978 resultados para GENOTYPE-F


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Estimates of Wolbachia density in the eggs, testes and whole flies of drosophilid hosts have been unable to predict the lack of cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) expression in so-called mod(-) variants. Consequently, the working hypothesis has been that CI expression, although related to Wolbachia density, is also governed by unknown factors that are influenced by both host and bacterial genomes. Here, we compare the behaviour of the mod(-) over-replicating Wolbachia popcorn strain in its native Drosophila melanogaster host to the same strain transinfected into a novel host, namely Drosophila simulans. We report that (i) the popcorn strain is a close relative of other D. melanogaster infections, (ii) the mod(-) status of popcorn in D. melanogaster appears to result from its inability to colonize sperm bundles, (iii) popcorn is present in the bundles in D. simulans and induces strong CI expression, which demonstrates that the bacterial strain does not lack the genetic machinery for inducing CI and that there is host-species-specific control over Wolbachia tissue tropism, and (iv) infection of sperm bundles by the mod(-) D. simulans wCof strain indicates that there are several independent routes by which a strain can be a CI non-expressor.


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The magnitude of genotype-by-management (G x M) interactions for grain yield and grain protein concentration was examined in a multi-environment trial (MET) involving a diverse set of 272 advanced breeding lines from the Queensland wheat breeding program. The MET was structured as a series of management-regimes imposed at 3 sites for 2 years. The management-regimes were generated at each site-year as separate trials in which planting time, N fertiliser application rate, cropping history, and irrigation were manipulated. irrigation was used to simulate different rainfall regimes. From the combined analysis of variance, the G x M interaction variance components were found to be the largest source of G x E interaction variation for both grain yield (0.117 +/- 0.005 t(2) ha(-2); 49% of total G x E 0.238 +/- 0.028 t(2) ha(-2)) and grain protein concentration (0.445 +/- 0.020%(2); 82% of total G x E 0.546 +/- 0.057%(2)), and in both cases this source of variation was larger than the genotypic variance component (grain yield 0.068 +/- 0.014 t(2) ha(-2) and grain protein 0.203 +/- 0.026%(2)). The genotypic correlation between the traits varied considerably with management-regime, ranging from -0.98 to -0.31, with an estimate of 0.0 for one trial. Pattern analysis identified advanced breeding lines with improved grain yield and grain protein concentration relative to the cultivars Hartog, Sunco and Meteor. It is likely that a large component of the previously documented G x E interactions for grain yield of wheat in the northern grains region are in part a result of G x M interactions. The implications of the strong influence of G x M interactions for the conduct of wheat breeding METs in the northern region are discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The BRCA2 N372H nonconservative amino acid substitution polymorphism appears to affect fetal survival in a sex-dependent manner, and the HH genotype was found to be associated with a 1.3-fold risk of breast cancer from pooling five case-control studies of Northern European women. We investigated whether the BR 2 N372H polymorphism was associated with breast cancer in Australian women using a population-based case-control design. The BRCA2 372 genotype was determined in 1397 cases under the age of 60 years at diagnosis of a first primary breast cancer and in 775 population-sampled controls frequency matched for age. Case-control analyses and comparisons of genotype distributions were conducted using logistic regression. All of the statistical tests were two-tailed. The HH genotype was independent of age and family history of breast cancer within cases and controls, and was more common in cases (9.2% versus 6.5%). It was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, 1.47-fold unadjusted (95% confidence interval, 1.05-2.07; P = 0.02), and 1.42-fold (95% confidence interval, 1.00-2.02; P = 0.05) after adjusting for measured risk factors. This effect was still evident after excluding women with any non-Caucasian ancestry or the 33 cases known to have inherited a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2, and would explain similar to3% of breast cancer. The BRCA2 N372H polymorphism appears to be associated with a modest recessively inherited risk of breast cancer in Australian women. This result is consistent with the findings for Northern European women.


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Multi-environment trials (METs) used to evaluate breeding lines vary in the number of years that they sample. We used a cropping systems model to simulate the target population of environments (TPE) for 6 locations over 108 years for 54 'near-isolines' of sorghum in north-eastern Australia. For a single reference genotype, each of 547 trials was clustered into 1 of 3 'drought environment types' (DETs) based on a seasonal water stress index. Within sequential METs of 2 years duration, the frequencies of these drought patterns often differed substantially from those derived for the entire TPE. This was reflected in variation in the mean yield of the reference genotype. For the TPE and for 2-year METs, restricted maximum likelihood methods were used to estimate components of genotypic and genotype by environment variance. These also varied substantially, although not in direct correlation with frequency of occurrence of different DETs over a 2-year period. Combined analysis over different numbers of seasons demonstrated the expected improvement in the correlation between MET estimates of genotype performance and the overall genotype averages as the number of seasons in the MET was increased.


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Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) occurs predominantly in the elderly, with a considerable morbidity and mortality. Its etiology is unknown but is likely to involve a significant genetic component. The aim of this study was to examine the angiotensinogen gene in ISH. The M235T and G(- 6)A polymorphisms were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 86 ISH patients and 120 normotensive controls. Plasma angiotensinogen concentration was determined in 198 subjects by an indirect radioimmunoassay technique. Angiotensinogen mRNA concentration was determined by quantitative competitive reverse transcription (RT)-PCR in subcutaneous adipose tissue from a subset of these patients (n = 8) and controls (n = 6). Both the M235T (p = 0.0015) and G(- 6)A (p = 0.029) polymorphisms were associated with ISH. Plasma angiotensinogen concentration was higher in patients than controls (p < 0.0001), but was not associated with genotype. Angiotensinogen mRNA concentration in adipose tissue from ISH subjects was significantly lower than in adipose tissue from normotensive subjects (p = 0.033). The association of angiotensinogen gene variants with ISH and the elevation of plasma angiotensinogen concentration in these patients suggests a role of the angiotensinogen gene in this form of hypertension. Angiotensinogen gene expression may be altered in ISH, but this requires further examination.


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Background: Alcohol consumption has beneficial effects on mortality which are mainly due to reduction in cardiovascular disease. These are believed to be due, at least in part, to the increase in plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is associated with alcohol consumption. It has been proposed that ADH3 genotype modifies the relationships between alcohol intake and cardiovascular disease by altering the HDL response to alcohol. The aim of this paper was to test for effects of ADH2 and ADH3 genotypes on the response of HDL components to habitual alcohol consumption. Methods: Adult male and female subjects were genotyped for ADH2 and ADH3; and plasma HDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-I, and apolipoprotein A-II were measured. Nine hundred one subjects had both ADH2 and ADH3 genotypes and HDL cholesterol results, while 753 had both genotypes and all three lipid results. The effect of alcohol intake on the three measured HDL components, and a factor score derived from them, was estimated for each of the ADH2 and ADH3 genotype groups. Results: All the measured components of HDL increased with increasing alcohol consumption over the range of intakes studied, 0-4 drinks per day. There were no significant interactions between alcohol consumption and ADH2 or ADH3 genotypes. Conclusions: The concept that alcohol dehydrogenase genotype and alcohol metabolic rate modify the effects of alcohol on plasma HDL concentration is not supported by our results.


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Recent population studies have demonstrated an association with the red-hair and fair-skin phenotype with variant alleles of the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) which result in amino acid substitutions within the coding region leading to an altered receptor activity. In particular, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His were the most commonly associated variants seen in the south-east Queensland population with at least one of these alleles found in 93% of those with red hair. In order to study the individual effects of these variants on melanocyte biology and melanocytic pigmentation, we established a series of human melanocyte strains genotyped for the MC1R receptor which included wild-type consensus, variant heterozygotes, compound heterozygotes and homozygotes for Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, Val60Leu and Val92Met alleles. These strains ranged from darkly pigmented to amelanotic, with all strains of consensus sequence having dark pigmentation. UV sensitivity was found not to be associated with either MC1R genotype or the level of pigmentation with a range of sensitivities seen across all genotypes. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that while consensus strains contained stage IV melanosomes in their terminal dendrites, Arg151Cys and Arg160Trp homozygote strains contained only stage II melanosomes. This was despite being able to show expression of tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 markers, although at reduced levels and an ability to convert exogenous 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-alanine (DOPA) to melanin in these strains.


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Our previous studies have shown that two distinct genotypes of Sindbis (SIN) virus occur in Australia. One of these, the Oriental/Australian type, circulates throughout most of the Australian continent, whereas the recently identified south-west (SW) genetic type appears to be restricted to a distinct geographic region located in the temperate south-west of Australia. We have now determined the complete nucleotide and translated amino acid sequences of a SW isolate of SIN virus (SW6562) and performed comparative analyses with other SIN viruses at the genomic level. The genome of SW6562 is 11,569 nucleotides in length, excluding the cap nucleotide and poly (A) tail. Overall this virus differs from the prototype SIN virus (strain AR339) by 23% in nucleotide sequence and 12.5% in amino acid sequence. Partial sequences of four regions of the genome of four SW isolates were determined and compared with the corresponding sequences from a number of SIN isolates from different regions of the World. These regions are the non-structural protein (nsP3), the E2 gene, the capsid gene, and the repeated sequence elements (RSE) of the 3'UTR. These comparisons revealed that the SW SIN viruses were more closely related to South African and European strains than to other Australian isolates of SIN virus. Thus the SW genotype of SIN virus may have been introduced into this region of Australia by viremic humans or migratory birds and subsequently evolved independently in the region. The sequence data also revealed that the SW genotype contains a unique deletion in the RSE of the 3'UTR region of the genome. Previous studies have shown that deletions in this region of the SIN genome can have significant effects on virus replication in mosquito and avian cells, which may explain the restricted distribution of this genotype of SIN virus.


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Male kids (110) from six goat genotypes, i.e. Boer x Angora (BA), Boer x Feral (1317), Boer x Saanen (BS), Feral x Feral (FF), Saanen x Angora (SA) and Saanen x Feral (SF) and two slaughter weight groups, i.e. Capretto and Chevon (liveweight at slaughter 14-22 and 30-35 kg, respectively) were compared for growth, carcass and meat quality characteristics. Due to their better growth rate, kids from BS and SF genotypes reached the required liveweight for slaughter earlier than kids from other Genotypes used in the study. Chevon kids had a significantly (P < 0.05) lower average daily gain (119 g per day) compared to Capretto kids (171 g per day). SA, SF and FF kids deposited more internal fat in comparison to kids from other genotypes. The dressing percentage of kids ranged from 51 to 54%, with significant differences between genotypes. BS and SF kids had longer carcasses. while BF kids had larger eye muscle area compared to other genotypes. Goat carcasses had a thin subcutaneous fat cover (1.6-2.2 mm). Genotype had a significant (P < 0.05) influence on cooking loss, pigment concentration and muscle colour parameters (CIE L*, a* and b* values). As denoted by the higher V and fibre optic probe values and lower subjective muscle score, the longissimus muscle colour was lighter for BS kids than other genotypes. Cooked meat from the BF kids had lower shear force values and better sensory scores compared to other genotypes. A significant (P < 0.05) decrease in muscle tenderness was observed from Capretto to Chevon carcasses, whereas cooked meat from these two slaughter weight groups was equally accepted (P > 0.05) by the panellists. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dissected carcass composition and fatty acid profiles of intermuscular fat from 110 male goat kids from six genotypes i.e. Boer x Angora (BA), Boer x Feral (BF), Boer x Saanen (BS), Feral x Feral (1717), Saanen x Angora (SA) and Saanen x Feral (SF) and two slaughter weight groups i.e. Capretto and Chevon (liveweight at slaughter 14-22 and 30-35 kg, respectively) were compared. Carcass tissue distribution for various genotypes was: muscle (63-66%), fat (10-13%) and bone (21-24%). Genotype significantly (P < 0.05) influenced the carcass composition; BA and FF carcasses had significantly higher muscle to bone ratio, while carcasses from BS kids were leaner compared to other genotypes. However, the two slaughter weight groups did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) in terms of carcass composition, when compared at the same carcass weight. In the present study, significant (P < 0.01) correlations were observed between percentage of muscle, fat and bone in most of the primal cuts and that in the carcass side. The main saturated fatty acids (SFAs) identified were palmitic (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0), while oleic acid (18: 1, omega9) was the main unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) in the intermuscular fat from goat kids. There were significant (P < 0.05) differences between genotypes in the proportions of individual fatty acids. Adipose tissue from BS kids had significantly higher UFAs (mainly oleic acid) and thus had a significantly lower melting point compared to other genotypes. There were significantly higher proportions of palmitic acid (35%) in the adipose tissue from Capretto kids compared to that from Chevon kids (22%). The concentration of UFAs increased in the adipose tissue from Capretto to Chevon carcasses. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An approach based on a linear rate of increase in harvest index (141) with time after anthesis has been used as a simple means-to predict grain growth and yield in many crop simulation models. When applied to diverse situations, however, this approach has been found to introduce significant error in grain yield predictions. Accordingly, this study was undertaken to examine the stability of the HI approach for yield prediction in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Four field experiments were conducted under nonlimiting water. and N conditions. The experiments were sown at times that ensured a broad range in temperature and radiation conditions. Treatments consisted of two population densities and three genotypes varying in maturity. Frequent sequential harvests were used to monitor crop growth, yield, and the dynamics of 111. Experiments varied greatly in yield and final HI. There was also a tendency for lower HI with later maturity. Harvest index dynamics also varied among experiments and, to a lesser extent, among treatments within experiments. The variation was associated mostly with the linear rate of increase in HI and timing of cessation of that increase. The average rate of HI increase was 0.0198 d(-1), but this was reduced considerably (0.0147) in one experiment that matured in cool conditions. The variations found in IN dynamics could be largely explained by differences in assimilation during grain filling and remobilization of preanthesis assimilate. We concluded that this level of variation in HI dynamics limited the general applicability of the HI approach in yield prediction and suggested a potential alternative for testing.


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There has been several studies worldwide on phylogenetics and genotype distribution of the GB-virus C / Hepatitis G virus (GBV-C/HGV). However, in their great majority, those investigations were based on some epidemiologically linked group, rather than on a representative sampling of the general population. The present is a continuation of the first study in Brazil with such a population; it addresses the GBV-C/HGV phylogenetics and genotype distribution based on samples identified among more than 1,000 individuals of the city of São Paulo. For this purpose, a 728 bp fragment of the 5´non-coding region (5´NCR) of the viral genome, from 24 isolates, was sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Genotypes 1, 2a and 2b were found at 8.3% (2/24), 50% (12/24) and 41.7% (10/24), respectively. In conclusion São Paulo displays a genotype distribution similar to the published data for other States and Regions of Brazil, endorsing the notion that types 1 and 2 would have entered the country with African and European people, respectively, since its earliest formation.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Estatística e Gestão do Risco, especialidade em Estatística


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A cross-sectional study on prevalence, associated factors and genotype distribution of HCV infection was conducted among 848 HIV-infected patients recruited at reference centers in the Midwest Region of Brazil. The prevalence rate of HIV-HCV coinfection was 6.9% (95% CI: 5.2 to 8.6). In multivariable analysis, increasing age, use of illicit drugs (injection and non-injection), a history of blood transfusion before 1994, and the absence of a steady partnership were significant independent associated factors for HIV-HCV coinfection. The phylogenetic analysis based on the NS5B region revealed the presence of two major circulating genotypes of HCV: genotypes 1 (58.3%) and 3 (41.7%). The prevalence of HIV-HCV coinfection was lower than those reported in studies conducted with HIV-infected patients in different regions of Brazil, due to the fact that illicit drug use is not a frequent mode of HIV transmission in this region of Brazil. Serologic screening of HIV-patients for HCV before initiating antiretroviral treatment, a comprehensive identification of associated factors, and the implementation of effective harm reduction programs are highly recommended to provide useful information for treatment and to prevent HCV coinfection in these patients.