83 resultados para Functionalisation


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Different types of defects can be introduced into graphene during material synthesis, and significantly influence the properties of graphene. In this work, we investigated the effects of structural defects, edge functionalisation and reconstruction on the fracture strength and morphology of graphene by molecular dynamics simulations. The minimum energy path analysis was conducted to investigate the formation of Stone-Wales defects. We also employed out-of-plane perturbation and energy minimization principle to study the possible morphology of graphene nanoribbons with edge-termination. Our numerical results show that the fracture strength of graphene is dependent on defects and environmental temperature. However, pre-existing defects may be healed, resulting in strength recovery. Edge functionalization can induce compressive stress and ripples in the edge areas of graphene nanoribbons. On the other hand, edge reconstruction contributed to the tensile stress and curved shape in the graphene nanoribbons.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes important to wound healing. In non-healing wounds, it has been suggested that MMP levels become dysfunctional, hence it is of great interest to develop sensors to detect MMP biomarkers. This study presents the development of a label-free optical MMP biosensor based on a functionalised porous silicon (pSi) thin film. The biosensor is fabricated by immobilising a peptidomimetic MMP inhibitor in the porous layer using hydrosilylation followed by amide coupling. The binding of MMP to the immobilised inhibitor translates into a change of effective optical thickness (EOT) over the time. We investigate the effect of surface functionalisation on the stability of pSi surface and evaluate the sensing performance. We successfully demonstrate MMP detection in buffer solution and human wound fluid at physiologically relevant concentrations. This biosensor may find application as a point-of-care device that is prognostic of the healing trajectory of chronic wounds.


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The extent of exothermicity associated with the construction of large-volume methacrylate monolithic columns has somewhat obstructed the realisation of large-scale rapid biomolecule purification especially for plasmid-based products which have proven to herald future trends in biotechnology. A novel synthesis technique via a heat expulsion mechanism was employed to prepare a 40 mL methacrylate monolith with a homogeneous radial pore structure along its thickness. Radial temperature gradient was recorded to be only 1.8 °C. Maximum radial temperature recorded at the centre of the monolith was 62.3 °C, which was only 2.3 °C higher than the actual polymerisation temperature. Pore characterisation of the monolithic polymer showed unimodal pore size distributions at different radial positions with an identical modal pore size of 400 nm. Chromatographic characterisation of the polymer after functionalisation with amino groups displayed a persistent dynamic binding capacity of 15.5 mg of plasmid DNA/mL. The maximum pressure drop recorded was only 0.12 MPa at a flow rate of 10 mL/min. The polymer demonstrated rapid separation ability by fractionating Escherichia coli DH5α-pUC19 clarified lysate in only 3 min after loading. The plasmid sample collected after the fast purification process was tested to be a homogeneous supercoiled plasmid with DNA electrophoresis and restriction analysis.


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Our work focuses on the application of mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a combined delivery vehicle and adjuvant for vaccine applications. Here we present results using the viral protein, E2, from bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). BVDV infection occurs in the target species of cattle and sheep herds worldwide and is therefore of economic importance. E2 is a major immunogenic determinant of BVDV and is an ideal candidate for the development of a subunit based nanovaccine using mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Hollow type mesoporous silica nanoparticles with surface amino functionalisation (termed HMSA) were characterised and assessed for adsorption and desorption of E2. A codon-optimised version of the E2 protein (termed Opti-E2) was produced in Escherichia coli. HMSA (120 nm) had an adsorption capacity of 80 [small mu ]g Opti-E2 per mg HMSA and once bound E2 did not dissociate from the HMSA. Immunisation studies in mice with a 20 [small mu ]g dose of E2 adsorbed to 250 [small mu ]g HMSA was compared to immunisation with Opti-E2 (50 [small mu ]g) together with the traditional adjuvant Quillaja saponaria Molina tree saponins (QuilA, 10 [small mu ]g). The humoral responses with the Opti-E2/HMSA nanovaccine although slightly lower than those obtained for the Opti-E2 + QuilA group demonstrated that HMSA particles are an effective adjuvant that stimulated E2-specific antibody responses. Importantly the cell-mediated immune responses were consistently high in all mice immunised with Opti-E2/HMSA nanovaccine formulation. Therefore we have shown the Opti-E2/HMSA nanoformulation acts as an excellent adjuvant that gives both T-helper 1 and T-helper 2 mediated responses in a small animal model. This study has provided proof-of-concept towards the development of an E2 subunit nanoparticle based vaccine.


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Foreign compounds, such as drugs are metabolised in the body in numerous reactions. Metabolic reactions are divided into phase I (functionalisation) and phase II (conjugation) reactions. Uridine diphosphoglucuronosyltransferase enzymes (UGTs) are important catalysts of phase II metabolic system. They catalyse the transfer of glucuronic acid to small lipophilic molecules and convert them to hydrophilic and polar glucuronides that are readily excreted from the body. Liver is the main site of drug metabolism. Many drugs are racemic mixtures of two enantiomers. Glucuronidation of a racemic compound yields a pair of diastereomeric glucuronides. Stereoisomers are interesting substrates in glucuronidation studies since some UGTs display stereoselectivity. Diastereomeric glucuronides of O-desmethyltramadol (M1) and entacapone were selected as model compounds in this work. The investigations of the thesis deal with enzymatic glucuronidation and the development of analytical methods for drug metabolites, particularly diastereomeric glucuronides. The glucuronides were analysed from complex biological matrices, such as urine or from in vitro incubation matrices. Various pretreatment techniques were needed to purify, concentrate and isolate the analytes of interest. Analyses were carried out by liquid chromatography (LC) with ultraviolet (UV) or mass spectrometric (MS) detection or with capillary electromigration techniques. Commercial glucuronide standards were not available for the studies. Enzyme-assisted synthesis with rat liver microsomes was therefore used to produce M1 glucuronides as reference compounds. The glucuronides were isolated by LC/UV and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)/MS, while tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were employed in structural characterisation. The glucuronides were identified as phenolic O-glucuronides of M1. To identify the active UGT enzymes in (±)-M1 glucuronidation recombinant human UGTs and human tissue microsomes were incubated with (±)-M1. The study revealed that several UGTs can catalyse (±)-M1 glucuronidation. Glucuronidation in human liver microsomes like in rat liver microsomes is stereoselective. The results of the studies showed that UGT2B7, most probably, is the main UGT responsible for (±)-M1 glucuronidation in human liver. Large variation in stereoselectivity of UGTs toward (±)-M1 enantiomers was observed. Formation of M1 glucuronides was monitored with a fast and selective UPLC/MS method. Capillary electromigration techniques are known for their high resolution power. A method that relied on capillary electrophoresis (CE) with UV detection was developed for the separation of tramadol and its free and glucuronidated metabolites. The suitability of the method to identify tramadol metabolites in an authentic urine samples was tested. Unaltered tramadol and four of its main metabolites were detected in the electropherogram. A micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) /UV method was developed for the separation of the glucuronides of entacapone in human urine. The validated method was tested in the analysis of urine samples of patients. The glucuronides of entacapone could be quantified after oral entacapone dosing.


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In order to gain access to the heptacyclic tetraone 3, efforts were directed towards the utilisation of the major 'unwanted' [4 + 2]-adduct 11 of tetrachlorodimethoxycyclopentadiene and norbornenobenzoquinone. Epoxides derived from the diol and dimethoxy derivatives of the adduct 11 undergo facile Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement resulting in the required endo, syn, endo stereochemistry as well as methano-bridge functionalisation to deliver 18 and 24, respectively. However, intramolecular ether formation, occurring via the capture of carbocation intermediate with the transannularly poised oxygen functionality, is a more facile process. Attempts to cleave the ether linkage resulted in the formation of a novel transannularly cyclised twisted bowl shape heptacyclic compound 30 and its structure has been established through X-ray crystallography.


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218p. -- Tesis con mención "Doctor europeus" realizada en el periodo de Octubre 2005-Mayo 2010, en el Grupo "Materiales+Tecnologías" (GMT).


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Semiconductor nanowires are pseudo 1-D structures where the magnitude of the semiconducting material is confined to a length of less than 100 nm in two dimensions. Semiconductor nanowires have a vast range of potential applications, including electronic (logic devices, diodes), photonic (laser, photodetector), biological (sensors, drug delivery), energy (batteries, solar cells, thermoelectric generators), and magnetic (spintronic, memory) devices. Semiconductor nanowires can be fabricated by a range of methods which can be categorised into one of two paradigms, bottom-up or top-down. Bottom-up processes can be defined as those where structures are assembled from their sub-components in an additive fashion. Top-down fabrication strategies use sculpting or etching to carve structures from a larger piece of material in a subtractive fashion. This seminar will detail a number of novel routes to fabricate semiconductor nanowires by both bottom-up and top-down paradigms. Firstly, a novel bottom-up route to fabricate Ge nanowires with controlled diameter distributions in the sub-20 nm regime will be described. This route details nanowire synthesis and diameter control in the absence of a foreign seed metal catalyst. Additionally a top-down route to nanowire array fabrication will be detailed outlining the importance of surface chemistry in high-resolution electron beam lithography (EBL) using hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) on Ge and Bi2Se3 surfaces. Finally, a process will be described for the directed self-assembly of a diblock copolymer (PS-b-PDMS) using an EBL defined template. This section will also detail a route toward selective template sidewall wetting of either block in the PS-b-PDMS system, through tailored functionalisation of the template and substrate surfaces.


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Semiconductor nanowires, particularly group 14 semiconductor nanowires, have been the subject of intensive research in the recent past. They have been demonstrated to provide an effective, versatile route towards the continued miniaturisation and improvement of microelectronics. This thesis aims to highlight some novel ways of fabricating and controlling various aspects of the growth of Si and Ge nanowires. Chapter 1 highlights the primary technique used for the growth of nanowires in this study, namely, supercritical fluid (SCF) growth reactions. The advantages (and disadvantages) of this technique for the growth of Si and Ge nanowires are highlighted, citing numerous examples from the past ten years. The many variables involved in this technique are discussed along with the resultant characteristics of nanowires produced (diameter, doping, orientation etc.). Chapter 2 outlines the experimental methodologies used in this thesis. The analytical techniques used for the structural characterisation of nanowires produced are also described as well as the techniques used for the chemical analysis of various surface terminations. Chapter 3 describes the controlled self-seeded growth of highly crystalline Ge nanowires, in the absence of conventional metal seed catalysts, using a variety of oligosilylgermane precursors and mixtures of germane and silane compounds. A model is presented which describes the main stages of self-seeded Ge nanowire growth (nucleation, coalescence and Ostwald ripening) from the oligosilylgermane precursors and in conjunction with TEM analysis, a mechanism of growth is proposed. Chapter 4 introduces the metal assisted etching (MAE) of Si substrates to produce Si nanowires. A single step metal-assisted etch (MAE) process, utilising metal ion-containing HF solutions in the absence of an external oxidant, was developed to generate heterostructured Si nanowires with controllable porous (isotropically etched) and non-porous (anisotropically etched) segments. In Chapter 5 the bottom-up growth of Ge nanowires, similar to that described in Chapter 3, and the top down etching of Si, described in Chapter 4, are combined. The introduction of a MAE processing step in order to “sink” the Ag seeds into the growth substrate, prior to nanowire growth, is shown to dramatically decrease the mean nanowire diameters and to narrow the diameter distributions. Finally, in Chapter 6, the biotin – streptavidin interaction was explored for the purposes of developing a novel Si junctionless nanowire transistor (JNT) sensor.


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The concept of pellicular particles was suggested by Horváth and Lipsky over fifty years ago. The reasoning behind the idea of these particles was to improve column efficiency by shortening the pathways analyte molecules can travel, therefore reducing the effect of the A and C terms. Several types of shell particles were successfully marketed around this time, however with the introduction of high quality fully porous silica under 10 μm, shell particles faded into the background. In recent years a new generation of core shell particles have become popular within the separation science community. These particles allow fast and efficient separations that can be carried out on conventional HPLC systems. Chapter 1 of this thesis introduces the chemistry of chromatographic stationary phases, with an emphasis on silica bonded phases, particularly focusing on the current state of technology in this area. The main focus is on superficially porous silica particles as a support material for liquid chromatography. A summary of the history and development of these particles over the past few decades is explored, along with current methods of synthesis of shell particles. While commercial shell particles have a rough outer surface, Chapter 2 focuses on the novel approach to growth of smooth surface superficially porous particles in a step-by-step manner. From the Stöber methodology to the seeded growth technique, and finally to the layer-bylayer growth of the porous shell. The superficially porous particles generated in this work have an overall diameter of 2.6 μm with a 350 nm porous shell; these silica particles were characterised using SEM, TEM and BET analysis. The uniform spherical nature of the particles along with their surface area, pore size and particle size distribution are examined in this chapter. I discovered that these smooth surface shell particles can be synthesised to give comparable surface area and pore size in comparison to commercial brands. Chapter 3 deals with the bonding of the particles prepared in Chapter 2 with C18 functionality; one with a narrow and one with a wide particle size distribution. This chapter examines the chromatographic and kinetic performance of these silica stationary phases, and compares them to a commercial superficially porous silica phase with a rough outer surface. I found that the particle size distribution does not seem to be the major contributor to the improvement in efficiency. The surface morphology of the particles appears to play an important role in the packing process of these particles and influences the Van Deemter effects. Chapter 4 focuses on the functionalisation of 2.6 μm smooth surface superficially porous particles with a variety of fluorinated and phenyl silanes. The same processes were carried out on 3.0 μm fully porous silica particles to provide a comparison. All phases were accessed using elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, nitrogen sorption analysis and chromatographically evaluated using the Neue test. I observed comparable results for the 2.6 μm shell pentaflurophenyl propyl silica when compared to 3.0 μm fully porous silica. Chapter 5 moves towards nano-particles, with the synthesis of sub-1 μm superficially porous particles, their characterisation and use in chromatography. The particles prepared are 750 nm in total with a 100 nm shell. All reactions and testing carried out on these 750 nm core shell particles are also carried out on 1.5 μm fully porous particles in order to give a comparative result. The 750 nm core shell particles can be synthesised quickly and are very uniform. The main drawback in their use for HPLC is the system itself due to the backpressure experienced using sub – 1 μm particles. The synthesis of modified Stöber particles is also examined in this chapter with a range of non-porous silica and shell silica from 70 nm – 750 nm being tested for use on a Langmuir – Blodgett system. These smooth surface shell particles have only been in existence since 2009. The results displayed in this thesis demonstrate how much potential smooth surface shell particles have provided more in-depth optimisation is carried out. The results on packing studies reported in this thesis aims to be a starting point for a more sophisticated methodology, which in turn can lead to greater chromatographic improvements.


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The objective of this project was to prepare a range of 4-substituted 3-(2H)-furanones, and to investigate the relationship between their molecular structures and photoluminescence properties. The effects of substituents and conjugated linker unit were also investigated. After generation of the key 3(2H)-furanone heterocycle, extension of the conjugated framework at the C-4 position was achieved through Pd(0)-catalysed coupling reactions. Chapter one of the thesis comprises a review of the relavent literature and is split into three sections. These include information about the prevalence of 3-(2H)-furanones as natural products and synthetic routes to 3-(2H)-furanones in general. The synthetic routes are divided according to the synthetic precursor employed. The final section of chapter one outlines the fundamental principles and application of photoluminescence to organic compounds in general. Chapter two contains the results of the research achieved in the course of this work and a discussion of the findings. Two routes were successfully employed to generate 4-unsubstituted 3-(2H)-furanone moieties: (i) base induced cyclisation of hydroxyenones and (ii) isoxazole chemistry. A number of methods which proved ineffective in the production of furanones with the desired substitution pattern are also detailed. The majority of this study was focused on the introduction of substituents at the C-4 position of the 3-(2H)-furanone ring. This was achieved through the use of Sonogashira and Suzuki cross coupling protocols for Pd(0) catalysed C-C bond formation. The further functionalisation of some compounds was performed using transfer hydrogenation and “click chemistry” methodologies. Finally, the photophysical properties of 3-(2H)-furanones prepared in this project are discussed and the effect of substitution patterns in a complementary “push push” and “push pull” manner have also been investigated. All the experimental data and details of the synthetic methods employed, for the compounds prepared during the course of this research is contained in chapter three together with the spectroscopic and analytical properties of the compounds prepared.


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A short, practical synthesis of the bis-acetylenic natural product falcarinol 1 is reported. This method relies on the alternate functionalisation of bis-trimethylsilylbutadiyne 10. This may be achieved in one-pot, however, better yields were obtained more conventionally. Lipase mediated enzymatic kinetic resolution of the racemic adduct in an organic solvent afforded (+)-1 in 97% enantiomeric excess. The analogous process performed with racemic 3-acetoxy falcarinol 11 under aqueous conditions gave (-)-1. Oxidation of 1 with Dess–Martin periodinane gave falcarinone 2.


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The tandem ene/intramolecular Sakurai cyclisation (IMSC) reaction has been successfully applied to thesynthesis of a range of C-glycosides, with key intermediates offering opportunities for functionalisation ofthe glycon moiety. To demonstrate the versatility of the approach to access the 2-deoxy-C-glycoside series,we synthesised diastereomerically pure C-glucoside and galactoside derivatives incorporating functionalisedaromatic, heteroaromatic and bicyclic aromatic moieties, in addition to the C-homologue of(±)-b-2-deoxy-glucose 6-phosphate.


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The field of high atomic number nanoparticle radiosensitising agents is reviewed. After a brief discussion of the new mode of physicochemical action implied by irradiation of high atomic number nanoparticles embedded in biological systems, a series of exemplars are discussed. Silver-, gadolinium- and gold-based nanoparticles are discussed in order of increasing atomic number with functionalisation strategies being outlined. In vitro and in vivo evidence for radio-enhancement and the mechanisms attributed to the increased biological effect are discussed.


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The present thesis aims to develop a biocompatible and electroconductor bone graft containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that allows the in situ regeneration of bone cells by applying pulsed external electrical stimuli. The CNTs were produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) by a semi-continuous method with a yield of ~500 mg/day. The deposition parameters were optimised to obtain high pure CNTs ~99.96% with controlled morphologies, fundamental requisites for the biomedical application under study. The chemical functionalisation of CNTs was also optimised to maximise their processability and biocompatibility. The CNTs were functionalised by the Diels-Alder cycloaddition of 1,3-butadiene. The biological behaviour of the functionalised CNTs was evaluated in vitro with the osteoblastic cells line MG63 and in vivo, by subcutaneous implantation in rats. The materials did not induce an expressed inflammatory response, but the functionalised CNTs showed a superior in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility than the non-functionalised ones. Composites of ceramic matrix, of bioglass (Glass) and hydroxyapatite (HA), reinforced with carbon nanotubes (CNT/Glass/HA) were processed by a wet approach. The incorporation of just 4.4 vol% of CNTs allowed the increase of 10 orders of magnitude of the electrical conductivity of the matrix. In vitro studies with MG63 cells show that the CNT/Glass/HA composites guarantee the adhesion and proliferation of bone cells, and stimulate their phenotype expression, namely the alkaline phosphate (ALP). The interactions between the composite materials and the culture medium (α-MEM), under an applied electrical external field, were studied by scanning vibrating electrode technique. An increase of the culture medium electrical conductivity and the electrical field confinement in the presence of the conductive samples submerged in the medium was demonstrated. The in vitro electrical stimulation of MG63 cells on the conductive composites promotes the increase of the cell metabolic activity and DNA content by 130% and 60%, relatively to the non-stimulated condition, after only 3 days of daily stimulation of 15 μA for 15 min. Moreover, the osteoblastic gene expression for Runx2, osteocalcin (OC) and ALP was enhanced by 80%, 50% and 25%, after 5 days of stimulation. Instead, for dielectric materials, the stimulus delivering was less efficient, giving an equal or lower cellular response than the non-stimulated condition. The proposed electroconductive bone grafts offer exciting possibilities in bone regeneration strategies by delivering in situ electrical stimulus to cells and consequent control of the new bone tissue formation rate. It is expected that conductive smart biomaterials might turn the selective bone electrotherapy of clinical relevance by decreasing the postoperative healing times.