278 resultados para GALLOI ZUCCHI HYM
Laboratory colonies of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens feed daily with leaves of Ipomoea batatas showed ant mortality and a significant decrease in the size of the fungal garden after the second week, with complete depletion of nests after 5 weeks of treatment. The mean oxygen consumption rate of these ants was higher than the control (ants collected from nests feed with leaves of Eucalyptus alba), suggesting a physiological action of the leaves of I. batatas on the ants in addition to the effect of inhibiting the growth of the fungal garden.
Leaf-cutting ant workers care for larvae with an elaborate behavioural repertoire to satisfy the needs of the offspring. In order to investigate worker discrimination ability in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus, we compared the behavioural responses of workers towards worker-produced male larvae and queen-produced worker larvae, including the following behavioural acts: licking the larval body, transporting larvae, feeding larvae with hyphae, scraping larval mouth parts, ingesting faecal fluid excreted by the larva, and inserting hyphae of the symbiontic fungus on the larval body. We verified that workers behaved differently depending on larval origin, i.e. licking the larval body, transporting larvae and inserting hyphae of the symbiontic fungus on the larval body. Observed differences denote the ability of workers in discriminating among larvae, probably because of their different individual needs.
Leaf-cutting ants forage on a wide variety of plant species using the physical and chemical characteristics of the plants as a selection criterion. In order to determine the influence of the physical factor on the selection of foraging material, inert materials such as floral sponge, polystyrene, plastic and clay, which possess different degrees of physical resistance to cutting, were offered simultaneously to five Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus colonies, and assessed 12 and 24 h after foraging. No substrate selectivity was observed during foraging. Physical resistance was used as a decision criterion for the incorporation or return of the foraged material. This fact suggests the existence of a second time of selection of the foraged material inside the colony during cultivation of the symbiontic fungus.
Dyed baits distribution in colonies of Atta sexdens was studied so as to test the hypothesis of uniform distribution. Three medium- to large-size (34-90 m(2)) colonies were used for the experiment; coloured dyed baits material was made available at the foraging orifices, which had previously been mapped out and grouped into three hypothetical sectors. After 24 h the colonies were killed and the nests excavated; the fungus was removed from each of the chambers for observation of the presence or absence of dyed baits. It was shown that coloured material from each of the different sectors was found in all the fungus chambers, thus confirming the hypothesis.
The knowledge of Anastrepha zenildae behavioral aspects combined with the biology of Tephritidae may contribute to monitoring and control programs of this fruit fly that is considered as economically important to the Rio Grande do Norte state. In order to characterize the daily activity profile of this species, we studied the behaviors of resting, locomotion, feeding, cleaning, courtship, copulation and oviposition of animals submitted to an artificial 12:12h light-dark cycle (750:1lux) with controlled temperature (26±2 °C). The observations were made with groups of 16 males and 16 females during 3 consecutive days each generation from parental to F5. Resting, locomotion, feeding and cleaning data were recorded as frequency and time of occurrence by scanning technique in 15 minutes windows per hour, with a record each minute. Courtship, copulation and oviposition were recorded as frequency, time of occurrence and duration by al occurrences technique. Resting was the most frequent behavior with males resting more than females. Locomotion was more evident in the first half of the ligh phase with higher values in females. Cleaning and feeding behaviors were more frequent in the second half of the light phase for both sexes with females eating more frequently than males. During the courtship, males were grouped in lek formations showing wings vibration and pheromone liberation. Courtship occurred more frequently 4 to 7 h after lights on (81,9%) with copulations being more frequent 6 h after lights on with a mean duration of 58,1±40,4 min. Copulation attempts were observed in males inside and outside the lek with aggressive behavior being observed only between males in the lek. Oviposition behavior was similar to that described for other species of the genus with a peak of this activity 2-3 h after the lights on, mean duration of 43, 7±34, 8 sec and 2 to 5 eggs by event. According to the results, sexual behavior of A. zenildae is temporally different of other sympatric species of the genus, being favorable to the reproductive isolation as well as the use of resources as oviposition substrate.
Substrate distribution was studied in three adult colonies of the leaf-cutting ant Atta bisphaerica Forel, 1908 using dye. Some supply holes were mapped using baits made from small plastic straws impregnated with citric pulp. Two holes, equidistant from one another, were then selected in each nest. The colonies were excavated completely 24 h after bait placement. During excavation, fungus chambers were checked for dye. We observed that the dyed baits were distributed in all sectors and at all depths regardless of where the baits had been placed. This supported the hypothesis that toxic baits placed in a single supply hole are uniformly distributed throughout the colony.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo registrar a primeira ocorrência, no Brasil, do parasitóide de pupas Trichospilus diatraeae (Cherian & Margabandhu, 1942) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) na broca-das-cucurbitáceas, Diaphania hyalinata (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). A espécie T. diatraeae já foi relatada no Brasil em pragas da gravioleira no Distrito Federal e eucalipto nos estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo. No sistema produtivo da abóbora D. hyalinata é reconhecidamente uma praga importante por causar sérios prejuízos em função das injúrias provocadas em diferentes partes da planta. A ocorrência do parasitóide foi registrada em pupas coletadas no campo, localizado no campus experimental do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), no município de Alegre-ES.
Os experimentos foram conduzidos em culturas comerciais de algodoeiros na região de Dourados no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, durante a safra 1996/97. Observaram-se os seguintes aspectos do parasitismo natural em ovos de Alabama argillacea Hübner e Heliothis virescens Fabricius por Trichogramma pretiosum Riley: índice de parasitismo, razão sexual e número de adultos emergidos por ovo. Realizou-se coleta semanal de ovos dos lepidópteros e sua incubação em laboratório. Aos 31 dias após a emergência das plantas (DAE), não se observou parasitismo nos ovos de A. argillacea. Porém, a partir de 58 dias (DAE), acima de 60% dos ovos estavam parasitados por T. pretiosum, atingindo em algumas avaliações quase 100%. Apesar da baixa ocorrência de ovos de H. virescens, esses também apresentaram elevado índice de parasitismo por T. pretiosum. O número de fêmeas emergidas dos ovos parasitados geralmente foi maior do que o de machos. Fêmeas representaram em torno de 60% do total de adultos emergidos na maioria das coletas efetuadas. O número de adultos emergidos por ovo de A. argillacea e H. virescens foi ao redor de dois. Na região de Dourados, portanto, o parasitismo natural em ovos de A. argillacea e H. virescens por T. pretiosum é elevado, mesmo com as freqüentes aplicações de inseticidas.
In an institutional setting in Brazil, the pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis was found to be the dominant and most abundant ant present throughout the year. The only other regularly collected ant was the exotic Tapinoma melanocephalum. However, M. pharaonis dominated bait station visitations, although locally concentrated, with other species restricted to regions in which M. pharaonis was not found.
The immature development of pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis, workers was s died in a naturally collected Brazilian population. Three larval instars were confirmed by measuring maximal cephalic widths in cohorts of known age. Minimum egg to adult duration was 25 days, while the maximum duration was 54 days, both of which are larger than those reported for European populations. Larval instar development is cyclical at the colony level, suggesting reproductive bursts followed by lower reproductive activity of the queens.
The colonization characteristics of two neighboring populations of Monomorium pharaonis in human structures in Brazil were compared. No differences in the seasonality of colonizations into fixed trap nests between the two populations were found. However, one population had higher frequencies of colonizations with accompanying queens than the other. This resulted in the other population producing new queens at a higher frequency than the other. There was a clumping of colonization attempts at specific points, which shows that colonization may be predictable. These findings may be of importance in control programs for M. pharaonis in structures.
After exposure of Solenopsis saevissima colonies maintained in plastic trays to phorid attack in the field, and subsequent transfer of colonies to covered plastic buckets, we confirmed that P. wasmanni and P. litoralis are indeed parasitoids of fire ant workers. The period from attack to emergence of phorid adults ranged from 35 to 46 days. Adult phorids were maintained live in glass vials with sugar water as a food source for 5 days. These results indicate that Pseudaceton can be reared for biological control release programs with minimal difficulty. Furthermore, parasitized workers could be easily transferred from South America to quarantine laboratories within the egg to adult emergence time period.