1000 resultados para GEN SP-N


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As a consequence of the transfer of the type species Conglomeromonas largomobilis subsp. largomobilis to the genus Azospirillum, the name of the genus Conglomeromonas must be changed in accordance with Rule 37a(1) of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria. Consequently, it is proposed that the subspecies Conglomeromonas largomobilis subsp, parooensis be transferred to the genus Skermanella gen, nov. as the type species Skermanella parooensis gen, nov., sp, nov. This taxon belongs to an isolated subline of descent in the Azospirillum branch of the alpha-Proteobacteria. The spelling of the specific epithet of Azospirillum largomobile is corrected to Azospirillum largimobile.


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The new acanthocolpid genus Venusicola is erected for V. inusitatus sp, n. from the marine tuskfish Choerodon venustus from Heron Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef. This genus is unique in the family in having a greatly elongated ventral sucker with lateral apertural lips and a pavement of blunt spines lining the aperture.


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Notopronocephalus peekayi gen, et sp, n. is described from the intestine of Elseya latisternum Gray, 1867, E. dentata (Gray, 1863) and Emydura signata Ahl, 1932 from rivers in Queensland. The new genus is distinguished by the absence of ventral glands, simple (neither diverticulate nor sinuous) caeca terminating at the anterior margin of the testes, excretory arms not uniting in forebody, single ovary, two opposite testes close to the posterior end of the body, intracaecal genital pore, vitelline follicles anterior to the testes, cirrus-sac orientated obliquely and not divided into two portions, and the uterus intracaecal. This is the first pronocephalid to be described from an Australian freshwater turtle and the first from the family Chelidae.


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Miracetyma etimaruyagen. et sp. n. is proposed from the gills filaments of Curimata cyprinoides(Linnaeus, 1758), Potamorhina latior(Spix, 1829) and Psectrogaster essequibensis(Gunther, 1864). The species of the new genus is characterized by having a more complex latching antenna. The claw is greatly reduced and has a groove; the third segment has one or two grooves; the first, second and third segments have one or two cuticular extensions. The legs have pectinate setae and the first endopod is greatly modified, very long, and without setae. The first segment of the first endopod is large, strong and elongate and the second segment is subcylindrical, slender and elongate. These modifications imply in a loss of swimming capacity which is linked to secure fixation on the gill filament. As a result, the leg morphology has evolved other functions.


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Anphira branchialisgen. et sp. nov. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae) is described from the dorsal areas of the gill chambers of three species of piranhas (Serrasalmusspp.). The fishes were caught in rivers near Manaus, Amazonas State and on Maracá island, Federal Territory of Roraima, Brasil. The new genus and species is characterized by having large, flat coxal plates on ail 7 pereonites. These plates usually extend beyond the margins of the following segments and the 7th ones extend nearly to the pleotelson and cover the lateral margins of the pleonites. The mandible of this species is rounded, "foot shaped" and without incisor. The mandibular palp is short and stout. The maxillules have 3 terminal and 2 subterminal spines. The pleopods are simple lamellar structures with rounded tips. Evidence is presented that these parasites feed on gill filaments.


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Pindapixaragen. n. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidac) é proposto para uma nova espécie, Ρ tarira,coletada dos filamentos branquiais de Hoplias malabaricus(Bloch, 1794) do Rio Guaporé, próximo a Surprêsa, Rondônia, Brasil. A espécie do novo gênero é caracterizada, principalmente, por apresentar um tamanho pequeno (382 a 577 μm), antena com uma grande garra e o terceiro segmento extremamente reduzido.


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Um novo gênero e espécie de Reduviinae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Reduviidae) do Estado do Amazonas, Brasil, são descritos. Uma chave taxonômica para os gêneros Americanos de Reduviinae é fornecida.


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The deep brine pools of the Red Sea comprise extreme, inhospitable habitats yet house microbial communities that potentially may fuel adjacent fauna. We here describe a novel bivalve from a deep-sea (1525 m) brine pool in the Red Sea, where conditions of high salinity, lowered pH, partial anoxia and high temperatures are prevalent. Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) footage showed that the bivalves were present in a narrow (20 cm) band along the rim of the brine pool, suggesting that it is not only tolerant of such extreme conditions but is also limited to them. The bivalve is a member of the Corbulidae and named Apachecorbula muriatica gen. et sp. nov. The shell is atypical of the family in being modioliform and thin. The semi-infaunal habit is seen in ROV images and reflected in the anatomy by the lack of siphons. The ctenidia are large and typical of a suspension feeding bivalve, but the absence of guard cilia and the greatly reduced labial palps suggest that it is non-selective as a response to low food availability. It is proposed that the low body mass observed is a consequence of the extreme habitat and low food availability. It is postulated that the observed morphology of Apachecorbula is a result of paedomorphosis driven by the effects of the extreme environment on growth but is in part mitigated by the absence of high predation pressures.


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1º O Schizotrypanum cruzi apresenta, no organismo do conorrino, duas modalidades de desenvolvimento, reprezentando a primeira simples cultura do parazito; a outra, provavelmente precedida de fenomenos sexuais não surpreendidos, será, talvez, o ciclo evolutivo, eficaz na transmissão entre os vertebrados. 2º O Conorhinus é um verdadeiro hospede intermediario do Schizotrypanum, cujo ciclo é realizado num prazo minimo de 8 dias. 3º Os flajelados, com tipo de critidias encontrados nos conorrinos em liberdade, podem reprezentar estádios culturais do Schizotrypanum ou serão parazitos excluzivos do inséto. 4º A ocurrencia do ciclo evolutivo sexuado, no organismo do conorrino, depende de condição não explicada, dos flajelados no sangue dos vertebrados. Ao terminar, cumprimos o grato dever de afirmar o maior reconhecimento ao nosso mestre e Diretor Dr. Gonçalves Cruz, a cuja orientação devemos o rezultado destas pesquizas. Somos ainda profundamente grato aos nosso mestres, Professores S. von PROWAZEK e M. HARTMANN, de quem recebemos os melhores ensinamentos para concluzão deste trabalho. Tambem somos em extremo obrigado ao Dr. ADOLPHO LUTZ, cujo auxilio nos foi do mais alto proveito. Tivemos sempre, como esforçado companheiro de trabalho na zona infestada pela nova especie morbida, o Dr. BELISARIO PENNA, a quem devemos os inestimaveis proveitos de um auxilio eficaz.


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A new system for wing venation of Simuliidae is proposed. Lutzsimulium cruzi n., gen. and n. sp. is described based on an single female and its pupal skin.


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A new system for wing venation of Simuliidae is proposed. Lutzsimulium cruzi n., gen. and n. sp. is described based on a single female and its pupal skin.


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During recent studies of the parasites of birds from the Amazonian Regio, the following nematodes were recovered: Hoazinstrongylus amazonensis n.gen.n.sp. from Opisthocomus hoazin (Muller, 1776); Ascaridia columbae (Gmel., 1790) Travassos, 1913, from Leptotila r. rufaxilla (Richard & Bernard, 1712) representing a new host record; Inglisakis ibanezi Freitas, Vicente & Santos, 1969, Cyrnea (C.) semilunaris (Molin, 1860) Seurat, 1914 and Thelazia digitata Travassos, 1918. A compelte description is restrained to the new genus and new species here proposed. The other known and well described species are listed and accounted.


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Neohilgertia gen. n. proposed for Oxyuridae nematodes from Thylamys venustus cinderellus (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) is described. The hypothesis about the possibility of a secondary parasitism for marsupials and the origin of the genus in the African Sciuridae parasite ancestors is discussed.


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A new genus, Travassosnema (Guyanemidae, Dracunculoidea) is proposed to include filariid worms having esophagus divided into muscular and glandular parts, with esophageal appendix near junction with intestine; anus functional; vulva anterior, well developed and functional in mature females. Travassonema travassosi sp. n., a parasite of Acestrorhynchus lacustris Reinhardt, 1874 from Três Marias Reservoir (São Francisco River) in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described. The generic and the specific names are a tribure to Brazilian parasitologist Lauro Travassos at his birth centenary.