996 resultados para Galères -- 17e siècle
Este ensaio de pensamento social brasileiro tem por objeto de análise as críticas literárias sobre a obra de Machado de Assis, publicadas em jornais e revistas imediatamente após o lançamento de cada um de seus livros. Portanto, são publicações de critica literárias escritas por contemporâneos do próprio Machado de Assis, e que, ao resenharem suas obras evidenciam o cenário e os modelos de interação vivenciados pelos artistas e intelectuais do período. Assim como expõem ainda as compreensões de literatura e de artista que fazem parte de seus repertórios analíticos. Este ensaio busca identificar, através das categorias mobilizadas para retratar Machado de Assis, as transformações ocorridas nestes modelos de interação social do período, e como a sociabilidade intelectual e artística, inicialmente vinculada ao padrão de gosto cortesão estabelecido no Rio de Janeiro, foi cedendo espaço para outros modelos de interação, e assim permitiu o desenvolvimento de diferentes compreensões de literatura e do papel da crítica literária, contribuindo diretamente para a alteração nos discursos retóricos das resenhas literárias. Portanto, este ensaio tenta identificar e entender os modelos retóricos inscritos na crítica, e como estes discursos estão correlacionados à transformações de ordem mais profunda, principalmente com o processo de modernização social e a construção da autonomia do universo intelectual e artístico no fim do século XIX e na primeira década do século XX
William Hope Hodgson has generally been understood as the author of several atmospheric sea-horror stories and two powerful but flawed horror science fiction novels. There has been no substantial study analysing the historical and cultural context of his fiction or its place in the Gothic, horror, and science fiction literary traditions. Through analysing the theme of borderlands, this thesis contextualises Hodgson’s novels and short stories within these traditions and within late Victorian cultural discourse. Liminal other world realms, boundaries of corporeal monstrosity, and the imagined future of the world form key elements of Hodgson’s fiction, reflecting the currents of anxiety and optimism characterising fin-de-siècle British society. Hodgson’s early career as a sailor and his interest in body-building and physical culture colour his fiction. Fin-de-siècle discourses of evolution, entropy, spiritualism, psychical research, and the occult also influence his ideas. In The House on the Borderland (1908) and The Night Land (1912), the known world brushes against other forms of reality, exposing humanity to incomprehensible horrors. In The Ghost Pirates (1909), the sea forms a liminal region on the borderland of materiality and immateriality in which other world encounters can take place. In The Night Land and The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ (1907), evolution gives rise to strange monstrous forms existing on the borderlines of species and identity. In Hodgson’s science fiction—The House on the Borderland and The Night Land—the future of the earth forms a temporal borderland of human existence shaped by fin-de-siècle fears of entropy and the heat-death of the sun. Alongside the work of other writers such as H. G. Wells and Arthur Machen, Hodgson’s four novels respond to the borderland discourses of the fin de siècle, better enabling us to understand the Gothic literature of the period as well as Hodgson’s position as a writer who offers a unique imaginative perspective on his contemporary culture.
Première edition revue, corrigée, et précédée d'une Préface à la Mosaïque, dans le plus nouveau goût.
The intention of this article is not to affirm, but rather to question wether it is possible to speak of a loss of the ability to gaze in the context of the nineteenth century and especially in the context of the fin de siècle, in the bosom of the epistemological crisis that beset the Turn of the Century. And very especially, this article tries to question about the impact this crisis had, perhaps, in the birth of cinema. Is in this context that arises the work of Marey and the advent of the cinematograph of the Lumière brothers in the fin de siècle Europe, both of them showing a deep faith in a mechanical apparatus that would allow the redemption of a battered gaze. And it seems to be a dream that continues over time through the tradition of shooting the everyday life.
The article presented to Malraux specialists the conclusions and findings of the international conference on André Malraux held at Queen's University Belfast in 2007.
Ce numéro était déjà sous presse quand, le 13 novembre 2015, Paris était une nouvelle fois la cible d’attentats terroristes d’une ampleur sans précédent, faisant plus d’une centaine de morts. Le Président François Hollande parla cette fois, de manière répétée, d’‘un acte de guerre’. Des voix solidaires se sont élevées des quatre coins de la planète, soulignant bien que, à travers la France, ce sont bien les valeurs qu’elle représente et qu’elle partage avec nombre de pays que les assassins de Daech visaient. Parmi tous les messages de solidarité, il nous semble important de souligner celui d’Hassan Rohani, le Président iranien, et celui d’Abdelaziz Bouteflika, le Président algérien: immédiatement, le premier ‘condamn[ait] avec vigueur ces crimes contre l'humanité et présent[ait] [s]es condoléance au peuple français endeuillé et au gouvernement’; le second dénonçait sans réserve ‘cette horreur planifiée [qui] constitue un véritable crime contre l'humanité’. Quant à Anouar Kbibech, le nouveau président du Conseil français du culte musulman, il ‘condamn[ait] avec la plus grande vigueur ces attaques inqualifiables’ et ‘appel[ait] à se regrouper autour de ces valeurs qui font la France’. Plus que jamais, il faut éviter les amalgames pour ne pas faire le jeu des minorités extrémistes.