109 resultados para Gaiola
Os resultados demonstram que não houve diferença estatística significante em relação às áreas da ferida entre os grupos analisados (G2, G3 e G4) dentro do mesmo dia de observação. Entretanto, na avaliação histopatológica da cicatrização, houve diferença significativa na segunda semana de experimento entre as médias avaliadas do grupo G2 e o grupo G3 sendo que, este último apresentou melhor cicatrização quando comparado ao primeiro. Quanto ao nível de corticosterona observou-se diferença significativa do grupo G2 com relação aos demais grupos apenas na primeira semana. Este resultado indica que, na primeira semana, os animais submetidos à cirurgia e mantidos em ambientes sem EA tiveram níveis elevados de corticosterona, compatível com situação de estresse, enquanto que os animais que também sofreram procedimento cirúrgico, mas foram mantidos em ambientes enriquecidos no pós-operatório, apresentaram níveis de corticosterona similares àqueles que não sofreram intervenção cirúrgica. Desta forma, concluiu-se que a utilização do EA não altera A preocupação com o bem-estar dos animais utilizados na experimentação científica tem aumentado nos últimos anos bem como, a maneira com que o estresse pode interferir nos resultados das pesquisas. Entre as técnicas utilizadas para minimizar o estresse e promover o bem-estar destaca-se o enriquecimento ambiental (EA), que visa propiciar um ambiente no qual o animal possa demonstrar comportamentos típicos da espécie. Nas espécies até hoje estudadas o uso do EA tem sido favorável com resultados positivos tanto no aspecto comportamental como fisiológico. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do EA na recuperação pós-cirúrgica em Rattus norvergicus através da observação do nível de corticosterona sangüínea e o tempo de cicatrização, pela regressão do tamanho da ferida cirúrgica e posterior análise histopatológica. . Ratos machos da linhagem Wistar foram separados em quatro grupos: sem procedimento cirúrgico e sem enriquecimento ambiental (grupo G1), com procedimento cirúrgico e sem enriquecimento ambiental (grupo G2), com procedimento cirúrgico e enriquecimento ambiental com mobiliário (grupo G3) e com procedimento cirúrgico e enriquecimento ambiental com interação social (grupo G4). No grupo G3, diferentes objetos (iglu, bloco de madeira e cilindro) foram colocados de forma seqüencial nas gaiolas enquanto que na gaiola do grupo G4 foi introduzido outro rato, macho, com a mesma idade e peso dos utilizados no experimento como forma de interação social. significativamente o tempo de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas mas reduz o estresse pós-cirúrgico.
O cultivo de carpa capim em gaiolas não tem sido relatado no Brasil. Estudos direcionados ao diagnóstico da piscicultura neste país revelam a necessidade de agregação de valor ao peixe cultivado. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance da espécie em gaiolas, bem como desenvolver tecnologia para seu beneficiamento na forma de hambúrguer. O cultivo foi desenvolvido em gaiolas colocadas em açude de 22 ha, onde se compararam as densidades de estocagem de 75 e 40 peixes/m³. A dieta comercial oferecida era extrusada com 32% de proteína. Os parâmetros de qualidade da água mantiveram-se, quase totalmente, dentro dos padrões para o cultivo desta espécie. Taxas de crescimento de 0,8 e 1,1 g/dia foram observadas nos tratamentos com maior e menor densidades, respectivamente. Em ambos os tratamentos, a conversão alimentar aparente foi de 1,7 e a taxa de sobrevivência de 99%. Os resultados não diferiram significativamente, revelando que densidades maiores poderão ser testadas. Um experimento inicial, em que se incluía forragem verde na alimentação das carpas, foi finalizado devido a danos causados às gaiolas por roedores Myocastor coypus. O rendimento médio dos filés obtidos de carpas jovens foi de 29,8%, comparado com 39,1% dos filés de carpas adultas. As carcaças dos peixes jovens tiveram rendimento de 49,7%, contra 60,4% das carcaças adultas. Foram produzidos hambúrgueres de peixe a partir destes quatro métodos de processamento. Vários atributos foram comparados na avaliação sensorial e apenas a suculência dos hambúrgueres produzidos com filés de carpas jovens foi significativamente superior a dos demais.
SILVA, J. S. P. Estudo das características físico-químicas e biológicas pela adesão de osteoblastos em superfícies de titânio modificadas pela nitretação em plasma. 2008. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2008.
The ionic nitriding process presents some limitations related with the control of the thickness of the layer and its uniformity. Those limitations that happen during the process, are produced due to edge effects, damage caused by arcing arc and hollow cathode, mainly in pieces with complex geometry and under pressures in excess of 1 mbar. A new technique, denominated ASPN (active screen shapes nitriding) it has been used as alternative, for offering many advantages with respect to dc plasma conventional. The developed system presents a configuration in that the samples treated are surrounded by a large metal screen at high voltage cathodic potencials, (varying between 0 and 1200V) and currents up to 1 A. The sample is placed in floting potential or polarized at relatively lower bias voltages by an auxiliary source. As the plasma is not formed directly in the sample surface but in the metal screen, the mentioned effects are eliminated. This mechanism allows investigate ion of the transfer of nitrogen to the substrate. Optical and electronic microscopy are used to exam morphology and structure at the layer. X-ray difration for phase identification and microhardness to evaluate the efficiency of this process with respect to dc conventional nitriding
Homosexuality has been gaining strength in Cinema from the late twentieth century, when there is a dissemination of freedoms around the peripheral or marginal sexualities. Based on this assumption, it was formulated in the dissertation work, an analysis of the relationship between Cinema and Sexuality in order to understand, describe, reflect and analyze possible changes around the performative behaviors of male homosexual from the introduction of them in film production, arising from the mass culture industry. These productions are located in three different decades. In this case, the Cinema has not only the reproductive character of realities, but also a producing agent and consolidating them. The methodology applied was discourse analysis of three film works, namely La Cage aux Folles (1978), In & Out (1997) and Boat Trip (2002). The image, research object of this work, is developed by a mass culture that will produce mass identities which is characterized by crystallization of clichés around the gay world
O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer o tempo de prenhez da paca por meio de ultra-sonografia. Nove pacas prenhes foram periodicamente acompanhadas com um transdutor eletrônico setorial bi-frequencial de 5,0 e 7,5 MHz, em modo B, desde a detecção ultra-sonográfica da vesícula embrionária ou do feto até o nascimento dos filhotes. Os animais foram colocados em uma gaiola de ferro de prensagem lateral e permaneceram em posição quadrupedal durante as sessões. Um pano escuro foi usado para cobrir a gaiola e frutas foram oferecidas durante o exame ultra-sonográfico para evitar reações agressivas. Quanto mais precocemente ocorreu a detecção de prenhez, maior foi o período de acompanhamento ultra-sonográfico até o nascimento dos filhotes. Apenas um filhote nasceu por parto, com 796,5 ± 74,36 gramas (valor médio ± desvio padrão da amostra) e 33,46 ± 0,60 centímetros (valor médio ± desvio padrão da amostra) de comprimento (entre a borda rostral do focinho e a extremidade distal da cauda). O período de prenhez da paca abrange 135 a 139 dias.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work is based on the applied bilinear predictive control applied to an induction motor. As in particular case of the technique based on predictive control in nonlinem systems, these have desperted great interest, a time that present the advantage of being simpler than the non linear in general and most representative one than the linear one. One of the methods, adopted here, uses the linear model "quasi linear for step of time" based in Generalized Predictive Control. The modeling of the induction motor is made by the Vectorial control with orientation given for the indirect rotor. The system is formed by an induction motor of 3 cv with rotor in squirregate, set in motion for a group of benches of tests developed for this work, presented resulted for a variation of +5% in the value of set-point and for a variation of +10% and -10% in the value of the applied nominal load to the motor. The results prove a good efficiency of the predictive bilinear controllers, then compared with the linear cases
Electrical Motors transform electrical energy into mechanic energy in a relatively easy way. In some specific applications, there is a need for electrical motors to function with noncontaminated fluids, in high speed systems, under inhospitable conditions, or yet, in local of difficult access and considerable depth. In these cases, the motors with mechanical bearings are not adequate as their wear give rise to maintenance. A possible solution for these problems stems from two different alternatives: motors with magnetic bearings, that increase the length of the machine (not convenient), and the bearingless motors that aggregate compactness. Induction motors have been used more and more in research, as they confer more robustness to bearingless motors compared to other types of machines building with others motors. The research that has already been carried out with bearingless induction motors utilized prototypes that had their structures of stator/rotor modified, that differ most of the times from the conventional induction motors. The goal of this work is to study the viability of the use of conventional induction Motors for the beringless motors applications, pointing out the types of Motors of this category that can be more useful. The study uses the Finite Elements Method (FEM). As a means of validation, a conventional induction motor with squirrel-cage rotor was successfully used for the beringless motor application of the divided winding type, confirming the proposed thesis. The controlling system was implemented in a Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um kit experimental para avaliações de repelência, deterrência à oviposição e atividade inseticida a adultos de mosca-branca, Bemisia tabaci biótipo B. O kit, constituído de arenas e nebulizador, foi eficaz para realização dos bioensaios, e a aplicação de extratos aquosos com o inalador foi adequada. As técnicas são simples, baratas e podem contribuir para as pesquisas com este inseto.
In the present work we use a plasma jet system with a hollow cathode to deposit thin TiO2 films on silicon substrates as alternative at sol-gel, PECVD, dip-coating e magnetron sputtering techniques. The cylindrical cathode, made from pure titanium, can be negatively polarized between 0 e 1200 V and supports an electrical current of up to 1 A. An Ar/O2 mixture, with a total flux of 20 sccm and an O2 percentage ranging between 0 and 30%, is passed through a cylindrical hole machined in the cathode. The plasma parameters and your influence on the properties of deposited TiO2 films and their deposition rate was studied. When discharge occurs, titanium atoms are sputtered/evaporated. They are transported by the jet and deposited on the Si substrates located on the substrate holder facing the plasma jet system at a distance ranging between10 and 50 mm from the cathode. The working pressure was 10-3 mbar and the deposition time was 10 -60 min. Deposited films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy to check the film uniformity and morphology and by X-ray diffraction to analyze qualitatively the phases present. Also it is presented the new dispositive denominate ionizing cage, derived from the active screen plasma nitriding (ASPN), but based in hollow cathode effect, recently developed. In this process, the sample was involved in a cage, in which the cathodic potential was applied. The samples were placed on an insulator substrate holder, remaining in a floating potential, and then it was treated in reactive plasma in hollow cathode regime. Moreover, the edge effect was completely eliminated, since the plasma was formed on the cage and not directly onto the samples and uniformity layer was getting in all sampl
The present experiment used cell culture to analyze the adhesion capacity of mouse mesenchymal bone marrow cells and rat periodontal ligament to different titanium surfaces. Grade II ASTM F86 titanium discs 15mm in diameter and 1.5mm thick were used and received 2 distinct surface treatments (polished and cathodic cage plasma nitriding). The cells were isolated from the mouse bone marrow and rat periodontal ligament and cultured in α-MEM basic culture medium containing antibiotics and supplemented with 10% FBS and 5% CO2, for 72 hours at 37ºC in a humidified atmosphere. Subculture cells were cultured in a 24-well plate with a density of 1 x 104 cells per well. The titanium discs were distributed in accordance with the groups, including positive controls without titanium discs. After a 24-hour culture, the cells were counted in a Neubauer chamber. The results show that both the mouse mesenchymal bone marrow cells and rat periodontal ligament cells had better adhesion to the control surface. The number of bone marrow cells adhered to the polished Ti surface was not statistically significant when compared to the same type of cell adhered to the Ti surface treated by cathodic cage plasma nitriding. However a significant difference was found between the control and polished Ti groups. In relation to periodontal ligament cell adhesion, a significant difference was only found between the control and plasma-treated Ti surfaces. When comparing equal surfaces with different cells, no statistically significant difference was observed. We can therefore conclude that titanium is a good material for mesenchymal cell adhesion and that different material surface treatments can influence this process
In the last years, many scientific researches in implantology have been focused on alternatives that would provide higher speed and quality in the process of osseointegration. Different treatment methods can be used to modify the topographic and chemical properties of titanium surface in order to optimize the tissue-implant reactions by a positive tissue response. This study aimed to evaluate the adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal cells from human periodontal ligament on two different titanium surfaces, using cell culture techniques. Grade II titanium discs received different surface treatments, forming two distinct groups: polished and cathodic cage plasma nitriding. Human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells were cultured on titanium discs in 24-well cell culture plates, at a density of 2 x 104 cells per well, including wells with no discs as positive control. Data obtained by counting the cells that adhered to the titanium surfaces (polished group and cathodic cage group) and to the plastic surface (control group), in the 24, 48 and 72-hour periods after plating, were used to analyze cell adhesion and proliferation and to obtain the cell growing curve in the different groups. The data were submitted to nonparametric analysis and the differences between groups were compared by Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman statistical tests. No statistically significant differences were found in the cells counts between the groups (p>0.05). It was concluded that both treatments produced surfaces compatible with the adhesion and proliferation of human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells
The use of non-human primates in scientific research has contributed significantly to the biomedical area and, in the case of Callithrix jacchus, has provided important evidence on physiological mechanisms that help explain its biology, making the species a valuable experimental model in different pathologies. However, raising non-human primates in captivity for long periods of time is accompanied by behavioral disorders and chronic diseases, as well as progressive weight loss in most of the animals. The Primatology Center of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) has housed a colony of C. jacchus for nearly 30 years and during this period these animals have been weighed systematically to detect possible alterations in their clinical conditions. This procedure has generated a volume of data on the weight of animals at different age ranges. These data are of great importance in the study of this variable from different perspectives. Accordingly, this paper presents three studies using weight data collected over 15 years (1985-2000) as a way of verifying the health status and development of the animals. The first study produced the first article, which describes the histopathological findings of animals with probable diagnosis of permanent wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS). All the animals were carriers of trematode parasites (Platynosomum spp) and had obstruction in the hepatobiliary system; it is suggested that this agent is one of the etiological factors of the syndrome. In the second article, the analysis focused on comparing environmental profile and cortisol levels between the animals with normal weight curve evolution and those with WMS. We observed a marked decrease in locomotion, increased use of lower cage extracts and hypocortisolemia. The latter is likely associated to an adaptation of the mechanisms that make up the hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal axis, as observed in other mammals under conditions of chronic malnutrition. Finally, in the third study, the animals with weight alterations were excluded from the sample and, using computational tools (K-means and SOM) in a non-supervised way, we suggest found new ontogenetic development classes for C. jacchus. These were redimensioned from five to eight classes: infant I, infant II, infant III, juvenile I, juvenile II, sub-adult, young adult and elderly adult, in order to provide a more suitable classification for more detailed studies that require better control over the animal development