1000 resultados para GAP Finland


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Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and connexin expression (Cx26 and Cx32) in mouse liver were studied after administration of 4-bis[2-(3,5 dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene (TCPOBOP), a phenobarbital-like enzyme inducer. Female C57BI/6 mice were administered TCPOBOP (5.8 mg/kg BW) and euthanized 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours later. Liver samples were snap frozen, or fixed in formalin, or submitted to GJIC analysis. The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunohistochemistry and the Western blotting for Cx26 and Cx32 were performed. After 48 and 72 h of drug administration the liver-to-body weight ratio was increased 70% and 117% (p < 0.0001), respectively. There were temporal-dependent alterations in liver histopathology and a significant increase in cell proliferation was noted after 48h and sustained after 72h, though to a lesser extent (p < 0.0001). In addition. TCPOBOP administration induced apoptosis, which appeared to be time-dependent showing statistical significance only after 72h (p < 0.0001). Interestingly, a transient disruption by nearly 50% of GJIC capacity was detected after 48 h of drug ingestion, which recovered after 72 h (p = 0.003). These GJIC changes were due to altered levels of Cx26 and Cx32 in the livers of TCPOBOP-treated mice. We concluded that a single administration of TCPOBOP transiently disrupted the levels of GJIC due to decreased expression of connexins and increased apoptotic cell death in mouse liver. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Assesses the status of women in Bangladesh by analysing the dynamics of female participation in labour force and education as well as gender earnings differentials at the macro level. The study finds evidence of growing commercialisation of women’s work in Bangladesh. Although the bulk of the female labour force is engaged in self-employment activities in the rural area or in low-skilled textile and readymade garment industries in the urban area, women’s participation in high-skill and entrepreneurial jobs as well as various decision-making bodies is also on the rise. While the gender wage differentials have been considerably reduced in many industries, in general women tend to be paid less than men. There have been remarkable improvements in women’s educational attainments compared to men. Further, female access to education is found to be highly correlated with overall female labour force participation, and relative to male participation. The overall results are suggestive of an improvement in the status of women in Bangladesh.


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While aggregate level pay equity comparisons between Australia and the UK confirm expectations based on their different wage distributions and regulatory systems, observation of trends and occupational level analysis reveal additional complexity. Our analysis suggests the need for a multi-faceted approach to closing the average gender pay gap.


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This paper deals with atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum EM field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in photonic band gap materials. The case of high Q cavities has been treated elsewhere using Fano diagonalization based on a quasimode approach, showing that the cavity quasimodes are responsible for pseudomodes introduced to treat non-Markovian behaviour. The paper considers a simple model of a photonic band gap case, where the spatially dependent permittivity consists of a constant term plus a small spatially periodic term that leads to a narrow band gap in the spectrum of mode frequencies. Most treatments of photonic band gap materials are based on the true modes, obtained numerically by solving the Helmholtz equation for the actual spatially periodic permittivity. Here the field modes are first treated in terms of a simpler quasimode approach, in which the quasimodes are plane waves associated with the constant permittivity term. Couplings between the quasimodes occur owing to the small periodic term in the permittivity, with selection rules for the coupled modes being related to the reciprocal lattice vectors. This produces a field Hamiltonian in quasimode form. A matrix diagonalization method may be applied to relate true mode annihilation operators to those for quasimodes. The atomic transitions are coupled to all the quasimodes, and the true mode atom-EM field coupling constants (one-photon Rabi frequencies) are related to those for the quasimodes and also expressions are obtained for the true mode density. The results for the one-photon Rabi frequencies differ from those assumed in other work. Expressions for atomic decay rates are obtained using the Fermi Golden rule, although these are valid only well away from the band gaps.


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A new algorithm has been developed for smoothing the surfaces in finite element formulations of contact-impact. A key feature of this method is that the smoothing is done implicitly by constructing smooth signed distance functions for the bodies. These functions are then employed for the computation of the gap and other variables needed for implementation of contact-impact. The smoothed signed distance functions are constructed by a moving least-squares approximation with a polynomial basis. Results show that when nodes are placed on a surface, the surface can be reproduced with an error of about one per cent or less with either a quadratic or a linear basis. With a quadratic basis, the method exactly reproduces a circle or a sphere even for coarse meshes. Results are presented for contact problems involving the contact of circular bodies. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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This paper proposes a template for modelling complex datasets that integrates traditional statistical modelling approaches with more recent advances in statistics and modelling through an exploratory framework. Our approach builds on the well-known and long standing traditional idea of 'good practice in statistics' by establishing a comprehensive framework for modelling that focuses on exploration, prediction, interpretation and reliability assessment, a relatively new idea that allows individual assessment of predictions. The integrated framework we present comprises two stages. The first involves the use of exploratory methods to help visually understand the data and identify a parsimonious set of explanatory variables. The second encompasses a two step modelling process, where the use of non-parametric methods such as decision trees and generalized additive models are promoted to identify important variables and their modelling relationship with the response before a final predictive model is considered. We focus on fitting the predictive model using parametric, non-parametric and Bayesian approaches. This paper is motivated by a medical problem where interest focuses on developing a risk stratification system for morbidity of 1,710 cardiac patients given a suite of demographic, clinical and preoperative variables. Although the methods we use are applied specifically to this case study, these methods can be applied across any field, irrespective of the type of response.


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A habilidade auditiva de resolução temporal consiste no tempo mínimo requerido para segregar ou resolver eventos acústicos. Esta habilidade é fundamental para a compreensão da fala e pode ser avaliada por testes de detecção de gap. Alguns estudos apontam uma vantagem da orelha direita sobre a esquerda em tarefas de resolução temporal, já que existe um papel preferencial do hemisfério esquerdo na análise dos aspectos temporais do estímulo acústico. OBJETIVO: Determinar se existem diferenças de resposta (limiares de detecção de gap e porcentagem de acertos) entre as orelhas direita e esquerda para um teste de detecção de gap. Forma de Estudo: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O teste de detecção de gap foi aplicado em 100 indivíduos adultos, após a realização de outros testes audiológicos para descartar possíveis alterações auditivas e/ou do processamento auditivo. RESULTADOS: Foram observados limiares de detecção de gap e porcentagens médias de acertos semelhantes para as orelhas direita e esquerda, independente da orelha de início do teste. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve vantagem de uma orelha sobre a outra na tarefa de detecção de gap.


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This article analyzes the climate policy performance of the G-8 from 1992 to 2012 based on their legal commitments (Annex-1 and Annex-B countries) under the UNFCCC (1992) and the Kyoto Protocol (1997) and their policy declarations on their GHG reduction goals until 2050. A climate paradox has emerged due to a growing implementation gap in Canada, USA and Japan, while Russia, Germany, UK, France and Italy fulfilled their GHG reduction obligation.


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As ameaças à segurança da informação, (INFOSEC) atentam contra a perda da respectiva confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade, pelo que as organizações são impelidas a implementar políticas de segurança, quer ao nível físico quer ao nível lógico, utilizando mecanismos específicos de defesa. O projecto Network Air Gap Controller (NAGC) foi concebido no sentido de contribuir para as questões da segurança, designadamente daquelas que se relacionam directamente com a transferência de informação entre redes de classificação de segurança diferenciadas ou de sensibilidades distintas, sem requisitos de comunicação em tempo real, e que mereçam um maior empenho nas condições de robustez, de disponibilidade e de controlo. Os organismos que, em razão das atribuições e competências cometidas, necessitam de fazer fluir informação entre este tipo de redes, são por vezes obrigados a realizar a transferência de dados com recurso a um processo manual, efectuado pelo homem e não pela máquina, que envolve dispositivos amovivéis, como sejam o CD, DVD, PEN, discos externos ou switches manuais. Neste processo, vulgarmente designado por Network Air Gap (NAG), o responsável pela transferência de dados deverá assumir de forma infalível, como atribuições intrínsecas e inalienáveis da função exercida, as garantias do cumprimento de um vasto conjunto de normas regulamentares. As regras estabelecidas desdobram-se em ferramentas e procedimentos que se destinam, por exemplo, à guarda em arquivo de todas as transferências efectuadas; à utilização de ferramentas de segurança (ex: antivírus) antes da colocação da informação na rede de classificação mais elevada; ao não consentimento de transferência de determinados tipos de ficheiro (ex: executáveis) e à garantia de que, em consonância com a autonomia que normalmente é delegada no elemento responsável pela operação das comunicações, apenas se efectuam transferências de informação no sentido da rede de classificação inferior para a rede de classificação mais elevada. Face ao valor da informação e do impacto na imagem deste tipo de organizações, o operador de comunicações que não cumpra escrupulosamente o determinado é inexoravelmente afastado dessas funções, sendo que o processo de apuramento de responsabilidades nem sempre poderá determinar de forma inequívoca se as razões apontam para um acto deliberado ou para factores não intencionais, como a inépcia, o descuido ou a fadiga. Na realidade, as actividades periódicas e rotineiras, tornam o homem propenso à falha e poderão ser incontornavelmente asseguradas, sem qualquer tipo de constrangimentos ou diminuição de garantias, por soluções tecnológicas, desde que devidamente parametrizadas, adaptadas, testadas e amadurecidas, libertando os recursos humanos para tarefas de manutenção, gestão, controlo e inspecção. Acresce que, para este tipo de organizações, onde se multiplicam o número de redes de entrada de informação, com diferentes classificações e actores distintos, e com destinatários específicos, a utilização deste tipo de mecanismos assume uma importância capital. Devido a este factor multiplicativo, impõe-se que o NAGC represente uma opção válida em termos de oferta tecnológica, designadamente para uma gama de produtos de baixíssimo custo e que possa desenvolver-se por camadas de contributo complementar, em função das reais necessidades de cada cenário.