944 resultados para GENE-MUTATIONS


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BACKGROUND: Porphyria cutanea tarda is the most common form of porphyria, characterized by the decreased activity of the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase enzyme. Several reports associated HFE gene mutations of hereditary hemochromatosis with porphyria cutanea tarda worldwide, although up to date only one study has been conducted in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: Investigation of porphyria cutanea tarda association with C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene. Identification of precipitating factors (hepatitis C, HIV, alcoholism and estrogen) and their link with HFE mutations. METHODS: An ambispective study of 60 patients with PCT was conducted during the period from 2003 to 2012. Serological tests for hepatitis C and HIV were performed and histories of alcohol abuse and estrogen intake were investigated. HFE mutations were identified with real-time PCR. RESULTS: Porphyria cutanea tarda predominated in males and alcohol abuse was the main precipitating factor. Estrogen intake was the sole precipitating factor present in 25% of female patients. Hepatitis C was present in 41.7%. All HIV-positive patients (15.3%) had a history of alcohol abuse. Allele frequency for HFE mutations, i.e., C282Y (p = 0.0001) and H63D (p = 0.0004), were significantly higher in porphyria cutanea tarda patients, compared to control group. HFE mutations had no association with the other precipitating factors. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol abuse, hepatitis C and estrogen intake are prevalent precipitating factors in our porphyria cutanea tarda population; however, hemochromatosis in itself can also contribute to the outbreak of porphyria cutanea tarda, which makes the research for HFE mutations necessary in these patients


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BACKGROUND: Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are associated with faecal pollution of water, linked to swimmer-associated gastroenteritis and demonstrate a wide range of antibiotic resistance. The Coomera River is a main water source for the Pimpama-Coomera watershed and is located in South East Queensland, Australia, which is used intensively for agriculture and recreational purposes. This study investigated the diversity of E. faecalis and E. faecium using Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and associated antibiotic resistance profiles. RESULTS: Total enterococcal counts (cfu/ml) for three/six sampling sites were above the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommended level during rainfall periods and fall into categories B and C of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines (with a 1-10% gastrointestinal illness risk). E. faecalis and E. faecium isolates were grouped into 29 and 23 SNP profiles (validated by MLST analysis) respectively. This study showed the high diversity of E. faecalis and E. faecium over a period of two years and both human-related and human-specific SNP profiles were identified. 81.8% of E. faecalis and 70.21% of E. faecium SNP profiles were associated with genotypic and phenotypic antibiotic resistance. Gentamicin resistance was higher in E. faecalis (47% resistant) and harboured the aac(6')-aph(2') gene. Ciprofloxacin resistance was more common in E. faecium (12.7% resistant) and gyrA gene mutations were detected in these isolates. Tetracycline resistance was less common in both species while tet(L) and tet(M) genes were more prevalent. Ampicillin resistance was only found in E. faecium isolates with mutations in the pbp5 gene. Vancomycin resistance was not detected in any of the isolates. We found that antibiotic resistance profiles further sub-divided the SNP profiles of both E. faecalis and E. faecium. CONCLUSIONS: The distribution of E. faecalis and E. faecium genotypes is highly diverse in the Coomera River. The SNP genotyping method is rapid and robust and can be applied to study the diversity of E. faecalis and E. faecium in waterways. It can also be used to test for human-related and human-specific enterococci in water. The resolving power can be increased by including antibiotic-resistant profiles which can be used as a possible source tracking tool. This warrants further investigation.


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Researchers worldwide with information about the Kirsten ras (Ki-ras) tumour genotype and outcome of patients with colorectal cancer were invited to provide that data in a schematized format for inclusion in a collaborative database called RASCAL (The Kirsten ras in-colorectal-cancer collaborative group). Our results from 2721 such patients have been presented previously and for the first time in any common cancer, showed conclusively that different gene mutations have different impacts on outcome, even when the mutations occur at the same site on the genome. To explore the effect of Ki-ras mutations at different stages of colorectal cancer, more patients were recruited to the database, which was reanalysed when information on 4268 patients from 42 centres in 21 countries had been entered. After predetermined exclusion criteria were applied, data on 3439 patients were entered into a multivariate analysis. This found that of the 12 possible mutations on codons 12 and 13 of Kirsten ras, only one mutation on codon 12, glycine to valine, found in 8.6% of all patients, had a statistically significant impact on failure-free survival (P = 0.004, HR 1.3) and overall survival (P = 0.008, HR 1.29). This mutation appeared to have a greater impact on outcome in Dukes’ C cancers (failure-free survival, P = 0.008, HR 1.5; overall survival P = 0.02, HR 1.45) than in Dukes’ B tumours (failure-free survival, P = 0.46, HR 1.12; overall survival P = 0.36, HR 1.15). Ki-ras mutations may occur early in the development of pre-cancerous adenomas in the colon and rectum. However, this collaborative study suggests that not only is the presence of a codon 12 glycine to valine mutation important for cancer progression but also that it may predispose to more aggressive biological behaviour in patients with advanced colorectal cancer.


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Tobacco use is causally associated with head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). Here, we present the results of a case-control study that investigated the effects that the genetic variants of the cytochrome (CYP)1A1, CYP1B1, glutathione-S-transferase (GST)M1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 genes have on modifying the risk of smoking-related HNSCC. Allelisms of the CYP1A1, GSTT1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 genes alone were not associated with an increased risk. CYP1B1 codon 432 polymorphism was found to be a putative susceptibility factor in smoking-related HNSCC. The frequency of CYP1B1 polymorphism was significantly higher (P < 0.001) in the group of smoking cases when compared with smoking controls. Additionally, an odds ratio (OR) of 4.53 (2.62-7.98) was discovered when investigating smoking and nonsmoking cases for the susceptible genotype CYP1B1*2/*2, when compared with the presence of the genotype wild type. In combination with polymorphic variants of the GST genes, a synergistic-effect OR was observed. The calculated OR for the combined genotype CYP1B1*2/*2 and GSTM1*2/*2 was 12.8 (4.09-49.7). The calculated OR for the combined genotype was 13.4 (2.92-97.7) for CYP1B1*2/*2 and GSTT1*2/*2, and 24.1 (9.36-70.5) for the combination of CYP1B1*2/*2 and GSTT1-expressors. The impact of the polymorphic variants of the CYP1B1 gene on HNSCC risk is reflected by the strong association with the frequency of somatic mutations of the p53 gene. Smokers with susceptible genotype CYP1B1*2/*2 were 20 times more likely to show evidence of p53 mutations than were those with CYP1B1 wild type. Combined genotype analysis of CYP1B1 and GSTM1 or GSTT1 revealed interactive effects on the occurrence of p53 gene mutations. The results of the present study indicate that polymorphic variants of CYP1B1 relate significantly to the individual susceptibility of smokers to HNSCC.


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Congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) with an estimated prevalence of 1:2000-1:10 000 manifests with prolonged QT interval on electrocardiogram and risk for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. Several ion channel genes and hundreds of mutations in these genes have been identified to underlie the disorder. In Finland, four LQTS founder mutations of potassium channel genes account for up to 40-70% of genetic spectrum of LQTS. Acquired LQTS has similar clinical manifestations, but often arises from usage of QT-prolonging medication or electrolyte disturbances. A prolonged QT interval is associated with increased morbidity and mortality not only in clinical LQTS but also in patients with ischemic heart disease and in the general population. The principal aim of this study was to estimate the actual prevalence of LQTS founder mutations in Finland and to calculate their effect on QT interval in the Finnish background population. Using a large population-based sample of over 6000 Finnish individuals from the Health 2000 Survey, we identified LQTS founder mutations KCNQ1 G589D (n=8), KCNQ1 IVS7-2A>G (n=1), KCNH2 L552S (n=2), and KCNH2 R176W (n=16) in 27 study participants. This resulted in a weighted prevalence estimate of 0.4% for LQTS in Finland. Using a linear regression model, the founder mutations resulted in a 22- to 50-ms prolongation of the age-, sex-, and heart rate-adjusted QT interval. Collectively, these data suggest that one of 250 individuals in Finland may be genetically predisposed to ventricular arrhythmias arising from the four LQTS founder mutations. A KCNE1 D85N minor allele with a frequency of 1.4% was associated with a 10-ms prolongation in adjusted QT interval and could thus identify individuals at increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias at the population level. In addition, the previously reported associations of KCNH2 K897T, KCNH2 rs3807375, and NOS1AP rs2880058 with QT interval duration were confirmed in the present study. In a separate study, LQTS founder mutations were identified in a subgroup of acquired LQTS, providing further evidence that congenital LQTS gene mutations may underlie acquired LQTS. Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is characterized by exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias in a structurally normal heart and results from defects in the cardiac Ca2+ signaling proteins, mainly ryanodine receptor type 2 (RyR2). In a patient population of typical CPVT, RyR2 mutations were identifiable in 25% (4/16) of patients, implying that noncoding variants or other genes are involved in CPVT pathogenesis. A 1.1 kb RyR2 exon 3 deletion was identified in two patients independently, suggesting that this region may provide a new target for RyR2-related molecular genetic studies. Two novel RyR2 mutations showing a gain-of-function defect in vitro were identified in three victims of sudden cardiac death. Extended pedigree analyses revealed some surviving mutation carriers with mild structural abnormalities of the heart and resting ventricular arrhythmias suggesting that not all RyR2 mutations lead to a typical CPVT phenotype, underscoring the relevance of tailored risk stratification of a RyR2 mutation carrier.


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Most human ACTA1 skeletal actin gene mutations cause dominant, congenital myopathies often with severely reduced muscle function and neonatal mortality. High sequence conservation of actin means many mutated ACTA1 residues are identical to those in the Drosophila Act88F, an indirect flight muscle specific sarcomeric actin. Four known Act88F mutations occur at the same actin residues mutated in ten ACTA1 nemaline mutations, A138D/P, R256H/L, G268C/D/R/S and R372C/S. These Act88F mutants were examined for similar muscle phenotypes. Mutant homozygotes show phenotypes ranging from a lack of myofibrils to almost normal sarcomeres at eclosion. Aberrant Z-disc-like structures and serial Z-disc arrays, ‘zebra bodies’, are observed in homozygotes and heterozygotes of all four Act88F mutants. These electron-dense structures show homologies to human nemaline bodies/rods, but are much smaller than those typically found in the human myopathy. We conclude that the Drosophila indirect flight muscles provide a good model system for studying ACTA1 mutations.


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais frequente depois da Doença de Alzheimer, afetando aproximadamente 1% da população com idade superior a 65 anos. Clinicamente, esta doença caracteriza-se pela presença de tremor em repouso, bradicinesia, rigidez muscular e instabilidade postural, os quais podem ser controlados com a administração do levodopa. As características patológicas da DP incluem a despigmentação da substância nigra devido à perda dos neurônios dopaminérgicos e a presença de inclusões proteicas denominadas corpos de Lewy nos neurônios sobreviventes. As vias moleculares envolvidas com esta patologia ainda são obscuras, porém a DP é uma doença complexa, resultante da interação entre fatores ambientais e causas genéticas. Mutações no gene leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2; OMIM 609007) constituem a forma mais comum de DP. Este gene codifica uma proteína, membro da família de proteínas ROCO, que possui, entre outros domínios, dois domínios funcionais GTPase (ROC) e quinase (MAPKKK). Neste estudo, os principais domínios do gene LRRK2 foram analisados em 204 pacientes brasileiros com DP por meio de sequenciamento dos produtos da PCR. Através da análise de 14 exons correspondentes aos domínios ROC, COR e MAPKKK foram identificadas 31 variantes. As alterações novas, p.C1770R e p.C2139S, possuem um potencial papel na etiologia da DP. Três alterações exônicas (p.R1398R, p.T1410M e p.Y2189C) e nove intrônicas (c.4317+16C>T, c.5317+59A>C, c.5509+20A>C, c.5509+52T>C, c.5509+122A>G, c.5657-46C>T, c.6382-36G>A, c.6382-37C>T e c.6576+44T>C) são potencialmente não patogênicas. Ao todo, dezessete variantes exônicas e intrônicas constituem polimorfismos já relatados na literatura (p.R1398H, p.K1423K, p.R1514Q, p.P1542S, c.4828-31T>C, p.G1624G, p.K1637K, p.M1646T, p.S1647T, c.5015+32A>G, c.5170+23T>A, c.5317+32C>T, p.G1819G, c.5948+48C>T, p.N2081D, p.E2108E e c.6381+30A>G). A frequência total de alterações potencialmente patogênicas ou patogênicas detectadas em nossa amostra foi de 3,4% (incluindo a mutação p.G2019S, anteriormente descrita em 2 artigos publicados por nosso grupo: Pimentel et al., 2008; Abdalla-Carvalho et al., 2010), sendo a frequência de mutações nos casos familiares (11,1%) cerca de seis vezes maior do que a encontrada nos casos isolados da DP (1,8%). Os resultados alcançados neste estudo revelam que mutações no gene LRRK2 desempenham um papel significativo como fator genético para o desenvolvimento da DP em pacientes brasileiros.


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Among various mutation detection methods, constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE) is one of the most common techniques for rapid identification of known or unknown mutations. In this report, a CDCE analysis method with homemade linear polyacrylamide (LPA) kit was developed on ABI 310 genetic analyzer, the effect and relationship of various denaturing factors in CDCE analysis were investigated and K-ras gene mutations of 31 coloerctal cancer patients were detected. Results indicate that, with the increase of chemical danaturant concentration, the optimum temperature was lowered, and when the concentration of urea (formamide) was higher than 7 M (40%), the homoduplex and heteroduplex of mutant samples were separated with difficulty. Detection results of K-ras gene in colorectal samples indicated that mutations were present in eight (26%) of 31 patients; most mutations were localized in codon 12, which is thought to be a critical step and plays an important role in human colorectal carcinogenesisas. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The purpose of this research was to use next generation sequencing to identify mutations in patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases whose pathogenic gene mutations had not been identified. Remarkably, four unrelated patients were found by next generation sequencing to have the same heterozygous mutation in an essential donor splice site of PIK3R1 (NM_181523.2:c.1425 + 1G > A) found in three prior reports. All four had the Hyper IgM syndrome, lymphadenopathy and short stature, and one also had SHORT syndrome. They were investigated with in vitro immune studies, RT-PCR, and immunoblotting studies of the mutation's effect on mTOR pathway signaling. All patients had very low percentages of memory B cells and class-switched memory B cells and reduced numbers of naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. RT-PCR confirmed the presence of both an abnormal 273 base-pair (bp) size and a normal 399 bp size band in the patient and only the normal band was present in the parents. Following anti-CD40 stimulation, patient's EBV-B cells displayed higher levels of S6 phosphorylation (mTOR complex 1 dependent event), Akt phosphorylation at serine 473 (mTOR complex 2 dependent event), and Akt phosphorylation at threonine 308 (PI3K/PDK1 dependent event) than controls, suggesting elevated mTOR signaling downstream of CD40. These observations suggest that amino acids 435-474 in PIK3R1 are important for its stability and also its ability to restrain PI3K activity. Deletion of Exon 11 leads to constitutive activation of PI3K signaling. This is the first report of this mutation and immunologic abnormalities in SHORT syndrome.


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Classical or transferase-deficient galactosaemia is an inherited metabolic disorder caused by mutation in the human Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) gene. Of some 170 causative mutations reported, fewer than 10% are observed in more than one geographic region or ethnic group. To better understand the population history of the common GALT mutations, we have established a haplotyping system for the GALT locus incorporating eight single nucleotide polymorphisms and three short tandem repeat markers. We analysed haplotypes associated with the three most frequent GALT gene mutations, Q188R, K285N and Duarte-2 (D2), and estimated their age. Haplotype diversity, in conjunction with measures of genetic diversity and of linkage disequilibrium, indicated that Q188R and K285N are European mutations. The Q188R mutation arose in central Europe within the last 20 000 years, with its observed east-west cline of increasing relative allele frequency possibly being due to population expansion during the re-colonization of Europe by Homo sapiens in the Mesolithic age. K285N was found to be a younger mutation that originated in Eastern Europe and is probably more geographically restricted as it arose after all major European population expansions. The D2 variant was found to be an ancient mutation that originated before the expansion of Homo sapiens out of Africa. Heredity (2010) 104, 148-154; doi:10.1038/hdy.2009.84; published online 29 July 2009


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Succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB) and D (SDHD) subunit gene mutations predispose to adrenal and extraadrenal pheochromocytomas, head and neck paragangliomas (HNPGL), and other tumor types. We report tumor risks in 358 patients with SDHB (n = 295) and SDHD (n = 63) mutations. Risks of HNPGL and pheochromocytoma in SDHB mutation carriers were 29% and 52%, respectively, at age 60 years and 71% and 29%, respectively, in SDHD mutation carriers. Risks of malignant pheochromocytoma and renal tumors (14% at age 70 years) were higher in SDHB mutation carriers; 55 different mutations (including a novel recurrent exon 1 deletion) were identified. No clear genotype-phenotype correlations were detected for SDHB mutations. However, SDHD mutations predicted to result in loss of expression or a truncated or unstable protein were associated with a significantly increased risk of pheochromocytoma compared to missense mutations that were not predicted to impair protein stability (most such cases had the common p.Pro81Leu mutation). Analysis of the largest cohort of SDHB/D mutation carriers has enhanced estimates of penetrance and tumor risk and supports in silicon protein structure prediction analysis for functional assessment of mutations. The differing effect of the SDHD p.Pro81Leu on HNPGL and pheochromocytoma, risks suggests differing mechanisms of tumorigenesis in SDH-associated HNPGL and pheochromocytoma. Hum Mutat 31:41-51, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: To determine the role of rhodopsin (RHO) gene mutations in patients with sector retinitis pigmentosa (RP) from Northern Ireland.

Design: A case series of sector RP in a tertiary ocular genetics clinic.

Participants: Four patients with sector RP were recruited from the Royal Victoria Hospital (Belfast, Northern Ireland) and Altnagelvin Hospital (Londonderry, Northern Ireland) following informed consent.

Methods: The diagnosis of sector RP was based on clinical examination, International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) standard electrophysiology, and visual field analysis. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leucocytes and the coding regions and adjacent flanking intronic sequences of the RHO gene were polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified and cycle sequenced.

Main Outcome Measure: Rhodopsin mutational status.

Results: A heterozygous missense mutation in RHO (c.173C > T) resulting in a non-conservative substitution of threonine to methionine (p. Thr58Met) was identified in one patient and was absent from 360 control individuals. This non-conservative substitution (p.Thr58Met) replaces a highly evolutionary conserved polar hydrophilic threonine residue with a non-polar hydrophobic methionine residue at position 58 near the cytoplasmic border of helix A of RHO.

Conclusions: The study identified a RHO gene mutation (p.Thr58Met) not previously reported in RP in a patient with sector RP. These findings outline the phenotypic variability associated with RHO mutations. It has been proposed that the regional effects of RHO mutations are likely to result from interplay between mutant alleles and other genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors.


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Background Recent studies indicate an increased frequency of mutations in the gene encoding glucocerebrosidase (GBA), a deficiency of which causes Gaucher`s disease, among patients with Parkinson`s disease. We aimed to ascertain the frequency of GBA mutations in an ethnically diverse group of patients with Parkinson`s disease. Methods Sixteen centers participated in our international, collaborative study: five from the Americas, six from Europe, two from Israel, and three from Asia. Each center genotyped a standard DNA panel to permit comparison of the genotyping results across centers. Genotypes and phenotypic data from a total of 5691 patients with Parkinson`s disease (780 Ashkenazi Jews) and 4898 controls (387 Ashkenazi Jews) were analyzed, with multivariate logistic-regression models and the Mantel-Haenszel procedure used to estimate odds ratios across centers. Results All 16 centers could detect two GBA mutations, L444P and N370S. Among Ashkenazi Jewish subjects, either mutation was found in 15% of patients and 3% of controls, and among non-Ashkenazi Jewish subjects, either mutation was found in 3% of patients and less than 1% of controls. GBA was fully sequenced for 1883 non-Ashkenazi Jewish patients, and mutations were identified in 7%, showing that limited mutation screening can miss half the mutant alleles. The odds ratio for any GBA mutation in patients versus controls was 5.43 across centers. As compared with patients who did not carry a GBA mutation, those with a GBA mutation presented earlier with the disease, were more likely to have affected relatives, and were more likely to have atypical clinical manifestations. Conclusions Data collected from 16 centers demonstrate that there is a strong association between GBA mutations and Parkinson`s disease.


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The OTOF gene encoding otoferlin is associated with auditory neuropathy (AN), a type of non-syndromic deafness. We investigated the contribution of OTOF mutations to AN and to non-syndromic recessive deafness in Brazil. A test for the Q829X mutation was carried out on a sample of 342 unrelated individuals with non-syndromic hearing loss, but none presented this mutation. We selected 48 cases suggestive of autosomal recessive inheritance, plus four familial and seven isolated cases of AN, for genotyping of five microsatellite markers linked to the OTOF gene. The haplotype analysis showed compatibility with linkage in 11 families (including the four families with AN). Samples of the 11 probands from these families and from seven isolated cases of AN were selected for an exon-by-exon screening for mutations in the OTOF gene. Ten different pathogenic variants were detected, among which six are novel. Among the 52 pedigrees with autosomal recessive inheritance (including four familial cases of AN), mutations were identified in 4 (7.7%). Among the 11 probands with AN, seven had at least one pathogenic mutation in the OTOF gene. Mutations in the OTOF gene are frequent causes of AN in Brazil and our results confirm that they are spread worldwide. Journal of Human Genetics (2009) 54, 382-385; doi: 10.1038/jhg.2009.45; published online 22 May 2009


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Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH) is a genetic disease caused by high iron absorption and deposition in several organs. This accumulation results in clinical disturbances such as cirrhosis, arthritis, cardiopathies, diabetes, sexual disorders and skin darkening. The H63D and C282Y mutations are well defined in the hemochromatosis etiology. The aim of this paper was that of identifying the H63D and C282Y genetical mutations in the hemochromatosis gene and the frequency assessment of these mutations in the HFE protein gene in patients with hyperferritin which are sent to the DNA Center laboratory in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte. This paper also evaluates the HH H63D and C282Y gene mutations genotype correlation with the serum ferritin concentration, glucose, alanine aminotransferasis, aspartato aminotransferasis, gama glutamil transferasis and with the clinical complications and also the interrelation with life habits including alcoholism and iron overload. The biochemical dosages and molecule analyses are done respectively by the enzymatic method and PCR with enzymatic restriction. Out of the 183 patients investigated, 51,4% showed no mutation and 48,6% showed some type of mutation: 5,0% were C282Y heterozygous mutation; 1,1%, C282Y homozygous mutation; 31%, H63D heterozygous mutation; 8,7%, H63D homozygous mutation; and 3,3%, heterozygous for the mutation in both genes. As to gender, we observed a greater percentage of cases with molecular alteration in men in relation to women in the two evaluated mutations. The individuals with negative results showed clinical and lab signs which indicate hemochromatosis that other genes could be involved in the iron metabolism. Due to the high prevalence of hemochromatosis and taking into account that hemochromatosis is considered a public health matter, its gravity being preventable and the loss treatment toxicity, the early genetic diagnosis is indicated, especially in patients with high ferritin, and this way it avoids serious clinical manifestations and increases patients' life expectation. Our findings show the importance of doing such genetic studies in individuals suspected of hereditary hemochromatosis due to the high incidence of such a hereditary disease in our region