564 resultados para GLÂNDULA PINEAL
The A. A. have observed a hemorrhagic cyst-adenocacinoma of the mammary gland of mouse. This malignant tumor shows atipical, it is composed almost entirely of large cuboidal epithelial cells, which possess eosinophilic cytoplasm and generally hyperchromatic nuclei. There is a acinouslike structure. One can find many hemorragic areas, which form cyst-like blood filled spaces.
Os AA descrevem um caso de tumor (simpatogonioma) orginário da camada medular da glãndula suprarrenal esquerda, em natimorto a têrno, da sexo masculino de côr branca, medindo 48 cm. e pesando 3.200 g. As células do tumor. pelas suas características, são consideradas simpatogônicas, infiltrando também, a camada cortical, em algumas regiões. Não form encontrados focos metastáticos nos diferentes orgãos.
Sôbre a glândula abdominal da fêmea de Citheronia laocoon (Cr., 1777) (Lepidoptera, Adelocephalidae)
Macho e fêmea de Citheronia laocoon emitem um cheiro repugnante. Esta substância é um componente da hemolinfa que, no momento de perigo, é expulsa através da cutícula, desconhecendo-se, porém, ainda o local da exsudação, que, entretanto deve ser procurado nas membranas intersegmentais do abdômen. A fêmea possui uma glândula atraente de organização simples, situada entre os 8.º e 9.º segmentos abdominais.
A glândula da fêmea de Odozona obscura está situada na parte terminal do oviduto ímpar (homólogo à vagina). Sua origem é ectodérmica. è composta por um epitélio simples, formando uma dobra dupla, que substitui parcialmente a luz do duto. São apresentadas várias fases da função celular. A célula possui uma zona basal ergastoplasmática e, na parte apical, um rabdório muito alto. As secreções atravessam a cutícula de modo criptócrino, isto é, em gotículas menores que 0,1 µ. A função da glândula é desconhecida, podendo ser uma glândula atraente, ou colágena, produzindo uma substância para colar os ovos sôbre o substrato no momento da postura.
Descreve-se a microanatomia e citologia de uma glândula localizada na aparelho copulador masculino de Triatoma infestans. A glândula compõe-se de duas áreas de células hipodérmicas glandulares e células hipodérmicas não modificadas, porém sinciciais, situadas nos dois lados da membrana intersegmental entre os oitavo e nono segmentos. As células representam um tipo de células glandulares bem desenvolvido, caracterizado por sua separação da cutícula por um aparelho excretor-condutor com canal cuticular e zona radiata bem desenvolvida e pelo início da formação de um complexo glandular fechado.
São estudados três casos de germinomas cerebrais, sendo um tópico, da região pineal, e dois ectópicos, chamados germinomas supra-selares ou quiasmáticos. Estes últimos parecem ser mais agressivos que os seus congeneres tópicos, pois alem de se disseminarem pelas cisternas basais, costumam infiltrar as paredes do III ventrículo, fórnix, hipotálamo, nervos e quiasma ópticos. Caracteristicamente produzem um enorme aumento das proteínas liquóricas, desacompanhado de uma pleocitose proporcional. As proteínas liquóricas aumentadas sao globulinas cujas reações mostram-se fortemente positivas, possivelmente produzidas pelas celulas de aspecto linfocitario que constituem parte desta neoplasia. O aumento das proteinas liquoricas e tao acentuado que em presenca de uma crianca ou adolescente com sindrome de hipertensão intracraniana, hiperproteinoraquia sem pleocitose e sinais clínicos ou radiológicos sugestivos de localização na base do crânio a possibilidade de um germinoma quiasmático deve ser seriamente considerada, pois o quadro e muito sugestivo.
The pineal gland functions as a neuroendocrine transducer that coordinate the organism response to changing environmental stimuli such as light and temperature. The main and best known pineal neurohormone is melatonin that is synthesized and released in a circadian fashion with a peak during the night darkness hours. We have recently reported that melatonin exerts important immuno regulatory functions. Here we describe the astonishing property of exogenous melatonin which is able to counteract completely the depressive effect of anxiety-restraint stress and/or of corticosterone on thymus weight, andibody production and antiviral responses. This effect seems to be mediated by antigen-activated T cells via an opiatergic mechanism.
PURPOSE: To better define outcome and prognostic factors in primary pineal tumors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-five consecutive patients from seven academic centers of the Rare Cancer Network diagnosed between 1988 and 2006 were included. Median age was 36 years. Surgical resection consisted of biopsy in 12 cases and resection in 21 (2 cases with unknown resection). All patients underwent radiotherapy and 12 patients received also chemotherapy. RESULTS: Histological subtypes were pineoblastoma (PNB) in 21 patients, pineocytoma (PC) in 8 patients and pineocytoma with intermediate differentiation in 6 patients. Six patients with PNB had evidence of spinal seeding. Fifteen patients relapsed (14 PNB and 1 PC) with PNB cases at higher risk (p = 0.031). Median survival time was not reached. Median disease-free survival was 82 months (CI 50 % 28-275). In univariate analysis, age younger than 36 years was an unfavorable prognostic factor (p = 0.003). Patients with metastases at diagnosis had poorer survival (p = 0.048). Late side effects related to radiotherapy were dementia, leukoencephalopathy or memory loss in seven cases, occipital ischemia in one, and grade 3 seizures in two cases. Side effects related to chemotherapy were grade 3-4 leucopenia in five cases, grade 4 thrombocytopenia in three cases, grade 2 anemia in two cases, grade 4 pancytopenia in one case, grade 4 vomiting in one case and renal failure in one case. CONCLUSIONS: Age and dissemination at diagnosis influenced survival in our series. The prevalence of chronic toxicity suggests that new adjuvant strategies are advisable.
El diagnòstic precoç del càncer de pròstata fins a dia d’avui s’ha servit del tacte rectal, i els valors de PSA per establir quins pacients són sospitosos de patir aquesta afecció. Treballs recents estableixen que proves morfològiques com la ressonància magnètica, i funcionals com l’espectroscòpia ajudarien encara més a discriminar aquests pacients dels sans. En el nostre treball pretenem esbrinar; si l’ús de la ressonància magnètica amb espectroscòpia és igual d’eficient en el cas de que l’eventual càncer es localitzi a la glàndula central.
PURPOSE: Patients with hereditary retinoblastoma (Rb) develop in 4%-8% a malignant midline tumor called trilateral Rb (TRb). We report in this study on benign pineal cysts observed in patients investigated for TRb. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between September 1990 and December 2001, 172 patients were screened for TRb. Ninty-five had bilateral, 77 unilateral disease. The median age at diagnosis of Rb was 7 months (range 1-26). Treatment included enucleation, local treatment with cryotherapy or photocoagulation, first-line chemotherapy (CT), thermo-chemotherapy (TCT), Ruthenium plaque, and, rarely, external beam radiation (EBR). RESULTS: TRb was found in 5/95 patients (5.3%) with bilateral disease. Interestingly, five other patients (5.3%) presented a pineal cyst on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). No cysts were recorded in the 77 patients with unilateral disease. This difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The median age at diagnosis of the pineal cyst was 26 months (range 16-80), much younger than reported in literature for healthy children. Four of five patients with TRb died of the disease, while all the patients with pineal cysts remained stable and asymptomatic during a median follow-up of 41 months (range 37-54). CONCLUSIONS: This report describes benign cystic lesions of the pineal gland in patients with hereditary Rb, suggesting a benign variant of TRb. Underlying possible pathogenetic mechanisms are discussed.
Acquired isolated accommodation palsy is an uncommon problem which can occur either in patients with an organic lesion, in otherwise healthy patients, or in functional, non-organic patients. We report a healthy 9-year-old girl with an acquired isolated accommodation palsy which was believed to be related to a 10 mm pineal cyst compressing the superior colliculi. A literature search (1932 - 2005) on symptomatic pineal cysts revealed 159 reported cases of symptomatic pineal cysts. Blurred vision was a complaint of 18/ 159 patients, but only three were documented to have an accommodation palsy. Although rarely symptomatic, pineal cysts might be responsible for accommodation palsy.
Trilateral retinoblastoma (TRb) is a well-known syndrome associating hereditary retinoblastoma (Rb) with an intracranial neuroblastic tumor arising usually in the pineal region, rarely at the suprasellar or parasellar site. It develops in most cases after diagnosis of Rb. The outcome is usually fatal because of secondary spinal dissemination. Pineal cysts have recently been reported as a benign variant of TRb. We report the unusual presentation of a TRb in a 12-month-old boy with extensive bilateral Rb, a voluminous suprasellar tumor, pineal cyst, and leptomeningeal disease. The special features of this "quadrilateral" Rb are discussed.
El exceso de paratirina (PTH) en el hiperparatiroidismo primario (HPTP) provoca un aumento del remodelado óseo con pérdida de densidad mineral en el hueso. El presente estudio pretende evaluar la evoluctón de distintos Marcadores del remodelado óseo (MRO): fosfatasa alcalina (FA) y osteocalcina...
OBJETIVO: O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar, quantitativamente, as alterações histológicas induzidas pela radioterapia sobre o parênquima e o estroma da glândula submandibular. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída por 30 ratos Wistar, distribuídos em dois grupos: teste e controle. Os 15 animais do grupo-teste foram submetidos a radioterapia da região de cabeça e pescoço, na modalidade fracionada rotacional por cobalto-60, na dose de 60 Gy, realizada em frações de 2 Gy diários, por seis semanas. Decorridas 60 horas da conclusão da radioterapia, as glândulas submandibulares dos animais de ambos os grupos foram excisadas, processadas pela técnica da parafina, coradas com hematoxilina e eosina e analisadas à microscopia óptica. O volume proporcional médio correspondente ao parênquima e ao estroma glandulares foi obtido pelo método estereológico de contagem manual de pontos. RESULTADOS: O volume proporcional de ácinos no grupo irradiado (60,67% ± 6,43) foi significativamente menor que no grupo-controle (67,42% ± 10,90) (p = 0,048), entretanto, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos para as variáveis parênquima, ductos e estroma (teste t de Student, p > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O esquema radioterápico empregado provocou atrofia acinar da glândula submandibular, sem, no entanto, ocorrer alteração quantitativa total do estroma ou do parênquima.
The hexane and methanolic extracts from pheromonal glands of Castnia licus (Drury) virgin females have been studied. Analyses by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry allowed us to determine the major constituents present in the hexane extract as n-alkanes C21 to C30, (Z)-9-hexadecenoic acid (C16), and (Z)-9-octadecenoic acid (C18) and hexadecanoic acid (C16). Aldehyds, alkenes and acetates were also detected in low concentrations in the extracts. Female pheromone glands were analysed for pheromone precursors using the methanolic extract. In addition to the compounds methyl hexadecanoate and methyl (Z)-9-octadecenoate, the glandular tissue contains a homologous series of methyl esters from C12 to C24. The hexane extract of the female abdomenal glands elicited activity from males in a behavioural bioassay.