ao constar do Endovélico, a informação inserida afigura-se como um contributo para o conhecimento e divulgação deste tipo de património medieval, auxiliando, inevitavelmente, no que concerne à sua salvaguarda e proteção. O processamento e sistematização da vasta informação inventariada e georreferenciada possibilitou o desenvolvimento de uma análise, na perspetiva das sepulturas escavadas na rocha como fenómeno funerário alto-medieval. Esta permitiu a criação de uma imagem, ainda que incompleta, dos tipos de agrupamentos existentes e da relação entre as sepulturas e as zonas envolventes, com lugar numa parte do território de Viseu.


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El objetivo fundamental del proyecto es dar al alumnado una visión integral de la época medieval en España mediante las Cántigas de Alfonso X El Sabio, al mismo tiempo que adquieren pequeños conocimientos musicales. La experiencia se desarrolla con carácter interdisciplinar y se divide en tres fases: una primera de introducción y explicación teórica en los diferentes seminarios de los aspectos políticos, religiosos, históricos, lingüísticos y musicales; otra segunda en la que se realizaran ensayos musicales y puesta en escena de las Cántigas elegidas; y por último la tercera, donde se grabará en vídeo parte del trabajo. Se propone una evaluación continua a través de los trabajos de los alumnos. No tiene memoria..


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O texto pretende realizar uma interpretação da narrativa de viagem ao Paraíso Terrestre cistercience Vida de Santo Amaro, à luz da história portuguesa entre os séculos XIII e XV, apontando as relações existentes entre pensamento histórico e pensamento mítico na passagem do processo de Reconquista para os Descobrimentos, vivenciados ao longo da história das diferentes versões escritas da fonte analisada.


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Os últimos séculos da Idade Média, nomeadamente os séculos XIII, XIV e XV, são marcados na Europa por uma crescente preocupação em fixar por escrito os diversos saberes e eventos, preocupação que, ligada às tentativas de sistematizar a organização dos reinos, contribui significativamente para a ascensão das línguas vulgares como línguas dos mais variados gêneros - de documentos jurídicos e administrativos a textos de caráter filosófico e histórico. em Portugal, o empenho em deixar registrado o passado numa língua acessível tem início no século XIV e culmina no século XV, quando se procura organizar a memória através da escrita e se começa a construir uma perspectiva portuguesa sobre o passado. O objetivo do presente texto é mapear alguns índices que revelam a importância que os portugueses dos séculos XIV e XV conferem à ordenação do passado, sobretudo a partir da escolha do que devia e do que não podia cair no esquecimento.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A proposta do presente livro é oferecer ao leitor uma descrição fonológica das qualidades vocálicas vigentes na primeira fase (período trovadoresco) do português arcaico a partir da análise das rimas e da grafia das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X, o Sábio, Rei de Leão e Castela, elaboradas na segunda metade do século XIII.


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This research aims to present and discuss three morphophonological processes – juxtaposition, allomorphy of the verbal thematic vowel and gemination of similar vowels – which occurs in word formation involving the suffixes -çon and -mento in a corpus composed of 420 Cantigas de Santa Maria. The cases analyzed in this study occurred with nouns from verbs of the first, second and third conjugations. Through the analysis of these processes we conclude that the suffix -çon triggers more morphophonological processes than the suffix -mento. However, although the processes are very productive, we note that most of the names were formed from the juxtaposition of the suffixes - especially in nouns formed with -mento – which shows a tendency to regularity in the word formation with these suffixes.


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This work aims to obtain a phonological description of unstressed word-final vowels of Medieval Portuguese (MP). The corpus of this research is comprised of Alfonso X’s Cantigas de Santa Maria, composed on the second half of the 13th century. This work maps all the graphemes that represent, in the corpus considered, the unstressed word-final vowels. From the analyses of writing and rhymes in Alfonso X’s Cantigas de Santa Maria, it was possible obtain some important information about the realization of the unstressed wordfinal vowels in MP.


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This paper aims to make a study on secondary stress and stress of monosyllabic words in Archaic Portuguese. With regard to secondary stress, our intention is to demonstrate its limits of occurrence. And about monosyllabic words, the aim is to analyse its stress attribution and the possibility of those words assume prominences in the linguistic level demonstrating or not its prosodic independence. The data will be collected by means of a new methodology in the study of the prosody of dead language. This methodology is based on the observation of coincidences and non-coincidences of musical prominences of poetic texts with musical notation, and linguistic prominences.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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El término latino que da el castellano "llanto", llegó a designar una especie lírica muy cultivada, el planto (en castellano) o el planh-plany (en occitano-catalán), es decir, el lamento fúnebre por la muerte de una persona querida o un personaje célebre. El gran modelo o paradigma de todo planctus, para la sensibilidad medieval, era el de la Virgen María a los pies de la cruz de Jesús. Se analizan en este trabajo algunos elementos de la tradición del planctus mariano en la Península Ibérica, la cual incluye no sólo célebres poemas de largo aliento como el Duelo de la Virgen de Gonzalo de Berceo, sino también manifestaciones líricas más breves, desde las piezas litúrgicas en latín hasta los poemas de los dolores de la Virgen presentes en las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X.