974 resultados para GM-CSF


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A case of aspergillus tracheobronchitis following influenza A infection in an immunocompetent 35 year old woman is described that required prolonged mechanical ventilation for airways obstruction. Treatment included liposomal amphotericin, inhaled amphotericin, gamma interferon and GM-CSF. Liposomal amphotericin therapy was associated with reversible hepatosplenomegaly. Inhaled corticosteroids with continued antifungal therapy were used for the management of severe recurrent airway obstruction. After a prolonged course of treatment she survived with fixed airways obstruction unresponsive to corticosteroids.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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We report on two elderly patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who were treated in palliative intention because of comorbidities and intermediate or poor risk cytogenetics. Both received G-CSF to reduce the risk of infection related to neutropenia. Interestingly, one patient achieved a full hematological remission and the other a peripheral remission with dramatic reduction of the bone marrow blast count. Although a direct therapeutic effect of myeloid growth factors seems to be unusual in AML, the use of G-CSF or GM-CSF may be recommended in patients such as elderly patients who are not suited for intensive chemotherapy.


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BACKGROUND: Febrile neutropenia (FN) and other infectious complications are some of the most serious treatment-related toxicities of chemotherapy for cancer, with a mortality rate of 2% to 21%. The two main types of prophylactic regimens are granulocyte (G-CSF) or granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factors (GM-CSF); and antibiotics, frequently quinolones or cotrimoxazole. Important current guidelines recommend the use of colony stimulating factors when the risk of febrile neutropenia is above 20% but they do not mention the use of antibiotics. However, both regimens have been shown to reduce the incidence of infections. Since no systematic review has compared the two regimens, a systematic review was undertaken. OBJECTIVES: To compare the effectiveness of G-CSF or GM-CSF with antibiotics in cancer patients receiving myeloablative chemotherapy with respect to preventing fever, febrile neutropenia, infection, infection-related mortality, early mortality and improving quality of life. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, databases of ongoing trials, and conference proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Society of Hematology (1980 to 2007). We planned to include both full-text and abstract publications. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials comparing prophylaxis with G-CSF or GM-CSF versus antibiotics in cancer patients of all ages receiving chemotherapy or bone marrow or stem cell transplantation were included for review. Both study arms had to receive identical chemotherapy regimes and other supportive care. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Trial eligibility and quality assessment, data extraction and analysis were done in duplicate. Authors were contacted to obtain missing data. MAIN RESULTS: We included two eligible randomised controlled trials with 195 patients. Due to differences in the outcomes reported, the trials could not be pooled for meta-analysis. Both trials showed non-significant results favouring antibiotics for the prevention of fever or hospitalisation for febrile neutropenia. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is no evidence for or against antibiotics compared to G(M)-CSFs for the prevention of infections in cancer patients.


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An in vitro system allowing the culture of ovine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) is described. Bone marrow (BM) cells from the sternum of 4- to 9-month-old sheep were cultured in liquid suspension in hydrophobic bags with medium containing 20% autologous serum and 20% fetal calf serum (FCS). Cells with macrophage characteristics were positively selected and increased four- to five-fold between day (d) 0 and d18. Granulocytes and cells of lymphoid appearance including progenitor cells were negatively selected and were diminished 50-fold during this 18-d culture. The addition of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)-containing supernatants to liquid cultures did not significantly improve the yield of BMM in 18-d cultures. In contrast, cell survival at d6 and macrophage cell yield at d18 depended on the concentration and source of serum in the culture medium. FCS and 1:1 mixtures of FCS and autologous serum were superior to autologous serum alone. Analysis of growth requirements of ovine BMMs suggested that they are under more complex growth control than their murine counterparts. In an [3H]thymidine incorporation assay with BM cells collected at different times of culture, d3 or d4 BM cells responded to human recombinant M-CSF, human recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), bovine GM-CSF, murine M-CSF or murine M-CSF-containing supernatants, and bovine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) in decreasing order of magnitude. Likewise, pure murine BMM populations harvested at d6 responded to homologous GM-CSF, IL-3, and human or murine M-CSF. FCS did not stimulate the proliferation of murine BMMs (d6) and of ovine BM cells (d3 or d4). In contrast, ovine BM cells harvested at d12 responded to FCS by proliferation in a dose-dependent manner but failed to proliferate in the presence of human or murine M-CSF or M-CSF-containing supernatants of mouse and sheep fibroblasts containing mouse macrophage growth-promoting activity. Likewise, various cytokine-containing supernatants and recombinant cytokines (murine IL-3, murine and human GM-CSF, murine and bovine IL-1 beta) did not promote proliferation of ovine d12 BM cells to an extent greater than that achieved with 15% FCS alone. Thus, ovine BMM proliferation is under the control of at least two factors acting in sequence, M-CSF and an unidentified factor contained in FCS. The ovine BMM culture system may provide a model for the analysis of myelomonocytopoiesis in vitro.


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BACKGROUND Febrile neutropenia (FN) and other infectious complications are some of the most serious treatment-related toxicities of chemotherapy for cancer, with a mortality rate of 2% to 21%. The two main types of prophylactic regimens are granulocyte (macrophage) colony-stimulating factors (G(M)-CSF) and antibiotics, frequently quinolones or cotrimoxazole. Current guidelines recommend the use of colony-stimulating factors when the risk of febrile neutropenia is above 20%, but they do not mention the use of antibiotics. However, both regimens have been shown to reduce the incidence of infections. Since no systematic review has compared the two regimens, a systematic review was undertaken. OBJECTIVES To compare the efficacy and safety of G(M)-CSF compared to antibiotics in cancer patients receiving myelotoxic chemotherapy. SEARCH METHODS We searched The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, databases of ongoing trials, and conference proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Society of Hematology (1980 to December 2015). We planned to include both full-text and abstract publications. Two review authors independently screened search results. SELECTION CRITERIA We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing prophylaxis with G(M)-CSF versus antibiotics for the prevention of infection in cancer patients of all ages receiving chemotherapy. All study arms had to receive identical chemotherapy regimes and other supportive care. We included full-text, abstracts, and unpublished data if sufficient information on study design, participant characteristics, interventions and outcomes was available. We excluded cross-over trials, quasi-randomised trials and post-hoc retrospective trials. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Two review authors independently screened the results of the search strategies, extracted data, assessed risk of bias, and analysed data according to standard Cochrane methods. We did final interpretation together with an experienced clinician. MAIN RESULTS In this updated review, we included no new randomised controlled trials. We included two trials in the review, one with 40 breast cancer patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy and G-CSF compared to antibiotics, a second one evaluating 155 patients with small-cell lung cancer receiving GM-CSF or antibiotics.We judge the overall risk of bias as high in the G-CSF trial, as neither patients nor physicians were blinded and not all included patients were analysed as randomised (7 out of 40 patients). We considered the overall risk of bias in the GM-CSF to be moderate, because of the risk of performance bias (neither patients nor personnel were blinded), but low risk of selection and attrition bias.For the trial comparing G-CSF to antibiotics, all cause mortality was not reported. There was no evidence of a difference for infection-related mortality, with zero events in each arm. Microbiologically or clinically documented infections, severe infections, quality of life, and adverse events were not reported. There was no evidence of a difference in frequency of febrile neutropenia (risk ratio (RR) 1.22; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.53 to 2.84). The quality of the evidence for the two reported outcomes, infection-related mortality and frequency of febrile neutropenia, was very low, due to the low number of patients evaluated (high imprecision) and the high risk of bias.There was no evidence of a difference in terms of median survival time in the trial comparing GM-CSF and antibiotics. Two-year survival times were 6% (0 to 12%) in both arms (high imprecision, low quality of evidence). There were four toxic deaths in the GM-CSF arm and three in the antibiotics arm (3.8%), without evidence of a difference (RR 1.32; 95% CI 0.30 to 5.69; P = 0.71; low quality of evidence). There were 28% grade III or IV infections in the GM-CSF arm and 18% in the antibiotics arm, without any evidence of a difference (RR 1.55; 95% CI 0.86 to 2.80; P = 0.15, low quality of evidence). There were 5 episodes out of 360 cycles of grade IV infections in the GM-CSF arm and 3 episodes out of 334 cycles in the cotrimoxazole arm (0.8%), with no evidence of a difference (RR 1.55; 95% CI 0.37 to 6.42; P = 0.55; low quality of evidence). There was no significant difference between the two arms for non-haematological toxicities like diarrhoea, stomatitis, infections, neurologic, respiratory, or cardiac adverse events. Grade III and IV thrombopenia occurred significantly more frequently in the GM-CSF arm (60.8%) compared to the antibiotics arm (28.9%); (RR 2.10; 95% CI 1.41 to 3.12; P = 0.0002; low quality of evidence). Neither infection-related mortality, incidence of febrile neutropenia, nor quality of life were reported in this trial. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS As we only found two small trials with 195 patients altogether, no conclusion for clinical practice is possible. More trials are necessary to assess the benefits and harms of G(M)-CSF compared to antibiotics for infection prevention in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.


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Macrophage activation is a key determinant of susceptibility and pathology in a variety of inflammatory diseases. The extent of macrophage activation is tightly regulated by a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IFN-gamma, IL-2, GM-CSF, IL-3) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-4, IL-10, TGF-beta). Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1/M-CSF) is a key differentiation, growth and survival factor for monocytes/macrophages and osteoclasts. The role of this factor in regulating macrophage activation is often overlooked. This review will summarize our current understanding of the effects of CSF-1 on the activation state of mature macrophages and its role in regulating immune responses.


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The aim of this study was to test a novel phytocompound in an experimental model of antitumor-induced immunosuppression. Five groups of mice were considered: young (Y) and aged (A) that were given intraperitoneally 10 doses of cyclophosphamide (CPX, 25mg/kg/bw) or CPX plus (150 mg/kg/bw) of the nutraceutical DTS (Denshichi-Tochiu-Sen), and control. After sacrifice, macrophage chemotaxis and serum levels of IFN-gamma, IL-2, and GM-CSF were determined. Liver and urinary bladder were examined histologically, as were the liver and kidney for redox enzymes. CPX significantly decreased macrophage chemotaxis and all cytokines (p < 0.05, A >> Y). DTS restored macrophage function and cytokine concentration (p < 0.001) and partly improved the necro-inflammatory score and substance P receptor expression in the bladder and the redox status in liver and kidney (p < 0.05). Such data suggest that DTS effectively prevents CPX-induced immune suppression and oxidative-inflammatory damage, which are particularly enhanced in aged organisms.


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The aim of this study was to verify the capacity of the extracellular matrix (ECM) obtained from bone marrow of malnourished mice to sustain survival and to induce the proliferation of myeloid cells. We also verified the capacity of the tests to interact with in vitro hematopoietic cytokines. Male ""Swiss"" mice were submitted to protein malnutrition with a diet contents of 4% casein until they lost 20% of the original weight, while the group-control was kept with a diet content of 14% of casein. The bone marrow was extracted with 1.0 mg of aprotinin/mL in PBS. The proliferation tests were carried out with myeloid cell line FDCP-1, by the colorimetric method of reduction of the MTT. The obtained ECM from nourished and undernourished mice induced cellular proliferation in vitro. Tests performed with Il-3 and GM-CSF cytokines in a concentration of 10 and 500 rho g/mL displayed synergic and regulatory effects respectively. The ECM obtained from the malnourished group submitted to the binding to GM-CSF demonstrated higher cellular proliferation than the ECM obtained from the control group (p<0.05). The results suggest that the alterations in the composition of ECM of bone marrow caused by malnutrition might lead to modification of the GM-CSF activity modulation.